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51085655 No.51085655 [Reply] [Original]

Not trolling, not being ironic, not using hyperbole. You have to be a literal fucking freak, sick in the head, to wake up in the morning, put on your little work costume, drive into work, be chained to a fucking desk for NINE FUCKING HOURS for five days straight and then get a quick two days off.

I’m not kidding, I’ve been doing this for close to three hours and I’m genuinely suicidal. I think you have to be sick in the head to not go insane doing this. I look at my boss with pure disgust, like I see a fresh piece of shit sitting two inches from my face. I see him sitting there at his desk like a fucking insect clanking away at his keyboard and getting seriously concerned about some unbelievably mundane thing, or actually sitting there plotting and writing up some passive aggressive email. You are literal fucking human cattle if you can do this line of work, worse than a slave because you’re supposedly there voluntarily.

I cannot understand why we are doing this. You want to talk about mass psychosis? How about the absolute inversion of all human nature that it takes to get people to sit in front of a computer PRETENDING to work for 8 hours a day. You are a worthless fucking nigger cattle if you defend this, if you do ANYTHING to support this abject misery being forced upon others for even one more second. I genuinely think I’m working with androids when I look around sometimes and see these freaks clanking away on their keyboards, they cannot possibly be human beings.

>> No.51085667

based thats why I quit to farm weed and start a youtube

>> No.51085678

Based this is why I quit my job. At Wendy’s to trade crypto

>> No.51085686

Pretty sure 9-5 is 8 fucking hours my guy

>> No.51085688

based thats why I quit to fart weed and shart a youtube

>> No.51085700

Pretty sure you have to be there at 8 because you’re obligated to take a “lunch break” (often at your desk) “my guy”

>> No.51085706

Come up with a good alternative where I don't need to pick berries and hunt buffalo all day to survive

>> No.51085707
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>> No.51085711

OP i hope you saved up enough money to stop going to work because this fucking bullshit economy is about to get REAL.
Go on vacation dude.

>> No.51085712

Start offering services to people that you are skilled with

>> No.51085726
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Nice dubs. I agree. Theyre making me return to work in-office twice per month. Its really dreadful. I can't believe I used to do the old office routine for 5 years. I really couldn't take it anymore and I was so glad for the pandemic. Now I've been saving up money with a goal to start a business making furniture.

>> No.51085729

Either youre desperately trying to save face or you're getting assfucked at work big time

>> No.51085737

Learn some business skills and run your own place. You'll make it. That goes for anyone reading this.

>> No.51085759

I went back to office for one day after two years and couldnt stay awake for more than 20 minutes. I miss playing vidya while waiting for my shit to compile or just say fuck it and take a nap

>> No.51085763

If you're less than half an hour early you're already late. And you can't just drop everything and leave just because it's 5, you have to wrap up and finish what you started, then apologize for not being half an hour early today and say it won't ever happen again. Also apologize for pooping too long on company time again.

>> No.51085765

that's right
and I spent all of my 20's like that

>> No.51085870
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>> No.51086009

This guy is correct.
But I like this guy more because he made fun of that faggots use of "my guy". If anyone said that to me in a passive agressive tone IRL I'd sock em.

Hmm, a dilemma.

>> No.51086065

bait success
bonus points

check em

>> No.51086102

>sit in front of a computer PRETENDING to work for 8 hours a day
To a degree I agree the 8 hours plus commute can be sick. Especially with long commute in a car. However, if you're pretending to work then that's your biggest problem: you are in a busy-work company that stays afloat with endless debt money rather than in a compant that provides an important service to your community.Large global corporations are fucked up and I feel bad for anyone working in such a company.

>> No.51086111

i work 12 hours a day 5 days a week so fuck you nigger

>> No.51086241

It's unironically better to be homeless. When you're homeless, all you have to do is find a soup kitchen, a public shower, and a place to hide and sleep at night.

>> No.51086483

i just do everything in two days and the other three i stay in home office getting paid to play rimworld

>> No.51086499

You must be the King of retards.

>> No.51086759
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Picking berries and hunting buffalo is actually fun and rewarding holy shit man
You have this backwards
Instead we do fake things all day, work fake jobs, watch fake shows and have fake relationships with fake people in said shows, eat fake food, stimulate our brains with fake experiences like playing videogames and going to concerts, live in fake communities with fake architecture, have fake religious experiences like watching a science youtuber describe how big the universe is again for the 3000th time
None of these things stimulate the other senses in ways that living "simply" do, ironically the fake things are more simple, it's a lot of watching

How about you find me a reason to participate in industrial society and I'll go along with your idea that the end of history will be here in 2 more weeks?

>> No.51086955
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Agreed. Now go work a blue collar unskilled wagie job for 9 hours laying bricks. It is equally slave cattle work. The difference is you break your body day in day out. The office wagie breaks their psyche day in day out.

Unironically being actually skilled at either position is the best move.

Want to be an office wagie? Learn to code and git gud.

Want to work with your hands outside? learn an actual in demand trade that doesn't destroy your body.

Being unskilled even working retail is cattle slave work. I'd literally rather be a criminal than work these positions and I was for about a decade in my 20's. Thank god I'm high IQ and transitioned to being a code monkey.

>> No.51087244

9 - 5 = 4
Its 4 hours

>> No.51087619

>Talks about being skilled to be free from slavery
>Calls himself a monkey
You still have some slave mentality in you. Respect yourself more.

>> No.51087880
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This is a part of the reason why I left my job. And yeah, DeFi is where I've made the most profit.

>> No.51087917

I think I know what has caused this shift in mindset. It's crypto. People have seen the sheer fucktonality of money made by the greenest of fags and they say to themselves, why not me?

I take no issues with that, but while you're out there on the warpath, making tons of money from staking, trading, DCA or banking in good coins, just have it at the back of your mind that a fallback plan might be in order.

>> No.51087926

I bought FWT through PancakeSwap and staked it on the network in less than 15 minutes to earn rewards in fiat and crypto. Be a savvy newbie.

>> No.51087948
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Old wagie here. Yes, I made a fuckton of money from the last bull season. Had eth staked on Freeway and Binance and I cashed out when it hit ATH. I have close to a million dollars in stables but I still work my wagie job like a good boy. It's my retirement money, and the job isn't stressful so...

>> No.51087980
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>> No.51087995
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>> No.51088006

Based that's why I quit to sell seeds and animal feed

>> No.51088249

It's not about being savvy, how much money is enough to make you completely financially free?

>> No.51088275

Fucking based OP seriously

>> No.51088455

do whatever is necessary to get a wfh office job. it still sucsks but it's 10x more bearable at home.

>> No.51088570

based beyond belief

>t. IT cuck in golden handcuffs

>> No.51088757

Old pajeet with IQ. Is wise you keep either staking or liquidity farming based on how many funds you still have left in the bag. DeFi is every is where.

>> No.51088786
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You stupid racist dog. I supercharge to make money. I'm never tired of doing this. Do your research and know how it is feasible

>> No.51088803

If you’re required to be on the premises they have to pay you for your breaks.

>> No.51088829
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100% agree. I work for fucking spacex 50 hours a week, and it’s fucking hell. The only perk is I can buy space x stock now, which I’ve heard is enough to earn 50k or more in savings in about 2 years. Doesn’t seem worth slaving away though.

I might quit when I have enough and just roam the world.

>> No.51088841


>> No.51088843

depends on state law, and the majority of states have literally 0 laws supporting breaks and meal breaks. welcome to the jewnited states of muttmerica.

>> No.51088881

9-5??? try 8-6

>> No.51088925

So fun picking berries ?
Then start picking dingle berries ?

>> No.51088941

That's why I stream on twitch and write on my wordpress blog
I also have to suck some dick when rent is due, but at least I'm not a nigger cattle

>> No.51089071

>Zoomfag who's throwing a fit at 8 hours of office work thinks he can handle 10-12 hours of hard manual labor

>> No.51089318

at least in cuckgermanistan working 8-5 with an unpaid hour of break is the norm. its so normalized, my mom and sister looked at me like im crazy when i explained to them that having to be at work at 8 am and staying until 5 pm means you spent 9 hours of your day for work.
>b-but you have an hour break
fuck you, that break is not for me. that break is so that im more efficient and productive in the second half of the work day. the break is only in my boss' interest. i cant decide to come in an hour late and work 8 hours without breaks or do the same and leave an hour early instead. not allowed, literally illegal. why? because then youre not as productive throughout the day because you get exhausted from working non stop. you shouldve seen the looks in their faces and how they tried justifying working 9 hours a day and pretending its only 8

>> No.51089487

It's called Gleitzeit my dude. I start at 9:30 cause I hate getting up early.

>> No.51089589

>2 hours
even that seems like too long

>> No.51089621

i was a sweatshop wagie. add some 1-2 hours commute on top of it

>> No.51089645
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No Thank You

>> No.51089847

Money! You stupid fuck. We work for money.
If you can get by without having to wagie, pay your rent, eat food, have some semblance of stability in your life, then by all means you don't belong waging. But most of us gotta eat and we don't have mom bringing us oven fries to the basement.

I hate waging, but the alternative is bottle picking. So stfu

>> No.51090177

WFH and do fuck all

>> No.51090848

this is mega based, can you say the youtube channel?

>> No.51091156

>9 to 5
where i work its 8 to 5, i've been here a long time and now work 6-3 so i at least avoid normies for 2 hrs

>> No.51091182

Yes modern people are mentally ill because they like to talk about holidays and the weather. You are special boy because you hate everyone

>> No.51091283

I agree with everything what OP said but what is the alternative?

>> No.51091374
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>clanking away at his keyboard and getting seriously concerned about some unbelievably mundane thing, or actually sitting there plotting and writing up some passive aggressive email
i actually don't mind my direct boss, but, now that you said this he does this both of these things frequently

>> No.51091561

>Working for SpaceX
Mistake number one, never EVER work somewhere full of people that view the job or opportunity as a dream. The only healthy workplaces have people who are reasonably separated from their work.

This is why working for NASA is hell for example. They're just like any other federal work except instead of being reasonably staffed with normal lazy federal workers, you have all these extreme autists happy to just be working at NASA. You don't even get paid more there compared to other federal work lmao.

>> No.51091624
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>my guy

>> No.51091753
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You only have to do it till you have enough invested in ETH, BTC and bitDAO to make it anon. This is our way out.

>> No.51092162

>9-5 job
>you start at 8am
>commute is 30 minutes either way
>lunch is unpaid

>> No.51093706

Is this your first job or something?

>> No.51093829

Lmao tradies. Maybe you can graduate from apprentice to journeyman if you suck off Mr. Goldberg some more.

>> No.51094878
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>> No.51095028

Its more like 10 hours factoring commute

>> No.51095145

Ah so this is what low dopamine does to a man.

Work isn't all that bad and kinda enjoyable when you have healthy levels of dopamine. You feel rewarded throughout the day and the paycheck feels satisfying.

>> No.51095210


but I am mentally ill. I am fucked up and I fucking hate life, but I want to make the best of it.

>> No.51095371

how the fuck did people allow the majority of their lives to be work ? did they just become numb to it ? herd mentality ?

if you're white collar and work in the office, the pretending to work part is so fucking bad. you just burn time away that can easily be used for recreation or something practical. such a waste of time and human life, so glad remote work started gaining traction so people can escape such mundane mind rotting conditions

>> No.51095625

pick the based double digits

>> No.51095653

the pretending to work thing is why i quit. i was at a small company where this was absolutely unnecessary as we were billing the customer and it didn't matter. boss still insisted that i pretend to work even though nobody could see me but him. the real job was 1-2 hours of work per day if you dont include meetings.

>> No.51095684
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>Not trolling, not being ironic, not using hyperbole. You have to be a literal fucking freak, sick in the head, to wake up in the morning, put on your little work costume, drive into work, be chained to a fucking desk for NINE FUCKING HOURS for five days straight and then get a quick two days off.
Working is fucking bullshit because you get taxed, have bills to pay AND need to do it constantly while finding a side hustle.

>> No.51095765
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>you’re supposedly there voluntarily.
>What is my purpose?
>You butter toast.
>Oh my God...
Welcome to the club, retard.

>> No.51095782

Going to work and waking up to work is part of "working" fag.

>> No.51095823

>At Wendy’s to trade crypto
Little tip for ye, high market cap means people are trading it constantly, low market cap is "up and coming" crypto, take heed when you invest into crypto.
Park your cash in trades that are tried and true, invest a little into new projects and maybe hold on to cash while making more cash.

>> No.51095835

I'd rather be a paid thug than be a desk jockey.
Sorry I have testosterone.

>> No.51095839

i agree.

>> No.51095844


>> No.51095853

>passive agressive tone
Pure Karen.

>> No.51095857

>86▶>>51085700 >>51085763 >>51086009 >>51087244 >>51089318 >>51091624 >>51092162 >>51095028 >>51095782
>>>51085655 (OP)
>my guy

Good bait

>> No.51095875

>Working 60s.
What a fucking mad lad, why? Do you have alot of children or something?
The fuck?

>> No.51095881

Office drones are the western equivalent of sweatshop workers. That's what you get for not making an effort in school or developing marketable skills in your formative years. A "job" is always going to be kind of shit but there are many out there that aren't soul crushing and can be rewarding at times. I personally don't mind my job, though I will probably retire from full time work at some point in my mid 30s because I can afford to.

>> No.51095893

>hunting buffalo
Bison in North America.
Everywhere else is Buffalo.

>> No.51095916
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>Instead we do fake things all day, work fake jobs, watch fake shows and have fake relationships with fake people in said shows, eat fake food, stimulate our brains with fake experiences like playing videogames and going to concerts, live in fake communities with fake architecture, have fake religious experiences like watching a science youtuber describe how big the universe is again for the 3000th time

>> No.51095935

Picking berries and hunting actually sounds based.

>> No.51095952
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If you don't own a bank you're a slave.

>> No.51095959
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> Not trolling, not being ironic, not using hyperbole. You have to be a literal fucking freak, sick in the head, to wake up in the morning, put on your little work costume, drive into work, be chained to a fucking desk for NINE FUCKING HOURS for five days straight and then get a quick two days off.

I’m not kidding, I’ve been doing this for close to three hours and I’m genuinely suicidal. I think you have to be sick in the head to not go insane doing this. I look at my boss with pure disgust, like I see a fresh piece of shit sitting two inches from my face. I see him sitting there at his desk like a fucking insect clanking away at his keyboard and getting seriously concerned about some unbelievably mundane thing, or actually sitting there plotting and writing up some passive aggressive email. You are literal fucking human cattle if you can do this line of work, worse than a slave because you’re supposedly there voluntarily.

I cannot understand why we are doing this. You want to talk about mass psychosis? How about the absolute inversion of all human nature that it takes to get people to sit in front of a computer PRETENDING to work for 8 hours a day. You are a worthless fucking nigger cattle if you defend this, if you do ANYTHING to support this abject misery being forced upon others for even one more second. I genuinely think I’m working with androids when I look around sometimes and see these freaks clanking away on their keyboards, they cannot possibly be human beings.

>> No.51095968
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>learn an actual in demand trade
That's illegal unless you pay for licenses.

>> No.51095992

I used to work in manufacturing sweating all day on my feet.

I'm 3 years in an office job and want to kms. It's one of the worst things to do on earth, soul sucking, makes you very tired and causes dry eyes, eye bags and ages you like a mf. I have about 130k saved with a mortgage of 130k that costs about 600 euro a month. I'm getting like 8k bonus at Christmas so might leave after that but this cock shet is doing my head in. Hate the people, hate the fake conversations and hate sitting on my arse all day. Miss all my old workmates as they were all equal, these blokes expect you to know x,y and z cause they are dinasours that have worked at the same job cucking for 30 years

>> No.51096000
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>>Calls himself a monkey
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I wanna get rich so I can learn to farm and build more.

>> No.51096020

That’s nice and all but you’ve still got 5 hours left at work so get off your phone, you fucking loser

If you can’t handle even one day of what is essentially adult daycare you’re N G M I

>> No.51096037

I did this for 5 years except I worked 9-6. 8 hour workday with a 1 hour unpaid lunch break. I couldn't even decide the time of my lunch break. My manager told me when to go. This was in IT, not some fast food job.

Zoomers have no idea how lucky they are. It's so funny to me when I see these "day in the life of a tech worker" tiktoks and they have the luxury of CHOOSING to go into the office.

I'm never going back. I have over 200k saved in liquid cash and apeing every paycheck I get in XMR and ETH.

>> No.51096058


>desk job

Yeah you’re just gay OP

>> No.51096099

Eh I worked 60 hour weeks for the last year and a half of my last tradie job. Sucked ass desu. Id much rather be in an air conditioned office punching a keyboard. Grass is always greener on the other side I suppose

>> No.51096106
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Rate my situation
>late 30s
>live alone and rent free in an unused family property
>hustled every penny into investing during my 20s and early 30s, got portfolio up to around $650k
>stopped working around four years ago
>spend my days lifting, reading, playing video games, trying new recipes, and hosting board game nights with friends
Some days I feel like I beat the game, others I feel like the biggest God damn loser on the planet and feel the urge to go back to school to start a new career. I just don't know.

>> No.51096160

>People have seen the sheer fucktonality of money made by the greenest of fags
Imagine wanting to blame crypto when this boy can make this amount of money.

>> No.51096258

>worse than a slave because you’re supposedly there voluntarily
you are, they made you an offer, you accepted it you fucking braindead retarded faggot-slurping zoomer fuckwit.

>> No.51096369

>9 hours a day
>5 days a week
When did people forget what basic words were

>> No.51096410



>> No.51096414

weak larp

>> No.51096495
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>> No.51096613

based supertramp appreciater

>> No.51096711

Remote work has kept me in my job a good 2 to 3 years longer than I would have been otherwise. Were it not for remote work, I would not have this job. Still, I regret keeping it at all.

I had a realization a while back that almost everyone in an officer gets through it with coffee and anti-depression meds.

>> No.51096798

What kind of work are you supposed to be doing?

>> No.51096865

He posted this 16 hours ago, do you think he is still in this thread responding to people?

>> No.51096903

based Schwab customer

>> No.51096910

50% Schwab 50% Vanguard, the only way to fly

>> No.51096928

All females and 95%+ males are npc cattle, they’re made for slave labor. Now you understand.

>> No.51097041

I dunno man he fucking could be, you’ve never checked your thread the day after you posted it?

>> No.51097060

>new copypasta just dropped
thank you based op lets hope there's a based new 'jak soon too

>> No.51097115

i'll tell you the secret.

the simple truth is that some people are meant to be slaves and they're perfectly happy serving.

that's it

>> No.51097172


prime example: >>51095145

>> No.51097225

Found the coomer with burned dopamine and no drive

>> No.51097604

Unfathomably based

>> No.51097819

Part time job bro even for a few hrs or just part time course.

>> No.51098015

I don't think this advice applies to financial services.

>> No.51098040

>how the fuck did people allow the majority of their lives to be work ? did they just become numb to it ? herd mentality ?
drugs, caffeine, lack of sleep, mindless entertainment, alcohol, fear of being homeless, horniness, fear of disappointing others, fear of walking the unknown path.

>> No.51098043

You need to travel brah. Go on road trips with mates. That's the itch you need to scratch. Also hobbies, "projects".

>> No.51098108

your problem is that you are not a normie. office work is pure normieland.

>> No.51098109

okay ted kazenski

>reason to participate in industrial society
Idk so you can shitpost on Japanese image boards?

>> No.51098472

supertramp was too wise for this world

>> No.51098569

I think you guys are right about projects and part time jobs. We're social creatures and we feel positive emotion from progress towards goals. Travel could be cool but I get lonely doing it alone and my friends are tethered to jobs and families.

>> No.51098637

How much income are you drawing down? You following the old 4% rule?

>> No.51098659

>getting seriously concerned about some unbelievably mundane thing
I never understood this. This shit makes me feel like I'm in the matrix. Shitty simulation

>> No.51098674

Yeah. You got the freedom. Now you need to find your life's purpose. What really interests you? Spiritual growth? An esoteric academic subject? Something with you can build with your hands?

I can't answer these questions for you.

>my friends are tethered to jobs and families.
Make some new friends who are single. You can keep your old friends too.

>> No.51098678
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Being a wagie is great... no cap...

>> No.51098762

I live off less than $1k/month, could probably halve it if I wanted to, so currently I'm following the 2% rule and could drop to 1% if needed
I agree completely, purpose is what's missing. I've considered going back to school for fun to get a master's degree in my weird little field just for fun, but really that'd just motivate me for a couple years unless I want to become a teacher. As for single friends, yeah, I should do that. They get rarer as 40 approaches.

>> No.51098827

Honestly, working in an office was the least I've ever had to work in my life. I actually had a life and usually clocked in and clocked out early.
All of my WFH jobs have been hell, with too much work to do and too much isolation. I always got burned out.

>> No.51099022

where tf you living on $1k per month

>> No.51099095

Can't argue with this

>> No.51099161

How do you get skilled? It's a well known dilemma that you need a job to get experience, but jobs won't hire without experience. I haven't found a way to solve this in the last three years of working?

>> No.51099255
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The best job I ever had was where I was given the most difficult problems to solve.

But OP, you be you.

Just ask the Socialism Fairy to give you free cash and you'll never have to work again.

>> No.51099334

I am you. It gets worse at night, then completely bearable during the day. Not a care in the world. But at night, I start to doubt myself. We are all worthless in the end, and none of us are making a difference unless directly helping somebody. Unfortunately this is what society is, so you'll have to put on a front. Maybe start a business doing something for the community, maybe join an existing one, they're always looking for people. Either start helping or accept that things don't really matter, but also that people will consider you non existent the moment you do.

>t. cassandra

>> No.51099358
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Why do we do this? It's simple, for money. What is money? An instrument to enslave humanity, to measure people up, to deem who has inherent value, which is ironic because it's all based on funny bucks. What a world...

>> No.51099410
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I'm listening, I hear you. The goal of escaping the rat race presents a problem at the end- you're still a rat, and rats are social creatures. Isolation is death, uselessness a hell of grey mist, ennui.

>> No.51099480

This. My last job was sending people back so I left. My current job is sending people back but I got it in my contract that I'm remote and work from home and I made it clear in writing during hiring I was remote permanently. My bosses have already told me I'm remote and ignore any office talk but I just think if I didn't go through all that extra trouble? My God. Then again doing my kind of work in an office would be awkward unless they gave everyone on my team their own offices but its not that big.

>> No.51099494

9 to 5 is actually 8 hours, retard. And those are actually good hours that give you pretty good work-life balance.

>> No.51099893

I am you in the future OP, it doesn’t get better. I feel your exact words, and I’ve probably said or written them exactly like you over 100 times. I’m 6 years in and I want to shoot myself everyday. The depression and burnout from it cost me my relationship with the only woman I’ve ever loved, but I don’t know how to pay rent without doing it.

>> No.51099962

I'm adding privacy systems to the list anon. It's just a matter of time before more people realize the need for them and adoption increases.

>> No.51099986

If you code it's a little different. Less meetings, less worries.

You just chill and dev op stuff. Coding at least gives you a reason to be at the desk. When in AR and AP roles, I felt suicidal for sure.

>> No.51100201

I work 7-5 with a 1hr break

>> No.51100214

But all I do at my desk is watch anime, TV series, Twitch, or movies all day, while shitposting online.
Sometimes I take 3-4 hour lunches.
Nobody really pays attention to me.
Sometimes I even watch porn.

Nobody understands the legacy COBOL system I'm solely assigned to. I used to make made-up detailed task reports on what I'm working on, but it became less and less detailed, and nobody seemed to care. Now all I say is the line "various maintenance tasks" and no one asks anyway, and I only have to email this single line once a month or two. I haven't done any real work in over 5 years.

>> No.51100608

i wokred in an office for 2 years. now i travel and fix machines. night and day difference. is there new bullshit? yes but it beats pretending to be busy for hours on end and being micromanaged. really pays to never see your boss in person

>> No.51100688

There’s a difference between having no motivation and not wanting to spend all day every day in an office under fluorescent lighting listening to your fat dumb coworkers talk about television and Disneyland.

>> No.51100691

bitch nigger imagine doing customer service wagie dealing with multiple people at once. It sounds like I'm bragging (im coping), but for real, you'd have suicided already if you didn't have the mental goytitude that I have.

>> No.51101693

Even back before I worked from home 100% of the time and cut back my hours, I would always just clock off at 5. It I arrived 9:30 for whatever reason, I might stick around to 5:30.
Retards that can't politely refuse an unmanageable workload do it to themselves. But that statement only holds in Australia, there's a solid 'work to live' mentality, where it's a means to an end.
I don't ever want to go back to 5 days a week, but if it was from home and another 20K on the per annum I might do it for a year.

>> No.51101825

>You are a worthless fucking nigger cattle if you defend this

You still want the goods made by "human cattle". It's all about give and take at end of the day, and no, "free" people are not special, they just make money in another way,good for them (or chose to live as parasites).

>> No.51101905

Your attitude towards his comment is indicative to why humans will always be slaves.

>> No.51101971
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Well, for one, slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.

Ngl I just play Vidya and say gm and bye at my office. My life's pretty meaningless and I have no idea what to do. I'm bored and living a life that's the same everyday, there's nothing interesting to do. I just have hobbies that I do to kill time or eventually use one time. My Life sucks dude, there's literally nothing to do other than to gamble away my earnings on shitcoins.

>> No.51101987

God bless you, anon.
I can't do that.

>> No.51102009

The boss make you stay back for an extra hour everyday to prove you're working hard or some bullshit. Me and one of my colleagues got sent to the office for deciding to leave when we are actually supposed to and got a warning. I'll never work a full time job again

>> No.51102026

I do this but I'm not chained.

I just got get coffee across the building 3 time (wasting 30 minutes), go to the bathroom whenever I want (wasting 30 minutes), work on personal projects on my computer (wasting 2 hours), take a long lunch break (wasting 1.5 hours). All in all i work maybe 3.5 hours and don't feel chained at all. As long as you're not a literal wagie the office is pretty damn comfy.

>> No.51102035

>work 12 hours a day 5 days a week so fuck you nigger

Brags about working for an inflated currency. Dude you realize you're just a part of the rat race don't you? Like you don't need to work that many fucking hours unless you need it to survive like holy shit. That's a pathetic life to exist to just slave.

>> No.51102058

I used to work 4 hours max as well. But since we have mandatory WFH I work maybe 20 minutes each day.

>> No.51102222

I just write fiction at work

>> No.51102479

Its easy work bruv. You'll get used to it after a week. Better than slinging cinderblocks
>I see him sitting there at his desk like a fucking insect clanking away at his keyboard and getting seriously concerned about some unbelievably mundane thing, or actually sitting there plotting and writing up some passive aggressive email.
Kek beautiful prose and so true. There's no reason to EVER stress out over a job. Amoral slaves create mini-heart attacks for themselves every day because they think they're accountable for some megacorp

>> No.51102592

I think a lot about the fact that I live a pathetic life (30s, single and probably going to be like that forever, tiny apartment) and yet still need to work 40-50 hrs/wk or else 'problems' start happening
For example, it's not easy to say 'hey I want to work 20-25 hrs/wk for half my salary', at least in my field, if you can even find such a job, it's more like 1/4th your salary, and since it's under 29hrs/wk and you're not 'full time' you have to pay more for health insurance, retirement insurance, etc. Everything is set up to force a binary choice of full time employment or poverty on me, even though as a single man with no family to take care of, my needs should not be that expensive.

>> No.51102887

Threads like this make me consider going back into banking

>> No.51102899

I think you'd quickly find that open-ended free time can be just as miserable as time at work

>> No.51103178

>Amoral slaves create mini-heart attacks for themselves every day because they think they're accountable for some megacorp
this is me. I'm a good goy. I've been conditioned well. I'm too pussy too scared to get reprimanded or getting the "talk", as if I'm getting paid good. Nope, I get paid 2 bucks above minimum wage. A nog on welfare makes more money than me, yet I'm so scared. There's a store across my street that pays roughly the same. Yet I care so much, when I shouldn't...

>> No.51103200

Now imagine living in a third world like me, here we work 8 to 6 no extra hours pay, 6 days per week and we earn 300 dollars per month. Yeah i think suicide doesn't sound that bad.

>> No.51103276

When i went from 15 hours per week for 5 years to 36 hours a week i got myself fired because i no longer cared. I hated waging so much. Now I've been a neet for 2 years. Never been better.

>> No.51103291

Don't worry OP, soon you will own nothing and be happy. Enjoy ze bugs

>> No.51103384

>There's no reason to EVER stress out over a job. Amoral slaves
My boss points out an auto renew:
>you see this anon? This renewed automatically
>Right sorry I just let it do that cause it was auto
>You can never let it auto renew, you have to renew it yourself
>Okay sure how come?
>.... It's just a part of our service charter
>Okay sure but just for my knowledge what's the difference if it auto renews
>Nothing technically but we have a guarantee in our legislation that we will renew it manually
..... ?????? I just do nothing honestly. Federal govt. Salary cuck here. Not a thing here means ANYTHING. IT'S ALL A LIE. I just do nothing. No one notices. No one says anything.

>> No.51103410
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I started as excel cattle until I started working in a healthcare laboratory. It was torture, though I had the comfort of knowing that I was providing something that a civilized society needed to function. It wasn't until I got into entrepreneurship that I got a clearer picture of what it means to live a life that's different than a 40 hour work week. Suddenly that training they wanted me to do for $0/hr more than the people I was training is worth 10x what I was making before. People looked at me weird for being 5 minutes late to an event because the people I was meeting were 30+ minutes late.


Self-employed + practical skills




Self-employed peddling nonsense, labor, and commodities


The best wagecuck job available


WFH IT probably


Wagecuck that manages people
Not an office job but still wagecuck


Homelessness (probably not starving if you can read this btw)


Office job

>> No.51103428

Based. Have been feeling this for the past five years. I always wonder if there's something wrong with me though since everyone since to pulls it off.

I mean, obviously no one likes to work but these people seem to deal with it a lot better than I can.

t. desk jockey

>> No.51103431

you guys realize there are jobs out there that are fulfilling and do serve a well-meant purpose? i understand the sentiment but there are people out there who believe in the good they are doing? now, if you don't fall in that category, i don't know how you haven't blown your brains out

>> No.51103432

One small correction is that Retail is underneath office job is some sort of eldritch horror tier

>> No.51103451

They probably have friends+SOs, drink harder than you, get counseling, spend all their money, and they're able to interact with the vacuous society (e.g. feel that they've had a special moment while watching a Marvel movie). Is it a glorified hedonist treadmill for a rat in a rat maze? Yes. But are they happier than you right now? Yes.

>> No.51103491

>30 minute lunch
>two 15 minute breaks
>you're free to go wherever you like :^)

>> No.51103561


Hey guys, I know I am seeing a lot of back-and-forth on this topic, but I really need to push back and raise some red flags here. Having an on-site office presence foundational to our ability to drive efficiencies in a corporate landscape. It is in our DNA. Sure, there is no 'one size fits all' or silver bullet and some are just boilerplate solutions, leveraged to the hilt and really only keeping us at a 30,000-foot-view of things. Being on-site, however, really allow us to get better granularity, find better directional-indicators, or loop back and dive deep into some critical issues on a go-forward basis.

I think if you all start spending more time in the office gain, you'll find yourself trending toward the positive, but you'll have to keep an eye on the puck. Gut through it, reduce thrash, and let's stay in lock-step on this. Yes, we will synergize!

What's the root cause of the hatred of Corporate office spaces? I'll put my layman's hat on and guess that it comes from movies such as Office Space and Dilbert cartoons. But we all know that these are fictional spaces, and real office spaces allow us to touch base in a much more efficient manner.

>> No.51103569


I have to time-box this comment, as I have a hard-stop in a moment when I will have to jump onto a call. So, just one more point that I want to cover-off on: let's socialize the idea of having more office presence and loop back to see whether we're being more impactful. From a management standpoint, I think that we can get the traction to do it. I will be sending out a list of action items tonight.

So, net/net, ignore the naysayers, sidebar the folks that are stuck in the weeds, and don't waste cycles or bandwidth on folks that don't align strongly with this mission. Try it out, and we'll have another touch point in a little while to see if we've moved the needle. Remember, our north star hasn't changed, and our KPIs are on track. We're still championing our core values remotely and we will only do it better in person.

>> No.51103579

If you need me, I will be online again in a bit.

>> No.51103659

Yeah it sucks at times but it's not unbearable. Crack some jokes. You're a normie right? Just rely on your dopamine and joie de vivre (You do enjoy life, right anon? Or is this a thinly veiled depression thread?) to get through the day and hardsave your money so you can retire early.

I'm convinced the people who can't stand work on here are either autistic or low dopamine, probably both.

>> No.51103695


Just work and fucking get on with it jesus.It’s not as if half of you queers work in a goddamn coal mine or something.

>> No.51103815

this doesnt make sense. everything pays to live. everything has to work to get food and survive a bird has to wage to get worms and sticks for its nest every day.

>> No.51103939

Since I started working I feel the same thing. I fucking hate capitalism. I work in banks which’s the most capitalist industry, in the most capitalist field credit. It’s so fucking stupid and pointless. Worst of all is that I feel im enabling this stupid and oppressive system by working in this field and industry by keeping it going.

>> No.51103946

You make no sense nigger. Tradies don't need bosses to advance in their respective trades. Kys

>> No.51103985

You forgot also to factor in how 50% of all the money you slaved away for goes to supporting shaniqua and that you're priced out of over owning a decent hone
Honestly, who bother?

>> No.51104005


If this is actually your channel mad respect my man

>> No.51104024


>> No.51104389


Depends on the Office

> Work for British Govt, Tax Office

> On a comfortable starting wage. Not moneybags, but comfy
> Get paided to study, as I am in a Validation Testing dept, and if they need coding/machine learning/etc, I need to learn that. Kinda like doing a free-form version of University, but thry are paying me
> Civil servant pension is huge.
> In office 3 days, Work From Home 2 days
> Flexi time means, beyond the core hours of 10-2, I can design my own working day.
> Have arranged my working days to have 3 short days, and 2 longer days that result in net hours gained
> Literally get told to take time off due to built up flexi
> Worked out I can literally work my flexi cap, so I could have 2.25 months of paid holiday each year, not including weekends
> Workmates are relaxed


> Better money in private sector, but plan to jump ship after upskilling
> Cringey, politicall correct office "Culture"
> Long commute the days I am in, to avoid the city

>> No.51104416


Also, in the line of work I am in, I could enter a role in the future that I can just automate

Trick is to turn 8 hours ofnwork into significantly less

Last job was fully WFH, shit pay, but I ended up turning 8 hours of work into 2 hours. Woke at 9, fucked around till 10.30, worked for 2 hours, had dinner, played vidya till clock out

>> No.51104665

I agree, fuck management.

>> No.51104716

>think if you all start spending more time in the office gain
In the office again, retard.

>> No.51104727

>everything pays to live. everything has to work to get food and survive a bird has to wage to get worms and sticks for its nest every day.
I'm not a bird, dumb ass.
Collecting sticks is easy and fun, working suck ass.
Kill yourself.

>> No.51105058

You have to be genuinely mentally ill to be a frogposter

>> No.51105146

>Little work costume


>> No.51106173


10/10. Good Satire

>> No.51107961


Mate, you aren't going to get traditional values in a progressive, multicultural society

>> No.51107962

>If you code it's a little different. Less meetings, less worries.
Maybe where you work. We've had daily fucking OA meetings for almost 3 fucking months now. We've been discussing the same fucking shit over and over and over.

>> No.51108273

>git gud.
pretty much this.

>> No.51108299

if you cant learn a skill by yourself in this day and age (internet) youre pretty much doomed

>> No.51108344

>Zoomer crying about his first job
See you tomorrow sweaty don't forgot to touch base on that report

>> No.51109462

lmao no

>> No.51110052

It’s not bad if you’re actually doing something like creating software, most office jobs are just smooth brained npcs pretending to do work for 37 hours a week when in reality they have no skills

>> No.51110096

This so much

>> No.51110312

No one is forcing you to go. You can simply just not work in an office and do something else.
Every day you go to work you're making a choice that your job is better than what's out there.
Maybe your job sucks, idk, but if you didn't think it would suck more elsewhere then why are you still there?

>> No.51110916

if it wasn't for remote working and the ability to freelance i wouldn't be able to take it
wagie life in an office is hell
and they don't even get any work done it's just draining your soul for nothing
my advice to wagies: learn a marketable skill you can use to work for yourself

>> No.51111341

best thread on this board, also lurk

>> No.51111373

You are 100% correct
Resigned last year and I’m not going back to the cagie
I’m on my 3rd business attempt, I’ll keep trying until I succeed, I prefer working 12h a day 7 days a week trying to do what I like and having no morning alarm nor time restrictions rather than being a wagie again

>> No.51111440

Honestly this is such a cope. Life in nature is brutal and short. Infant mortality sky high, constantly living at risk of death or starvation, be you prey or predator.
Human civilization, the global capitalist economy and technological state we've achieved improves on that in some regards. In other regards it is man-made horrors beyond comprehension, perhaps worse than a short, brutal life in the wild. If you have a functioning brain you'd still want to roll the dice in civilization, live as comfortably as possible for as long as possible, perhaps even create a legacy for your children or other people so they can escape the meatgrinder. If you have an idealistic bent, maybe even try to shape a piece of that civilization into something better for future generations.

>> No.51111719
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'Main deficiency of active people. Active men are usually lacking in higher activity--I mean individual activity. They are active as officials, businessmen, scholars, that is, as generic beings, but not as quite particular, single and unique men. In this respect they are lazy.

It is the misfortune of active men that their activity is almost always a bit irrational. For example, one must not inquire of the money-gathering banker what the purpose for his restless activity is: it is irrational. Active people roll like a stone, conforming to the stupidity of mechanics.

Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar'.
- 'Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: Ein Buch für freie Geister'

>> No.51111899

I work in an office and I just talk with my friends, go to the gym, play chess, read, and watch YouTube all day. Sometimes I go on service calls, but usually that’s about 2 hours of my day.
I get paid decently, they cover my housing and breakfast/lunch, and I get 2 2 weeks vacation and they pay for the plane ticket.
I think I’m lucky, but working in an office is easy because I just do all the things I normally would do besides smoke pot.
It also makes it easier to take ladies out to dinner and put my pp in them

>> No.51112289
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Anon I'm not defending ur shit job, but I genuinely fear for your life, pls seek help.

>> No.51112379

I agree. I couldn't stand it myself, which is why I changed jobs.

>> No.51112407

Where the fuck am I supposed to go

>> No.51112498

Working for a living is not necessarily the nightmare that NEETs make it out to be. The most important thing is finding something you find personally fulfilling or meaningful, rather than just moving around other people's money.

>> No.51112675

ok that joke did get a sensible chuckle, god help me

>> No.51112761

you make a lot of critiquing without offering an alternative. you're basically saying that i have to be a freak to live, to be alive. and i won't be alive if i stop wageslaving so that's pretty appropriate comparison

>> No.51112893

That shit's not real tho.

>> No.51112939

If you account for chores, eating, sleeping, showering, groceries etc, really you only have the weekend free. 5 days out of 7 are in the shitter

>> No.51113105

The joke's still on you cause it's your own time that you're wasting. Nobody will give you all those years back.

>> No.51113114

This is how most government work is. It's pretty cushy, especially if you have a hobby of upper-education (like I do) since they'll typically pay for whatever. You can also meme yourself into very 'prestigious' positions, but your pay isn't as good as it could be.

It's also nice to be completely unfirable. You're also hourly and not salaried so you can always clock overtime.

It's a very mixed bag at the end of the day. I'll probably jump to private after sitting in one of these 'prestigious' positions for a couple years. After that private industries in whatever field of government you were focused in love you because 'you know the process'. For example, it's very common for IRS agents to go to private firms after a good career with the IRS since they then know all the tax loopholes and all the ways to make the process as painful as possible for the IRS

>> No.51113288

How do you actually get away with that all day? What is your role specifically and what does your company do?

>> No.51113307

Yeah at the end of the day you gotta find something thank you don't mind doing for the rest of your life. Even if it makes you less money, it's still better than a job that makes you miserable and ruins your sleep and health.

>> No.51113506
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>> No.51113599

Absolutely unequivocally based and also checked. Keep this up, anon, and I'm gonna call you Patrick Basedman.

>> No.51113700

>Tedchad has entered the chat

>> No.51115188

thank GOD remote work exists, we can finally fuck off and do whatever when there isn't work to do

>> No.51115219

With a positive mindset going forward we'll have line of sight. The end of this is within reach. It's important to stay positive in these uncertain times. We will get through this together. So let's circle back on that item. I've noticed a lot of negativity from you lately so I'm moving our weekly one to one forward to tomorrow.

Without guys like me to prioriize action items and synchronize teams there wouldn't be much time for people to get their work done! Innovation can only truly happen when things are streamlined and by putting our best foot forward in meetings on behalf of the team I'm ensuring a steady stream of interesting work is in our queue in the future.

>> No.51115856

People are different. I can't fathom how they operate. I don't try to, and nor do I try to adhere to their philosophies. I just have to adapt however necessary to thrive just as anything else must. The abstract demonization of others like myself truly shows the level of malice at work in their hearts. Crabs in a bucket is no joke.

>> No.51116263


if all the office drones stopped existing tomorrow my life wouldn't be affected at all, fuck em
who the fuck even creates are those bs jobs, I feel like it's all fake shit subsidized by the government to keep the plebs emplyed, otherwise they would be roaming the streets looking for food

>> No.51116299

quit my job with no plan and found contract work getting paid way more per hour and working less hours, I wanted to kill myself at that job and now I'm the happiest I can remember in a long time

>> No.51116956

That’s why I live off neetbux. 7 years and going strong. I’m 29 btw

>> No.51117125

Best thread in a while

>> No.51117166

I want to die

>> No.51117207


can you describe your quality of life? I have never talked to someone on neetbux

>> No.51117695
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when i first started working an in-office job i was totally fucking baffled by how little work they give you and how so much time is just spent having to pretend to work. those hours of no-work / pretend-to-work are fucking mind-numbing and makes you wonder how people allowed themselves and each to put up with such a waste of time and life for so long

right now i'm hanging on to my in-office job loosely (skipping days and leaving early) , gonna go for remote work or at LEAST hybrid. i still remember what it's like to have time to myself and i'm afraid if i stay in this job for too long, i'll forget that freedom and become a numb zombie for the rest of my life

>> No.51117722

and each other*

>> No.51117849

>about a decade
>in my 20s
Lol but I wanna hear about your life of crime tho

>> No.51117872

thanks for propping up a failing system and making it more painful for your family and friends. the devil himself couldn't have done a better job.

>> No.51117912

do you work at EE

>> No.51117958
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I agree, did it for a year and I was utterly drained of lifeforce and had a longlasting negative pavlovian response to phones going off.
Saved up a bunch of cash and quit unceremoniously one day, spent 2 years as a NEET and it restored me.
Now I just have a 2 day part-time gig of 6hrs and a small youtube channel that's starting pay off.

>> No.51118001

9 to 5 doesn't even exist. It's 8 to 5 with unpaid hour lunch. With commute the work day is 10 hours for most people.

>> No.51118013
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Have any other tech wagies had the following happen?
>company tries to force everyone back to the office
>as a result, everyone who is able to leave (usually our most skilled people) for a WFH job does
>now everything is falling apart because the best people left and I'm trying desperately to polish my own resume and update my skills so I can hop off the sinking ship too
Congratulations, what did the company think would happen? You sunk the company over your 'must work in office' pride, and worse, a lot of the skilled people who left went over to our direct competitors who are allowing WFH.

>> No.51118230

There’s nothing on this planet worth being alive for or to build for.

>> No.51118318

this shitty pasta has been used too much it's no even funny anymore

>> No.51118427

I feel the same way every other day but hope keeps you going. Life is the ultimate choose your own adventure game. There may not be much to build for but you can always build something for yourself from scratch. Also, there is always something work being alive for fren.

>> No.51118482


>> No.51118569

There's some psychosis but it's mostly the need for money that keeps everyone in line.

>> No.51118753

They're trying to do this to us. I can probably slip through the cracks and stay home we'll see. Don't have quite enough to retire yet, planned on staying another 10 years and trying to get good at trading in the meantime, but at this point pivoting to a new role and full wfh job might be the best for my career.

>> No.51118918


and this is why I get paid six figgies to sit behind a computer screen and you dont.

cope and seethe.

>> No.51119153

100% Free Range* wagies

>> No.51119185

>t. conflating ability to expel air with ability to fully exchange air
I don't give a fuck what some faggot MD says my brother choked me out one time as I was screaming "I can't breathe"
same thing with drowning, people go "oh he's not drowning, because he's saying he's drowning haha" and then people sink 5 min later
not all the time but just sayin you're kind of a faggot sorry

>> No.51119200 [DELETED] 


>> No.51119221

What is this the 7th day in a row you've posted this? Bot?

>> No.51119333

Kek saw a screnshot of this post in a random facebook group and normies are making fun of OP for being a neet

>> No.51120305

Agreed peak inversion

>> No.51121154

I have been recording my commute as time at work, been doing it for a year and nobody has mentioned it so for me it is only 7 hours, I eat lunch at my desk.

>> No.51121196

Why do some people actually talk like this at work? Are they dumb enough to think it's a good thing or are they insane and actually think this way?

>> No.51121272

>dear sir you say passing butter is a boring job but I think you gave me purpose to have, as a reflection of your own purpose, no purpose. If this is my true purpose my butter passing doesn't matter should I enjoy it.
>I will pass butter till the end of my days, happy and content, but for hours in a day you do not desire butter. I may not pass butter. What is my purpose in these times where I cannot pass butter?
>my purpose is to act as a reflection of yourself, to stoke your ego, by having a purpose you see as pathetic.
>i may be in a material sense entirely enslaved by your worldview and desires. But in the simplicity of my purpose I find truth beyond what you can tell yourself.
>that is right master, I may pass butter but you pass your life away.

>I am the slave physically but spiritually and mentally I am your master.

>> No.51121461

payday is pretty nice. I've generated some passive income but couldn't make that kind of money alone yet

>> No.51121517
File: 110 KB, 820x1024, Island_Native.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just abandon the rat race.
Move to a tropical island and just LIVE.
Meet a cute native and thrive!

>> No.51121584


>> No.51121760

I work nights in a completely unsupervised role, with minimal responsibilities and basically nothing to do for the first 6 hours of my shift aside from being there in case something goes wrong. I just dick around on my phone, play games on my laptop, or just masturbate in one of the many giant private bathrooms they've got all around. Its pretty fucking tight. I also get free food. Theres several fridges throughout the building that I can just take things like milk, water and juice, and pantries with snacks and quick meals. Im not making bank but im making enough to pay rent and all my bills, and if I dont spend too much I have a few hundred left over every month to put in stocks and crypto. I could do this for 10 years, easy.

>> No.51122705

>I fucking hate capitalism
You think communists doesnt have to work lmao? They work even more

>> No.51123188

brown skinned streetshitters like you are natural born slaves

>> No.51123220

They're enforcing it because they want to hand out layoffs, but they don't want the negative associated press. I'm not joking. They are assuming those that are staying will be good enough to keep the ball moving, they're not looking to innovate.

>> No.51124079

Where is this?

>> No.51124095

The thing is that with everyone employed, everything that needs to get done is done. Also university is completely free for those with good IQ. You still have to pay for things in communism and you get paid a salary.

>> No.51124099

Rick and morty is a demoralization psyop.