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51103660 No.51103660 [Reply] [Original]

Why are (You) still invested in crypto?

>> No.51103673

I highly value wealth that is not controlled by/connected to a society I hold nothing but contempt for.

>> No.51103675

It's a liquid asset that I can take over the border with me and can't be confiscated.

>> No.51103678

Then why don't you hold gold lmao

Crypto is not real money.

>> No.51103705

I hate the USA and this is my 2 cts to kill the jew dollar. My accumulation is activism not investing I don't give a fuck. And every and all of my disposable income I put into bitcoin does not go to consooming so win win. I accept I will die poor but nobody wants to get together for a revolution so this is me saying fuck you and retreating.

>> No.51103719

It's a lot harder to actually use gold as money. You can shop online and earn yield with your crypto.

>> No.51103730

sub 80 IQ take, i can only imagine the absolute stench you are emitting

>> No.51103733
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I see. Tell me more.

>> No.51103735

you think this is a fad?
fiat is fucking dead, retard
it's literally fucking over

remember the tornado dev arrested?
same shit happened with torrents, guess why they went after TTP devs instead of taking down the network? because it's fucking impossible

your shitmoney is fucking dead

>> No.51103736

Nobody uses crypto as a currency. Something like 1% of crypto is actually used for transactions.

The vast, vast majority of people who buy crypto are doing so as an "investment" because they think the price is gonna go up and they can make money by holding it.

>> No.51103749

>t. coping bagholder who didn‘t sell like his soccer-mom did in 2021
is this what winning feels like, son? you ARE winning aren‘t ya?!!

>> No.51103761

I have nothing else

>> No.51103763

>t. legitimately retarded take

>> No.51103769

I do.

It's true that most people buying crypto are speculators, but that applies to gold also. If you're going to call gold "real money" then you'd better be ready to post links to somewhere where you can swap your dubloons for computer hardware or whatever, because it's something you can do easily with crypto.

>> No.51103798
File: 40 KB, 850x400, quote-gold-is-money-everything-else-is-credit-j-p-morgan-71-59-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold isn't an investment, it's real money. Nobody buys gold for "insane gains". Especially when interest rates are 0% and you can speculate on risky internet tokens and tech stocks for insane returns.

If you don't understand this, it's over anon.

>> No.51103821

Is it possible to make a more retail post?

>> No.51103832

>t. legitimately rekt bagholder who didn‘t sell
fun fact: worldwide energy crisis vs btc, who wins? green new deal vs btc, who wins?
you arrogant, greedy hyperhomos lost everything already but are attached to the btc meme because you want to stick it to your normie friends who dumped their bags on you while laughing about your delusion, how does it feel holding myspace excel sheets in 2022, you loser?

>> No.51103835

it is supposed to retain its value, show me a graph where inflation and appreciation in value correlate. It is the most manipulated of all. I will buy gold when Russia succeeds in killing the London market with their new Moscow market with real price discovery.

>> No.51103864

then why doesn‘t btc appreciate? it dumps in dollars while dollar devaluates, what kind of retarded are you guys or is this autism? should have been collecting funko pops instead of internet meme beans

>> No.51103876
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>I will buy gold when Russia succeeds in killing the London market with their new Moscow market with real price discovery.
It will be too late by that point. But by all means go ahead and think you can time the market perfectly. Although I agree, this will happen eventually. The Jew manipulated metals markets can not last forever.

With regard to gold being a "poor hedge against inflation". Yes, it has done poorly in the past 10 years. This was not a capitalist free market. 0% interest rates and insane quantitative easing. This is not normal market conditions. Since 2000 gold is up 468%. See pic. Gold works great as a hedge against inflation, but only on long time scales. That's a 10 year cup and handle.

>> No.51103904
File: 525 KB, 728x1589, 1639979039320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold is real money
Work is real money.

>> No.51103920

>worldwide energy crisis vs btc, who wins? green new deal vs btc, who wins?
Btc is a way to make energy production more profitable. Before you go "nuhuh" fucking investigate how energy is produced for 100 hours. So btc wins

>> No.51103925

>Before you go "nuhuh"
>he says as part of a literal nuhuh

>> No.51103927

In one post you say that nobody buys gold for insane gains and in the next you expect the price to skyrocket once the manipulation ends. Keep bagholding your useless gleaming pebbles retard, it should only be another 50 years before you break even with the schizos hoarding canned beans and ammo.

>> No.51103947

sub 50 iq take, impressive that you can even type a comment like that, you coping bagolder.
simple question: why didn‘t you sell? your portfolio is deep red and no amount of faggy cope will change that healthy dose of reality

>> No.51103987

Listen and learn: you are delusional, I heard the same cope from my friend I literally nuhuh begged to sell at 60k and don‘t buy doge at 70 cents. Another very simple question:
I know you are american, how do I know?

>> No.51103994
File: 75 KB, 1084x836, botcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next you expect the price to skyrocket once the manipulation ends.
nah I don't expect insane gains, but I expect it to catch up with inflation.

Enjoy your magic internet tokens that got absolutely rekt and will continue to do so as Fed hikes rates.

>> No.51104015
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>t. zero gains
I hold a small stash of silver and it's the stupidest fucking thing I invested in, meanwhile staking on stuff I bought at the bottom by itself outpaces both inflation and the interest rate on my actual bank account. It's ok to admit you were wrong. Also that picture is retarded, post 2 year or more chart.

>> No.51104036
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>cherry-picked meme 10 year time-frame image
Ah yes

>accuses me of using a cherry-picked time frame of the past year
Ah yes

To be expected from delusional crypto bagholders. Many such cases. 100K EOY

>> No.51104043


>> No.51104063
File: 67 KB, 1200x441, 1660444386052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it cherry picked? You literally posted the chart from the top of a bull market going into a year of war and energy price hikes. $50 in BTC in 2012 would make you a millionaire today, don't be mad at crypto because you picked the wrong horse. Anyone who bought the first covid dip or before 2021 is still up. When your only joy from your investments come from shitting on someone else's investments "failing" despite outperforming yours by literal thousands of times, you picked the wrong investment. I buy gold with my crypto gains, you don't buy anything because you have no gains.

>> No.51104082

>they want to make me feel bad, why is everybody trying to pop my comfy cope bubble?!
ngmi, keep DCAing fag

>> No.51104099

Anyone who bought your shitty Bitcoin bags in the past 2 years is down money, LOTS of it, and yet you still come on here and shill more suckers into buying your inflated bags. to anyone reading this who may be on the fence, DO NOT fall for his bullshit. They need to keep suckering more people in.

Bitcoin is a terrible investment for anyone who didn't get in early.

The past 10 years was an abnormal 0% interest rate quantitative easing fiasco and everyone with a brain knows it. The stimulus party is over. You won't pull the wool over my eyes faggot.

>> No.51104122
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cute girl

>> No.51104132
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>please buy my (literally) heavy bags
I don't own any bitcoin retard. I bought some in like 2020, sold for x2 profit and bought crypto which actually does things in the real world. BTC is like gold in the sense that if you buy either in current year but aren't already rich then you aren't going to get any decent gains out of it. BTC and gold is where you put money after you make it.

>> No.51104146

Yeah and no-one is gonna "make it" following your shitty advice of buying Bitcoin. You lucked out during the bull run and now are shit-talking a solid investment going forward as interest rates head back to normal.

The past 3 years =! the next 3 years.

PMs are looking bullish going forward where many other asset classes are looking risky as hell.

>> No.51104180

I say you're retarded and I don't want to expend any energy explaining my reasoning and I won't even post if the captcha is too hard.

>> No.51104189

Never selling. I'm only going to ever have one check out and one tax bill - when I make it.

>> No.51104192

It moves with stock market. It's like a leveraged investment in stonks without risk of liquidation. It's a great bet against inflation long term

>> No.51104216
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>following your shitty advice of buying Bitcoin
Please show me where I said buy bitcoin in the present tense. Crypto =/= BTC. I didn't luck out, I put months of research in to figure out where to put my money so I can retire within 10 years, and thankfully I'm doing alright in this bear market compared to most. Nobody is retiring from a 4 figure USD gold stack, at least not this century. I'm not shit talking gold, I'm saying you don't buy it to get rich, you buy it when you get rich enough to have wealth worth protecting.

>> No.51104220
File: 748 KB, 1536x2048, 954F92F6-F491-42BE-8C53-F598B3FD3411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t invest in crypto
I save in Bitcoin

>> No.51104312

It's just a terrible ponzi scheme for wagies who have nothing to lose and are in their position because they lack IQ in the first place

in b4




Sirs, crypto has great use value! It is not doing the thankful and reinventing the wheel! It has the needful scalability! Death to fiat, sirs. We all makes it to moon togetheer :)
Pajeet from Bhar, India

>> No.51104340

You're not going to retire, wagie. You should've gone to college and got a real degree in something like engineering. You're a fucking retard and a genetic deadend. All the normies and zoomers have caught on and no one will pump your bags EVER AGAIN. Pajeet even realizes it's over. He will, however, continue to take your money as you helplessly throw it at a meme script with zero use value.

poor gets poorer. The more I see cryptards, the more I start to understand why the Dems want to regulate things. These retards seriously can't take care of themselves or their assets.

>> No.51104378
File: 16 KB, 446x126, 1652831920540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post
Meanwhile, in /pmg/
>comex nearly empty guys
>whales buying!!
>40000000% inflation coming in 2 more weeks, best time to stack is now!
>I can't wait for society to collapse so I can trade rocks for food and ammo
>squeeze any day now!
It's literally r/silversqueeze general.

This post is a perfect example of where your mental health will be if you put any significant amount of money into silver before you're actually rich / retired. Bitter, salty, and has no joy besides trying to make others feel as shitty about their investments as he does, hoping to justify his opportunity cost to himself.

Also I haven't worked a day in 10 years, have fun waging for a few more rocks.

>> No.51105740


>> No.51106396

Tap the link above and start mining the second Bitcoin for free before it is officially released this December

1second Bitcoin = 1 Etherum= 700k

Imagine how much you'll have if you join now before it gets released

Tap the link and verify your account with your nin to start mining for free

>> No.51106500

I know the market is scary dickhead, but earning royalties as a developer when a code is reused by other developers feels like a virgin's cunt

>> No.51106696

Everyone is waiting for the bullrun... The bear is still hurting

>> No.51106725

because if it doesn't pay out I will just end myself

>> No.51106743

You keep your money it deprecates, you invites? It's either it gains or drops. But one thing is sure, you can get you money bag without regret.

>> No.51106783

Stop fucking around with shitcoins, you're gonna smell shit. Invest in ETH as the merged is closer

>> No.51106798

Because gold is a boomer scam that has performed horribly as a store of value and it is not money.

>> No.51106821

Vain hope + bagholding

>> No.51106828

Y'all bullshit are screaming ETH and no faggot is talking about its security challenges.
As far as I know, ETH is a fucked coin to invest on.

>> No.51106948

Aside the merge...
>can ETH Pre-defined it's gas prices given in fiat make
businessmen and company CFOs happy?
No moron will walkaway from fucking deployment fees of data and
transfers recorded on the chain.

>> No.51107331
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Because I don’t care about bear markets or things like that. I play safe and smart. Most of my investment is in BTC and ALGO. BTC is already everybody’s pick for obvious reasons. And if you ask me, Algorand is the best long term investment opportunity. I don’t need that money now, I already make good money. This is for the future.

>> No.51107731

Fear of the unknown, when you don't know what you buy.

>> No.51107761

Same way developers are now the next billionaires.

>> No.51108463

Good reason why retarded developers are attracted by QAN from any programming language with since its development of Librescan.

>> No.51108661

Crypto made me a millionaire almost a decade earlier than I previously anticipated. Next stop is allowing me to retire before I turn 35.

>> No.51108779

what coins should i purchase anons to huge gains

>> No.51108785


>> No.51108833

Bitcoin and Ethereum. Put a few hundred dollars into each every week and you'll be set within 5 years. There's no need to gamble on fad shitcoins.

>> No.51108837

That's a woman

>> No.51108892


>> No.51108936
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Wtf won't I've my funds invested in it, like are you fucking kidding me rn. Yo!! this space be giving me thrills and daily I get to see new tokens that are primed for maximum mainstream adoption. Okay for instance, holoride is out there building the future of in-car entertainment, more like taking a bet on its ability to extend reality from the car seat to the metaverse, where the digital and virtual worlds intertwined. Lots of other gems like STG, METIS and more.

>> No.51109007

You can say that again.

>> No.51109021

STFU bruv with your low minded shitty ass

>> No.51109564

It's a decent asset, but the gas fees suck. A good portfolio is a diverse portfolio. and with the current market I think the best option is stablecoins .

>> No.51109632

Dependent on whether the stablecoin is backed or not and then too, better if you stake it.

>> No.51109669

WTF did you drink too much at the NYE party and only wake up now? Read a newspaper or something you retard.

>> No.51109673

Staking is a bit scary. Especially with the recent hacks, Curve Fi. Celsius, anchor.

>> No.51109694

DeFi middlewares are better to use. More diverse, less risk.

>> No.51109698

Yeah, the hacks, and not the fact that they were obvious Ponzi schemes from the beginning.

>> No.51109718

How did you figure out that they were actual ponzi schemes though, anon
what are DeFi middlewares

>> No.51109746
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Yes. That's why fully audited platforms need to be utilized. Kek. And even then there's always a risk. This is crypto, after all.

They're plugged into several yield generators. Like SPOOL is in AAVE, COMP, IDLE, Harvest etc.

Isn't RIDE on the EGLD ecosystem, jeet

>> No.51109819

I think I looked into USDC on a lower risk pool here, was around 10%. That's not all that great, retard.

>> No.51109843
File: 37 KB, 517x594, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly for the lower risk I'd take it. You can always get a different APY on a different pool. But let me know if you find something fully audited with higher APYs on stables, kek.

>> No.51109934

Tf is wrong with this nigga, hell yeah it is and stop trying to make a point here.

>> No.51109987


>> No.51110015
File: 339 KB, 761x650, DCC141C7-605A-4C1D-82DA-A54091B62B77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag jeet

>> No.51110273

Tf do you mean