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File: 15 KB, 474x213, mushroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51128810 No.51128810 [Reply] [Original]

asking for the feds

>> No.51129001

I think it was 51071800, if it's not something else you're talking about.

>> No.51130622

Go into your browser history and search for shroom or psilocybin, maybe.

>> No.51130963

can i get a qrd of what the thread said?

>> No.51131151

Im guessing it was something moronic like taking shrooms makes you a better trader somehow.

>> No.51131475

It was a drug dealer from Australia describing growing his business from selling weed to selling home-grown mushrooms and other harder drugs. And a bunch of people either saying “that’s shit weed”, “enjoy prison”, or “I’m surprised you haven’t been robbed yet”. Not much interesting on it. There were a few posts that were interesting and that’s about it. Read the entire thing.

>> No.51131639
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Someone redpill me on Shrooms for depression. I've taken my fair share of drugs, never taken a heavy dose of psychs (high was 150ug of LSD). Has anyone used shrooms for depression and come out better on the other end? Bad trips that have long term negative consequences scare me.

>> No.51131741

bad trips having negative long term consequences is a meme. bad trips are the most useful trips and if you experience "long term negative consequences" it's because your life is a fucking joke and you needed the reality check. flashbacks are a meme. just don't do them if you've ever had a psychotic break and harmed yourself or others from stress, alcohol, or weed.
honestly the type of people who lose their shit "long term" from psychedelics are worthless, 99% of them should just an hero anyways

>> No.51131756

got it thanks


>> No.51131786

there's probably reasons your depressed. Lifestyle, health, job, social circle, not enough sunlight etc. Scrambling your neurons might make the feelings go away but it won't solve anything

>> No.51131794
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I'm a bit of a belligerent drunk and get paranoid af on weed, but giving my small venture into psychs I didn't feel any of those things bleed into my psych experiences. And yeah, I expect a bit of a bad trip since my goal is to air out my baggage and bad mental anguish, envy, and resentment. Going to try to make some time this winter or spring to do it. I truly think it'll help me with some blockers that I have that are prevent me from rising to the challenge with the things I want to accomplish. I need a mental shift so to speak and based on my research it sounds like a good trip could help me.

Thanks anon.

>> No.51131824
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>Lifestyle, health, job, social circle, not enough sunlight

Here's the thing anon, I have a pretty good head on my shoulders and not a basement dwelling loser. I know where I need to go and what path I need to take to get there but I have a lot of mental blockers holding me back to achieve goals I have. I'm healthy physically and have a great careers. Right now, I am having a hard time take it one step further and reaching a higher level of purpose. I've already done all the preliminary work.

>> No.51131833

Smoked weed regularly for 2 years, and then I started to get panic attack symptoms. Fast, irregular heartbeat, left hand tingly, nervousness. Has this happened to anyone else? I stopped smoking almost a year ago, but I'm worried about touching it again and getting messed up

>> No.51131855

Stay away. Why keep smoking if that's what you are experiencing. Weed makes me way too paranoid. If I do smoke, I only do it alone at home or with chicks that I'm seeing.

>> No.51131879
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Take small amounts and it might help. I think there is something about having a new experience and changing your brain chemistry in a way it never has been before that helps with depression. People commonly talk about an "afterglow" with psychedelics in general. I think this is best way to summarize the effects of a good trip. For a few days or weeks after you feel clean like you got some really good sleep or took like a soul bath. But inevitably the spiritual and emotional dirt and grime of the world starts to build up on you again. This is all if the trip goes well. A bad trip will pen it up for all kinds of garbage to pour into your head, and it will take months and years to heal from the negative effects. There are plenty of stories and advice out there on how to have a good trip. Take a small amount and do it by yourself in a comfy environment you are familiar with, ideally outside or with some view of nature. If you are really worried, maybe just let someone know you are going to start tripping and ask for them to come check on you or have your phone close so you can call someone and explain that you are freaking out. Keep in mind different crops of mushrooms will have different concentrations of psilocin and psilocybin. There are different ratios of these chemicals in the stem and in the cap - I believe the cap has more psilocybin. As with any drug, each new batch you need to take a very small amount to test the potency!!!!!!!!

>> No.51131890

Just wondering if this is common, and if it goes away. It was like a flip of a switch. I was good one day, and then the next, not so much. It's really weird, not sure why my body is rejecting it.

>> No.51131906

yeah i did microdose for a while, but it was more fun than theraputic. i really want to go in deep. i'm pretty strong willed and not retarded. i think if I just set up my apartment nice, good music, really clean, bowl of fruit etc I'll be good.

>> No.51131917

I had a friend who would ocassionally smoke with us, but literally every time he did, he end up laying down and shaking (he was on SSRI I think though, so that might be a different thing)

>> No.51131957

>I am having a hard time take it one step further and reaching a higher level of purpose. I've already done all the preliminary work.

I would go ahead then, I just remember thinking the same and after a crazy trip I just felt like shit for 3 weeks. Like all the "going through the motion" neuropathways were fried. My memory was fucked for a while and I couldn't focus for shit. Literally thought I made myself retarded but slowly everything came back, i guess

>> No.51131975

Was he getting seizures? I smoked with one chick once and she shaked like crazy. It was really weird .maybe she was nervous.

>> No.51131978

well did you atleast come out of it with something?

>> No.51131985

yeah it was seizure-esque, we were like 16, so we never really knew what to do and we always just made sure it get worse.

>> No.51131994

I've done plenty of psychedelics and never had a bad trip. I'm a bit of a psychonaut tho. Brave and willing to dip into the unknown. I also always control my environment, so if you're worried about a bad trip, best to hole up in your shack and make sure you have all your necessities prior.

Most recent experience was a deprivation chamber, float chamber. First time was weird, you know, panic a little about being completely in the dark. I have a weird thing with unknown bodies of water. Will probably sound silly but I was thinking about sharks and squids coming out of the dark and eating me. Just let it play out in my head and accepted it and it went away. Irrational fears you know, actually cured that one.

By the way I highly recommend deprivation tanks. It's like meditation on steroids. The magnesium in the water relaxes your muscles, you feel weightless in there, the water is at skin temperature, and you're alone in the dark in silence. If you're still enough, you can lose your body entirely. I was able to do it my first time but I'm also a seasoned meditator. Got visual hallucinations, moving colors, flashing lights, so strong I could see them with my eyes open. But it's really good for letting go, which is something I need to do regularly.

>> No.51131999

the most profound thing I experienced was looking out my window and seeing some guy walking across a street and it triggered some weird part of my brain and I felt like a gazelle watching a predator walk by lol

>> No.51132009

Arrogance can lead to the undoing of anyone. If you decide to go for it, treat the psychs with respect, because, you'll be in a bad place if you don't. Strong will won't help you for shit on a hero's journey. It's called an ego death for a reason.

>> No.51132171
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just take dmt bro

>> No.51132217

bad trips are literlaly impossible if you just take an ice cold shower when you're having a bad time

the cold water will shock your nervous system into sobriety faster than you'd say "nigger"

>> No.51132375

Been depressed my entire life, have had pleasant trips and I had one where I felt like I was in Hell. It was like an infinite recursion where I experienced the same 20 seconds thousands and thousands of times. I nearly drove my car off a cliff the day after and felt nothing. Few days later I was back to normal. I took about 10 caps of penis envy mushrooms. I've had a couple scary trips and only one that I liked a lot. I guess it'll probably depend on your psyche, I've been thinking of ending my life since I was 9, attempted it a few times, and shrooms didn't help me all that much. If you're more or less dead inside it won't do much, but if you're just some fag who got broken up with it might.

>> No.51133044
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I'm not saying microdose, I'm saying try a very small amount and ramp up. 3.5g is a pretty standard weight for having a full, non-microdose trip. So get 7g, take 1g then 2g then up to 3.5g. The reason is you don't know how potent they are. A 1g dose of one batch of mushrooms could be equal to a 3.5g dose of another.

Kill yourself, nigger

>> No.51133249

took it twice and it ended mine. required me to follow through on the epiphanies i got after i sobered up though. it’s not a magic potion that solves the reason for your depression on its own

>> No.51133311

For a lot of people weed exacerbates what they are already feeling. Soft drugs are fine in moderation for people who are in a good place mentally. Not so much for people who aren’t, with psilocybin being an exception for those who arent mentally ill

>> No.51133343

Yeah that sounds exactly like mild serotonin syndrome. He’s lucky he didn’t go into a coma. Messing with drugs while on SSRIs is pretty stupid

>> No.51134094

that was a larp, you won't do nothing with shrooms

>> No.51134140

This. All it does is help guide you to fix your situation however you can.
It’s a very powerful tool
And a fun one

>> No.51134310

I've had the shakes a couple of times from weed. Usually blazing too much, being underslept, not treating myself well, and worrying about the future.

Haven't had it in a couple of years, but bad when alone in the early morning hours.

>> No.51134369
File: 129 KB, 570x567, 795d83d340ef529b99818cc9cb97fc24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what will happen if I take 5 grams and sit in a dark room for 12 hours?

>> No.51134396
File: 771 KB, 1438x1078, 99169CCD-4A2A-4D76-B7BE-E74C659FD56D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy seems a bit larpy, pic rel isnt a set up that brings in $25k/month..

>> No.51134411

also, all the flushes he's posted are shit, and his numbers dont add up. He's probably flipping from soemone else or soemthing but also growing a small amount himself

>> No.51134459

That is hard to predict anon. From your perspective in that situation probably everything desu.
If you mean the changes between yourself now and yourself afterwards that part is hard to predict

>> No.51134482

Where do you sell them? I’m assuming festivals? Or do you sell out of your home? Online?

>> No.51134498

this is my experience with it too. you just get a real understanding as for what exactly is making you depressed and what steps you need to take to get out of it, usually with a motivation boost to get it done. if you’re a lazy faggot who wont do any of that when you’re sober then it won’t help

>> No.51134542

waxon818 @ proton mail dot com

high grade THC wax only 20$ per gram including shipping to the continental united states.
Xmr BTC and LTC ok!

>> No.51134654

Bad trips certainly can have long lasting consequences, you might develop a phobia or an adverse reaction to something, regardless of how you live your life. But it's really rare and if you react to an observation like that properly it might be beneficial for you in the long run.

Flashback are a real thing too, it's just that you'd need to do some really abnormal amount of hallucinogenic drugs for them to have any real effect on you. Long-term changes to perception are certainly possible, but in most cases at worst you will have annoying increase in eye floaters perception and at best you'll have better pattern recognition and become slightly better at driving vehicles lol.

>> No.51134705

You need to find wholesale buyers that sell to other wholesale buyers.

>> No.51134778

If you are badly depressed you should probably only want to try this in a controlled environment, probably with a trip sitter, but it might help you in some way despite the difficult requirements.

I started eating them when I was in a pretty good spot mentally, even though I was on-and-off depressed since childhood.
This is a drug that makes you think about your life from a completely different and often more objective perspective. Even bad trips can evolve into realizations about yourself that you might have needed. This helps one confront themselves honestly.

I was extremely impressed by the effects this had on my overall life quality, as I was more happy, less stressed and more thoughtful about other people. Tripping made me call my mom more often. It also improved my self-image a lot, as I used to look into the mirror (something I usually hated to do and avoided subconsciously) while tripping hard and creating positive associations with the look of my face. For the first time in like 20 years I liked myself.

>> No.51134792
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One day I started swelling like a motherfucker whenever I trip, or at least feeling like I'm uncomfortably swollen, which is ruining the whole trip every time. It got to the point that I started experiencing body dysmorphia, feeling like one side of my body is turning into a bloated, shapeless mass.

I have a theory that it's some kind of health issue that I am not aware of, exacerbated by the psychedelic. So now I can't trip and it's making me sad as fuck, it feels like a whole chapter of life was locked away from me and I won't be able to experience it ever again.

I have no idea what to do about this. I tried researching this but to no avail, there are some stories about this kind of thing on the Internet but each one is significantly different than my case and there are no solutions. I can't just go to the doctor and tell him "I feel weird when I take drugs", he'll just tell me not to take them.

I guess it's time for some health checkups and losing some weight and in a couple of years I'll see if it still happens. :/

>> No.51134864

You'll be bored for the first 40 minutes and last 4 hours.

>> No.51134889

I'm too much of a puss to go against the law. Seems better than selling weed though which has gotten way too competitive if you ask me.

>> No.51134926

>You need to find wholesale buyers that sell to other wholesale buyers
immagine having to trade with criminals

>> No.51134966
File: 177 KB, 971x946, 1654032738577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will shrooms make me a better trader?

>> No.51135049

Yeah it's called democrats and Joe Biden dumbfuck

>> No.51135066
File: 59 KB, 700x541, 1619042020044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll probably freak the fuck out and want to do something you distract yourself from how twacked out your brain is, but you'll too disoriented and start believing you broke your brain permanently. which you did

>> No.51135107

No drugs are going to help you become better at anything unless we're talking performance enhancing for something physical. They'll help you concentrate and stay active at most.

>> No.51135155

Amphetamines will help you become better at anything.

How else do you think they make money?

>> No.51136189
File: 245 KB, 500x281, smuglaingif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill yourself, nigger
How enligthened.

>> No.51136924

Where the fuck does one get shrooms unironically
I am sheltered as fuck and have no friends nor know any one who might know
Live in bongistan

>> No.51137865

Did it for a while and in the beginning it was the best thing ever, then one time I had such an intense bad trip it fucked my psyche up for life. I'm much stronger now because of it, but I'd rather it had not happened and I had just found the same strength in Christ without taking this shit.

>> No.51137927

Can you tell us more about that bad trip? How much did you take and what was so fucked up about it?

>> No.51138073

Me and my best friend were sort of the organizers for these cult-like, invitation only LSD "parties", we had tight control of how everything had to go down so that every time it would be perfect. In the beginning it was amazing, we ran a pretty tight ship, and we only allowed 6 people at a time (counting the two of us), but as is with all good things we started getting sloppy and widening the circle too much, the quality of trips were degrading, but things were still fine, until we organized this big event at a rented beach home with 15 people, and we also let women in (HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE, never take psyches with women). Long story short, I absolutely lost control of reality and went into full fantasy mode, in terms of quality of experience, it was the most amazing thing I've ever felt, it was like being in purgatory with no end to it in sight. COMPLETE loss of awareness, full-on fantasy mode, but what happened there was the women were going apeshit and ruined everything. At first we were in heaven, everything was beautiful, and all of a sudden it became hell on earth, everyone was like a demon of some shit, it's impossible to put into words, bit it was some next level Matrix shit. Up until that point I considered myself a high-level warlock type mf, but what happened that day still haunts me.

>> No.51138307

Ah I see. Yeah sounds like you violated the rule of psych trips by creating an environment which is insanely hard to control. Did they start freaking out and yelling from fear? Do you have flashbacks and this is why you still have a hard time with it?

>> No.51138372

>bad trips having negative long term consequences is a meme
Bad trips don't usually do because you're confronting things, but psychotic breaks can result in long term trauma.
>honestly the type of people who lose their shit "long term" from psychedelics are worthless
Classic arrogant retard. It can never hurt and if it does you were weak. I remember thinking like this. Hope you get your experience one day and get to see what it's like on the other side.

>> No.51138375

That’s what I was thinking.
I know someone who has a set up 3x as big and it’s barely a 1/4 pound of dried shrooms a week.
You end up selling them for $200 at weight, so it’s not even $4k a month if you can get consistent harvests.
Consistency is very hard with shrooms because how the flushes work.
That’s why whenever you buy them, it’s rare if they’re always available.

>> No.51138377

This guy lays out how it is when it comes to shrroms: https://www.bitchute.com/video/g8c5DYOqpC2Q/

>> No.51138805

touch grass

>> No.51138915

>at least feeling like I'm uncomfortably swollen, which is ruining the whole trip every time. It got to the point that I started experiencing body dysmorphia, feeling like one side of my body is turning into a bloated, shapeless mass.
nigger shaman here, the human has 2 sides, the divine soul and the material human. you are actively damaging the material body to the point that it now intervenes and spills onto the soul (or unconscious) to the point that you needed a warning sign.
good luck