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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 1641x795, 0x_logo_with_text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5111469 No.5111469 [Reply] [Original]

People are talking about ripple and monero being the most obvious choices, but I think I have discovered a real sleeper...

The 0x team works very closely with the coinbase research team, Brian Armstrong (Coinbase co-founder) is an angel investor, as well as Olaf Carlson-Wee, the first employee at Coinbase and current head of PolyChain Capital.

Those individuals have a large amount of total supply. Right now in crypto, one of the holy grails for progression of the ecosystem is the development of decentralized exchanges.

Imagine you are the literal gatekeepers for fiat to crypto right now. In such a lightning fast paced, hyper competitive environment, you would likely be on the look out for any threats to your quasi-monopolistic power.

Decentralized exchanges are coming, its absolutely inevitable. The question I would ask myself is, "how can I make money off this?"

The answer is you use your capital to develop open protocols that ALL DEXs can live on top of, and charge people a fee in the token you already have a huge amount of.

ZRX will be on coinbase. At a $180 million current market cap, this coin has, in my opinion, the clearest chance to go 100x from here.

>> No.5111497
File: 226 KB, 1600x766, 1_qK4l0wR01lVoXB8e8bq5nw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tokenized world is going to be decentralized, that has already begun.

The barrier to entry to become an "exchange" is going to completely vanish, and the idea of an exchange is is going to completely change. On the 0x project, 'exchanges' are referred to as 'relayers' because their actual function is hosting order books, which they will likely charge a fee for, but must be paid in ZRX.

Exchange is going to be just that; peer-to-peer token exchanges done through smart contracts. There are a few tokens that are trying to capitalize on this by becoming THE decentralized exchange, but this is entirely the wrong approach.

Teams like AirSwap and Kyber (other tokens trying to capture some value in this space) are limiting their development to their walled gardens. This is the old way of doing business. In the decentralized economy, open protocols and infrastructure are where the value is.

The 0x project has done this. There are already over 20 dApps and relayers that are building or have built on top of the protocol, including Bitfinex's spin off decentralized exchange, Ethfinex. Just as a reminder, Bitfinex is one of the largest centralized crypto exchanges in the world. Volume today was $2,715,542,247.

>> No.5111554
File: 88 KB, 1613x409, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List of dApps that will be (or are) using the 0x protocol

Request Network

List of relayers that will be (or are) using the 0x protocol

The 0cean
Decent Ex

>> No.5111555

>unironic suggestion that Bitfinex has huge volume

Aaaaand I'm out. You almost had me, sneaky OP!

>> No.5111559

Can I get a source that Brian Armstrong is a ZRX angel investor?

Also, isn't KNC everything that ZRX is but better?

>> No.5111579


>> No.5111598


I've been in crypto for 6 years. I've never bought any coin shilled on Biz. I am moving 1 BTC rn to Binance to buy this coin. Bravo.

>> No.5111611

you almost had me the first time. But you posted the same thing twice so now I assume you are a pajeet shill and will disregard your shitty pump attempt.

>> No.5111644

Yes, I posted this in another thread and the thread died. Do your own homework and see if I'm wrong.

>> No.5111652

I have been in for 5, I have not been this bullish on any coin since ETH, and I got in at $6

>> No.5111661

its at ATH and there is no source on a lot of your claims that I can find.

>> No.5111691

good stuff anon, sauce on Brian Armstrong support?
KNC is an exchange, ZRX is a protocol that can be built upon afaik

>> No.5111795
File: 230 KB, 1487x495, lah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not at ATH in sats or USD. ATH was 55 cents, its at 38 right now

They used to have it on their about me page but they updated their website. This is their current about me page though and it has Fred Ehrsam, the other Coinbase co-founder, as their lead advisor. Not sure but I have not seen him or Brian as advisors for any other coin.

>> No.5111849

This is also their deep dive video at Coinbase's code school


>> No.5111886

doesn't 0x only apply to erc20 tokens?

>> No.5111933

I gave the prospect of zrx on coinbase Alot of thought after hearing the rumor. It actually makes sense. They have the btc/fiat conversion market by the balls. It's not in their best interest to add a ton of coins, but the coins they don't sell will surely be bought via other exchanges.

By selling a decentralized exchange token you are offering to your largely crypto ignorant base a chance to buy some shitcoin in a familiar place while effectively shaving a bit of profit from your competitors.

Simple and effective.

>> No.5111946

whoa cool, that might work.

>> No.5111968
File: 764 KB, 953x1077, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is picture was taken at coinbase's headquarters in San Francisco two weeks ago. The guy in the middle is the co-founder of the 0x project and the all of the other tags are all different protocols that are using 0x as a base layer.

This is a link to the tweet:


Yes, as of right now, but right now no one can do cross chain swaps. Thats at least 8 months to a year out.

>> No.5112003

Current exchanges can make money if/when decentralized exchange tokens take off, they will just function very differently. Coinbase would have an edge getting into this paradigm shift first. Just some wild conjecture

>> No.5112044

OP you know that tweet isnt anything. Just a happy hour. I did just unironically buy 100k tokens though because of you

>> No.5112051
File: 5 KB, 250x136, 1504034929585s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. You know what anon that sounds about right, I swear I remember seeing that a few months back. All I could dig up atm is https://twitter.com/brian_armstrong/status/897863353116250112
To quote Philippe, a member of the team, "0x will do cross-chain exchanges as well, but we prefer focusing on ERC20 first since it's fully ready right now. In the process, we will get experience, knowledge and build a strong community of projects using our protocol while other smart teams try to solve the cross-chain atomic swaps problem. Once that happens, we will be perfectly suited to embrace the cross-chain platforms and do crosschain exchanges. We believe in collaboration more than in doing everything ourselves, which is a great strength of Ethereum. Use the tools others build to improve your project."
at this point I can't even tell any more. Coinbase seems to be enthusiastic about the entire space. I just hope one day I wake up and they add ZRX + BAT + XRP + XMR + BCH + XLM and maybe DASH.

>> No.5112073

someone can do crosschain swaps. it's not ark. i'll tell you in 10 min after i've bought my stack back that sold for a quick pump.

>> No.5112118
File: 69 KB, 900x425, brian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say it was anything else.

It certainly does make a statement though...the co-founder in the center, with a shirt with a 0x logo on it, with the coinbase logo in the background, at the coinbase HQ

>> No.5112135

>pretty interesting
new paradigm confirmed

>> No.5112193

lmao just thought that would add to my case, not exactly the most convincing. Thought id go with the weakest evidence last.

>> No.5112368

The fact that no one else is posting in this thread just made me buy more, enjoy your memecoin

>> No.5112374

Nice try op
0x is good but its obviously going to dump short term

>> No.5112404

>0x is good but its obviously going to dump short term

No it isn't. It's already traded sideways for 2 months and just went up 95% in the last two days

>> No.5112533

I'm not in it for the short term gains, I'm making those off other coins.
Don't worry OP /biz/will start shilling this once this moons...we are still very early with ZRX but we will be rewarded accordingly, know this.

>> No.5112572

I believe so as well. I think $1 ZRX can be here by the end of January.

>> No.5112574

0x is my favorite coin, but i don't think it will get listed soon just because it's too obscure, complicated, and ultimately doesn't have enough high mcap projects built on top of it yet. once that happens, it may get listed.

>> No.5112701
File: 17 KB, 691x339, 0x tracker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 hr volume is shooting up on this coin. Get in or get left behind.

>> No.5112745

Yoooo i was just saying in the rocket chat how awesome it was that we broke 120k two days ago.

Very good news!

>> No.5112766

Thanks for the great work anon. I'm dropping some $ on this coin. I hope you're not trying to hand off bags but you make a good case for why this coin is undervalued.

See you up there.

>> No.5112789

0x is trash compared to BNT

>> No.5112811

I am in this for the long haul. I am holding this coin for at least a year.

The way to play crypto is not to move in and out but to stick with one you know well and buy and hold. If you would have bought ETH at the beginning of the year you would be nearly 100x at this point. In one year. This is the next 100x coin

>> No.5112935

Delete this you fucking nigger im not done accumulating

>> No.5112984

Is this coin going to dip so I can buy in tomorrow? Don't want to buy at the end of a pump ..

>> No.5113025

It is still about 30% below ATH

>> No.5113063
File: 92 KB, 708x767, rVt-u5Z6enOI7l258fW1LkFmVgjz7sVNKSXV6BJxIcQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brb buying up along with SUB and ADA.

>> No.5113143

i have huge faith in this, just dropped about 1/10th of my stack, thanks anon

>> No.5113232


>> No.5113237

Thought OP was bullshitting at first

It's real

>> No.5113250


I laughed so hard at this image. Everything about it. The Username, the actual name, Sam, Charls, the magazine shilling it not knowing. Then I realized, no one else around me understands. I laugh alone. so god damn alone.

>> No.5113272

the top of the pyramid comes to a point. the most intelligent people have very few to share with.

>> No.5113695

This fucking coin has been held down by whales since literally the second week of its creation because of how hard it was shilled back there, and literally every single person at the time, almost every crypto youtuber, and most places were talking about it. Even with its shitty initial release, everyone knows it's going to moon hard in time.

The problem is 'when' that time is. The people in charge have locked away their coins as proof that they're not scamming, but it's for like three years or something. At the time of its release it went 15x in an instant because its ICO was priced so low. Then it dipped down and now it's only like 5x ICO price and hasn't moved significantly in months.

I've been in since 85k ETH, which at the time wasn't ATH, but definitely wasn't the lowest I could have gotten it, and this shit has been nothing but disappointing. I have no intention of pulling out because I, like every other fucking faggot who went in, know that it's going to go up in time. The problem is when. No matter how much news comes out, no matter how many exchanges are already built up on it, it refuses to go up because it's being kept down while people are accumulating. I know it'll be worth money in the future, but holy shit is this coin frustrating as fuck. The last time it raised was because of a PnD, rather than any of the news that came with it, so it's even more depressing.

It fucking hurts, because I saw no reason why this coin wouldn't go up harder and harder, and it's just held down constantly, and at this point I'm pretty sure a lot of people have given up on it and just consider it a joke, not because they haven't proven themselves, but because the price literally does not change move. The one and only redeeming factor at this point is that when I say it doesn't move, I mean it literally does not move, even though all the pseudo-crashes other coins have gone through, it stays the exact same.

>> No.5113740

meh they are not mutually exclusive, they can moon together. there's no denying 0x brings a lot to the table. BNT worries me a bit more than ZRX though:
but I'll be honest I haven't done all of my homework..
we understand you anon <3

>> No.5113941

So I'm a poorfag who has invested $100 in this.

If I open this up on January 1st, 2019, what should I be expected to see?

>> No.5114306


>> No.5114338

The realization that you lost money or made less than had you just put it into btc

>> No.5114374

you literally forgot fred ehrsam, the other coinbase founder who left to become a token investor, who do you think he is backing??

>> No.5114378


Thanks guys.

>> No.5115296

Btc will crash

>> No.5115615

tokens dont moon

>> No.5116394

>0x is my favorite coin, but i don't think it will get listed soon

> 0x is my favorite coin, but i don't think it will get listed soon

Dude, it's ERC20 token, listing it is easy as fuck.