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51121058 No.51121058 [Reply] [Original]

My gf keeps begging me to marry her but I’m not ready. I’m 26. I just want to relax in my cozy apartment without this stress.

>> No.51121096

How long have u been together

>> No.51121106

Just tell her your gay and don’t feel the same way

>> No.51121115

Are you and her both White?

>> No.51121133

If she is hot, marry her, but not legally

>> No.51121160

He’s already fucked just for associating with her. Never give women your real name, have a fake ID for dating.

>> No.51121165

OP is a fag, stop being a manbabby you lazy fuck

>> No.51121198

4 years…

>> No.51121207


>> No.51121275

Pathetic. At that age you should already have several children

>> No.51121301

Going to need to see a pic of her before deciding.

>> No.51121362
File: 898 KB, 1124x1166, A06E54BD-0594-4164-B049-05DBF3B06E23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 35 and still single
It’s too late to get married because women my age shouldn’t have kids, and younger, child-free women who date 35+ men are gold digging slobs.

Plus, how am I supposed to find a woman?
Prowl around a church like a creep?
Go to a bar/den of iniquity?
Walk up to random roasties like some pathetic pickup artist?

>> No.51121392

Life is but a pain

>> No.51121413

If she wants a marriage but doesn't understand you well enough to know you're just looking to be comfy and stress free, then she's not marriage material. She's thinking of herself and sees you as a tool to exploit.

>> No.51121463


DO NOT do it. Don’t marry don’t move the need you have for sex isn’t worth the stress they bring and eventually they turn into bitches who wont even give you the main thing they’re there for

>> No.51121474

Shes been with me before I had money so idk. Claims she gave up a high paying job to be with me

>> No.51121512

Don't do it, if you have to think about it the answer is no. The only time it makes any sense at all is when you're one of the 10% of couples that actually synergize well and won't get bored of each other. Like Alex and Alice Grey. If you had that, you'd already have married her.

>> No.51121541

What do you mean claims? how don't you know if its true or not?

>> No.51121553

Stop listening to this nigger if you think she's the one just marry her , how old is she

>> No.51121633
File: 1.87 MB, 1781x1324, fairy meadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 years…
It's rather cruel on your part to waste her fertile years toying her along basically if you're not actually willing to commit. I'm assuming you tell her
>I love you
but your actions have essentially relegated her into something closer to a personal fleshlight.

If you actually have any inkling of respect or affection for her the only right way to act would be to either marry her or cut the strings and break up for her so she has time to actually find someone who's interested in marriage.

If you decide you don't particularly love her but are concerned about not having access to pussy, you can find plenty of women who are openly into "casual" dating you can use as your sex toy.

>> No.51121720

I'm no dating expert and full disclosure im the last person you want advice on the matter but it sounds like she's kind of demanding and not chill at all. I will not recommend any course of action I have no idea im almost 28 never had a girlfriend it really boggles my mind that people form relationships at all when I have just been cumming into my hand for the last 15 years no problem except for societys programming I should sell my soul to a vagina haver

>> No.51121727

Dump her show her who’s the dictator in this relationship

>> No.51121814


>> No.51121865

If she wants to have at least 4 children with you, then marry her. Otherwise, move on to a different woman.

>> No.51122031

My GF of 11 years finally said she's leaving me. It's confusing because she's in the worst condition she has ever been in. She lost her father a few years back, fractured her knee, and lost her job. I was with her throughout all of that. She went to the doctor again for depression and he put her on Lexapro. After not speaking with me for over a month she finally looked me in the eye and said she was leaving me. She's out of wack and I have a hard time believing her. I do blame myself for not providing enough for her. But I don't think giving her a child and a place to stay would be safe for either of us. I have 50k usd (formerly 250k) invested in LINK and I rather lose her than my family's financial well being. I do regret not buying her a car then she might've not broken her leg. I literally spend no money on this girl besides the occasional dinner. But I don't get shit for me either. We're both 28 and we were both each other's childhood sweethearts. Fucking sad man.

If I had the money I'd spoil this bitch but it seems like it's too late. People are falling off my train to the moon. I don't think it's going to be cool anymore if I get there.

>> No.51122055

you did the right thing frog poster.

>> No.51122077

good man, you look after yourself first. when time is ready you'll know

>> No.51122090
File: 51 KB, 952x960, B806F3AC-6564-4D55-A1C2-7362294D8C6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking idiot grow up you're 26 ffs and you have a woman that wants to marry and have kids. You'll never be ready and you'll end up alone at 50, no kids. You got a call and need to rise to the occasion. And count yourself lucky.

>> No.51122129

If you think she's a good woman I'd advise you keep her. Trying to find anyone decent to date nowdays is almost impossible. I have a few friends who broke up with their long term gf bc they wanted to play the field before settling down. Once they got tired of fucking random chicks they began looking for someone to settle down with and to this day they haven't found anyone. What's funny is the type of woman they want to settle down with is exactly who their ex was. They don't want to admit it but it's clear they regret letting go of their ex gf.

>> No.51122138

get a backyard house

>> No.51122153

buy her something nice and shiny that she can play with and tell her to stop bothering you about stupid shit