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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51119374 No.51119374 [Reply] [Original]

Went headfirst into crypto like a complete retard and now I'm down almost $1,300. Wtf do I do with this remaining $1,200? No, I'm not fucking liquidating.

>> No.51119399

>almost $1,300.
That's nothing. Keep DCAing in. Don't give up. It's a 20 year thing.

>> No.51119412

Just short a crypto of your choice with 100x leverage bruv

>> No.51119427

im 40k down fren. stop stressing about 1200. buy more or dont, never sell, only cash out once youre over 1 milli.

>> No.51119506

Can u short crypto on Robinhood?

>> No.51119514

WTF is ETH2?

>> No.51119518 [DELETED] 

IT rum raisin f

>> No.51119763

OP here. Just wanted to clarify I went in having no clue what I was doing and judged solely off the charts. Asking mainly for what I should/should not invest in and if any of the ones I currently have are literal retard moves. I just wanted to have enough money to be comfy

>> No.51119805
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How about you just start investing in coins that are actually pumping m'dude?

>> No.51120311

Because I have no clue what I'm doing lol. Pretty much went yolo strats like an absolute troglodyte and now I need to at the very least break even before tax season or my wife will kill me

>> No.51120315

It's $2500, how poor are you?

>> No.51120317

Kek baggies

>> No.51120342

keep on DCAing
buy more ETH before the merge
also buy MATIC because L2s will be fully responsible for the new chain’s scalability and Polygon is the only one with an open source zkEVM

>> No.51120367

I'm a forklift operator who makes $17.50/hr when the average wage for my job is $22/hr

Also, I'm literally retarded when it comes to money.

Thx fren
So, is everyone gonna be "selling the news" when the merge happens, or do you believe is it actually gonna go up further after?

>> No.51120390

Buy more CELR

>> No.51120441
File: 1.74 MB, 884x1328, fl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many shirts like this do you own?

>> No.51120443

Ethereum but 2

>> No.51120469

Unfortunately, none. I buy all my shirts in those packs since they're cheap as fuck that way

>> No.51120524

I just need someone to lay it out for my brick level intelligence EXACTLY what to buy and how much of each. What would you personally do, anons? Help a tard out.

>> No.51120769

why aren't you holding any BIT? if you're looking for long term investments that will generate profits as you go then you should've done your research about bitDAO

>> No.51120904

whatever you do keep buying btc, I need someone to prop up the price so I can get out

>> No.51120976
File: 62 KB, 680x680, 1660927590244229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just throw $100-$200 into LUNC and then screencap this. You can look back on this post 1-2 years from now after you've made it, and be glad you bought.

>> No.51121088

Currenyt plan is to get shitfaced and finish off my supply of hydrocodone and weed and just do whaatever this thread says in the morning. already getting a bit fuckec up at the moment. Pray for my survival, anons. will update tomorrow on this thread/make a new one. I promise to update on my journey. maybe the lurkers who don't know shit like me can learn as well through this journey of an autistic reatard who will either make it or die trying. God fucking speed everyone

side note: these captchas are fucking hard and I'm onluy tipsy atm.

Gonna toss $300 in cause fuck it lol. Will post updated portfolio tomorrow after work

>> No.51121114

Anon your Facebook ID is in the filename, but also that's genuinely one of the worst portfolios I've seen on here.

>> No.51121130

>>51121088Updayte to the update: why tf couldn't we just stick to hte "select all pics with a boat/crosswalk wtf

>> No.51121170

Sound advice

>> No.51121211

Dump at least 200 bucks in MATIC right
now. Transfer all of your money from algo, xlm and btc into eth. Maybe even convert shib for matic

>> No.51121261

Trade it all for Bitcoin. Bitcoin will eat up all these shitcoins. In ten years, none of these shitcoins will be around, not even Ethereum.

>> No.51121335

don't buy LUNC you retard. stop taking advice from /biz/

>> No.51121422
File: 134 KB, 1440x2560, poopoopeepeemom's spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current portfolio
any better?
just getting fucked up now

>> No.51121431

Didn't cause can't on CB anyways and I'm too lazy to make an account on another trading service

>> No.51121438

Also, fuck luna lol

>> No.51121896

Lol no.
Set up a kucoin account.
>Also short max 10x, if you are confident price will go up or down. if this is your first time doing futures. Set up stop loss and take profit etc etc.

>> No.51121961

>Throw money into lunc.
If your going to do that wait for a local bottom to be confirmed. Do not listen to retarded bizralies.

You likely won't capitulate any money you lost for awhile op. You should be doing your own research instead of taking advice from pajeets here.

>> No.51121963
File: 196 KB, 1080x1873, I bought shib as a joke and ape because I thought retards would pump it but turns out I was the retard all along .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse than mine?

>> No.51122014

Have fun losing the rest of it.
>literally retarded when it comes to money
Yeah obviously

>> No.51122174

>crying over a net worth of 3k
How about you get a job so you can start dumping 3k evey month, especially now the whole market is bearish which gives you more time to buy cheap

>> No.51122276

The sheer insanity of the plebbit hodlers in this thread.
OP, you clearly have no idea what the fuck you're doing. And that's okay. Most people don't.
Sell it all, build up a cash reserve, and rethink your strategy. You've got a bad hand and you need to fold.

>> No.51122310

Oh heckirino I big whopping 1.3 k oh no

>> No.51122918

The absolute state of /biz/ in the year of our lord 2022

>> No.51122931

Based VINU poster

>> No.51123096

Convert celr into usdt and learn how to short and long or just convert into matic

>> No.51123132

At least buy some avax OP cmon wtf you doing with these ancient shitcoins, ava labs is making the latest and greatest and you're ignoring them completely

>> No.51123203

This portfolio is hot trash.

>> No.51123239
File: 6 KB, 250x191, 1657636332017s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be a biz old-time regular
i'm panning to buy Matic and maybe even sylo, we are in crypto winter, looking to short for a few days, and then buy back in again.

>> No.51123266

Oof sorry anon that portfolio is rough.
Also I'm sure you know (hopefully), but don't buy coins which are already pumping. It's already too late to buy them and this Indian wants to use you for exit liquidity.

>> No.51123284

Damn. Lads are posting poorfolios in the bear market now

>> No.51123303


>> No.51123442
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1654656434482s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf you doing with these ancient shitcoins
this made me laughing out here,
avax is a good bet desu, another genie that'll grant long term riches is ride, the first automobile-based company that's bringing entertainment to passengers on transit using VR glasses