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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51112393 No.51112393 [Reply] [Original]

I need 550$ to live for a month. How do you earn money?

>> No.51112415

lets make gay porn together!
ah nevermind i'm too old now

>> No.51112528

Maybe you could stop being so lazy and get a job

>> No.51112576

Sometimes i swing trade stocks, sometimes the government send me neetbux, sometimes i suck it up and wage for a few months.

>> No.51112589

Well since you're a trannie, it should be pretty obvious.

>> No.51112737

>How do you earn money?
I have what's known as a "job".

>> No.51112876

So if you need 550 dollars just to live, your networth is fucking abysmal. Let's be generous and say it's 100 dollars. By getting a very basic fucking job, you can earn 2000 a month. That's 2000% gain in your networth. THERE'S NO FUCKING INVESTMENT IN THE WORLD THAT WILL YIELD YOU GAINS LIKE THESE EASIER THAN GETTING OFF YOUR ASS AND GETTING A FUCKING JOB

>> No.51113024

but I can't talk to people...

>> No.51113039

Knee pads only cost $20.

>> No.51113190

How old are you anon?

>> No.51113291


>> No.51113417

In what way can you not talk to people? I didn't get my first job till I was 20 and I don't really like talking to people but the threat of homelessness and destitution was an extremely powerful motivator

>> No.51113470

>In what way can you not talk to people?
It's a zoom zoom. Most are socially retarded.

>> No.51113517

if you need only 550/m and you are motivated to work there is a plenty of work online that can yield you that much if you put 3-4 hours a day for a month.

>> No.51113571

i'm terrified of interacting with people
please spoonfeed

>> No.51113656

Kill yourself.

>> No.51113739

you short the market with little leverage before it's obvious
>Verification not required.

>> No.51114284 [DELETED] 

Get a job faggot and when you are tired of being a waggie, you can throw a few $ in some crypto gems and when doing this, ensure you go after gems that would still be actively relevant in years to come such as CVP, MATIC & _SYS_. Sy.scoin is a smart contract platform that supports a cutting-edge ecosystem with low fees, decentralized layer 1 security, and layer 2 scalability that offers economies of scale via Rollups.

>> No.51114384

Sy.scoin is actually one of the golden investments that are worth holding atm. Sy.scoin is among the best trend-based coins that will yield users decent passive income once its trend starts again in the bull market. Holding more now is a profitable investment.

>> No.51114612

bump this thread couple more times ans I'll consider it

>> No.51114733

You're still here? Fuck off and kill yourself. Do it, zoomer trash.

>> No.51114768

Follow Andrew Tate's modern money making techniques (dropshipping, copyrighting, affiliate marketing, day trading)

>> No.51114778

Stop hating on a tranny. OP i like trannies so I can pay you that a month, but you’ll have to go face down ass up.

>> No.51114790

You just do it despite the fear. Yes, you will be having a panic attack the whole time but have to endure it.

>> No.51114824
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love you too buddy :3

>> No.51114858


>> No.51114878

Work 76 hours at $7.25 minimum wage. About 20 hours a week or 4 hours per day M-F. The easiest thing to do would probably be to sign up as a part time library clerk or something. Sit on your ass and get paid to occasionally sort books when a random person decides to come in for once and messes up the ordering.

>> No.51114963

I'm not your buddy. You have no friends and are worthless.

>> No.51114975

>Sometimes i swing trade stocks, sometimes the government send me neetbux

What a deal!
i earn mostly on shorting Ride, and also on the returns I get on Ethereum, not a lot to boast about thou.

>> No.51115068

Factory work my dude

>> No.51115071

tsundere :3

>> No.51115147

God I love anime posters so much. When my 100k hbar stack makes me a multi millionaire I'll donate thousands to the cute anime posters on /biz/

>> No.51115339

>>Sometimes i swing trade stocks

I staked my stablecoins via spool and live off the proceeds, not too much but pretty decent enough to live a moderate lifestyle

>> No.51115358

Sleep with men 10 times. They'll pay 55 bucks to sleep with a tranime like you.

>> No.51115386
File: 67 KB, 706x669, tranime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 year old tranime trannies are pretty attractive. Try prostitution

>> No.51115556

Not tsun. I hope you get cancer.

>> No.51115698

>>Sleep with men 10 times
Kys Moron

Better gets a life and a job, if it fetches decent returns you look out for solid projects, Buy n hold in few years you would be happy you did.. still holding my KCS ALBT MATIC strong

>> No.51115709

Based underaged shitposter

>> No.51115777

I've averaged almost $500 a month this year doing in-person and online paid surveys. If you live in or near a major city, there might be stuff like that available to you. In Atlanta we have Curion, Jackson Associates, Consumer Innovation Center, and Compass.

>> No.51115939
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Don't listen to the groomers. The moment you troon out is the moment you let go of all your dignity as a human being. This is a fate worse than death.

>> No.51115964

too smart for normies..
based spotted : Verification would soon sets in as regulation gets into Defi, guess thats why Alliance block is building DeFi type of KYC

>> No.51115981

>By getting a very basic fucking job, you can earn 2000 a month
Americans have no self awareness

>> No.51116009

>Don't listen to the groomers.
I have never seen a tranny irl so they may as well not exist to me
it's funny to see so many mindbroken people in one place though

>> No.51116030

i fail to see the problem with that statement. i make five times that and i'm not even in management yet.

>> No.51116032

You are going to need a lot more than that. Did you even watch Powell's remarks today? Things are going to get even more expensive.

>> No.51116057

Say you have fibromyalgia or some other made up, hard to disprove ailment. Collect disability bennies all the live long day.

>> No.51116118

scam people online , theres 1000000 ways and its easy to do , pretending to be a female is a great beginning , one you should be familiar with you fucking troon

>> No.51116138

Any tips?

>> No.51116170

sell accounts via paypal , for example go to league of legends discord servers and market your account , get some pics from google etc pretend its good account , high ranking etc , make them pay via paypal via friends and family or via btc and you're done , easiest money you can make online

>> No.51116193
File: 60 KB, 512x512, WhatsApp Image 2022-08-12 at 10.41.59 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the bitDAO embassy anon. you can earn a bit every day for doing basic tasks. Every bit helps.

>> No.51116236

Holy shit they can't even report you can they. More scams! You are a master

>> No.51116272

this is one IRL thing that can work also , heres a full guide :
Step one: get to a large city. This works better in larger cities.

Step two: get duct-tape. Needs to be duct-tape, not just any tape.

Step three: Locate and plot a map of all vending machines in the area (avoid police stations and schools). There are typically a couple in hospitals, large office buildings, recreational facilities, etc.

Step four: Use the duct-tape to clog up the coin dispensary in the vending machine.

Step five: Make sure you have 100- 150 vending machines plotted out… preferably get more.

Step six: Go around once per week to every vending machine. Do this on a rolling basis, meaning do 1–30 on day one, then 31–60 on day two, etc.

Step seven: sleep. You always need this!

Calculations: Assuming 100 vending machines… average of three dollars change per day (there will be losses if someone figures it out… most people won’t even bother if there change doesn’t come out… most people kick the vending machine and walk away in frustration), you will get 100 * 3 * 30 = $9000 per month. Not quite 10K, but this was the low end… get more vending machines and you’ll be golden! Of course, until you get caught… which is the problem of doing things illegally.

Personally, I recommend erring on the side of the law. It’s typically a lot less work and you avoid jail time by making your money that way! In no way do I advocate stealing!

Also, to supplement your income… and this is a really twisted move… stay in a building, that has one of those charity coin/ money things that you can roll down coins into, after it shuts down for the night. Use a small scooper attached to bicycle spokes to grab bills and coins. Then hide in bath room or somewhere else safe for the night… and walk out with the crowd the next morning:)… also, I advocate for not doing this!

>> No.51116290

btw , source : https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-fastest-way-to-make-money-online-illegally-and-how-do-I-get-started

>> No.51116313

Haha could be worth a laugh to try on a few machines somewhere. Do you know any Tinder scams?

>> No.51116353

nah i dont use tinder but i've seen many fake instagram female profiles and fake female profiles on other dating apps , you can use an emulator to fake the instagram picture thing where it seems as the pic is taken right there and then same goes with the other apps , pretending to be a female online to get money is probably one of the oldest online scams but still very effective

>> No.51116400
File: 86 KB, 923x857, tranime anime trannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you pretend to be an anime girl online.

>> No.51116434

Back to this, are there any legal risks here?

>> No.51116463
File: 27 KB, 400x420, 4bf4932055a81bc2c536a20e8f5ac693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting image equals to pretending to be the image
Based retard. Am I a cat now? Are you a twitter screenshot?

>> No.51116595

you're gonna get your paypal account banned most probably if you keep doing it too much

>> No.51116689

That's it? They can't report you to the police?hn8g

>> No.51116717

Hi Andrew

>> No.51116905


OP my friend don't pay attention to this retard, he is just one of many anons who lives a shit life and comes on old biz to take out his frustration because he has no other way

Now, I have a job offer for you. I am running my own online business and I recently hired a friend of mine to help run it, and I could use another. It's a marketing firm for several smaller clothing companies. I just thought I would try to help a fellow /biz/ anon out. The job would consist of you being a model for many of the clothing items that these companies are selling. You wouldn't have to clock in, I will just give you a set of things to do each day and I'll pay you via crypto/paypal whatever, or I can get you on the payroll if you want. Let me know if you are interested. I also could use you to help with the marketing itself.

>> No.51116982

Because not everyone lives in america you dumb fuck

2K is a lot on most of the world

>> No.51117161
File: 142 KB, 750x656, 1641124485235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there my dude :)

>> No.51117192

another tip , you're in the wrong place to ask these questions , if someone is making money they will NEVER tell you their methods , game is to be SOLD not to be TOLD so find something that works for you and stick to it , you're gonna have to work for it so if you're a lazy fuck you can forget about money

also you'll never make money without spending money , thats the very principle of it all especially online stuff , there is no way of earning money online without investing something , no one will hand you out anything unless you scam them or do some of that type of shit , remember that !!!

>> No.51117225 [DELETED] 

Paid ebook leak

Thanks for purchasing my ebook, if you leak it or resell you will be reported and your data will be made public on the forum

In this method we will be using a RuneScape private server that pays money for voting on it on toplists

Go tohttps://mega.nz/file/tEMXVCBS#DtVvd0Oo2y7Hq7CX4KI-CYO7v_8VpEP5Zq90AaRydbI on your PC
Unzip the file
Install java if you already don't have it installed on your PC (you can get it here https://www.java.com/en-US/download/windows_offline.jsp))
Run the RSPS Diamond Scape.jar file
Wait for the RuneScape private server load
Create an account (no email needed)
Click on the vote button on the right hand bottom corner
It will open a list of 10 sites to vote for the Private server
Each vote gives you $5, after voting 10 times you will have $50 that you can cash out to BTC, PayPal or your Payeer account.
Repeat this process every 12 hours
An easy $100 per day

>> No.51117598

>download this free virus
Yeah nah

>> No.51117614
File: 20 KB, 585x192, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really doubt that it works but at least its not a virus

>> No.51117662

my antivirus detected it as i ran it in the virtualbox , after you run the jar file it extracts the virus and runs it , virustotal doesnt detect it as its compressed in the jar file same way it doesnt detect viruses in zip files , nice try retard

>> No.51117746

ok my bad then, i didnt run it
even if it wasnt a virus then the runescape server died long ago from what i can see

>> No.51117854

It is. It started as " russian ad method" in feb of this year, you can see this bot on almost every thread rn.
If OP will pass on this, i won't. Let me know.

>> No.51119089

How has nobody typed out the obvious, one-word answer yet?


>> No.51119147

Typical zoomer response eh

>> No.51119148


>> No.51119703
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, C831003C-3725-45A3-A1E1-51FE4CB8540F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good catch anon. Glad I’m not the only one here with some common sense

>> No.51120878

i want to fuck anime girls not be the anime girl
only non-lifters want to be the anime girl

>> No.51120956

How would you rate your dick sucking and ball gargling skills, tranny buddy?

>> No.51120972

I see OP hasn’t been here for hours but I am a social retard who is also hideously ugly so I likely have it worse than you in the fearing others department and I make 75k a year driving for amazon. They hire anyone, and even tiny women can do the work, or even me with my below the female average grip strength. You don’t have to talk to your coworkers, you only see them in the morning and you are all busy loading your trucks then you are all alone on the road.

>> No.51120990
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>When my 100k hbar stack makes me a multi millionaire

>> No.51121459


>> No.51123069

OP was sleeping

>> No.51123084

anime name?

>> No.51124670

Easily bated disgusting amerifat. Your advice is shit. Kill yourself.

>> No.51125497

>>Verification not required.
OP is 19, verification shouldn't be an issue

>you short the market
this is what i do mostly especially with Ride, and i've been doing great, except that i got drunk and bought some DOGE last night, i'm just gonna wait till mid next week and sell.

>> No.51125528

I think you'd be good at keeping lonely truckers company

>> No.51125549

put $0.55 into shibaobamainu387

>> No.51125591

bro get a fucking job, I got my first at 15 at mc donalds as an illegal minor. grow a pair faggot