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51100949 No.51100949 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone keeps saying where does the money come from to pay this off? The money isn't printed, as it was printed when the loan originated, so it shouldn't inflate the supply. As far as I can tell it is basically an investment in human capital, maybe not quite an investment, rather a reward for overpaying for tuition that has inflated due to privatization of schools on a for-profit basis. I feel like it's not so bad, i mean this is 3-400billion that will NOT be available to send to Ukraine. You can be mad that some of the money will go to gender studies majors, sure, but a lot of it will also go to stem degree holders, business, philosophy, and other meaningful skilled degree holders. If they are freed up from paying back money to a loan that initially inflated supply and they are then able to spend that money in the future on goods and services this will increase overall GDP. I've heard the argument that no one has been paying these last two years, but this effect doesn't have to be immediate, it WILL happen as that forgiven amount WILL be available to purchase goods and services in the future, and sooner than if the forgiveness had not happened. The whatabouts on twatter and fox etc don't seem to understand that investing in human capital in their own country is exactly what they've been screaming for for years, and now that investment in america has happened they're all butthurt about 5% of the people benefiting because they have a meme degree. Seems like manufactured division just like always. Jews. That's all.

>> No.51100991

You are overthinking it. Instead of the libtard paying back the lender for their 10k in gender studies, the tax payer pays it instead.

>> No.51100992

Anon, it’s a gift. You don’t ask how much it cost or where they got it. You accept, say “thank you” and be happy they were thinking of you

>> No.51101181

debtors that don't pay back their loans deserve the rope. fuck outta here with this BS cope.

>> No.51101204

That is 10k more that can be spent in the economy, thus creating more inflation as their money should be tied back into the loan, not essentially double spent.

I hope you didn't pay for an education...

>> No.51101211
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You WILL thank her for her service.

>> No.51101213
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>the tax payer pays it instead.
yeah i get that, but that doesn't support the argument that people are putting forward that this is inflationary, yeah someone pays it, but it is tax dollars going to americans and not foreign aid. what percentage of graduates graduate with meme degrees vs graduates with stem degrees? i don't think focusing on the retards that happen to get a portion of these gibs makes sense as it is a small portion of them, most people get real degrees.
>You don’t ask how much it cost or where they got it. You accept, say “thank you” and be happy they were thinking of you
thank you, this will make my finance degree 10k cheaper, thanks to all taxpayers for this gift.

>> No.51101233

>not essentially double spent.
it's not double spent you fucking retard, it's paid by taxpayer dollars, as i state in the OP. it's an investment in american talent.

>> No.51101640

>yeah I get that, but that doesn't support the argument that people are putting forward that this is inflationary
You clearly don’t get it. Depending on the interest rate wiping out $10k in debt erases $100-$150 in monthly payments. This is money now available to chase goods and services that wasn’t a part of previous demand.

The estimated debt forgiven is $329 bil so at $10k each you say $33 million people qualify this is an extra $3.3 bil in monthly discretionary consumer spending. Us Consumer spending is roughly 4.5 trillion per month so if spending cash this is a 1% increase in demand on top of 9% inflation.

And that’s just if people spend the cash as it comes in. Remember these are all people who took out 10s of thousands of dollars in loans to begin with so there is no reason to think they would make an immediate big purchase on a credit card that results in $100-$150 in monthly payments further accelerating the demand increase and inflationary effects

>> No.51101696

Do people really think 10,000 is way too much? Especially when it's going to Americans trying to increase their value in the world?
>B-But gnederstudies
Notice how no one who posts this argument EVER say how many people have these meme majors at all? Because it's a strawman. Yes, theoretically you could major in dance therapy, but how many people actually do? Usually the problem is that people pick majors that are too hard for them (see 50% of Biology students) and end up dropping out.

>> No.51101783

that's a man

>> No.51101792
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Pay it off, wagies

>> No.51101821

It increases borrowing capacity, enabling fresh credit creation

>> No.51102055

>You clearly don’t get it. Depending on the interest rate wiping out $10k in debt erases $100-$150 in monthly payments. This is money now available to chase goods and services that wasn’t a part of previous demand.
this is money velocity, not inflation. high velocity can increase prices due to supply and demand of goods, however this is not inflation of the money supply, just normal economics. as demand increases so will supply to constrain prices with the overall effect being an increase in GDP
>The estimated debt forgiven is $329 bil so at $10k each you say $33 million people qualify this is an extra $3.3 bil in monthly discretionary consumer spending. Us Consumer spending is roughly 4.5 trillion per month so if spending cash this is a 1% increase in demand on top of 9% inflation.
the fact that it doesn't offset all inflation over the entire economy doesn't mean that this is inflationary. i don't know if you understand what inflation is. this doesn't expand the money supply.
>And that’s just if people spend the cash as it comes in. Remember these are all people who took out 10s of thousands of dollars in loans to begin with so there is no reason to think they would make an immediate big purchase on a credit card that results in $100-$150 in monthly payments further accelerating the demand increase and inflationary effects
>there is no reason to think they would make an immediate big purchase
i don't think you read the OP
>I've heard the argument that no one has been paying these last two years, but this effect doesn't have to be immediate, it WILL happen as that forgiven amount WILL be available to purchase goods and services in the future, and sooner than if the forgiveness had not happened

>> No.51102125

>Pay it off, wagies
you promised us that by getting a degree that it would open doors and it could be paid off, after all, the boomers were able to do it, but that's not an apples to apples comparison. boomers cost of college in relation to wages was vastly different than what it is today, tuition is 10x what it was for them. then they promised that with that degree we would be able to get more money, then they started companies and drove wages down essentially trapping their own offspring by making a promise that was a lie, they probably didn't know it was a lie, but an 18 year old kid would trust a parent that promised them and the proof was that the parent did what they said, albeit without doing any research to make sure that what they were claiming was *still true* as it very clearing wasn't/isn't based on wages, tuition cost, and inflation from endless money printing for foreign wars and foreign aid that just ends up right back in the pockets of the children of the politicians that get their kids jobs in the countries they are sending all this aid to. those politicians were ELECTED by the people that lies to us about college and how much it would benefit us. the way i see it, boomers tricked us, and i'm never going to feel bad about them paying up now for what they allowed to happen. thanks for the 10k.

>> No.51102159

>that's a man
there's a few of them in that pic. some quite famous.

>> No.51102163

i read the sticker hehe

>> No.51102162
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>> No.51102180

>it's an investment in degenerate self entitlement commie niggers

>> No.51102268

Biden ran on student loan forgiveness and did nothing until now. Now he is flashing around a paltry 20k and I don't believe him. When this falls through he will dangle student debt forgiveness in front of our faces again in two years and everyone here will forget his lies for a third time.

Cap it, you know it's true.

>> No.51102381

>it WILL happen as that forgiven amount WILL be available to purchase goods and services in the future

Too much purchasing power and not enough supply is a problem right now retard.

>> No.51102399
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You don't get it. This move is peak jewish demoralization.
What kind of message is it sending to the financially responsible, honest people who were teached nothing is free in this life?
This is the message :
>you can be completely reckless, consequences are a thing of the past, daddy gubment will bail you out anyway furthering the decaying of you currency
>why would you put efforts in anything and being honest? Honesty is for KEKS. Just take a loan and don't pay it back, life is that easy goy

This is the promotion of extreme decadence. It's the elites showing us how they lived off our back for the past 50 years.
NOT being completely financially reckless is being heavily punished. Just like savers have been heavily punished for the past 3 generations. Meritocracy is dead. Only parasites (from top and bottom) are getting rewarded in our system. This is sickening and yet another sign we are in the end days of the judeocracy.

t. decided to become a parasite from the bottom because i couldn't cope with the fact of being from the wagie slave class

>> No.51102425

Just give everyone a million dollars so we can all be rich ;)

>> No.51102428
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>> No.51102470

Banks create credit (money) by changing numbers against accounts on their ledgers. They simply did the reverse and removed $10-20,000 from the ledger of those debtors. Look into fiat money, it's always created out of thin air (extending credit) when ever they want to spend and it has been that way since we moved off the gold standard. It's becoming noticeable now because the pool of fiat is so large an insane amount has to be printed to do anything. At least the dollar is a lot healthier than any other currency of all the other top 10 economies so the US can get away with this shit so long as other currencies are shitting the bed at a faster rate.

>> No.51102484
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>> No.51102495

Ahh so you're clueless about the reality of the US banking system? Why are you on this board again?

>> No.51102510

Educate yourself. Here is something even a 4 year old could follow.

>> No.51102539

100% guaranteed that bitch is on disability.

>> No.51102541

I'm not mocking your explanation of money creation, but this line
>At least the dollar is a lot healthier than any other currency
The milkshake theory is everything but healthy. The USD is ballooning out of existence and it's only a matter of years before all foreign actors start abandoning it because it's getting too strong.

>> No.51102568

Its still money being given to the lender in exchange for some loans being closed out. Whether it is printed or not, it is likely going to be added to the books/records and it will have some sort of impact. You're crazy if you think this has any impact on future government spending IE sending money to Jewkraine. Pretty obvious now that the government doesn't care about overdoing it.
Spending the money on goods and services in the future may increase GDP, but it may increase inflation as well. It'll also lead to more people wanting to live life on easy mode and universities increasing tuition which is already higher now than it was when these loans were created. Everything the government does have good and bad reactions. If you didn't get 10k, you're likely experience some type of bad reaction from this. The government can never help everyone after all.

>> No.51102580
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your taxes don't pay for shit. you are misinformed. you're living in a collapsing ponzi

>> No.51102583

The new kike definition of inflation conflated things like velocity of money, CPI, etc. with inflation.

In classical terms of inflation, what's happening is the government is not getting back money that it underwrote for loans (via banks) so now instead of pulling $300B out of the money supply we're just wiping away those debts so effectively the $300B injected into the money supply previously via these government backed loans is permanent, whereas before it would've been canceled out by the repayments. However you want to look at it, we simply removed a deflationary pressure on $300+ billion and we've opened the door to the remaining $1.4 trillion or whatever the student loan bubble is at now.

What's hilarious about all this is the same people who took out the loans won't understand what's going on, they'll continue to make poor financial decisions, and inflation will just rob them even more because they'll still be just as useless as ever.

>> No.51102587

This too. Don't be surprised when they jump out of one bad loan and get a bad mortgage. They didn't make the right choice form the beginning and they won't make the right choice again.

>> No.51102630

Wagies literally paying for me to continue working towards becoming an M.D. Fucking retards.

>> No.51102694

I fucked up my back in construction and living off my savings right now. Savings getting smaller everyday with all these bills getting passed for more inflation. Good luck on your career though. I just find it hilarious now.

>> No.51102764

the tax payer is not paying more in taxes. the tax payer is only paying what they've always been paying. all new government spending that further increases the deficit is payed for by the inflationary policy of debt monitization. all American consumers "pay" for this new government spending, not just the tax payers.

>> No.51102915

>wall of text trying and failing to justify the desperate actions of a dying administration
rope yourself, retard

>> No.51103088

>559k liberal arts & humanities enrollments in 2020
source https://datausa.io/profile/cip/liberal-arts-humanities
>I can't find data anywhere about how many new students started college per year; total enrolled students in 2020 was about 20 million (all years, public and private).
I'd say it's probably shockingly higher than you think, also considering it's more women starting college than men.
Why tf doesn't any statistics site provide data on new students and what they choose, or graduations in absolute numbers per year? It looks like hiding something. I say that as a European where these numbers are published every year and governments limit places depending on market demand.

>> No.51103103

>4 degrees
For what reason?

>> No.51103104

I have a question for anyone willing to answer.

What if I were to take out loans up to 20k?
I haven't taken any loans out at all and currently in my Junior year. I use grants and such to pay for most of my tuition and since I use financial aid and I am poor.
I'm thinking if they are going to forgive it anyways, why shouldn't I just take out the loans. I would definitely take more classes so I can finish faster and even if they didn't forgive them, it would be 10k I owe and my major is in finance so I'm confident that I can pay it back without struggling.

Anyone want to give me some insight?

>> No.51103112
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Agreed. Pic related from 2020.

>> No.51103128

The way I see it, is they're alleviating made up numbers to begin with. Sitting in a class for 1-4 hours hearing the teacher's life stories and having to open up the textbook or Khan academy at home is not worth more than minimum wage. Consider building maintenance, electricity, and general staff, it's still not worth $40k a semester, and over 30 years ago, it wasn't. Blame the Jew looking for a way to hide their spending by taking it out on naive goy.

>> No.51103146

socialism is for literal retards, these people need a bullet between the eyes

>> No.51103163

oh yeah shes hot thats the type of pussy i wanna lick

>> No.51103435
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It's always been a fucking scam, anon. They've just taken the mask off now. Do you think the J&ws in congress paid off all their loans for their masters degree at an ivy league? Of course not. Daddy goldstein phoned up his buddy shekelberg in the finance sector and pulled some strings to absolve the debt. People have always cheated the system. You need to question your actual intellect if you think you should continue being principled and virtuous when the only ones who get ahead in life are those who lie, cheat, and steal.

>> No.51103654

bill goes to the treasury
treasury eventually just makes more junk bonds and sells them to the fed, ponzi scheme goes on

>> No.51103781

The fed fucked up but every other central bank fucked up worse. Check the USD against any other fiat

>> No.51103826
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Just don't pay em, lmao.