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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5110020 No.5110020 [Reply] [Original]

I have only $500 to put down on a coin. I am going to go all in. Which one has the most moon potential by 2019?

Shill me.

>> No.5110024

all in OMG. You'll have a better chance at 'moon'

>> No.5110037

Go 50/50 and thank me later

>> No.5110043

ready for liftoff monaco that's what our National Markets Planner said.

>> No.5110064

>Top 20
>1.3B market cap

How much upside potential does is actually have? The moon from rank 80 to 20 is much more lucrative than the moon from 20 to 10.

>> No.5110273

If you're looking for a true moonshot with such a low amount you should be looking for some smaller cap coins. As you said 1.3b marketcap how much more can it honestly grow? Even if it somehow reached 100bil thats only 100x money. You get yourself a nice 5mil cap coin that goes to 500mil and you make the same with a greater chance

>> No.5110288


>> No.5110306


>> No.5110319


>> No.5110328


>> No.5110401

Any advice for discovering such coins?

>> No.5110458

I hold large amounts of both. LINK is far riskier but is a potential 100x. REQ is safer but you're probably looking at 10x max from here with steady gains if they keep producing.

>> No.5110611
File: 146 KB, 1440x2560, tipsnotlarper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just browse coinmarketcap and look for coins that have low caps but decent volumes. Ive been doing this since the beginning of the year and passed 6 figures recently. This is a nice read that gives a simple version of what to do.


Pic related. I think DBIX or Embermine and its different projects could do something great. Maybe look into VIB of HVN.

>> No.5110654

Then your investment strategy needs a rework if you just recently passed 6 digits even though you are in since early 2017

>> No.5110658

Thank you.

>> No.5110663

If you don't put into Stellar you're fucking stoopid

>> No.5110667

I would sniff her farts for $50 btc. Fuck.

>> No.5110683


>> No.5110684


>> No.5110685

Too high cap. Can't go more than 10x before crash

>> No.5110696

He has probably made more money than most people on this board lol

>> No.5110698

I started with like 700 bucks dude in ETH and BTC at the beginning of the year. How many of you tards have got this far? Offer some real advice or let the big boys talk.

>> No.5110715

/biz/ are a salty bunch, I wouldn't let their words get to you. Passing 6 figures in the Crypto world is amazing stuff. You've made more money than anyone else in their working life this year, except for the higher paying jobs.

>> No.5110720
File: 11 KB, 511x435, 1513409288480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started in late october with 7k and only have 35k

>> No.5110745

Made more doing that than you would have working bro. How many other people could say they turned 7 into 35?

>> No.5110762

put $100 in hawallalalalalalalalallalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaa!!

>> No.5110769

True. I just didn't want people to discount my advice was all. Just trying to drop some nuggets for the people that will listen

>> No.5110808
File: 36 KB, 709x765, 0F8274C0-1703-4F14-9D13-49CD7A9813FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw started last week and only have had 45% ROI

>> No.5110949


links got a high marketcap but still virtually untalked about outside of /biz/, which is definitely a testament to it's potential.

it's impossible to talk about here but dyor and don't just right it off m8

>> No.5110987

Your advice is solid though, it has been proven to work. The smaller the market cap, the higher profit potential. I know, because it has worked for me as well.

>> No.5111858

ill top that:
>Late august 500$ and 10000$ now

>> No.5112349

Hey, senpai. More advice please.

>> No.5112480
File: 344 KB, 621x416, LINK fan boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tron (trx) seriously thank me later anon....fuck req and link, those are two most pejeet shilled coins on this board,,,,

>> No.5112787

I want my tongue inside her butthole.

>> No.5112971
File: 97 KB, 362x492, samcantfathom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck are /biz/nessmen so salty? Answer his goddamn question instead of putting someone down because you made $22k and they only made $21k

>> No.5113008

ITNS 200x

>> No.5113048

alright im gonna be honest with you. /biz/ is gonna try to meme you into buying bad coins. Go for sleepers. I'd go with FUN and ZRX. Seem like the best combo. It is long term tho

>> No.5113071

can you name some of your picks that you expecting to moon so I can take a look at them?

>> No.5113201

Autonio (NIO), Embermine(MBRS), DubaiCoin(DBIX), DomainToken(DOM). Those are my top picks.

Autonio- AI trading platform/exchange

MBRS - Gonna be a platform coin. Think ETH/WAVES tier.

DBIX - Arabic ETH. Another platform plus they have created an exchange called Palmex which is gonna let them arabs use their version of FIAT to buy the big coins PLUS DBIX. So this could be huge.

DOM - Gonna be used for the selling/purchasing/holding of domain names and what not. In talks with some guys from ICANN so we will see how that goes.

For a big longshot, UNIFY. Super low cap, super cheap, active team.

Last but not least, HVN could work out. Im keeping my eye on it.

As always, do your own research. Join the telegrams and read through the announcement threads.

>> No.5113995

Moar! Who is she? I wanna see dem titties

Also buY EOS

>> No.5114298

>Thoughts on Aerium?

>> No.5114322
File: 201 KB, 800x534, doge55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smart money will be on doge in 2018

>> No.5115029

After being in the same boat and doing some research on both, I picked REQ between the two when I was really on the fence about going 50/50

Dev team for LINK apparently has a reputation of going quiet which is never good.

>> No.5115410

fapcoin is the one I'm looking at on ED

>> No.5116211

In your linked guide it says to avoid coins that have a far greater total supply than circulating supply, which makes sense. However I am unsure of how to actually find out the total supply and coinmarketcap doesnt seem to show that information.

>> No.5116959

I said the same thing until I learned her ass is only for BBC. dont believe me? check out her instagram

>> No.5116998


>what's math

total supply = market cap/price

>> No.5117074

I'm unironically 50/50. Req gave me awesome returns though since I got in at 6 cents; got into link at 23c, 38c and 14 cents.

>> No.5117118

Ah alright. Didnt think the market cap actually included coins that arent in circulation and the ones where I did do the maths total supply and supply in circulation were similar enough that I thought it was only in circulation.