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51131990 No.51131990 [Reply] [Original]

i just got omicron w/o any vax and had the absolute worst headache of my life for 2 days. pretty chill since, tho. do i have permanent brain damage?

>> No.51132000


quiet likely

>> No.51132020

lmfao my whole family got covid recently (they all tested like good goys) and I (unvaxxed chad) barely had symptoms while they were all wrecked for like a week +
anyways long covid is a meme, how often did you worry about PVS when you got a cold/flu before 2020? because the risk is equivalent

>> No.51132049

the vaccine causes brain damage to such an extent there is criminal liability

>> No.51132059

get fucked loser

>> No.51132067

a lot of things came together just before i fell ill w covid that weakened my immune system that's what i blame it on but man it sucked i was sleeping for ~1.5 hour at a time then could at least open my notebook or phone for 2 minutes tops before the insane overwhelming headache came back and all i could do was close my eyes and try to position my head whatever way it hurt the least and hope to fall asleep

>> No.51132069

Trips of truth, OP has brain damage.
OP probably has monk-y p0x too.

>> No.51132091

worst case scenario you got as much brain damage as you'd get from one night of binge drinking to a bad hangover
aka man up and shut up faggot

>> No.51132119

I think I just got over it. Had the bad headache. I also had fatigue a dry throat cough and a stuffy nose. Does that sound about right?

>> No.51132135

nothing you just typed out made any sense, did you have a stroke or sometim

>> No.51132139

A lot of geniuses recovered from terrible fevers

>> No.51132149
File: 146 KB, 850x880, 2022-08-28 00_57_41-Omicron Symptoms, How Are They Different from a Common Cold_ - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its different for all but i thought i got thru it before but apparently didn't, at least not omicron.
only a positive antigen / antibody test tells for sure.

>> No.51132152

>open my notebook or phone for 2 minutes tops before the insane overwhelming headache came back and all i could do was close my eyes and try to position my head whatever way it hurt the least and hope to fall asleep

that just sounds like a migraine you tard

>> No.51132162

idk i was so sure that with every throb in my head im losing another iq point

>> No.51132174

>/biz/ frog poster
Yes, you have permanent brain damage.

>> No.51132210
File: 439 KB, 1440x1573, 20220609_152304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DoD PsyOps OP

>> No.51132806
File: 3.24 MB, 343x498, 1618427859835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, my whole family had it except for me (not even symptoms or anything) and im the only unvaxxed
I flexxed extremely hard and confronted them about it but they just gave me the ol fluoride stare

>> No.51132894

my mother got it pretty bad and my dad was like "that's because she didn't get the booster"
he got it pretty bad too and he said "that's because I was boosted just a week before I caught it!"
fucking lmao

>> No.51132914

>i got a bad flu
wow, was certainly worth it to lock everyone at gun point in their houses for months

>> No.51132937

Watch this video, this is what long C.O.V.I.D. does to you.
Don't go long, short it, and getted vaccinated.

>> No.51133184

When me and my whole friend group got covid a week ago I kept commenting how they all have it equally or worse than me (being unvaxxed) and they were still coping and saying it would be worse if THEY were unvaxxed. The fact that not even a single person gets outraged by the fact that they got sold a cure that does not work for a supposed disease that is just the seasonal flu never ceases to amaze and shock me

>> No.51133215

I had it without vax and i was pretty sick for like 3 days. But now my immune system is stronger form the experience. Unlike vaxxies who get autoimmune diseases because their immune system doesn't know wtf is up.

>> No.51133341

I got it and it was definitely fucking with me mentally. Super bad brain fog and I would wake up from naps and not know where I was or be able to recognize the house I lived in for 15+ years. Definitely a bioweapon.

>> No.51133359
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 1647238208761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no it's muh bioweapon
lmao fucking glowniggers

>> No.51133439

Okay nigger

>> No.51133450

This pic is intentionally retarded.
Regular flu can cause all of the symptoms on the pic. The pic symptoms for the flu are too mild, if you don't feel fever/chill, don't sweat, are not tired - then your immune system is really strong.

>> No.51133538
File: 54 KB, 736x690, 1658344527921906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no covid is totally scarier and worse and made in a lab and stuff it TOTALLY fucked me up for days and like I felt my balls aching and didn't even recognize my HOUSE bro it's a hecking chinese BIO WEAPON