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51121561 No.51121561 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.51121573

A certain ethnoreligious group that cannot be named (Jews).

>> No.51121587

Absolutely nothing for universities, hospitals, and homeowners

>> No.51121589


House price went up 15x in 60 years. That's 4.5% pear. What do you want?

>> No.51121600

If those costs rose exactly with inflation, tuition would be $10.4k, having a baby would cost $3.5k, and a house would be just under $215k today.

>> No.51121622

Education, medicine, housing got better


>> No.51121632


Overpopulation. Prove me wrong.

>> No.51121634
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Lmao, most Americans can't even read

>> No.51121637
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>want wages to increase but dont want the price to increase
y are wagies so retarded lol

>> No.51121643

>$345k is the cost of the average house
This is a complete fantasy.

>> No.51121651


>> No.51121676

Its human nature to find what works and gate keep it. "fuck you, I've got mine."

wtf are you smoking. Kids cant read for shit and housing is built by the lowest bidder using garbage. Maybe you have an argument for medicine but no can afford it.

>> No.51121699

Two things happened, one in 1965 and one in 1971.

>> No.51121713

Fact: American schools are massive now and every retard who wants to go to college can go to college. And they're willing to pay out of the ass for it.

Fact: Insurance exists

Fact: Houses are much bigger than they were in the past. You can get a shitty 1960s house in a safe LCOL area for 1/3 of that.

What they don't tell you is that shit such as food, travel and entertainment is wayyyyy cheaper than it was in the past. Also this is the same guy who said that Muslims invented music

>> No.51121715

>Education got better
Nope, hence literacy rates in America stagnating and people needing a master degree to work at McDonald's. It got longer, that's all.
Life expectancy has plateaued and declined in America despite parabolic rising costs
Debatable but name a major improvement in housing standards since the 90s. I can't think of any.

Rentseeking middlemen often with above average nose sizes and the proliferation of useless office jobs for women in the case of medicine and education

>> No.51121743


>> No.51121752

>Food cheaper
Objectively wrong unless you're talking about the lowest dollar store sugar cubes
Wow this television was cheaper this is so relevant to my quality of life thank you based CNN and Fox News I love you
You should be happy your flight to Disney World (which has raised tickets as much as college tuition) is cheaper...disregard houses are hundreds of thousands more expensive than a decade ago, you can get a Mickey mouse hat!

>> No.51121753

it's the jews

>> No.51121771
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>> No.51121817
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The goal of every company is to raise profits on a yearly basis, otherwise stocks will go down and the CEO will get fired.

In order the raise profits you have to squeeze your workers more and fuck over your costumers even more than you had one year ago.

>> No.51121822

I dont know what youre trying to prove with this picture? Inflation? LOL, look I'll level with you, I have a Master in Finance and there is no such thing as "inflation". Im not saying its made up im saying what we're experience right now is not inflation. It would take to hard to explain and to be honest Im not going to go to lecture hall again or TA over a discussion hahahaha. Look at it this way - the TIME to afford those SERVICES is the SAME. Money to purchase goes up, okay BUT the TIME needed to "purchase" that service is the SAME.

An example (seriously wish you can just read my thesis for my doctorate right now):
Cost of bread:
1968: 1.2; 0.25hrs of work needed to purchase
2050: 12; 0.25hrs of work needed to purchase


>> No.51121835

>Objectively wrong
No bitch, it's cheaper compared to income. The amount spent on food was 17% of disposable income in 1960. Now we spend <10% of our disposable income on food. And you can get whatever type of food your fat fucking hearts desire at the nearest supermarket for dirt cheap

>> No.51121867

>White supremacy
>anti-LGTB bigotry
>systemic racism
>corporate cronyism
>science deniers
>Nazis Trump chuds
>not enough gun regulation
>not enough funding for education and social programs.
>low taxation for the rich

The list goes on and on….. we live in an evil world but thankfully love is starting to make a comeback and defeat hate. Harry Potter and Star Wars will defeat Thanos and the nazi chud armies of Sauron. We the resistance will win. The good guys always do.

>> No.51121876

And time to pay off house?

Get fucked retard.

>> No.51121938

Wow, that’s not the point at all

Housing is a separate issue and shouldn’t be brought into the equation. You wouldn’t understand, what did you study again? That’s right sit down blue collar wagie. Stick to cutting wood and pipe.

>> No.51121947

>1965 Oct 3
Johnson ended immigration quotas based on national origin
>1971 August 15
Nixon announces that the United States will no longer convert dollars to gold at a fixed value, effectively ending the Bretton Woods system

>> No.51121958

>Education, medicine, housing got better

you cant be this fucken dense

>> No.51121974

Those are niggers and spics that refuse to learn English right?

>> No.51121978

This view is quaint at best. Leaving out the shell games of contemporary Finance and the outright scams they represent leaves you with a picture that's incomplete to the point of uselessness. These companies aren't able to fuck around and scam with impunity because it's the only way to turn a buck - they're able to do it because they're propped up by bankers with unlimited money on tap for all intents and purposes. Better Business cannot prevail because colluding bankers and politicians are kingmakers, who pump their own bags and take their own cuts by keeping zombiecorps shambling along.

>> No.51122008

Now check the correlation with money supply, check M2

>> No.51122019

did wages go up 15x in 60 years? or did they, adjusted for purchasing power, go down?

>> No.51122037

I wish every jew died

>> No.51122046

Inflation is a symptom of the disease, which is the supply of money.

It was over once central banking, fiat, and moving off gold standard happened

>> No.51122095

>ignores core point of argument that I can't disprove
>finance degree

>> No.51122104

Most of the new money that flowed into education funded administrative bloat, and if anything the quality of the education has gone markedly down.

The medicine is better, but thinking that it's all Value-add and that crippling busybody bloat doesn't play a large role is naive.

Laughable. Many of the properties in question are literally *the same houses* that existed decades ago. The prices decoupled from any bona fide value a LONG time ago. Or do you unironically think that a ~$300k price hike on an aging home can be explained by the installation of a modern HVAC system and a few upgraded appliances? Jesus.

>> No.51122165

People voting for pay increases. Democracy only sort of worked in the 19th and early 20th century because there were very clear lines on the roles of government. The public sector, which includes welfare recipients, most teachers/professors, half of engineers, all soldiers, most retirees, etcetc is fucking massive.

>> No.51122259

Boomers taking a deal from their “elected” masters to borrow against our future for their own little piece of the pie.

>> No.51122362

And they say the inflation used to be few % every year :)

>> No.51122647

energy efficiency of new homes is way better now than anything built in 1990, insulation, windows, heating and cooling systems etc, but obviously a cheaper power bill doesn't make up for the increased price tags associated with homes today unfortunately. I'd also say as far as Florida is concerned homes being hurricane proof, can't vouch for other regions but Florida homes built after hurricane Andrew have been virtually indestructible by natural means

>> No.51122736

>Year Wage Index
1960 $4,007.12

So average wage today $60k sounds about right. Whats the problem?

>> No.51122770


>> No.51122817

so youre saying the average wage has stayed pretty much the same while houses have gone up 15x. Nice.

>> No.51122852

Ah yes, Starman, Red Bull, Cheese Wedge, Blue Santa, and Balloon Head, the antagonists of capitalism.

>> No.51123413
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It's the fucking juden we need to gas them already. this time for real.

>> No.51123419

Why have a baby in a hospital if it costs so much? Just do it at home for free

>> No.51123439

1968: 33 dollars == 1 ounce of gold
so divide by 33, multiply by 1700

>> No.51123528


>> No.51123554

Greedy bastards did

>> No.51123569

None of those 3 things are needed.

>> No.51123628

>it costs money to birth a baby
lol...lmao even

>> No.51124118

>heavy government involvement in all of them
Hmm, I wonder what's the common thread. Hmm.

>> No.51124750

Numbers in isolation over time aren't realy comparable given inflation which is obvious

A comparison of income to price is a better measurement. Obviously the income to price ratio would still be significantly worse in the modern day because the buying power of the average wage has been significantly eroded since the 1980's

>> No.51124773

Government subsidization and regulation of those industries so the price would have to go up necessitating more government intervention.

>> No.51124797

Capitalism took almost 80 years to extract post-war wealth when well-documented alternates take only 25 years

>> No.51124822
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>Education, medicine, housing got better

>> No.51124835

seems pretty accurate desu

>> No.51125345

We don’t want prices to increase but they are. We do want wages to increase but they aren’t.

>> No.51125363

>what about houses?

>> No.51125411

Inflation and immigration. All of these problems are caused by liberals and jews.

>> No.51125464

so whats your excuse then?

>> No.51125532


>> No.51125621

Imagine going to a hospital for a normal pregnancy. Having a baby is not a medical emergency if there aren't any known complications with the birth.

College prices are nuts, but a lot of people are also retards when it comes to education. You can save a lot of money by staying in state and going to CC for the first couple years to knock out your gen eds then transferring the credits. Literally nobody cares where you got your degree, all accredited programs have to meet the same standards. Even today you could get an engineering degree for $20-25k not even factoring in scholarships or grants. But for most people it's about getting as far away from mommy and daddy as possible so you can slut it up and get the full college experience. Getting the best possible education at the lowest price ranks 3rd or 4th on thr priority list.

And houses haven't been outpacing inflation by much over the last 50 years. The average house is also bigger and more luxurious than they were in 1968 as well. The last couple years have certainly been nuts, though, I'm hoping prices cool down and stay that way.

>> No.51125629

using debt to fund anything will ensure a bubble is created in that sector
printed money is not just given freely, it's always in the form of debt
this is the sole reason of boom n bust cycle, issue debt = boom, recall debt = bust

>> No.51125770

The peaking of production in the East Texas Oilfields meant the US economy could not produce enough domestic industrial product competitively to maintain its fixed exchange rates with other countries. For this reason, it had to repeatedly exchange its gold reserves for US dollars to prop up the value of dollars. This created an unsustainable speculative crisis on the US dollar so Nixon dropped the gold standard.

>> No.51125947


>> No.51126008


>> No.51126183

Stupid fucking boomer kek

>> No.51126300

the real economy got offshored by venture capitalists to china for pennies on the dollar and now it's a hypernormalized slave factory where the citizens are the product that gets monetized

>> No.51126784

actual room temperature IQ

>> No.51126899

Good bait

>> No.51127204

Unironically govt mandated inflation, rampant consumerism, and immigration, but let's just say corporate greed to avoid making people think too hard about their personal choices.

>> No.51127373

You're fucking up by trying to measure wages against the costs of goods and services directly. You have to measure relative to money supply and population. You're complaining that mom only doubled your allowance while items have tripled in price at the auction; completely ignoring the fact that there are simply more people showing up at the auction and using team strats to buy things while individually getting the same amount of allowance that you get. The problem isn't the allowance. We could triple everyone's allowance and the result would be the same. The problem is that the game is changing and you're not adapting.

>> No.51127399

I can think of around 109 reasons

>> No.51128021

student loans. hmos. subprime mortgages. either unnecessary rent-seeking middlemen or ham-fisted government intervention.

>> No.51128726

dollar is not backed by anything now. it used to be backed by gold but that meant everyone holding dollars also indirectly held gold and that is unacceptable. commoners shouldn't be able to preserve their wealth. otherwise they might stop working.