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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51132076 No.51132076 [Reply] [Original]

If your career was going well you would need to find achievements in useless pursuits

Hobbies are fine when you're like 11

>> No.51132101

ok shut-in incel https://www.businessinsider.com/hobbies-successful-people-2017-2

>> No.51132192

>must wageeeeeee every dying .. second

>> No.51132211

if you are successful hobbies give you time away from what you are good at to reflect on ways to improve it.

>> No.51132243

unlike you i actually have my own personality and there are certain things, that through trial and error, i have found over the years which resonate with me (spiritually((i know, you can't relate)).. keep waging though man im sure you love whatever it is you're doing there

>> No.51132262
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>started crypto as just a hobby

>> No.51132269
File: 26 KB, 300x300, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're slaving away at a career just to... continue slaving away at a career?

>> No.51132270

hobbies are a good in. I see a couple of high school girls taking photos for their class assignment and the only advice I could give them is using the grid thingy.
You see someone learning how to skateboard, you can potentially connect over that.
same with guitar or literally any other hobby, it's fine if you're interested in it but once you achieve a degree of competency cause you are so interested - you can connect with others (let's not kid ourselves we thinking free pussy)

>> No.51132319

Imagine not having any passions outside being a good wage slave having people tell you what your worth because you can’t

>> No.51132332
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>believing in the value of a "career" in 2022

>> No.51132341

Clever bait OP

>> No.51132348
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Counter point: working is for unsuccessful people.

>> No.51132426

'hobby' is too broad. Stuff like playing chess or gardening are fine to do no matter how much money you make.

However if you're in your 30s and 40s and still wasting countless hours on videogames and talking about your 'hobby' then yes, you're a fucking loser that needs to get their shit together.

>> No.51132444

Careers are a jewish scam

>> No.51132454

You're too based for this board

>> No.51132463


I make 300k a year and spend time on target shooting and firearm collecting. Am I a loser?

>> No.51132505

Is this a skit between you two? Thats the gayest shit I've ever read, these people are either cooming inside random women and jacking off to advanced virtual reality internet porn or playing video games, they aren't playing bridge and chess, fuck you pepebot.

>> No.51132566
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51132076 (You)
>frog poster
>sub human
My shock

>> No.51132731

At least one anon gets it

>> No.51132793
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cool story i'm gonna go paint warhammers

>> No.51134215

>The pursuit of wealth accumulation as an end in itself isn't useless
You're a slave and don't realize it. What a good little cogwheel.

>> No.51134337

It's funny because YOU, my friend, have the slave, cuck mentality yet you think I have it

>> No.51134342
File: 286 KB, 1080x1053, Screenshot_20220827-203336_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man be so based

>> No.51134371

is crypto a hobby though

>> No.51134597

you're a fag OP, the proper place of hobbies and interests is as a supplement to a successful career. Confusing having a hobby with being an escapist coper is a sign of low iq

>> No.51134629

frogbot thread
>frogbot thread
frogbot thread
>frogbot thread
frogbot thread
>frogbot thread
frogbot thread
>frogbot thread

>> No.51134639

Almost nobody has a real career like that though. And absolutely nobody with a boss has a career like that.

>> No.51134644

i make 165k as a security engineer, haven't done any training in a while, only have to "think" about 10 hours a week

meanwhile i probably spend about 20 hours a week consuming board game media and figuring out what game to get/play next

>> No.51134650

Why are Americans so obsessed with having careers and job titles put so much value and price over other people?

>> No.51134711

That's how the world works dumbass. Your career is the most important thing about you, by far. In fact, in the old days they started naming people by their careers because of how important it was

>> No.51134731

Hobbies are life, work isn't. If you don't have hobbies you're not even full sentient really.

>> No.51134798

Slave mentality

>> No.51134827

Do you have any insight on this game called "Wingspan?" Saw some reviews and I like birds because I'm gay

>> No.51134839

We are all unsuccessfully coping with the fact that our ancestors all had wives and offspring at our age, in a social world that protected such things, and we don't.

>> No.51134847

My hobbies are extremely productive. They create social value for me and improve my community.

>> No.51134870

your definition and distinction between "hobbies" and "career" mean youre an absolute retard whos ngmi

>> No.51134876

>no u
That's right anon, you showed him. Now you can go back to fantasizing about making Mr. Goldberg millions when you get back to work on Monday like the free spirit you are.

>> No.51134882

what a midwit take, the most successful people throughout history had many hobbies they enjoyed and im sure they didnt care about achievement
>J. P. Morgan - sailing, art collecting
>Andrew Carnegie - golfing
>Marcus Aurelius - hunting, meditation, orgies

>> No.51134919

Did you ever play descent? I think it's a lot of fun but damn if it's not expensive to get all the expansions, and all the extra stuff makes the game really complicated.

>> No.51134939
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Well even when you make it, you can't always be fucking your make it waifu and doing lines.

>> No.51134959

The only thing i enjoy in life is videogames. Nothing else. And i dont care about anything else desu

>> No.51134982

Careers are for brainlets who think working unpaid overtime will get them ahead

>> No.51134991

>Not cope for having no family and hobbies

>> No.51135020

If you have a job where "overtime" is even a thing, you're ngmi

>> No.51135033

Videogames are a bit shit desu

At least choose lifting, music and weed tbqh

>> No.51135114

>doesnt exercise or eat large quantities of food or have sex
>used a plant to replace the dopaminergic response otherwise generated naturally
there is no such thing as an involuntary anything, you chose your reality
>these ideas could get you shot because drug addicts are suicidal schizos looking for an excuse

>> No.51135129

I live my life to disc golf
I legit do not care about anything else anymore and if thats cope I dont care

>> No.51135139

>w-well i'm feeling insecure about being a low iq peon who can't imagine being able to focus on more than one thing in his bland life
ok anon but don't you think it's kind of comical that you're posting here for validation?

>> No.51135144

I only work on my business and invest in crypto in hopes that I'll be able to quit my job and focus 100% of my time on my hobbies

>> No.51135160
File: 184 KB, 745x900, 43D58661-D8A3-4B16-958A-8ECF12F6AB7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up the bagpipes when Covid started and recently joined a band

>get paid for band gigs
>$250 for funeral gigs

I can make even more playing weddings or just going out onto the street with an open case playing for fun. Only downside is full kilt + gear is expensive

Everyone should have a hobby or something they are good at that they enjoy

>> No.51135229


>> No.51135415
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His post was the "no u", retard. I was literally making the point you just made.

>> No.51135458

careers are for slaves idiot

>> No.51135516

There is nothing more boring and depressing than people whose whole identity is their jobs.

>> No.51135794

No fun allowed?

>> No.51136667

So what did we learn about OP in this thread anons?
>Op is an incel
>op is not white
>op has no social life
>op is fat since he deludes himself into believing healthy = gym = failure
>op finds fulfilment in being a brown nosing wagie.
Nothing more to add, all fields.

>> No.51136958

>talking about your 'hobby'
This is a problem. So it's consuming too much media related to it. Do the hobby but don't spend hours and hours watching shit about it

>> No.51136965

dogfucking incel hands posted this.

>> No.51138232

>make it
>sits still in a chair with eyes closed until death because OP said hobbies are a cope
I bet you think you're not a huge retard, OP. What if you found out you're not smart enough to realize just how dumb you actually are?

>> No.51138248

i worked at a big 4 accounting firm for a while. the partners made $500k-$1M a year but their life was nothing but work. seeing a younger partner (now the office managing partner) talk to his wife and infant son over video chat while he was on the road with us from november through january was quite depressing.

>> No.51138319

As a successful business owner and family man it's hilarious what chuds like you think goes on.
The TV is not real dude.
Nothing on the internet is real.
You have a VERY small, and unrepresentative sample you are basing your guesses off of.

There are degenerate rich. But every guy I know with more than 10 million (inb4 not rich) has his own garden that he literally cuts the flowers and prunes the roses himself.
They can afford the actual good life.
Which is a life of contemplation and leisure..

>> No.51138348

>a slave does what he wants all day without regard to the machine
>a free person spends all his time serving a system he barely enjoys and surely didn't create
Weird juxtaposition.

>> No.51139939

>big 4 accounting
Slave work
A slave works 9-5 while praying for the weekend so he can spend two days on his pathetic hobbies

>> No.51140057

>Slave work
irrelevant. it's obvious that you're a status obsessed chink studycel who hopes to one day bed the coveted and illustrious White Woman Pussy™ through abject wageslavery and devotion to career, so let me lay it out for you. if you're a miserable workcel, you have no future with women. no woman finds a uni-dimensional, work obsessed loser attractive or interesting. even status obsessed gold diggers look for a man who can provide a good time, even if it's only a week on a yacht or some other hobby-like activity.

>> No.51140081

Frogposting says all that I need to know about undeveloped OP

>> No.51140092

hobbies are for those who aren’t wage slaves and can pursue their interests. you’re too much of a goy cattle to understand. kek wagie

>> No.51140132

This. I am successful and rich and just do nothing all day. Hobby fags btfo!

>> No.51140147

Why are big 4 slaves like this?

>> No.51140160

i quit after 9 months. post eyes, chink studycel.

>> No.51140166

Rich people have hobbies though, boating, racing cars, golfing and stuff. Collecting rare expensive items. >>51

>> No.51140190

The big 4 name will forever tarnish your resume, acting as a signal for your low status

>> No.51140267

>career is the most important thing about you
Take note kids, this is why so many normies are miserable. They need a fancy title to feel important.

>> No.51140290
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I keep telling people you don't need hoBBIES. You just need to focus on being elite at ONE thing.

>> No.51140291

No, you’re too based Anon-that-can-use-you’re-properly.

>> No.51140461

As a loser with no hobbies I can't attest that the most happy and fortunate people I see usually have some cool hobbies. Sports, instruments, some other artsy thing. Your statement while welcome for it's "hot take" vibes is useful because as people strive to prove you wrong or simply educate you a bit, I get to see examples of other hobbies I may not be aware of. Like Warren Buffett and the ukuele or Michelle Obama's penchant for running. Thank you op, your ignorance has brightened my life. Please continue and never change.