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51101035 No.51101035 [Reply] [Original]

I applied for and got hired to do a job way out of my league. I don’t know what the hell I'm going to do. I start Monday. What do, anons

>> No.51101056

Welcome to the working world. Use google

>> No.51101061

could you spare some details anon?

>> No.51101069

Start reading. Take an unusually long time to get your email and default software set up

Spend a lot of time talking to superiors about “how things are done ‘round here” and find a fall boy

>> No.51101071

The less you say,, the better. Find a Quan gook to make you look good

>> No.51101076

The fact that they hired you means the organization is very incompetent. start applying to new jobs in 2 weeks and bleed them for all you can before skipping town.

>> No.51101175


1. Do not attract attention to yourself

2. Do not give impression that you know anything

3. Set expectations low from the start. Pretend to be a complete retard, show slow gradual improvement.

Continue milking this until they start paying more attention to you thats when you know its time to dip.

If you want to keep the job and milk it for as long as possible you might as well learn how to do it. If its good money, why not? If you are even 70% competent and friendly with all your coworkers nobody will try to fire you, you can coast.
After 3 years, you can leverage it into a similar job with more pay. Now you have some experience, it will be easier

>> No.51101210

This makes me feel a little better. Thanks, anon.

>> No.51101249

This guy Jews

>> No.51101364
File: 206 KB, 335x402, shalom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helped me too anon. mostly the quiet quitting part. i'm being sholomoed in doing more work and i just want to coast until I find a better gig. here's a rare pepe, thanks

>> No.51101572
File: 314 KB, 1500x2246, 81Wyg2jAkkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: benevolent architect maxxxing anons psyoping a fag (OP) into how to be a productive member of society

>> No.51104172

my family got me into a job I'm not even qualified for, I'm earning a lot but I feel like a scammer, it makes things easier to lose a lot of money on things like xrm lmao

>> No.51104268

>Set expectations low from the start
Companies know people are often retarded
I’m VERY technically acknowledged, but before interviews I always jerk off and smoke weed
Same for the first week of work
From day one be chill and hide your power level, you get paid the same and you avoid getting overloaded with tasks
If they notice your IQ is above the average it’s over
If you are already retarded just chill and pray
But NEVER, under any circumstances, work your ass off unless it’s your own business

>> No.51104313

Had the exact same feeling with my first job out of college. Week before felt like there's no way I could do it. After 2 weeks of training and sitting around on my ass I was just thinking "okay, give me some actual hard shit to do"

It's like this everywhere, anon. You'll get past it

>> No.51105028

if they ask you something just tell them you need to think about it and to call you back later. in the meantime just google the answer. boomers will unironically think you are an expert

>> No.51106390

same bro,, but i started this week
but it is my dream job and now im still sitting here posting on chans
ill get to work once I clear the board

>> No.51106450
File: 124 KB, 1024x1018, E20C0F98-8944-4543-8F66-1E252A6DCEE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin LOL this is me except it’s a GOVERNMENT job and they can’t fire me. Looking to pick up that 10-year pin next spring.

>> No.51107695

Stop stealing my moves
So did i. Except no one does really anything and Im given months to accomplish shit. The more money u make the less work u do

>> No.51108736
File: 84 KB, 640x1003, 9c8t1nil1ia81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, just remember, there are people far richer, more successful, and who are flying in private jet or fixing problems who are vastly more inept and stupid then you. You've got this. WAGMI.

>> No.51108764

You're going to be working with normies. Normies are retarded faggots. You'll be fine.

>> No.51110168

If your work catches on just say you have developed depression due to personal issues and that you are going to therapy, they won’t ask questions and will give you space. You can also claim to have learning disability or something, most office roasties self diagnose themselves with shit like that

>> No.51110343

Pay a virtual assistant in the Philippines to do everything for you