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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51091412 No.51091412 [Reply] [Original]

is this book worth a read for sub 150 iq midwits? will I get filtered?

>> No.51091430

If it is a redpill book on kikes then it’s 100% worth a read

>> No.51091437

explain the snake symbol

>> No.51091553

>satan is god, serve him to have power
>all signs can have exoteric and esoteric (subconscious) meaning
>use ritual to entrain yourself and others on the willful use of subconscious, semantically dense language
>talk over the heads of goyim using your shared language

>> No.51091578

read into hermetic philosophy

>> No.51091589

You can generate that crap with GPT3 and it will look just as genuine

>> No.51091615


>> No.51091696

endless cycle of life and rebirth
male and female principles combining to form a cohesive whole
who cares, theosophists venerate lucifer

>> No.51091721
File: 104 KB, 768x1024, c42c2a9fa4a4d4928ff58ee59d51a9aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont bother with blavatsky, read pic rel and hermetic texts http://www.gnosis.org/library/hermet.htm

>> No.51091795


this is the utmost introductory text to satanism

>> No.51091830
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what is the T supposed to mean? almost looks like a cross...

>> No.51091870

literally kys

>> No.51091900

Why? It explains perfectly what real satanism is, and how self-professed "satanists" are mostly useful idiots

>> No.51091910

>tfw 149 IQ midwit

>> No.51091922

mind you, this is not an explicit endorsement of these beliefs. Just good explanatory texts

>> No.51092188
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>> No.51092201

>what satanism isn’t: le bad
>what satanism is: le good
sure thing pal

>> No.51092283

it's from the POV of a satanist you nitwit

>> No.51092291

Which is it?

>> No.51092863

> endless cycle of life and rebirth
male and female principles combining to form a cohesive whole
That’s oriborus, genius.

>> No.51092881
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Does it really matter?

>> No.51092923

desu OP you're better off reading Rene Guenon and he dismissed Blavatsky as a hack, having personally known her cult

this guy knows
it's spelled Ouroboros and that's just a symbolic example of the bigger underlying principle which the anon you replied to approached better

>> No.51092958

Theosophists worship Christ not Satan. They equate Christos with Lucifer (Morning Star, Venus). You are clueless and probably a christcuck

>> No.51092986

>They equate Christos with Lucifer
funny how gnostics or any sort of derivative always end up inverting every principle Christ taught.
>muh synthesis
Nah, just excuses for degradation and moving away from God. Clever satanism, but I guess you won't admit that because that would mean owing up to your moral failures.

>> No.51093006

This thread is proof that religious people are literal retards.

>> No.51093008

or maybe chirstcucks took it from every other religion

>> No.51093011

I fucked your mom.

>> No.51093215

it's the brazen serpent moses lifted in the wilderness.


>> No.51093226

>not the bible
Not worth reading.

>> No.51093266

>will I get filtered?
Never understood this. Never experienced this. Why give up so easily?

>> No.51093412

except those arent gnostics, they're an offshoot of Hebraic Freemasonry

>> No.51093745


>> No.51093758

actually jews

>> No.51093953

ITT: Schizos discussing stuff that doesn't exist outside of their own breed of schizophrenia.
Great bussines & finance thread. Yet when I post a thread asking how to make 50 bucks a day in passive income the thread gets deleted and I get banned 3 days. Great job, everyone. Great job.

>> No.51094005

>a thread asking how to make 50 bucks a day in passive income
99% of those threads are made by 1pbti bots trying to shill their shitcoin

>> No.51094145

Yet this thread belongs in /x/, you schizo

>> No.51094168

kys, nufag

>> No.51094819

occult practices are tieres signalling games
finance is a tiered signalling game
finance is occultism
you phillistine

>> No.51096180

>funny how gnostics or any sort of derivative always end up inverting every principle Christ taught.
this. i went down the faggy gnostic rabbithole and came back right to what you just said.
it's literally a jewish trick.

>> No.51096203


>> No.51096978

You sound like an angry midwit who is upset that he can't figure out how to get the autists to tell him how to make money. Go fuck yourself you fucking loser.

>> No.51097385
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Do NOT do this. Christ loves you, and reading this book is a gateway for DEMONS to torment your life. Reach out to Christ through the bible and He will receive you in love. Bless you anon

>> No.51097594
File: 490 KB, 1060x1882, FA9C1E2D-8C52-4841-9359-9C4FC2BBEF9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the unlearned fool everyone, point and laugh. In the Bible Satan is a counterfeit, he transforms himself into and angel of light, etc. God has a Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ. Likewise the devil has a Christ… Antichrist. Christ is merely a title, it is not a name. Of course use that know the truth know the true Lord Jesus of the King James Bible, and he is the true Christ.

They worship some universal Christ (antichrist), not the Christ Jesus of the King James Bible.

How to get truly saved from hellfire: >>392473142
Bible Truth: >>392473203

>> No.51097652

How to get truly saved from hellfire: >>51097621
Bible Truth: >>51097639

>> No.51097694

I tried reading the Bible. I really did. I read James Chapter 2 and I hate it. I hate the egalitarian message. I want to be able to judge people if I so choose. I can't stomach it.

>> No.51097699
File: 453 KB, 1080x1431, 55A4A7BD-410B-46B8-B5B8-23FE1E285FFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don’t read books!! just read my dogma that was changed many times to fit political power!!

>> No.51097771

What do you know about the principles Christ taught christkike? Those ain’t the principles you got from sanhedrin and jewish terrorists aka retarded disciples who got told to start a revolution everywhere except Judea or else they’d like Christ.

>> No.51097787

>you were made imperfect and you should feel bad that you behave imperfectly

>> No.51097794

>christkike retard

>> No.51097802

That book is exclusively for midwits, so you'll fit right in.

>> No.51097805


kys, low iq retard

>> No.51097814

Jesus died literally like countless other people, christkikes literally think:
>must be snake on cross allegory!!! So deep

>> No.51097829

>I only read one book full of logical contradictions aka pilpul
>I’m proud of being npc cattle

>> No.51097835

Try praying to Christ. Your mistake If egalitarianism is what you saw, then you're still thinking in political terms.

>> No.51097843

>t. has never prayed

>> No.51097867

King James Bible is trash written on layers on top of layers of manipulated, cherry picked and subverted texts. Do christkikes even know the history of their own religion? haha of course not ignorance is virtue

>> No.51097884

>the message is objectively wrong given its fruits in the world and collective experience of history
>but did you try repeating empty phrases?

>> No.51097895

and there are a lot of them, unfortunately. religion was the first distributed ledger

>> No.51097909

>has no argument
>hurr durr he didn’t repeat our empty phrases
Christkikes are filth and any chance for the Aryan race to survive depends on getting rid of this npc cancer for good

>> No.51098079
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White and Christian are one and the same
lurk moar

>> No.51098089

I am correct, nothing you say will prove me wrong. Jews are the greatest conspiracy of all time and responsible for everything bad

>> No.51098141

>instead of using text, email, encrypted chat or any other modern communications system, the elite are going to "signal" each other in highly public means, because reasons
>this is definitely not just an example of the human mind being a pattern recognition machine, prone to applying intention or agency to inanimate things like muh meaningful numbers

>> No.51098176
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>> No.51098605
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That's how magic and symbols work, fucktard.

>> No.51098672

>esoteric means subconscious


>> No.51098702

in this case they are inextricable

>> No.51098706

funny how you can go to jail for the gorillion but can say the earth is flat. Funny how that works init?

>> No.51098809 [DELETED] 

Syscon is merge-mined with bitcoin and as such it leverages the most proven security in the crypto industry. DYOR

>> No.51099343

Or maybe you're just a fucking idiot wasting your life?

>> No.51099534

Numbers 21:9

>9 So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. And if a serpent bit anyone, he would look at the bronze serpent and live.

>> No.51099664
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Satan is a fag that is hell's oldest prisoner not the king of it. Satan can only do what God allows him to do and God also knows everything that Satan will do so. Satan isn't cool he's a wuss all he can do is tempt man to sin and hopes that they don't repent and pay penance before they die so they go to hell too.

>> No.51099717

>Ehhhmaaageerdddddd worship Jew gods!!
>Deny Jesus goys!!
>Forget everything he said, he never existed, plus we have SAGES! You don't need to Son of God!

Esoteric fags are such fags

>> No.51100486
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>> No.51100546
File: 159 KB, 764x744, MONTALKISGOOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here's some books you fags

>> No.51100558
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>> No.51100570
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>> No.51100590
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>> No.51100620
File: 55 KB, 720x445, evola on christfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all, folks. Fuck jannies, fuck niggers, fuck jews, and fuck christcucks

>> No.51100627

ok its kind of uncanny

>> No.51100692

>the elite are going to "signal" each other in highly public means
They do numbnuts, where have you been the last 20 years. It's part of their magic to publicly reveal their plans.

>> No.51100694


>> No.51100759
File: 106 KB, 735x420, EE09E8D3-8BB3-4208-95FE-7AE377CCA63F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking esoteric advice from a LARPing womyn who claimed her knowledge was passed down to her from “ascended masters”
KEK, all that hermetic/Freemason/Rosicrucian shit is just saying in a long winded roundabout way so they didn’t get burnt at the stake by Christ cucks what Buddhists and certain sects of Hinduism already knew “the mind is all” aka you’re just a character in Gods dream basically and you and everything in reality come and are that same source. You just need a solid meditation practice to realize this stuff and not spend decades reading a million books that claim that the mother Mary is code for the secret ingredient of the moonbeam sulphur hypotenuse hidden in the holy cross that if read at midnight on the 33rd moon will grant you eternal life.

>> No.51100790

>spams a wall of books
>fuck chistfags
>has zero understand of Jesus teachings
All that reading and zero enlightenment. SAD!

>> No.51100828

Great finance and business thread you boyos have going on here. Keep the good work up, pray to baby jesus to keep you from dying in your sleep and remember to swallow all of your meds. No spitting them out.

>> No.51100868

Elites practice Hermeticism indeed

>> No.51100869
File: 95 KB, 963x1024, christcuck double-standards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo don't seek a broad education in your areas of interest, just trust the jews!

>> No.51100879

Imagine being so enraged by someone you MUST click the thread and denounce him.
>Jewish things

>> No.51100880
File: 596 KB, 1536x2048, 3FE3539C-84DB-4710-84EB-263B0B5739AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were looking for this OP. It is the key to unlimited wealth.

>> No.51100901

Not doing this pupil argument with you. Jesus was not a kike. Kikes are not Israelites. DYOR.

>> No.51100984

>this is definitely not just an example of the human mind being a pattern recognition machine, prone to applying intention or agency to inanimate things like muh meaningful numbers

>> No.51100993
File: 1013 KB, 1085x808, christcuck paradise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we wuz the real jews

is someone keeping score? >>51097699

>> No.51101886

so evola is into ceremonial magick? Is this in keeping the roman/greek traditions alive?

>> No.51101967
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If you're actually not a Jew, you should do your research. I won't convince you, only you can do that. You've fallen for Jewish tricks on the last hurdle. Do you think Hitler was a Jew too?

Fuck organized religion. Jesus is the truth. Don't trust kike subversion of his message.

>> No.51101982

All the contents in that book can be aquired through observation and contemplation, there nothing in there that cant be obtained looking at life and the universe. The "ultimate truth" is unspeakable therefore nobody will ever be able to teach you. Just go live your life.

It stands for theosophy. Any other answer is just retarded

>> No.51102570

So bottom Nov 11th?

>> No.51102777


>> No.51102954


>> No.51102967
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>> No.51103002

>just price to earnings ratio bro!!! just read accounting bro!!!

>> No.51103172

it stands for trans-sexual.
(theosophical society)