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51100713 No.51100713 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51100722

remember to pay your taxes

>> No.51100725

why do people pretend politicians have autonomy and aren't just well-paid employees

>> No.51100733
File: 544 KB, 1673x1645, UA Fagg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger executive branch of government is NO Uing on twitter

>> No.51100744

do tradefags and eurofags really?

>> No.51100854

I was on the fence about Republicans needing the rope too. The last few months pretty much solidified it for me.
>Inb4 No shit retard cuck
I'm new. Massie and Paul get a pass.

>> No.51100922

Well I guess now I have to accept more taxes because one person was forgiven.

>> No.51100977

I hate MTG but that's pretty retarded. The government literally forced businesses to shut down during the pandemic so of course they should have more responsibility over the problems they created. They did not however force people to go to college.

>> No.51100994


>> No.51101002

Is this the 'gotcha' that it appears to be? Not American so I don't know
Did she ask for her PPP loans to be forgiven or was it done automatically? If she didn't ask/request it then I don't see how it invalidates her point

>> No.51101026
File: 234 KB, 442x446, EF3644DC-8F17-41CD-B3FC-2F46DB3C9C68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that photo
Also checked

>> No.51101041


College is a requirement for the advancement of society and collective knowledge. It is a virtue in pursuit of happiness and a education is a right.

>> No.51101055

Please kys

>> No.51101060

The PPP loans were initially offered with a wink a nudge that they would be forgiven. You must submit documentation and request for a PPP loan to be forgiven.
Students do not need to ask for forgiveness, the outstanding balance for all government student loans will be reduced by $10-20k

>> No.51101065

the government also forced businesses to shut down

>> No.51101079

>They did not however force people to go to college.
This system literally forces peopleto go to college for a middle class job, you absolute monkey LMFAO holy SHIIIIIT people this retarded actually browse biz hahahahaha. Probably a retarded senile boomer.

And no, my tax payer money shouldn't go to welfare for the rich. You are NOT entitled to MY money.

>> No.51101080

These people call themselves Christians and yet they get mad when people are forgiven even if they don’t deserve it lmao.

>> No.51101084

I like how the whitehouse twitter account is openly talking shit against sitting congressmen/women
we are an empire in decline. the movie idiocracy seems less funny by the day

>> No.51101086

most people piss away their college years drinking because they get loans and don't appreciate any of it. most people are too retarded for higher education anyway

>> No.51101089

PPP loans were specifically created for the purpose of forgiveness; they were stimulus during the initial pandemic lockdowns

>> No.51101090


you dont have an argument so thats what you resort to? Pathetic.

>> No.51101092

you first, down syndrome

>> No.51101114
File: 69 KB, 600x842, FDED3E0F-45E1-4F7D-A6A9-EBEBF9B301BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>education is a right
>I'm entitled to someone else's money and labor.
We should incentivize our people to seek higher education in relevant fields. Stealing from people to give gender studies retards a handout is nonsense. I have some taxpayer funded rope here. It's a human right.

>> No.51101123
File: 89 KB, 251x242, 1658951405617720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51101145

jackass. Employers have irrelevant degrees as a barrier to entry. A bachelor's degree basically became the new high school degree

>> No.51101152

There's no use in arguing anymore. There's a good chance u need loan forgiveness which also means ur probably demoralized quite a bit. judging by your response it seems as though u hit a nerve. Gg

>> No.51101153

Society is not advanced by people getting degrees in business, communications, law, or lesbian dance theory. STEM degrees pay themselves off anyway.

>> No.51101177

for you, retardo

>> No.51101195

Why exactly do you think useless degrees became a requirement? Because all the employers got together one day and decided to be evil and force people into debt for no reason? Or because degrees are so ubiquitous now that even retards have them, because even retards can get student loans?

>> No.51101200


I don't but I qualify for it (made 70k in 2020, make 230k now). I appreciate tax payer money finally going back to the people, especially the poor instead of wasteful military expenses and mismanaged healthcare

>> No.51101224

>Because all the employers got together one day and decided to be evil and force people into debt for no reason?
This one, retard. Employers are the problem for making them a barrier to entry. The only reason people go to college is BECAUSE of this, retard. Think for a second. Say tomorrow all employers said "degrees aren't needed anymore". You really don't think you'd see massive dropouts of like 90%?
People don't go for "fun", dumbass

>> No.51101235

Almost every single checkmark cocksucker whining about debnt relief has a PPP where they got it forgiven.

What business was hers? What business did she run that she'd have 183,504 in expenditures needed? For a shut-down period of what, 2 weeks? Unless she was running some restaurant or something that had a physical location, and looking at her wiki she was just shitposting on conspiracy sites. So where's our 4chan PPP loan forgiveness?

>> No.51101247

Shifting goalposts. That has nothing to do with what I said and does not counter it.

>> No.51101254

Also fucking think. Debt slaves = desperate = more leverage for employers. Employers LOVE people that have no choice but to work because it makes them less flaky aka won't just quit when they get fed up. It's the same fucking reason they prefer hiring people that have a family. Because people with a family can't just quit as they need to feed and pay for their housing, idiot.

holy FUCK. Is the concept of leverage really this foreign to you retards?

>> No.51101259


False, some STEM degrees (especially basic sciences like biology, chem etc) make mediocre money. Critical thinking is important for running businesses and managing projects, and these are learned through many fields in school even in the humanities. Also many social services and non-profit orgs do not pay well, and if you don't stick around for a whole 10 years you don't get debt forgiven. What a scam.


Many do but it doesn't make sense why US education is expensive compared to prestigious institutions in Europe or Asia.

>> No.51101303

I didn't shift, jackass. This was the comment you responded to:
>College is a requirement for the advancement of society and collective knowledge. It is a virtue in pursuit of happiness and a education is a right.
If anything YOU shifted the goal post, LOL. THEIR point was what I just clarified. That employers use degrees as a barrier to entry. I don't agree with how the retard said that it is a "pursuit to happiness" nor something useful. They are retarded dumb faggots for saying that. They are however correct in saying you need a degree for a decent job because employers ask for pointless degrees for jobs now.

>> No.51101494

The dollar isn't real anyway. Who cares where they want to throw it around? If it was literally a stack of gold they were moving around, then I would care.

>> No.51101635

>Many do but it doesn't make sense why US education is expensive compared to prestigious institutions in Europe or Asia.

I mean it makes perfect sense, it's a racket. It's not a world of rational logic, it's:

>High schools want college to be essential else students won't really give such a shit, funding will be reduced as trade schools or some other means of advancement will become important
>Colleges obviously want it to be important
>College sports want it to be important, and by extension so do professional sports that pick from college students rather than high school students.
>Government wants it because debt slavery
>Employers want it because desperation.

Couple it with America being peak boomerist "Fuck you I got mine" and the way that they are the first generation in the past 120 years to actively want the future generation worse off. Not even lying they literally want their kids or their kid's kids to be worse off than they are and are happy to see it.

Republicans are retarded because while you can be against gibmedats, they don't offer anything but reaganomic 'by the boot strap herp derp pick yourself up hippie" as if the college rates of 2016 are the college rates of 1982. Not even a reasonable solution of "You have to pay it back but the interest is frozen, and in exchange the current loan system is fixed so we don't kick this can down the road".

Country is fucked.

>> No.51102902

god she looks DUMB

>> No.51102928
File: 83 KB, 645x770, le_pol_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of fucking retard the system lets get in power to make people look retarded for even sharing a few positions with. I fucking hate this bitch!

>> No.51102950

you should be killed.

>> No.51103032

Just wait until the IRS comes knocking. Debt that is forgiven is treated as earned income.

I look forward to the screeching that will occur over that.

>> No.51103034

So the White House twitter is now weaponized against political opponents? This intern is insane. PPP loans were a goddamn scam but most companies applied for them.

>> No.51103052

Are they going to start tweeting at Democrat politicians too that took out these PPP loans? Hell they should tweet out Pelosi's rate of return as the best investor the world has ever seen.

>> No.51103056

Fucking retard lol. 18 year old kids are pressured into 6 figure loans under their name because they feel they have no other option. She's an adult with a fully developed brain leeching off the government