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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51132715 No.51132715 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51132732

Tell us a story anon
About the good old time here.

>> No.51132736
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>> No.51132741

It was nice before polcels and redditors flooded in

>> No.51132753

grow the fuck up. every time you say "i miss the old ____" you're just one step closer to becoming the boomers you hate so much. move on.

>> No.51132756

I miss when biz was g.

>> No.51132764
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hello ?

>> No.51132781
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>> No.51132795
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You can go back to old /biz/, but no one's there

>> No.51132798

I miss the times when there was no frog posters

>> No.51132807

I was born in the 2000s and I miss the 80s and the 90s...

>> No.51132917

Old /biz/ is never coming back.
The only hope you can have is if you create a new better /biz/. Don't just refresh the catalog waiting for a worthwhile thread to pop up, you create one yourself.

Old /biz/ was great because of the sheer amount of OC produced, both meme and info-wise. Nowadays there is no such thing, everyone is just regurgitating what they heard from someone else till infinity
Not one anon has his own opinion, there are only Twitter screencaps and YouTube e-celebs.
And the problem is in YOU, not some mystical other anons

>> No.51132959

This. /b/ the change you want to see

>> No.51132976

What year was this around?

>> No.51133000

I'm from 2016 but I cashout time ago.

>> No.51133007

It wasn't that special.

>> No.51133019
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All the redditors and communists must go.

>> No.51133025

Hmm you know what, if anything was good about old biz, it was that there were less idiots
I do miss that

>> No.51133038
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some of the greatest times of my life happened in 2017. everything was unprecedented and no one knew what the fuck was going. everyday we had another massive moonshot and there were no explicit rug pulls. 10x were so fucking common and all you had to do was spend some time on here and plebbit to see which token people were talking about the most, it was literally that easy. great memes, great times.


>> No.51133045
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>> No.51133093

Oh ok I might have seen a hint of it I started browsing around fall of 2017 when btc first pumped to 15k and made headlines
I remember seeing good coins shilled here but everything shilled literally pumped there was no obvious scam or rug coins it’s was pretty cool actually. I guess I missed out. I took a break after 2018 dump I’m assuming it died down 2018?

>> No.51133109

>4chan was better when 'x'
People have been saying this since 2007

>> No.51133128

I miss no /biz/. As in before I ever came to this shithole.

>> No.51133143

I just miss /biz/ pre reddit/gme/elon/doge faggotry

>> No.51133173
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>> No.51133178

Omg that blissful ignorance. How do I get it back?!

>> No.51133202

I miss /biz/ from last Thursday

>> No.51133228
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>frogposter thinking he's an oldfag
Kids say the darnest things.

>> No.51133229

And it's been true every year since then.

>> No.51133243
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Most of the tourists and plebbitors will be leaving as we get deeper into the bear market. Picrel. So it's going to get comfier.

>> No.51133244
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people don't even realize wojaks are literally just rehashed ragefaces. absolute reddit tier.

>> No.51134129

Were there threads like this back then where anons missed an yet older /biz/?

>> No.51134151

Yea I was on /biz/ earlier today and someone had a webm of niggers cutting up a White woman they had raped. They literally sawed her dead vagina out. I was walking around today, saw some blacks and instantly felt impossible hatred for them. I guess this /pol/ propaganda really works lol

>> No.51134528

the rumor is true

>> No.51134552
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>> No.51134602

that "soul 4chan" looks like the cringiest pile of turd shitted out of some tranny ass after a night of steamy sodomy orgy

>> No.51134622

kill yourself

>> No.51134630

its a mistake to judge a book by its cover. you really think you have billions of people figured out? its important to be aware of your blindspots and biases, but also dont forget that this world is ruled by satan

>> No.51134631

is that you anonymous...? ;)

>> No.51134636

hey that's my thread

>> No.51134727
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I still like new /biz/ but I miss /new/ biz if you know what I mean (never forgive moot for his betrayal)

>> No.51135040

I miss the old Kanye

>> No.51135450

* fewer

>> No.51135489

Anime is gay bro

>> No.51135527

but they are being flushed out

>> No.51135602

Brain gang Brain gang

>> No.51135618

U wot m8?

>> No.51135624

I think you just miss being young. It's not /biz/ that changed.

>> No.51136472

The uncanny truth I have to live with is I’ve browsed this stupid site since 2011. I always told myself to make it worthwhile. I KNEW there was value and money to be made on this board. But I put it off. 2017 rolls around and like clockwork, every time the bull starts, I gain interest. In 2017, I literally tell myself browse this board and you’ll be Rich. So somewhere along the lines in the kyc process I lose interest. Shit starts going up bigly I lose interest go in denial mode. Se the whole thing play out. Then gain interest, defi summer. Luckily got a few airdrops, but then opportunity strikes I gotta cash out to buy a house and forced to sit on sidelines. Make pocket change on bsc in the beginning my moneys tied up. I’m trying. But life happens

>> No.51136711

Biz really got taken over by reddit zoomers. U all fell for the ADA memes lol. Almost no alpha on here now. Just redditors trying to be funny. Its sad really. This was my alpha source. Now its a poisoned well. Jeeted and plebbited.

>> No.51136726

I am almost confident you are a redditor trying to fit in.

>> No.51136756

growing your own food too sell at the local mall is the new grind

>> No.51136772
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Same, i used to shitpost 24/7. I used to wake up at midnight and start shitposting till i fell asleep.

It was something like we were all on the same page trying to make it, same atmosphere as the gym with the gymbros. Also wild fuckin stories were around.

And then came the pajeets and normies.. and the jannies..

>> No.51137072

Came here to post this ty

>> No.51137108

I found this shithole back in mid 2019 and I'm ever so grateful for joining the link cult. I was massively delusional, didnt know what I was doing, every time there was a green candle I'd rush to buy and poured all my life savings into LINK between $2 and $4 for a paltry 7k stack. I never cashed out in May since I was a dumb bagholder then, but made great plays on the 69k deadcatbounce and I'm in a pretty comfy spot. So thank you /biz/ and all the anons who were hyperbolic with their spoonfeeding. Probably would have never gotten into crypto if it wasn't for that.

>> No.51137138

>you remember the time when you knew everyone here was going to make a shit load of money just by having been in this game at that time
Literally waking up every day to another thousand buckaroons god that was a great summer

>> No.51137192

jannies ruined this board
I got banned for 3 days for a personal finance post that was the last straw. I've made enough money anyways just been hanging out here for fun and memes.

Maybe it's time to move the fuck on frens, idk its just gonna get worse. There is no way we are getting the same energy back ever again

>> No.51137231

Ive been coming less and less, but i still come for that one top tier thread that comes once every week or so.
Just a shame good posts are harder and ahrder to come across

>> No.51137511
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I miss those times when gems were shilled here. Now every new meme coin finds their way here. At least we still here of good tokens here like KDA LINK QANX. I hope the LUNC bros and Lunatics will be gone.

>> No.51137548

kek, nice try thumbnailjeet

>> No.51137630

Because the people producing and contributing made it and then left/dont contribute anymore.

I stop by every couple of days and its mostly bagholder megathreads, TG-group shills and pajeets. Crypto is not cool anymore and you get lold at by the normies if you talk about it now in the current economy. If you are still here you are most likely a bagholder because anyone who has been here for years has made it by now. Over time the best/luckiest rise to the top and get off the board. Some of us stop by due to nostalgia but Reddit, Twitter and Youtube is a better source of information. Biz is only good for containing bagholders in their generals and circlejerk. LINK, ETH and NEO was obvious and Biz was the best source of high levels of information on these projects. We had an advantage in markets that were not mainstream. YouTube shillers werent a thing, Reddit-crypto space was retarded and TikTok was a mint.

Intelligent people go where the information is easiest to find for least effort. That place isnt Biz anymore and will never be again. DYOR or get a job. Even sports betting is more lucrative than this space.


Me 6 months ago.

>> No.51137699

kill yourself lefty

>> No.51137729

you just cant help but make things political can you? god i wish moot never brought /new/ back, you could all fuck off to chon and stay there.

>> No.51137755

nothing changed, kys faggot

>> No.51137795

>The only hope you can have is if you create a new better /biz/

Keep it a secret.

>> No.51137937

Everybody knows nigger fart smajhymmeller