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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51116375 No.51116375 [Reply] [Original]

So.... Is she right?

>> No.51116386

I don’t care at all

>> No.51116405 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Ever escalating recessions, poverty,wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and INTENDED functions of it, NOT glitches, and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

Not only is she wrong but a crash is mathematically certain that will happen and will offer massive relief to the starving and exhausted masses. Parasites like you will obviously be hurt but that is like a bonus if you think about it

>> No.51116421
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whew I was starting to get worried that there would not be a housing thread today, and I jsut came across this fucking price hike. Imagine trying to scalp nearly $1 million in the course of 13 days

>> No.51116437
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>> No.51116454

>the real estate market will crash and dirtbag poorfags will buy million dollar mansions for pennies on the dollar
lol no. there may be a crash. poor people will not suddenly be flush with cash and buying real estate when this happens however.

>> No.51116458

post link to property

>> No.51116470

Let’s me guess, she’s a real estate agent replaying to a first home buyer that wants to know if this is a good times to buy or THE ABSOLUTE WORST

>> No.51116495
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>pick one
Women flip coins in their heads every second anon. She is NEVER right because she is never capable of a legitimate decision. The juxtaposition is irrelevant as it's pure undiluted chance.
That said, the man from whom she's quoting from (whoever among the ones she is presently blowing) happens to be absolutely right.

>> No.51116513

That's a man

>> No.51116524

>listening to women


>> No.51116542


> shiplap wall
> painted her brick white

As someone who works with their hands I'm very disgusted

>> No.51116543

i mean its nice, but its not 3 mill nice, its just a typical mcmansion
the link got flagged, just GIS

I was bored so I looked up who is trying to flip it, it was bought in July by "ROYALTY INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LLC"

>> No.51116545

>including buyers
Yeah no shit. At least I hope she meant sellers.

>> No.51116575

>leftist midwits have spewed the same talking points for literally decades at this point
>capitalism is le bad
>here's a list of things that are bad and they are all caused by capitalism
>capitalism will fail it's "mathematically certain" (lol), any day now

Sociology departments really need some budget cuts.

>> No.51116604 [DELETED] 

It doesnt matter what they will be "flushed with" when it happens. The destruction of the stock market means liberation for the masses. It is a massive blow to the parasitic property owning class and other type of financier parasites like you.

"Poor people wont..." how about you stop pretend caring about poor people and instead drink a bottle of bleach you disguting fucking boomer parasite

>> No.51116630

does it matter if she's right? she's clearly a woman

>> No.51116655

Lol. No one is gonna pay the extra million on that. The seller deserves rape for even trying to get that.

>> No.51116675

Can I get a real estate coper to explain to me how a market crash would be bad for buyers?

>> No.51116677

shit bait

>> No.51116701

whats wrong with macbooks? I'm a software engineer and prefer mac over windows for development

>> No.51116711 [DELETED] 


Literally everything we have been saying has happened to the letter. It has been 300 years since the functions of capitalism been articulated and everything has come to pass exactly as it has been predicted. Ever deteriorating cycles of poverty, pollution and conflict that escalates eventually into war/fascism etc. Are you like braindead? It isnt just math that proves this we have like....history too...these things have happened multiple times and will continue to happen in an ever deteriorating manner.

Like actually are you like braindead? No joke how did you type that comment holy fuck how can you even breathe

>> No.51116730

hm the same seller is trying to get $1.25 mill out of this pile of garbage

615 Verdant Pl, Vista, CA 92084

>> No.51116734

World is more peaceful now under capitalism than any other time in history commie

>> No.51116736
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looks like some greasy wop's idea of a mansion in the early 2000s

>> No.51116747 [DELETED] 

I am 100% serious i want to find where you live, kidnap you and torture you for as long as possible and even deny you death when you beg me for it. The hate i have for fascists and capitalist is so immense it even surpases the hate you parasites have for the supposedly "niggers, kikes, faggots,females and poorfags".

It is my mission to not just completely destroy your rotten world but also to enjoy every single second of the process. Please i beg you tell me where you live i will come

>> No.51116774

damn they made half a million profit on flipping this turd last year:
14575 Arroyo Hondo, San Diego, CA 92127

>> No.51116790
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are you saying you would take financial advice from a woman?

>> No.51117054


>> No.51117094
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>finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage
>a crash is mathematically certain that will happen

you contradicted yourself

>> No.51117096

>It has been 300 years since the functions of capitalism been articulated
poverty, slavery, exploitation etc etc are thousands of years older than capitalism

>> No.51117126

>Days on Market: 37 days
oh god, my zestimate!

>> No.51117298 [DELETED] 


>> No.51117363

dude, its a spam chatbot, dont engage it

>> No.51117411

>3 million to live in Poway

>> No.51117479

War and slavery are badass.

>> No.51117507 [DELETED] 

You will die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve parasite

>> No.51117527

You have low test levels. Cope.

>> No.51117876

The only people who shit on Macs are permavirgin midwit poorfags because they want "muh games" or "muh Microsoft office". They've never opened terminal in their life

Although if youre a serious Dev id switch to linux

>> No.51117899
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>lower house prices would be bad for buyers

fucking crack addicts, man

>> No.51117995

First home buyer is a dumbass for asking a real estate agent that. Real estate agents are shit pants retarded and on top of they are incentivised with $10k+ commission to lie to you.

The first home buyer is so stupid that they should become a real estate agent to surround themselves with dumber people so as to feel good about themself.

>> No.51118332

>a market crash would be very bad for everyone :(
>therefore it won't happen because who would want something bad to happen? *thinking emoji*
someone should invent a parallel internet that can only be accessed by women, and also women are only able to access it and not the regular internet

>> No.51118939

black people think they have bad hair? look at this roastie lmao

>> No.51118966


>> No.51119519

We iPad now

>> No.51119775
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Incredibly so, and this confirms that my vinu bags will keep mooning because of inflation
Remember that right now there are coins pumping, don't cry the red ones

>> No.51119850

Stupid normie brand. I hate how Apple made their brand into this cult that makes their customers feel like they're better people for owning their fag products.

>> No.51121240
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Go back to the soho house

>> No.51121299

you should take notes retard, it's how to create an extremely successful business by masquerading designer goods as "tech innovation"

>> No.51122414

>double whammies can't happen because that would be too much, man

>> No.51122428

true before M1, not anymore

>> No.51122574

Was never true. Only faggots thought widows was better.

>> No.51122735

Web dev isn't software engineering lol. You're a code monkey

>> No.51122759

There are indications the market could go down, she is wrong. There are also indications the market could go up though. She is somewhat right that inflation could keep prices up, but that isn't really a good thing. Inflation isn't causing the market to fall, its the interest rates increasing basically. Fed realized how bad the fucked up, now trying to restore faith in the USD.

>> No.51122900

Build applications that run as a client server model is absolutely software engineering. Youre a dumb faggot.

>> No.51123080

No, women are never right. About anything.

>> No.51123092

>Receiving financial advice via social media
Do zoomers even

>> No.51123140

Interest rates will climb 20-30% before this fuck up is even slowed down

>> No.51123260

spotted the incel gaymer that has never used a computer to do anything productive, and only uses it to play gaymes and watch porn

>> No.51123345

people like to use them as fashion accessories

>> No.51123353

found the basedfag poser

>> No.51123380
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>> No.51123726

no it's not. you're essentially an assembly line worker stitching together bunch of libraries except you're paid more. nothing wrong with that but it's definitely not software engineering.

>> No.51124411

If she were, would she be posting on instagram or working for a firm?

>> No.51124559

i shit on macs because the only people I knew in college who had one were the girls who obviously used them for nothing except taking notes in class and browsing social media and netflix

>> No.51125220

since you're a mac fag can I ask you a question. why do all apple stores smell horrible?

>> No.51125225

I haven't looked in a while but just for shits and giggles I pulled up multifams and sorted by high to low so I'm getting the big apartment buildings first and I don't think I've ever seen this many listed at one time.
There has been a ton of construction in my general area (Boston + greater Boston) and I think it's just been overbuilt.
The suburban SFH market doesn't seem to be getting beat up too bad though, if anything it's kind of just leveling off a bit.