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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51125255 No.51125255 [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside, is this a good investment?

>> No.51125270


>> No.51125282

Yes, look how chad they are. Their partner is literally a big-dick lawyer who's out to kill all competitors.

>> No.51125291
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No and we have paid shills from ankara shilling this shitcoin every day on /biz/.

>> No.51125294

Is it scalable?

>> No.51125514
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>> No.51125527

Their scaling solution sucks. They constantly lie about their chain stats by confusing C with A chain. Subnets are just sidechains with all the same downsides. Their fees spiked to $10 last bullrun. It's run by midwits.


>> No.51125580


>> No.51125593

Polygon is a constantly reorged jeetchain

>> No.51125634

Yes. When permissionless Subnets go live they can just keep adding validators and subnets until the end of time. They added another 123 Validators this month. It has absurdly great tokenomics. The team also deliver.

This should be mandatory reading


The only other chain in the space doing anything remotely innovative doesn't even actually exist yet.

This market will probably get fucked hard in September and likely the coming months. Good opportunity to buy AVAX.

>> No.51125716
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>Their fees spiked to $10 last bullrun
Try over $70 and just because this scam chain got a few hundred tx from a shitty flash tier game.

>> No.51125827


>> No.51125836

>This market will probably get fucked hard in September and likely the coming months. Good opportunity to buy AVAX.
I hope we see $9 AVAX again bro

>> No.51126001

Why do you tell them Anon?

>> No.51126055
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well this doesn't look like an absolute sneedfest made by ICP at all

Fact is that Avalanche is the most legit tech in the space and Emin is the most based person in the space.

It's always the stupid curry niggers over at Polygon with their multisig sack of shit that try to smear Avalanche because instead of understanding and investing in quality tech they'd rather make a bad investment then justify it to themselves

Avalanche is the only recent crypto with an innovative consensus protocol. Everything else out there is a shitty also-ran that uses some gay reconfiguration of classical consensus, hence why Solana niggers have to lie about their tx numbers and inferior multi-chain platforms like Gayvin's Pedodot have to come up with retarded permissioned auction chains

Crypto is largely a load of shit, there's a few good cryptos out there: Bitcoin, Zcash/Monero, Avalanche. That's about it.

>> No.51126211

>"We are not saying Kyle is a psychopath, as only a psychologist can classify people. However, we see these traits in his behavior...."

kek, slanderous shite which reads as if it were written by a teenager,

>"I'm not saying Dominic Williams eats Babies, but we see these traits in his behavior".

I assume Roche Freedman's class action against Dfinity is going well.

>> No.51126227

No. Memes inside, no.

>> No.51126250

I'm shorting it next leg down

>> No.51126258


>> No.51126278

Stop with the Leddit spacing and accept your losses, it's over. I won't give you more tips. Even cockroaches have to die someday!

>> No.51126408
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It was a great investment at $0.50.
And I still hold 17k out of the 52k I had since ICO.
Not sure if I'd buy it now if I'm just not trying to make it though. I think it has a x5 potentially.
But if your portfolio is below $100k stay in stables to protect yourself from a total market crash and look for promising unlaunched projects instead.
Btw I can't shill you any because I can't find a single one. But there eventually will be one or two.

>> No.51126420

>just not trying to make it
just now trying to make it *

>> No.51126437

Holy shit you have a fuckton man, sell me a validator stack for 80% off please

>> No.51126495

>Holy shit you have a fuckton man
That's the thing, it cost me 52k avax cost me $25k + running a $15 vps for a month.
A ton of people have that much.
If we get to $100 again, it doesn't matter how much better AVAX is than coins with higher market cap - people will be selling.
>sell me a validator stack for 80% off please

>> No.51126539

P.S. To elaborate, ETH might have a higher market cap, but $1 buyers have mostly sold to $100 buyers, who mostly sold to $1000 buyers.
So current holders (sans ethereum foundation) aren't that incentivised to dump during a bubble.
AVAX was still $0.50 in 2020.
I think it will inevitably reach top 5, but it will have more bumps down the road simply due to this fact.

>> No.51126605

yes, does it the traditional way, instead of making the data base bigger and faster to the point it can't get any bigger, they break it down into subnets, so you make your subnet, and it only process transitions for your particular coin.

>> No.51126623

ICPERs refuse to die, polygon niggers are a joke, hbarbarians fucked off, radix dev died, bulgaria lost it's internet access, rubic was a one day thing, mETH heads od'd. it's just icpers now.

>> No.51127965 [DELETED] 

>Proof of stake
>Surviellance chain
Really asking this you better be gen /x/ in mind or body.

>> No.51128202

i wonder who were those guys who recorded him and why he told them all that. didnt he suspect they might record him?

>> No.51129040

No, their subnets can't scale and can't call smart contracts on other subnets (as opposed to ICP where a smart contract in a given subnet can call a smart contract in any other subnet), basically dead on arrival, it'll be clear if it ever gets used for something other than fraud

>> No.51129561

cheap fees fast finality and each subnet needs to lock in more avax
just wait for the initial subnet offerings

>> No.51129597

He seems to be kinda retarded ngl, way too much confidence. He's probably coked up af like most lawyers

>> No.51129715

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.51131344

it makers ICP niggers and Polyjeets seethe, so I assume yes.

>> No.51131494
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ankha shills ?

>> No.51131540

there's nothing this chain can do besides defi and nfts. it's useless. what the hell can you even do on it? nothing.

>> No.51131551
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congrats on making it anon, I was a latefag that was all in link @$1 and didn't pay attention to anything else until I was intrigued by cute images in avax generals
What sites do you use to discover ICOs and promising projects ? Do you search every single day in the morning or what's your process anon ?

>> No.51131576

Makes like 30k in fees and is valued at $5 billion
So no, no not at all

>> No.51131588

No, but no crypto really is except for BTC. And even then, you can do better this year.

>> No.51131622

Oh, cool- and what’s Icp lying about? Oh, that’s right Dfinity leads the entire space and is constantly imitated by shitcoin peddlers like roach emin. 100,000 citations a unique consensus model- totally new and better tech than the forked eth and raped shitcoin that is AVAX. Go ahead refute the tech, talk about where AVAX is better KEK!!!!

>> No.51131648

None of this matters when your retarded shitcoin launches at 45 BILLION mcap you fucking retard. It will never ever pick up or be used. It's over.

>> No.51131669

your arguemnt against AVAX failed as soon as you started stroking off ICP. Fuck off gramps.

>> No.51131670

It’s not at 45bil market cap right now so why are your panties in a wad? You’ve never bought a coin for low and sold for higher before?

>> No.51131681

Uh oh, the emotionally invested tech illiterate retards are here. Sure, you’re roach coin is the next best thing- like why would that ever be the case? Fucking kek

>> No.51131827
File: 67 KB, 754x702, ICP Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm OP you retard. I'm the one asking if AVAX is worth anything so I don't know why you're acting like I'm shilling AVAX. I didn't post a thread asking whether ICP is a good project because it's universally known its a FUCKING STUPID DOG SHIT WORTHLESS PROJECT. Nice chart you fucking faggot.

>> No.51131949

They're all dogshit now. Anyone who came into crypto from early 2020 to late 2021 had a crypto market that was rising, more often than not. It pulled a lot of coins up that were shit projects, but they were in a strong market so it didn't matter as much.
Trouble is that we still have a bunch of 2020/2021 anons hanging around here who haven't gotten it into their heads that the days of just being able to throw money into some altcoin and watching it magically grow are over. You're in a bear market. Prices have fallen, they will continue falling for some time, and therefore all cryptos are a bad investment right now.
Watching you guys argue over which stupid "project" is a better investment than the other when they're both losing money is so tiresome. You wouldn't buy a house that's on fire, so why would you invest in a crytpocurrency that is losing value every month?

>> No.51132041

>I'm OP you retard. I'm the one asking if AVAX is worth anything
it's not

>> No.51132306

You’re not OP, I am. And there will not be a shitty little AVAX thread without Icp chads btfo’ing the thread- you’re an AVAX shill and you need to address the crypto leak in detail- without glossing over it and acting like a new fag retard just entering the market like a bright eyed moonboi, this is a shill thread and you’re a shitty little AVAX baggie looking for baggie cope

>> No.51132503

>Dfinity leads the entire space
seriously take your meds

>> No.51132540
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Its actually the best investment right now and has the best staking mechanism in all of Crypto, its extremely low risk:

>can run your own node wherever you want just need 2000 AVAX
>can stake how you want (2 weeks minimum, 1 year maximum)
>no slashing
>even when staked its your keys and your coins
>withdraws are instant no waiting time bullshit like with ETH2 and L2s
>64%+ staking ratio already
>AVAX token deflationary since inception
>you get 9% -12% APY + fees from delegation rewards + tokens from validating other Subnets
>instant finality (ETH2 has 14+ minutes finality)
>no reorgs
>no MEV shit

on top of that:
>validates more transaction than Ethereum+two biggest L2s combined and despite this it easily maintains subsecond finality and 10 cent fees
>lots of DeFi innovation on the C-Chain (yeti, platypus, hubble, trader joes Liquidity Book) + more are coming
>900+ Subnets in the works and each of them will lock up 2000+ AVAX per node

>> No.51132556

>The only other chain in the space doing anything remotely innovative doesn't even actually exist yet.

Is this a hint at something new

>> No.51132615
File: 9 KB, 400x400, DDCAB3BB-9CE6-44D9-AFBE-ABDCA5FA6367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250+ best cryptographers/devs in the space
100,000 citations
Dfinity is the only real blockchain project. Everything is just a fork or a fork set up by scam marketing or a fake blockchain running on aws servers.
Dfinity is the only L1 team currently working on bevel cryptography. The internet computer is the only legitimate project in the entire space. Simple as.
Eths POS merge and inevitable collapse will allow Icp to capture that market- the first $400 billion for its multi trillion 2025 market cap.

>> No.51132645

>Eths POS merge and inevitable collapse will allow AVAX to capture that market- the first $400 billion for its multi trillion 2025 market cap.

>> No.51132688

how do I run a website on it

>> No.51132701

its for running Blockchains (Subnets).

>> No.51132739

guess I'll build on icp then

>> No.51132743

build what?

>> No.51132754

I brought up ICP as a comparison for you to understand the point I'm trying to make about AVAX. Why does this point matter? Because subnet TPS become a limiting factor for AVAX that isn't there for other architectures (I'm not naming them so you don't have another seizure), it's a scaling issue AVAX will have if it ever becomes relevant, it's basically Ethereum with extra steps and kicking the problems down the line instead of solving em. Cheers.

>> No.51132768


>> No.51132769

an on chain website

>> No.51132784

>Because subnet TPS become a limiting factor for AVAX
Subnets scale perfectly and you can make more than 1 Subnet.
it also supports every VM and the Validator set is custom so you could make your Subnet as beefy as you need it.
Going between Subnets is also Sub Second.

yes, like what?
anything that will have more than 2 users?

>> No.51132797

>He fell for the 4500 tps meme
Subnets don't have max tps retard, it depends on used VM and hardware

>> No.51132821

> Subnets scale perfectly and you can make more than 1 subnet.
You can create more subnets but smart contracts in one subnet can't call smart contracts in the other, so it doesn't mean anything. You could create a million different blockchains but if they don't integrate with each other as if they were on the same blockchain you don't have scalability.

>> No.51132834

>but smart contracts in one subnet can't call smart contracts in the other
yes they can, have you never heard of Chainlinks CCIP?
you should do more research. who even told you these lies that Subnets cant communicate?

>> No.51132836

what's that supposed to mean? can i build it on avax or not?

>> No.51132844

fuck no, one of the best investment decisions i made in crypto was selling avax and buying Matic in 2020, especially since polygon is growing at an insane rate and is now powering over 37k, a 400% growth this year only

>> No.51132848

not everything needs a blockchain, so it depends what you are trying to build.

>> No.51132851

> Adding more complexity to the protocol by interfacing with external services, creating a massive security issue
Yeah, no thanks bro. We already have web2 for that.

>> No.51132853

Cross subnet communication is already being worked on though

>> No.51132867

Polygon is extremely centralized, if 2 nodes go down its over for them.
its nowhere near as good as Avalanche and thus overvalued while AVAX is undervalued.
Chainlinks CCIP makes it trustless.
>creating a massive security issue
Chainlink is very Secure, no issues there.
CCIP will do it, thats what its made for.

>> No.51132893

Your scalability thesis boils down to interfacing with external services bro, it's extremely inelegant and insecure design. I'll pass but good luck with your investment.

>> No.51132906

but it's almost no cost to run it on icp and host it there on chain where i don't have to back it up or pay more. and i can easily put crypto payment integration there. are the subnets free to get on avax

>> No.51132939

Chainlink is Blockchain agnostic and will have its own Subnet too.
>but it's almost no cost to run it on icp
thats because its centralized.

>> No.51132941

This plus if your scalability relies on LINK then you're literally not different than ETH, at that point ETH would scale itself and there'd be no reason for anyone to use AVAX

>> No.51132963

Cope. ICP doesn't need Chainlink.

>> No.51132994

so i can't build on avax and the subnets aren't free either so why use it, what can i build there that can't build on icp

>> No.51133037

ICP is just AWS (centralized) you fucking retard. They couldn't even host a Super Mario 64 ROM without getting assfucked by Nintendo in 5 days.

>> No.51133071

why are you angry i can build a site there for no cost. so it's going to be like AWS for crypto?
i'm asking to build it on avax but i guess i can't

>> No.51133073

Great question.
You can't build anything on AVAX that you can't build on ICP, but you can build A LOT on ICP that you can't on AVAX. if you're a developer this is a no-brainer, devving on ICP is also smooth as fuck.
> What can I do on ICP that I can't on AVAX?
Your ICP smart contracts can do HTTP calls directly to web2, dissolving the need to interface with an external intermediary like LINK, for example.
Your ICP smart contract can sign txs **directly** on other blockchains, including AVAX txs as they use ECDSA sigs, without the need for bridges (another massive security issue)
And your ICP smart contract can also serve front ends directly to web browsers, dissolving the need for Cloud providers like Amazon.

>> No.51133100

everyone needs Chainlink.
its the industry standard and like Avalanche developed out of IC3. its based.
>what can i build there that can't build on icp
you can build everything on Avalanche from gaming to finance to tokenizing all the assets in the world, it supports any VM, any language and you can build anything on it.
>for no cost.
whats stops people from spamming it?
sounds like it will be easily taken down if traffic picks up.

>> No.51133124

You been measuring his dick in the stalls again? Please use a ruler this time, your mouth isn't accurate.

>> No.51133179

>you can build everything on Avalanche
doesn't sound like I can build a website there though. that's like the easiest thing to build out of all that

>> No.51133211

why would your website need a blockchain?

>> No.51133212

ICP has been stress tested last year and it peaked at 250k total TPS, 10K of which were update TPS, 240K of which were query TPS. At the time the network barely had any nodes, today it can probably peak at 600k TPS easily. You can also check live tps rn, it's usually around 5k TPS whenever I check (there are A LOT of ppl developing, a lot of em Chinese which was also the case in the early days of ethereum btw) https://dashboard.internetcomputer.com

>> No.51133239

>At the time the network barely had any nodes
this is called centralization. this is why this
>250k total TPS
is meaningless and not very impressive.

>> No.51133256

* https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org

>> No.51133258

why can't avax run my website?

>> No.51133305

>only 42 Nodes
Avalanche has 1334 and can scale to millions of Nodes.
there are bigger fish to catch right now.

>> No.51133377
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The promised 1.3 AVAX has been deposited to your wallet, keep up the good work!

>> No.51133400
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good for me.

>> No.51133426

okay lots of devs i know want to build sites after seeing some icp ones because crypto payments/tipping are easy in those
really no use for avax then in this case

>> No.51133440

there are over 900+ Subnets in development already. Avalanche will do fine without some websites nobody visits.

>> No.51133499

wow 900? wonder what they're building since most builders do web and app design that Avalanche can't run. are they all doing defi that's great

>> No.51133537

everything, from gaming to CBDCs.

>> No.51133559

except websites
i didn't know i can build an entire game on avax and have it all on chain and running there on the subnet and not aws

>> No.51133634

>didn't know i can build an entire game on avax
Games are already using Subnets. like Crabada or the DFK subnet, Castle Crush a game with 75 million downloads is also building a Subnet on Avalanche.
> and not aws
Avalanche nodes can run on any VPS or any Hardware. its not AWS exclusive.

>> No.51133667

okay so the game is all on chain and that's all i need to build it just a subnet. how do users run the game from the subnet

>> No.51133678

depends on the game.

>> No.51133722

hows crabada run on just a subnet

>> No.51133728

Crabada isnt a very complex game.

>> No.51133747

so it's easy to build it all on avax then
all of the entire game is on a subnet

>> No.51133779

>so it's easy to build it all on avax then
>all of the entire game is on a subnet
it doesnt have to be

>> No.51133828

so the game isn't actually built on the subnet either
well it can't run websites or games now so kind of at a loss here

>> No.51133844

>so the game isn't actually built on the subnet either
it is tho.
>or games
it already does and more games are coming.

>> No.51133931

No first world country will use a Turkroach scam chain for CBDC's. Avax is headed to 0 once all the fake TVL disappears. The FETO Goon was a third rate professor who couldn't get tenure so he started his Ava Labs ponzi.

>> No.51133965

the mario 64 fiasco told us everything we needed to know: it's not censorship resistant so it's worthless.

>> No.51133971

>Turkroach scam chain
Avalanche is made in USA not in Turkey.
>was a third rate professor
together with Ari Juels he was the top guy at Cornells IC3.
>for CBDC
thats already in the works, yes CBDCs will be Subnets on Avalanche.

>> No.51133996

>it's not censorship resistant
thats because ICP is centralized.

>> No.51134266

This thread is a great example of why you shouldn’t get married to your bags.

>> No.51135062

if icp is so bad, why does the cockroach emin keep stealing dfinity terminology (subnets, direct integration, etc)

>> No.51135081

ICP doesnt have working subnets. its a ghostchain with fake users.
they will be sued for every little bit of money they have left.

>> No.51135774
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Perhaps it will be after ORE supports later this Q3

>> No.51135787

All issues with scaling will be addressed when users are able easily the services and opportunities that accompanies the blockchain through a single ID and password

>> No.51135790
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Before EOY. Definitely

>> No.51135819

>if icp is so bad, why does the cockroach emin keep stealing dfinity terminology (subnets, direct integration, etc)
A "subnet" is short for "subnetwork" you mongoloid low IQ ICPnigger, that's common terminology in tech you inbred fuckface.

>> No.51135825

That is a limited way of thinking. There are quite a good number of altcoins that are surely good investment. With the rate at which web3 is developing and how vital web2 identities bridges are in the move, it'll become very clear very soon.

>> No.51135841
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>We already have web2 for that.
In terms of decentralisation, I'll say that it is limited. Absolute control over identities and rights as characterised in web3-based designs cannot be overemphasised.

>> No.51135878

>Besides ORE ID
Any other account protocols with such functionality? I've been some Everest ID lately, not sure if they work the same

>> No.51136913

Internet computersubnets are INVISIBLE to software and users

Internet Computer subnets are INVISIBLE to smart contracts and users

Internet Computer/#ICP smart contracts can directly call any other smart contract


Avalanche smart contracts CANNOT do this

>> No.51137005

Pathetic web2 baggies.
All AWS-EC2 chains are cursed by the operational cost to keep the network online and running.
Solana, avalanche, pretty much every smart contract platform in the space is cursed by cloud cost.
Decentralized? 1 call from Biden to Bezos can take down the entire network.
Imagine being Dfinity, foresaw all the problems forking ETH, secretly building a complete new technology-stack from scratch to solve all the problems that would arise in 8 years. Pushing blockchain technology to the bleeding edge. (Beacon chains, subnets, chainkey) Dfinity's Intellectual Property Beacon chains used by Ethereum2 and Near. I can't hate Vitalik and the guys from Near, at least they give credit to where credit is due. Imagine being Dfinity, extremely competent, other incompetent competitors try to defame you through lawsuits, false reports, price manipulation. Imagine being blacklisted, censored on r/cryptocurrency for talking about ICP's competence, you can't challenge the status quo. Cardano make-belief-chain reigns supreme on r/cryptocurrency. /biz/ last place of freespeech on web3, yet you niggers constantly distort facts, spin false narratives.

Avalanche FETO chain.
Let's fork ethereum, slap our own consensus on it and call it Avalanche, let's call it the ETH killer, and siphon liquidity from Ethereum through dial up technology called a bridge. Let's partner up with a law-firm, defame other competitors. Let's 'borrow' subnet terminology from Dfinity.
Let's build a 2D-point and click game on Avalanche, almost went offline due to congestion. Future of finance, real scaleability, $14 gas fees during peak congestion. Yeah bro, best chain in the space.

>> No.51137332
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Leave those shit chains. Polygon is fine, but QANplatform is a based chain I'm checking out.

>> No.51137484

Other projects literally launch paid fud campaigns against it, That's all you need to know

>> No.51137522

i looked at crabada and it wants to download an exe.. uhh what? i thought this was all on chain developed on avax

>> No.51137585

Anon, not only is it a retarded solution to the trilemma ("let's just split it into three ETH-chains and on paper make them serve different purposes, even though technically they're the same, also we still have gas problems and syncing up amongst them is hard as well as probably not scalable when one of them starts to onboard its own L2s"), but the leadership is a bunch of bonafide scammers that are incredibly egotistic.

>> No.51137612
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Kinda late response (samefag here, new vpn) but I didn't look at ICO sites in particular.
I was quite big on the BCH-BTC scaling debate and for some reason I was really emotionally invested in BCH, also spending a lot of time on /biz/ arguing with corekeks.
Bitcoin Cash was about to be the first coin with avalanche consensus before big egos collided and ruined the coin. It sucked but I dumped it in time, and it did allow me to buy the actual first avalanche consensus coin at a much lower market cap. So it worked out perfectly well for me.
And thanks to being so emotionally invested I understood avalanche consensus REALLY well. Like literally I had test software to check it out before actual avalanche consensus software was even out there. I really thought it was the next big thing (I kinda still do) so I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

>> No.51137634
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P.S. Also there was some anon actually shilling the ICO pre-ICO. Lowering our chances of getting in.
Other anons were wishing him horrible things while sage-ing.
That alone would have been a good indicator that it's a coin you need to investigate further.
I hope that anon is doing well, and I also hope that those who wished him horrible things have become better people.

>> No.51137683

Memes aside? absolutely fucking not. Fucking airwalk logo premined centralized bonus blocks vc dump factory

>> No.51137843

one call from nintendo was all it took to take down mario 64 from your shit chain.

>> No.51138161

what mario fiasco?

>> No.51138187
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1. did Emin ever address what caused the fees to spike a few months ago and what the fix was?
2. why is there a supply cap? How will validators be rewarded in the future?

>> No.51138256

>1. did Emin ever address what caused the fees to spike a few months ago and what the fix was?
That was the network getting congested due to shit like crabada. The solution was moving it to its own subnet. That is the "subnet" design working in action. When the network gets congested, just move them to their own subnet, repeat ad infinitum. Avalanche can scale horizontally to infinity.

>> No.51138291

Interesting. Can one earn Avax by playing Crabada?

>> No.51138331

Nvm, the game looks shitty af.

>> No.51138428

Crabada and moving it off the C-Chain to its own Subnet fixed it.

The C-Chain is like Ethereum at present, high usage drives up fees, it is not subsidized like other chains, but it is too expensive to DDoS so more secure. Sometimes fees can become retarded because people will still pay them because they are still able to make money - like on Ethereum. If you're desperate to get in front to mint some NFT that will become extremely valuable $14 fees will not deter you. Spiking fees keep the network up, so your transaction goes through, that could be the difference between liquidated.

Dapps with too much traffic get moved to Subnets to reduce congestion and bring down fees. Games will likely all be subnets in the future, the C-Chain was not built for them.

Validators will be rewarded by validating subnets in the future. Subnets will either pay with their own coin, or they will have to buy AVAX to pay validators depending on how difficult or easy it is to attract them, and how many validators they need. You could pay them with anything, USDC if you wanted. If Avalanche succeeds then Validating will become extremely lucrative.

>> No.51138466

Internet computer subnets DONT EXIST while avax subnets do.

>> No.51138491

>cursed by cloud cost
You realize the top 2 are bitcoin and eth, POW coins who have huge electricity costs for mining? The cost to validate on avalanche is a pittance in comparison.

>> No.51138681

someone put the wasm of mario 64 on a canister. the node received a notice of infringement of copyright from nintendo and took it down. people can just vote to remove content, which is retarded. much decentralized

>> No.51138803
File: 474 KB, 1162x850, 1661216195731352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Solana, avalanche, pretty much every smart contract platform in the space is cursed by cloud cost.
somewhat true for Solana since each node requires a ridiculous amount of hardware, however Avalanche can easily run on an i5 laptop with 16GB of Ram. Maintaining 80% uptime is easily achievable for a home internet connection. Using a VPS is more about convencience and reliability. I personally use a cheap jeet owned VPS and it still easily achieved 99.9% uptime no problem. The high uptime attracts enough delegators that I basically run the service for free.

>Decentralized? 1 call from Biden to Bezos can take down the entire network.
First off, there are more far more VPS than just AWS. It's pretty simple to switch since node spin-up time has been reduced to about 8 hours.
2nd, even if 99% of the nodes were running on AWS were switched off you would still have nodes running the avalanche network. Nothing would change because it's a highly redundant network, same as Bitcoin. As long as at least one BTC miner remains then the network can still operate. Validators would see about 8 hours of downtime as they switch to a home computer or another VPS.

>Let's 'borrow' subnet terminology from Dfinity.
Dom is a fucking clown if he thinks he has claim over the word 'subnet'. The term subnet aka subnetwork has been used in IT since 1980, defined originally in the TCP/IP v4 standard. I'd wager that Emin is likely using the term more accurately than whatever that fuck retard Dom is using it for. AVAX subnets are best described as subordinate networks to the primary network(X-C-P chains). Subnetwork(subnet) is the obvious descriptor here.
Please, look it up for yourself faggot, maybe you'll learn something.

>long list of grievances about vast anti-ICP conspiracy
Occam's razor faggot. ICP is a scam and ICP holders are fucking retards. This is why everyone fucking hates you ICP niggers, it's really that simple.

>> No.51138821

Midwit -- the post. Making new chains just makes each one less secure. Avax innovates nothing. Its just hype pumped by midwits.

>> No.51138995

wtf are you talking about? Each subnet's security is independent of every other subnet. Adding new subnets doesn't affect the other subnets. You are just trying (poorly) to fud.

>> No.51139057

Polygon is based anon. I feel better now that I can make private txns with Railgun live on the blockchain.

>> No.51139086


>> No.51139151

You're wrong anon. There are so many good investments in the space. One of them is privacy solutions which play a vital role in the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.51139169

>he thinks a crab game needs 1300 validators

L2s work on Avalanche anyway. So it could scale that way as well. As Subnets must also Validate the Primary Network, the Primary Networks security and decentralization also increase as more Validators are added. So if secure L2s every get built Avalanche is a great place for them, because they'd benefit from the ever increasing security of the Primary Network driven by demand for Subnets.

>> No.51139171

Even a blind man can see that

>> No.51139289

Polygon is definitely based but Avalanche has it's own potential. I'm holding both with web3 assets like FIL, ORE and HNT for the long term.

>> No.51139318

Where do I play cradaba

>> No.51139425

>there's a few good cryptos out there: Bitcoin, Zcash/Monero, Avalanche. That's about it.
You've not done enough research pleb. There's notable development in the space and I recently saw good innovation in a platform that makes cross-chain interoperability possible for users with just a single ID. This takes away the complexity of diverse blockchain protocols.