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51089702 No.51089702 [Reply] [Original]

For me is Thumetic, Ashwagandha, Omega3, Vit C and D3

>> No.51089927

Looking into Tongkat Ali and Fadogia, need to get tested for my T levels first.

>> No.51091935

Multivitamin, vitamin D (when there’s no sun). Others I won’t mention because I have disease, and don’t want to drive up the cost lol.

>> No.51092041

start with the tongkat and maybe d-aspartate if your shbgT is also low. fadogia causes issues like trt when you cycle off of it.
i highly recommend tongkat tho

>> No.51092073

vitamin D and meat

>> No.51092210
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Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, K2, and vitamin D
I love bear market /biz/

>> No.51092287


- LMNT water first thing in morning (Potassium, sodium and magnesium electrolyte powder mix).
- 3-5 minutes in front of the sun.
- Water lots of water.
- Alpha GPC 600MG w/ Ginkgo Biloba to counter-act the gut from the GPC intake
- 12000 UI D3 + 240 Mcg K2 + Quercetin (400mg)
- Espresso mixed with Lions Mane Mushroom Powder & Reishi Mushroom Powder & Jerusalem Artichoke Powder (Inulin) & MCT powder - Twice Daily
- 50 mg Modafinil
- Ashwagandha (300 mg)
- L-theanine (200 mg)
- Magnesium L-Threonate (2000mg)
- Zinc Citrate (100mg)
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) (100mg)

The above allows me to function at god levels in terms of deep focused work for multiple hours with feeling tired, drained, anxious, or bored. I can easily work 8 hours pleasurably coding without taking a break other than to piss.

If any anons want the best nootropics for increased focus and intelligence just use these 2:

Laser pinpoint Focus: Modafinil
Intelligence & long term neuroplasticity: Lions Mane powder. You can mix it in coffee.

>> No.51092346
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Rate my stack. Don’t sleep on fish oil specifically EPA. I take 4 of those pills a day. Everything else I take one of.

>> No.51092371

yeah fadogia seems a bit more sketch, have you seen measurable or physically noticeable improvements from tonkat?

>> No.51092378

1gram NMN, 0.5g resveratrol, 1g TMG, 0.5g L-theanin (+ espresso), zinc

>> No.51092389

25ug of LSD and a few hits of weed throughout the day.

>> No.51092404

You sound knowledgeable anon.
What about tongkat if you have high shbg?
Any issue of libido shutdown? Atomization?

>> No.51092459

Hmm I'm no expert I've just been self testing what works best for my biology. You're right I do have to incorporate fish oil but at the moment performance is my main focus instead of overall health.

At a certain point though too many interactions will have subpar results I think. Once my current stack is no longer working I usually go detox for a few weeks and/or cycle other things into the mix.

As far as your stack I am interested in your Uridine and Phosphatidyl Serine intake. Need to research those. May add them to the rotation. What's been your experience?

>> No.51092560

I get a hit of the bitDAO community discord on the daily when I wake up and this shit is literally better than coffee anon.

>> No.51092570


>> No.51092612
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wtf is this thread you fucking druggies quadruple-vaxxed betamales onions-infused pieces of shit go fucking back >>>/lgbt/

>> No.51092668

EPA is well researched for cognitive effects. Tbh it’s hard to separate placebo from real efficacy.

>> No.51092672
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> I am very smart aLpHa mALe

>> No.51092698

Vitamin people are the worst. Just eat a balanced diet. You’re not a superhuman and your fish oil is gay. Just eat fish. And drink water and go outside.

>> No.51092715

To be honest I stayed away from fish oil because it had scam stench around it but that's typical with most supplements. I'll give it a glance over and pick the right one to incorporate.

>> No.51092741

>B complex
>Vit C
>L theanine

>> No.51092796
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> Just eat a balanced diet BRO. Just eat fish BRO. Just go Outside BRO
> You're right let me spend 12 hours a week going to grocery stores that aren't filled with garbage ingredients that aren't sold to goys like you.
> Let me spend a fuckton of time prepping my meals each week like a body builder.
> Let me fry fish and splatter oil all over the kitchen, also stink up my home and have to clean all the mess from this inefficient process.

Kys brainlet. These topics don't apply to retards who don't need to or like to control their own brain chemistry. Just continue to live a passive life grazing the field with the other goy cattle.

>> No.51092919

This is good. Most supps don't do anything but some are probably good, like these. I would add Zinc (unless you eat red meat literally every day, a small dose like 25mg is good u can split the pills) and Magnesium at night if you have trouble sleeping (get enteric coated if it causes reflux/GI issues). If you're in the gym a lot or have blood pressure issues you can also add L Citrulline which is a vasodilator and helps with BP, erections, and pumps in the gym, naturally is in watermelons. L Citrulline should probably be cycled. 8 weeks on, then 2 or so weeks off. Ashwaghanda is probably only helpful if you are anxious or depressed. It works on a GABA sub-receptor. It's like a more specific and subtler version of an anxiolytic like Ativan/benzos.

It all depends on your lifestyle and intake. You don't need vit C if you eat lots of fruit/veg. Its water soluble so you piss the extra all out if you dose all at once anyway. Vit D only if you don't get sunlight daily (15 minutes to face/arms daily is a minimum effective dose, more is better ofc--ideally you sun your whole body and balls, which boosts testosterone). Random niche supps can be beneficial for certain things. Make sure to search for interactions tho. St John Wart fucks lots of shit up. Fat soluble accumulate so be careful with doses (A, D, E, K).

The most important supplement is lifestyle. Lift, go outside every day, socialize, eat meat/fruit/veg mostly, sleep well and regularly, and practice some kind of psych thing like meditation/thinking/prayer/whatever, and live with big dick energy. Everything else is icing on cake. My favorite is test E but not everyone is up for that lol. I personally fraud (test + hcg), take fish oil, and stagger zinc and multivitamins so I take them like every other day or something, and mag at night for my insomnia.

>t. nurse and /fit/

>> No.51092937

I take 50,000 IU of Vitamin D3 and 100mcg of K2 every Monday alongside breakfast and with an occasional week break. Should probably look into magnesium and zinc too.

>> No.51093015
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d3, zinc, NAC complex and melatonin to always get that 9 hours of sleep.

>> No.51093144

>Food? Who enjoys eating food? I can just pop a pill.
>Grocery stores? They’re full of icky food. I like my gamma b twelve fag capsule.
>heh, you’re such a tard for living naturally like that. You can’t comprehend the fine tweaking of my neurochemistry.

Just that you think fish has to be fried and that ‘got style’ are the only people who go outside tells me all I need to know about who you are and further reinforces my belief that vitamin people are delusional.

>> No.51093158

‘Goycattle’* lolll

>> No.51093402


Dude stop shitting this thread up. Go outside then you clown. This thread is for a specific niche of people who need/want different results from life. Not everyone is perfectly content with not accomplishing anything of merit. Some of us men actually have ambition. An hour of my time is worth more than you make in a week. The fact you are wasting time out of your day to fud a good faith thread tells me everything I need to know about your "life." My lifestyle does not apply to goycattle such as you. Stop projecting and judging something your unenlightened ego cannot comprehend and get back to grazing the field.

>> No.51094009

i eat a mostly carnivore/keto diet so tons of beef and eggs so i don't need much extra shit but im a night wagie so i take 10000iu vitamin d daily because i don't see much sunlight and i take creatine to help gym gains

>> No.51094201
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Based and Sinclair pilled.

>> No.51094293

I just do meth but that works too