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File: 13 KB, 640x214, Pregnancy_Test_Positive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51088503 No.51088503 [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up
I can't even fully support my wife and now another mouth is on the way
I honestly thinking of running away. I have ways to run away to another country and start again as a new person.should I do it?

>> No.51088517
File: 637 KB, 7147x1176, 1621755536415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abandoning your own children

>> No.51088524

just kill yourself faggot noone cares

>> No.51088525

kek, way too obvious bait thread anon

but if you do leave a single mother you are responsible for destroying not one but two lives, one of which is completely innocent

>> No.51088528

Move out of the city. Also that pic is from google.

>> No.51088535

>play stupid games, win stupid prizes
I hate stupid poor people so fucking much. Always shitting out children, never taking responsibility for their shit lot in life.
Pathetic worm

>> No.51088549

> should I do it?
You will regret for life.

>> No.51088567

Love how the name of the photo makes it look very real

>> No.51088583

Thanks for correctly naming the file anon, makes it so much easier to tell this is a bait larp.

>> No.51088595

Children are the best, but wives are a fucking pain. I hate my wife so much it’s unreal.

>> No.51088606

here's a BIG TIP™: save your minimum wage paychecks and get a fucking vasectomy.

>> No.51088674

Chris Watts in minecraft.

>> No.51088681

What if making her a single mother give her a chance to find a better man?>>51088528
Of course it is from internet.its from Wikipedia. You want me to keep a piss soaked pregnancy check?

>> No.51088697

>abandoning your child
based white man

>> No.51088708

I do want a child but not at this stage of my life. I'm not ready to support a family

>> No.51088709

You can always man up and break into rich people's houses and steal their shit, in Minecraft ofc. They have plenty of stuff to sell/keep you and your children fed.

Ofc you could also just be a pussy and run away

>> No.51088724

Are you a nigger?? Dude, kids dont cost that much, especially if you dont have them at the (((hospital))), which if its a normal pregnancy theres no need to.

All my kids have been born at home, its like 3 grand for a midwife. Buy a 10/22 and some bricks of CCI MiniMags and you can get them all the meat they need, which wont be for a year because youre stay at home wife should breastfeed them. You can buy all your vegetables and rice and beans

You wanted to have all the fun with none of the consequences?? Quit falling for the Jewish psyop. If you didnt want the possibility of having kids then you shouldnt have had premarrital sex. Now for your kids sake do what is right

>> No.51088729

Nevermind this is LARp. Kys nigger

>> No.51088735

Why are people saying "mouth to feed" implying food is expensive.
Food is dirt cheap, you can easily eat for 1€/day, 2/day brings that to SWOLE-tier.
That's 350 to 700/year.

Don't buy toys. Kids don't need toys.
Don't buy branded clothes. Cattle brand itself, not humans.
Don't buy branded food. They're all full of literal poison, and you have to pay a premium for it ( can't sell you poison for free, this ain't a charity goy ).

If you spend more than 10k TOTAL LIFETIME on a kid, you're genetically a retard.
And showing up for the future for 10k is a steal.

>> No.51088756

If you have one kid having another isn't that expensive honestly. Just man up and bring your kids up right.

>> No.51088768

I will not become a criminal for someone else's sake
I'm not a nigger im white and I live in a city so I can't hunt.
>You wanted to have all the fun with none of the consequences??
Thousands of people do it and thousands more abandone their families for reasons.its society norm so don't give me that crap

>> No.51088792

You have no idea what you are talking about
>Prenatal routing exams and test
>Hospital bills
>Routine medical checks
And that's just if I'm lucky and it doesn't born with some disease or something

>> No.51088801

Of course its society norms...its also normal to alot of society to take a dick up the ass....so do you do that to??? Set your standards higher than what society does, because that is absolutely shit-tiered and exactly what they want to keep producing broken people. You are a fucking nigger, spiritually if nothing else

>> No.51088807

The fuck is wrong with you breeders?

>> No.51088816

I spend 10k a month on my child easily.

>> No.51088821

Why are White men so scared of reproducing?

>> No.51088830

what even is this schizo post, how did you even come up with any of this shit

> t. actual father

>> No.51088831

>he believes the medical kike and his lies

>> No.51088836


My kids have had none of what you listed exceot diapers, which we use cloth ones to save money. Theyve never been to the doctor or prenatal or any of that stuff. Funny how humans survived for millions of years without that and now we have the most advancements in healthcare ever and people are sicker than ever too.

Use hospitals only as needed, stay out of their (((system))) as much as you can. They are there to keep you coming back for various reasons...

>> No.51088849

That life is now more important than your own. Just pray it’s a son. Trust me it sucks but you must not be a deadbeat or you’re nothing but a worthless nigger.

>> No.51088852

you'll be fine. you don't need to keep your current standard of living.

>> No.51088858

You don't need any of that shit.
Clothes are dirt shit if you're not buying adinike like some nigger or, God the Father forbid, an it*lian.

Are you vaccinated ?
The vaccine against COVID-19 kills and sterilises.
Make sure you wife shoot herself, for this plane's sake.

>> No.51088868

just move to berlin and let the germans feed em

>> No.51088879

Because I'm not mentally and financially ready. I don't even have a pet
I live in a real world not a fantasy bubble.

>> No.51088886

No quality man will get with a single mom, only losers do it. Either get her to abort it and sin, or just raise your child and use it as motivation to grindmaxx.

>> No.51088893

Which implies you will only have one child.

At the end of the day, breeding is like any other productive activity.
Superior farmers ended up buying all the land, superior breeders will end up being all humans.
The Mathiew principle, the pareto principle, the 80/20 rule is at work, and inferior breeders will be eventually phased out.

Did you know peasant blood was completely phased out in favor of noble blood during the middle ages ?
Fun fact.

>> No.51088896

What vaccines did you give your kids? Not being on the routine “well” visits puts you on a shitlist by the vax pushing pediatricians. We got kicked out for not giving the MMR. The clinics receive extra funding from big pharma if a large percentage of patients is fully vaxxed. If they fall below a certain amount (I believe it’s 90% ) they will lose the extra funding so it’s only a financial incentive to kick the children out.

>> No.51088907

>I don't even have a pet
Chuckled and giggled to be tbf

>> No.51088933
File: 779 KB, 568x1024, 1660965770768860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would the greatest race on earth that has advanced the gospel and been the biggest blessing to mankind spiritually, financially, terminologically, agriculturally etc etc be under heavy attack by satan and his (((people)))

In the end times Revelations talks about imposter Jews that willl persecute the real Gods chosen people. Theres lots of signs to identify Gods chosen people...what we call Jews now literally fulfill none of them....anglo saxxons fulfill every single one.

>inb4 christcuck

The modern church and those that support it or the very lukewarm God says he will spit out. They have been subverted and neutered, and they let it happen, all for currency and niggera worship

>> No.51088947

There is an episode in The Simpsons where Homer is working his dream job at Barney's Bowlarama. He loved his job but it was low pay. When Marge was pregnant with Maggie, Homer made a decision to quit his job to work for Mr Burns at the nuclear power plant so he can take care of his family and put food on the table despite hating his job.

The point here is that you should stop being a fucking faggot.

>> No.51088968
File: 119 KB, 636x440, A1B651C6-EF7E-4D1E-95FB-931BAFEA7E4B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51088996

No vaccines of any kind, no way, not these days. Those are designed to weaken you so you visit the doctor and etc etc. Im not against all of them necessarily, thats for each family to decide, but im against them for my family
My wife hasnt ever been vaccinated and shes fine. Kids are healthy as can be. Ive been vaccinated the most (((public school))) and at 34 im in not the greatest health.

Theyll push all that stuff on you and even threaten you. At the end of the day they have barely any legal ground to stand on. Its all intimidation. Dont let them get at you.

All the money behind it and how they have to heavily coerce you into vaccinating your kids and yourself should be the biggest red flag of all to anyone with a brain.

Stay strong

>> No.51089035

She should be breastfeeding for two years before you need to buy food for it.
Otherwise your kid will be retarded.
Plus the longer she breastfeeds the bigger her milkers and she can't get pregnant while breastfeeding.

>> No.51089068

Based anti vaxxer

>> No.51089082

You will find no real advice on this site. If this isn’t a bait thread, then:
1. don’t abandon your family you mong
1a. Learn to use a condom
2. Learn how to live frugally while staying above schizo levels. Hospitals are not some kike conspiracy but fancy toys and clothes are
3. Try to rely on family. If your family is sane they might understand your situation and help out
4. Read up on what your country offers for parents, if you are really desperate there are ways to “abuse” it by having your wife legally look like a single mom to receive benefits
5. Find a better place to get advice than here. Seriously.

>> No.51089094
File: 18 KB, 474x286, 5DEB79E9-092E-44C3-8B3B-AED8982326D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re about to live in the “watch your kids get crippled and/or die” world.

>> No.51089097
File: 178 KB, 445x360, 1658576344949042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herea in ingredient list to a thing of baby formula. Anyone that gives their kid this when they dont have to should be hung and a steel trap put on their balls before shooting them.

Some women have to yes, but most do it so they can get back to their currency generating positions faster to keep ZOG and its matrix going

>> No.51089110
File: 63 KB, 568x335, 52E78A1C-F35F-4FEE-8D14-916E96A3CCF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breastfeeding is best. If not them provide other milk, even bovine colostrum. But I don’t think op is mentally ready. He is too brainwashed and will just go back to his original programming.

>> No.51089115

We only got the meningitis vaccines. Have read Dr Paul’s book for most of our info on the subject. The covid vax push really opened my eyes to the world of pharma scams.

>> No.51089135
File: 58 KB, 1000x1024, a45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you should.

>> No.51089158

You think (and probably act) like a fucking nigger so there's no hope for you even if we advise you to stay.

Instead of running you should get life insurance so your wife is set and then kill yourself in an accident.

>> No.51089256

>42,6% corn syrup solids
Why not put corn into a blender and feed it to your kid.
It's probably healthier anyway.

>> No.51089273

As >>51088836 said
None of my wealthy frens who give a fk about their kid buys toxic shit like Pampers. Use cloth ffs
Wow that 5$ walmart bodysuit is expensive
Yeah fk that. Only if its born rardet or with an extra foot (healthy mom who breastfeeds saves this.Treat her like a princess and don't talk abott finances with her


>> No.51089281

I know the file is called pregnancy test positive but are you sure that’s not a covid test bro looks similar fr

>> No.51089292
File: 2.70 MB, 128x224, nigger surgeon twerking on patient during surgery trust the science experts.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a nigger im white
>I honestly thinking of running away.
Poor grammar, abandoning child & pregnant wife. Just go back to Mexico, jose.

>> No.51089327

>Did you know peasant blood was completely phased out in favor of noble blood during the middle ages ?
Wait what?

>> No.51089434

This webm is terrifying. And I say that as a black man.

>> No.51089494
File: 12 KB, 255x254, lockemup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a bait thread that will without question start shilling some shitcoin once the bait stops being effective and it gets established in the catalogue, but it's ~10k a year to pay for a child and you can get all the gibs in the world to help do it in any somewhat developed country and even a lot of the less developed ones too. You're a whelp if you abandon your child and woman to raise it on her own, and I hope it haunts you till the day you die if you choose to do so - assuming this isn't just another bait thread to shill shitcoins.

>> No.51089510

if you run away you'll feel guilty about it forever
if you get her to abort you'll forget about it, even easier if you have children later

>> No.51089570


>> No.51090018

I freaked out when my wife got pregnant, pretty sure this is a natural reaction for a first kid. Try to relax the kid will make you a far better man than you are capable of being on your own.

I am now a firm believer that you cannot level up and reach your full potential without children.

>> No.51090042

>I have ways to run away to another country and start again as a new person
tell us more OP. i could use a plan B as well

>> No.51090099

>have sex incel

>> No.51090160
File: 476 KB, 500x225, 1642684376865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51090208

>its society norm
Be the change you want to see in the world

>> No.51090215

>I have ways to run away to another country and start again as a new person.should I do it?

>> No.51090227

If its still early just get her an abortion.
You can also box her into the stomach to get rid of it. Even if you go to prison for that, the time there is shorter and cheaper than what else awaits you.

>> No.51090265
File: 26 KB, 698x439, 16B48AC4-7FD9-4977-A94D-9A196A966AB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prenatal routing exams and test
70 euro each month, 6/7 visits
>Hospital bills
8k, fully covered cause we planned a bit ahead and me and my wife had full hospitalization coverage for 18 months before pregnancy
20/25 euro for 800gr, idk how many boxes, 6 per month maybe? 150 euro
Buy 2/3 different brands (the cheapest ones), more expensive doesn’t mean better, my baby is more comfortable and has less rushes with the cheapest one, idk make it 150/200 euro max
+ one box of wet wipes 40 euro
They cost nothing, expect your parents and friends to flood you, and if you go shopping they are crazy cheap, and on second hand market you can find brand new ones still with the tags for close to zero
>Routine medical checks
1 visit each 40/45 until 6 months, then 1 visit every 3 months, each visit is 60 euro, but there are many midwifes who are a lot cheaper if the baby is doing just fine
How much is it? 500 euro per month? It’s nothing, 6k per year, it’s just one fancy international vacation less where you take some selfie for instagram
You are missing out

>> No.51090441


Are you black? XD

>> No.51090495

you came in her without a condom. you deserve it.

>> No.51090571

>I don't even have a pet
there it is
>I live in a real world
while writing the dumbest larp I've seen this week

>> No.51090625

congrats op, my gf tested positive last night and we are really happy.

>> No.51090658

>if you don't rob people's houses you're a nigger

>> No.51090671

Truly pathetic

>> No.51090717

>I'm not a nigger im white

And yet you're debating bailing out on your wife. WTF do you think a nigger is?

>> No.51091325

Vasectomy is free where I’m from. You Americans always say the funniest things

>> No.51093133

I bet that's all on daycare which a stay at home mom wouldn't have to pay.

>> No.51093155

So were you using birth control or condoms, OP?

>> No.51093161

just pull out, you fucking retarded nigger.

>> No.51093174

oh shit you got covid? that sucks

>> No.51093175

>getting married in post 9/11 demonic clownworld
tippytop kek, actually

>> No.51093623

>have sex bro

>> No.51093725

I do want a child. But not right now
I don't believe in covid
I'm just one person
It involves illegal immigration to a few countries and finally settling in Scotland

>> No.51094734

>voluntarily going to scotland

>> No.51095494
File: 112 KB, 716x960, 1659877844408273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want me to keep a piss soaked pregnancy check?
yes, duh. You could've sold it for the first pack of diapers. NGMI

>> No.51095606
File: 626 KB, 925x919, signal-2022-07-26-223513_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make 150k a year and I can't even get a date with a non-fat girl. Yes I go to the gym 4 days a week...

>> No.51095786
File: 85 KB, 495x490, 1660747189720463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all you are a stupid fuck. Just abort the pregnancy. That's what I did with my gf. Second, You are a stupid fuck for not getting her on proper birth control. There's like fucking 7 of them dude...