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51095964 No.51095964 [Reply] [Original]

How do you personally save money?

>> No.51096028

cook cheap easy to eat healthy meals like oats, beans rice and lots of chicken

dont order takeout unless theres a nice deal and even then try to limit to once a week, pickup (to avoid tipping) and mostly pizza

cut out the bullshit subscriptions and other daily spending you don't need.

>> No.51096078

oats beans and rice arent healthy and the chicken you buy is probably the least nutritious meat you can get

>> No.51096128

I agree if you cook for yourself it’s better to get the organic shit than the scraps that are for sale.

>> No.51096234

i dont skimp out on the chicken
oats beans and rice ARE healthy

stop eating red meat and cheetos all day you fat fuck

>> No.51096265

in a box under my bed

>> No.51096296

go back to pleddit and delete this post

>> No.51096299

just pimp out wife to blacks

>> No.51096382

i haven't eaten junk food in years, unlike you who eats it every day. im leaner and healthier than you ever will be you slave food eating retard

>> No.51096587
File: 40 KB, 700x641, FF9237A0-DF42-4FD4-B0E3-C4EBEE4CF7E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My spending budget is $5400 a month and I don’t even have kids or a gf

>> No.51096893
File: 268 KB, 1234x1102, silver_labour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy silber. It is semi-addicting so there is more incentive to buy it and own it than just feeding le bankster monster. Intuitively it also feels like money and has grug-tier tech stock commodity value.

>> No.51097016

This. Just made jalapenos cheesy eggs with a little red onion and cost me pennies for the ingredients. Keep frozen meat and veggies on hand to make pot roasts and stews in the crockpot.