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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51116308 No.51116308 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51116317


>> No.51116329
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>> No.51116331 [DELETED] 

Lifefuel happened. More where that came from :) Your parasitic stock market and blockchain will soon be fully destroyed and mother Earth will heal

>> No.51116338

its ogre

>> No.51116342

i lost 5k thats what happened

i dont care i dont need that money for the next 10 years

its probably going to be another 50% down but im not withdrawing because 1 thing i learned is that we live in clownworld

>> No.51116344

they did it

>> No.51116346

Is 1000 point fall a lot? What does it mean?

>> No.51116362

its nothing yet

just liquidity being drained by the american fed

>> No.51116381

J Pow opened his fucking mouth, that's what happened

>> No.51116389
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He did the needful.

>> No.51116393

You mean dollars
It only fell 303bps
Also MMM shitting the bed probably had more to do with it than printer guy telling us what we already knew

>> No.51116402
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I've been so spoiled by massive crashes since corona and crypto that this does nothing for me.

>> No.51116428

>everyone assumed JPow would come out and say "inflation has peaked, we're gonna pivot, economy is saved, peace out bitches"
>instead jpow gave a 3 minute speech about how fucking hard it is to fight inflation and how much harder they're going to have to work in the following months to fight inflation, even if that means big financial pain for everyone
>markets went schizo for about an hour because people were all ready to poomp and then everything doomped because we fucking told you everything was worse than you expected by you didn't listen.

>> No.51116435
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the reality is that I bought. I'm so sorry

>> No.51116445

it's called opportunity cost, apple iPhones aren't worth dick to anyone when every homeowner and landlord in the country needs to pay back their mortgage as quickly as possible before interest rates climb out of control

>> No.51116508

Fixed mortgage interest rates don't change. You do realize most mortgages are fixed rate right smoothbrain?

>> No.51116539

Not every mortgage and not in every country, more mortgages in america are but in europe this is not the case. Try borrowing 20 million dollars to build an apartment complex and see if you can get a fixed rate

>> No.51116568

Stop living in Europe

>> No.51116569

Ok im starting to believe the Schemita thing of the bobos, maybe theís is just a huge fakeout to make people sell so they can slurp in September

>> No.51116769


>> No.51118428

kek baggie

>> No.51118461

all commercial mortgages are shorter term an d you have to refi every 1 to 5 years on average.

>> No.51118491


powell found his balls. He's probably making himself a nice drink right now, mission accomplished for him

>> No.51118534

This thread is about America eurocuck.
The post wasn't about commercial mortages. It was about homeowners and bottom feeding landlords. The fixed rate statement stands. These persons won't be effected by changing rates. They have fixed low rate mortages already locked in.

>> No.51118683

Yes because we all know how honest banks are. They follow the rules all the time and would never change said rules to raise rates

>> No.51118750
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Oy vey vee must get moar fake shekelles for even moar invisible shekelles vat don't even exist so the goyim thinks dollars and coins aka strands ov fiber and cheap metal coins are worth something OYYYYYYY

>> No.51118924

> but but inflation will be transitory.

Fucks kept saying that so the royalty could sell their shit while us servants get more bags. Glad I got the fuck out months ago. Waiting for the real crash then I'll jump back in.

>> No.51118985

The fed has been pretty consistent, and moves slowly when they pivot. I think we'll get a lot of warning before that happens.
I'm not fighting the fed anymore.

>> No.51119050

this, the real investment is treating it like it's gone forever - if you expect to have it back at some point you are doing crypto wrong

>> No.51119067

Inflation? What is that old conspiracy theorist magapede talking about?

>> No.51119132

I think everyone knows that the US is fucked because they're going to keep raising rates and keep printing more money

>Ukraine got 8 billion last week
>Biden is about to "forgive" student loan debt, which will cost ~350 billion

>> No.51119194

If you just raise rates you can cancel the effects of printing money.

Unless you're
>an idiot who still hasn't sold his stocks
>a boomer with his pension or ill gotten gains in stocks
>some greedy leveraged corp in debt that raised prices
You will not be affected by the crashing stocks and raising rates.
Biden is taking from the idiots and giving to the public.
Even more justified when you have this unbelievably bullish stock market. We were 10% from all time high recently can you believe it

>> No.51119339

The inflation wasn't transitory and the Fed pivot on the horizon was just a mirage.

>> No.51119501
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nothing. Gaps were closed

>> No.51119723


>> No.51121012

not sure
but I went there
and I did a business.

>> No.51121072

People were wrong about it being priced in, we are going down 50%.

>> No.51121812

wtf, he's not jewish? isn't biden's entire cabinent jewish?

>> No.51121823 [DELETED] 

WTF? GREENSPAN ISN'T JEWISH EITHER? now THIS i will never believe

>> No.51121840

Why do so many people not understand what a fixed interest rate is? This is super basic, but I keep seeing people post silly comments like this.

>> No.51121868

The S&P 500 dividend yield is currently too low. The market is simply adjusting to increase the yield by lowering the stock price. When the dividend yield is around 2.5% the market will stop going down.

>> No.51121922

“Hey all, look I know you’re scared and you’re hoping we’ll let up and give out easy money but son listen imma have to tighten the reigns and unfortunately sport I’ll have to keep raising these rates sorry. You’re just going to have to deal with it, you’ll manage squirt, ya always do ^_^”

I’m other words. Get fucked. No easy money, it’s only more and more increase of rates from here ;)

>> No.51121948

they need a fall goy
your posts are black holes void of intelligence

>> No.51121986

Powell was picked by Trump. Biden will probably replace him with a kike. They own the us government.

>> No.51122255

That picture is proof that capitalism is dead and that all markets are just a function of a money printer. There is no underlying fundamentals, there is no meaningful value left in the system for money to capture, there is no value being created or lost. The economy has degenerated into a function of how a population of degenerate gamblers feel about X or Y talking point and rampant speculation on when the next round of stimulus from the government will come. Clownworld on a level I though not possible and a blackpill that is starting everyone in the face but no one realises. It's all fake, it's all a faith system backed by the delusions of humans, it's not real.

>> No.51122360

Pretty much. Crypto is even worse, a potential escape hatch now moving in lockstep with JPow's words. The bankers have won.

>> No.51122390
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Happy 25th of September you beautiful boiling frogs you ;)
(Treasuries and MBS fade at the 1st)


>> No.51122405

He used his interest rate buck breaker on the market's quivering pussy

>> No.51122410

>Inflation is transitory
Inflation reaches 9.1%
>No recession
2 quarters of the economy shrinking
>We are reducing the balance sheet
$750bn anti-inflation act
$500bn+ to invest in semiconductors
$1tn student debt forgiveness
$XXXbn on funding a proxy war with Russia

Why do you listen to a word these people say?

>> No.51122463

The only reason the market even recovered is because everyone with a RH account now has access to options, so people have been gambling on calls. Not even buying the dip, just buying fucking calls on index funds, forcing market makers to buy stock to cover them. That's why it's been going up on such little volume. We'll have this same shit happen several more times I'm between major options expiration dates and incontrovertible bad news. It'll be 20 percent down 15 percent up, again and again u til inflation is really tamed, and then that's when the final shoe will drop and the market gets btfo for several years because people actually don't have anymore money to gamble in it.

>> No.51122502

Are you trolling?

>> No.51122521
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wise decision

>> No.51122595

It's true that most mortgages in the US are fixed, but a shocking number of retards actually do 7/1 ARMs, and it only takes a sudden shift in a handful of a % of the market to cause a cascade when things are feeling creaky. The kind of person to take such a loan is either rich and all in on the market (which just tanked) or they're so poor they took the ARM to save a hundred dollars a month or whatever without really understanding what they were getting into. The majority of home owners are retarded, and a ton of people fomo'd into too much house right before the cost of living shot up. Plus commercial real estate is huge and that shit is never fixed for the whole term.
Shit isn't looking good. Though, anyone who is in a house right now and has a fixed 15/30y at a price they can afford, they'll be fine even if they end up underwater for a few years.

>> No.51122676

I’m down like 20 bucks and I have a decent chunk of cash in the market, what did you invest in?

>> No.51122743

Where were you in 1929? Retail investors don’t usually know how fundamentals work.

>> No.51122840

it is a sooky lah lah tantrum.

>> No.51122905


>> No.51124291
File: 10 KB, 220x161, 680F5828-A46E-4239-8D77-05C1AD88ED02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raise rates and cancel the effects of printing money.

>> No.51124306

Is it safe to short spy?

>> No.51124347


>> No.51124365

Finna slurp that basement bottom real estate on God.

>> No.51125318

No I'm correct. The call to put ratio inverted last friday.

>> No.51125731


don't blame capitalism, blame policies that foster speculation and risk taking. If call options didn't gain the reputation of being "Free money" following the COVID months we wouldn't be getting gamma squeezes pumping the indices by 15% every couple months.

Give an 11 year old $5,000 to spend at Toys R Us and see what he comes out with compared to $20...

>> No.51125768
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The single most BASED Chair we have ever had.
I want a Solid Gold Statue of JPOW NOW

>> No.51125793

Most of the companies that have been buying up houses across the country use ARM's as well. That's where the real estate collapse will come from

>> No.51125923
File: 2.14 MB, 422x238, brrrrrrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP: "what the hell happened at the stock market today?"
>Jerome Powell: "Reducing inflation is likely to require a sustained period of below-trend growth. Moreover, there will very likely be some softening of labor market conditions. While higher interest rates, slower growth, and softer labor market conditions will bring down inflation, they will also bring some pain to households and businesses. These are the unfortunate costs of reducing inflation."

>> No.51126546

That was a pretty insane overreaction.

>> No.51127715

It's resetting, don't worry

>> No.51127869

Yup he'll prob replace him with a chosenite when its time to reboot the markets and economy.

>> No.51127926

bro's my broker just called he wants me to all in

did i mention the broker was called Mlon Eusk

>> No.51127969
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>every homeowner and landlord in the country
>Not every mortgage

that was a quick swerve

>> No.51128003

kek, baggie.

>> No.51128030

lol how new are you?

>> No.51128749

what did he say

>> No.51129295

kek baggie

>> No.51129364

Nothing because it's a weekend