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5108394 No.5108394 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I tell my wife abouty btc holdings and then I later hear her telling her family about it.

>> No.5108421
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>talking about your wealth to other people

>> No.5108422


Hey anon we hear you recently won a lot of money! We've been needing a new washer and dryer for the longest time. Since you got so lucky you should help us out!

>> No.5108489


Hey anon, I know I've always been hard on you. But you've really stepped up to the plate and shown you can provide for my daughter! Anyways I've been thinking of upgrading to one of those new Samsung QLED 4K TVs. The sales guy at BestBuy says they are better than the LG ones. Could you lone me a few thousand dollars? We are family now remember.

>> No.5108513

>get married
>can't tell wife because she will divorce you and the court will demand you give her half no matter what
>cant spend it because she will know
Marriage sounds great.
>muh partnership

>> No.5108684
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>tell my dad about crypto
>he becomes obsessed with it
>gets pissed off all the time now when things are red
I might have made a terrible mistake.

>> No.5108719

>told my cat about crypto
So far not much has changed

>> No.5108746
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Hey anon, we heard you won big on the crapto morkit or something or the other! Why don't you come on down and explain it to is nice n detailed like? It'll be greaaat, we'll set out the dinner table and everything and afterwards we can go on many adventures together!

>> No.5108779

I had to explain crypto to my moms friend who's a high Testosterone female bankruptcy attorney. I got fuckin grilled, Anons. Not fun. But I couldn't walk away because I was still being supported at the time l

>> No.5108820

But what will you do about this! They're going to be so happy their son in law is so smart!

>> No.5108824
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You ever wonder if this is our world, and in normie world normies rule all conversations. At big dinners all I do is try to act normal, I never truly exspress my self, how can I? "This food is just okay honestly.", what am I supposed to say? "What'd you do today anon?" "I played world of warcraft and told a roastie that's she toasty" etc. I'm starting to believe more and more in normieworld

Sorry for off topic.

>> No.5108830
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My Norwegian wife still doesn't know I lost all our savings betting on LTC when it was it's highest point. She's gonna leave my beaner ass and move back to Norway if she finds out.

>> No.5108886

You never do this. Ever. Tell the wife your portfolio is doing the usual if she asks and wants details just show her charts and order books, talk about blockchains and nodes u til she gets bored. If you make it buy her a lambohouse and a lambodog and youre a hero. If you dont make it nothing is lost. And to top it off no one bugs you about it ever.
>revealing your power level

>> No.5108899
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>Shady looking man in suit: THERE HE IS.... THE MONEY MAN! So, we've heard you made quite some money on that bitcon thing. Well, eh... you see... we've always really liked you as a person, really. I know we haven't spoke in... how long? 15 years, that's right.. you were such an intelligent boy. No wonder you made so much money on that market. So hey... uh... Anon... I've been thinking of starting this new business and I want you to be my partner. *explains the shady business idea, which clearly sounds like gibberish and another attempt to scam you (he used to steal candies from you when you were a kid, too)* I will offer the know how and you... the money, that's where youcome in, bud'... what you think? You in?
>wife walks in the room
>Wife: Anon, be polite to my brother, he is offering you the opportunity to work together and you will NOT deny it.
What do?

>> No.5108919

No, I want a divorce

>> No.5108948


>> No.5108949

I imagine someone doing this and the wife finds out the portfolio exists and she just looks at you like the lady in that game where you are a guest over at a couple's apartment XD

>> No.5108959

Do you live in the Bay Area

>> No.5108972
File: 85 KB, 465x417, whatthepug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Bitcoin the only way to really secure your funds in the even of a divorce?

Imagine if that set the new financial precedent for men to defend themselves against gold diggers.

>> No.5108996

she will rape you in court and her brother will still get the money. money man chad wins again. NEVER TELL WOMEN OR EVEN FAMILY ABOUT YOUR MONEY STUFF. Having to tell the taxman everything is already bad enough (but necessary)...

>> No.5109013

Our perceptive worlds intersect with theirs, but they will never be capable of understanding ours. Never. Plenty of autists have a high functioning understanding of normie world and that is what gives us power over them. It is just a smaller power differential than that of the particularly occult as described here:

>> No.5109023

Were opening such a big can of worms Lmao. The US government will go to great length to keep the men shackled.

>> No.5109047
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>theft is necessary

>> No.5109058

>not secretly investing with your gf

>> No.5109079


Fucking top kek

>> No.5109086

How much does he even have?

>> No.5109087

you don't have to tell her how much. Transfer a small portion to another wallet and use that to explain your spending. If it runs out transfer more and say you just did good trading or had gains or whatever. It's not like the wife or judge are going to track transactions. As long as the wife thinks you only had $10k or whatever instead of $100k she isn't going to ask for $50k.

>> No.5109089

>betting on something that won't really be used for anything other than being sold for more if others buy in later with your entire life savings
Hope you learned your lessons about fundamentals. When something dips, but it has good fundamentals (good product, low competition, will provide a valuable service), you can be relatively sure its going up again eventually. This isn't the case for pure currency coins.

>> No.5109113

Dude what the fuck. You're probably talking to the Samsung rep if they tell you QLEDs are better lmao. Your best bet would be the Sony A1E (if you have the money) or you could go with the cheapest LG OLED (all LG OLED models have basically the same panels, only difference is tv stand, speakers, etc)

t. Best Buy (((Sales Consultant)))

>> No.5109115

>not secretly investing with your gf

this. my gf and I agreed that when we get married our finances are staying fucking private, even to our closest family.

stealth wealth

>> No.5109128

Holy shit my mom has a Lambodog! She was on sale for 20% off at $890.. Very cute and totally worth it if you ask me.

>> No.5109137

I don’t say shit about my crypto holdings to my girlfriend, only a cuck would do that shit. OP should know women can’t keep their mouths shut about anything.

>> No.5109138

I wonder though, what they want to do and what they CAN do might be two very different things with this technology.

>> No.5109140



>> No.5109180

Good luck getting ratted on at the IRS by some jealous normie family member.

>> No.5109261

me 2. good feel. we're both gonna make it, individually, together.

>> No.5109719


you'll be fine in the long run anon.
just keep holding. it may look bad for a few more weeks, shit - maybe even months. but it WILL go higher than the price it hit a few days ago. i promise.

>> No.5109768

Probably this.

I started a business in my teens, was making good money, bought a house/car, etc. The oddest comments I would get from people would be
>make sure to pay your taxes
>anon, what about taxes?
>but did you pay taxes on it?

Ive always had an accountant, pay more taxes than necessary just because Im paranoid, but normies are like obsessed with the concept that if you get ahead, you somehow are doing some illegal/immoral.

>> No.5109821

jesus christ
why can't you faggots marry women you trust and share values with?
>hur dur can't trust women
you can if you choose the right ones you cucks

>> No.5110185

because no one here has actually seen a women

>> No.5110804

shut up greg, you're a faggot

>> No.5111023

i'm in crypto specifically to get away from normies. rich people world is way more open. they don't have to normalfag to fit in.

>> No.5111104

What kind of dog?

>> No.5111169
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>> No.5111202

How did you get Norwegian waifu?

>> No.5111274

>got grilled by your moms friend
>not fun

wtf? Are you a child? Some man bitch asks you questions and you shit your pants? You do something wrong you needed to be sweating?

>> No.5111317

good. I'm going with her.

t. 56% norwegian daytrader up 3000%

>> No.5111358

their taxes are deducted from their paycheck. normalfags don't know how to do anything other than follow the herd.

>> No.5111385
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daddy beat you again?

>> No.5111491

The government is going to regret not teaching about taxes now that normies are buying Litecoins HAHA

2018 is going to be funny. 2019 is going to be brutal.