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51119548 No.51119548 [Reply] [Original]

His name was Steve
He thought I was his friend

>> No.51119566

Today a tranny took my dick in his ass

>> No.51119571 [DELETED] 

It other ice cream FU?hh

>> No.51119622

Quite sad you would brag about being a two faced conniver and celebrate victory over another humans death. They need mental help, we can agree, but I don't think they deserve death. They need a light to help them out from their darkness. Seek the real Jesus Christ of the Bible, not the recycled jew-jokes you see on this cesspool of hatred called the internet.

>> No.51119682

Checked and correct. Luke Chapter 10: (this is Jesus speaking to someone unnamed)

“Now look! a man versed in the Law stood up to test him and said: “Teacher, what do I need to do to inherit everlasting life?”

He said to him: “What is written in the Law? How do you read?”

“In answer he said: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’”

He said to him: “You answered correctly; keep doing this and you will get life.”

>> No.51119704

RIP victim of the jew

>> No.51119705
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>"friend" came out as trans
>made him suck my dick
>never spoke to him again

>> No.51119709

my childhood's best friend's little brother became a troon. I feel guilty because we used to play this humping game when we were kids. one time his dad caught us and got mad. I feel like I made him into a girl. he will probably an hero now.

>> No.51119715

Be wary of Paul and his companions

>> No.51119743

Why? Jesus chose Paul and he repented of his sins. Paul is a great bible example of someone who can change.

>> No.51119744

58% chance he would offed himself sooner than later. He got a fast lane to the lake of fire and the public saved resources that can be used to praise god or take care of people who contribute and reproduce

>> No.51119753

>t. Muslim

>> No.51119784

Paul is a skitzo Jew relative of Herod the Canaanite who claims he saw Jesus in a vision but his story changed many times. He robbed and pigramiged chruches with no remorse, never expressed regret for his actions. His gospel isn't the word of Christ.

>> No.51119802

You are speaking of Saul of Tarsus, not the apostle Paul, who was made new in Christ.

>> No.51119817

kys bible reading retards knowing lots about any religion is extremely cringe you should follow in the tranny's footsteps

>> No.51119831
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Is this Steve Collins?

>> No.51119862

I can assure you I am not

>> No.51119919

Paul never saw Jesus or had a vision. Jesus spoke to him. The “ vision” you are probably referring to was a light from heaven that blinded him for 3 days.

Acts Chapter 9:

“Now as he was traveling and getting near Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him, and he fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” He asked: “Who are you, Lord?” He said: “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” Now the men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing, indeed, the sound of a voice but seeing no one.”

>> No.51119998

>how do i convince myself im not a horrible person the post

>> No.51120030

Very based

>> No.51120054

Checked and Amen. Preach the Truth.

>> No.51120058

Morality is subjective and situational for a human with a free will

>> No.51120109

But 22:9 says
>And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.
Which is it?

>> No.51120108

That's not an excuse to do blatantly terrible shit to people and have zero compassion. It's not like you're benefitting absolutely anyone in this equation certainly not yourself. Also how are you talking about praising God in one post and now this? You're all over the place.

>> No.51120254

Its entertaining and as said inevitable. Also I didn't praise god, just used biblical images and said the resources can be used to praise god, not that I would

>> No.51120257

I can definitely understand your confusion with that scripture, but it’s actually quite simple.

At Ac 9:3-9, Luke describes Paul’s experience on the road to Damascus. These two accounts taken together give the full picture of what happened. (That’s the original scripture I used.)

It is true that the men accompanying Paul heard “the sound of a voice” but apparently did not understand the words spoken. Thus, they did not hear the voice the way Paul did. This is in agreement with how the Greek word for “hear” is used at Acts 22:7, where Paul explains that he “heard a voice,” that is, he heard and understood the words. By contrast, those traveling with Paul did not understand the message being conveyed to Paul, perhaps because the voice was muffled or distorted in some way. It is apparently in this sense that “they did not hear the voice.“

>> No.51120258

Dude who cares
Point is Jesus is based and only through Him can our transsexual brothers and sisters be saved

>> No.51120310

Or they are lying kikes subverting the word of Jesus. Neither Paul nor Luke walked with Jesus.
True but the distortion of Jesus teachings is retty important imo.

>> No.51120355
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Based..I think

>> No.51120384

You can't change us go back

>> No.51120590

mentally ill was the word you’re looking for

>> No.51120903
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THIS IS UNIRONICALLY A BUY SIGNAL. Like, for real, the day a tranny dies, a coin pumps, thats just how the story goes. And look, my shinja bags are just at the point of pumping after the big release