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51074721 No.51074721 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51074729

based fuck poor people. I voted biden to shit on poors and my ROI for this has been astronomical.

>> No.51074748

This is why they are only forgiving it for those who make under $125k

Although I think it should be under $75k since $10k isn't much to forgive to begin with and if you took debt, you should fucking pay it back.

>> No.51074774

So are they going to change how future debt works, or just forgive it this one time and let the debt accumulate again for future studens?

>> No.51074775

most people who went to graduate school aren't doctors or lawyers. low IQ rekikelican propaganda, many such cases. (not that demokikes are any better, don't get me wrong.)

>> No.51074787

Never knew what this American whining about student loans' all about. You wanted to go to university. You knew it costs money. You knew either you or your parents will have to pay for it. And then you/they do pay for it. And then you act like you got scammed and the government should reimburse you. Why?

>> No.51074800

Plumber should be glad. Less student debt = more money for things like bathroom remodels and upgrades. Student debt cancellation is a win-win for everybody except (((those))) who want modern slave labor.

>> No.51074876

they didnt go to college thinking "oh gosh i hope this works and im successful", millennials were PROMISED that if they went to college they would be successful, not in a poor ghetto with a bunch of dark fat people. now the entire school system is defaulting on that promise. fuck them i worked hard and i want what was promised

>> No.51074892

sorry but you took the risk of lending six figures of unsecured debt to an 18 year old child.

>> No.51074914

>if you took debt, you should fucking pay it back
This is mathematically impossible in the current financial system. Every dollar created is more debt.

>> No.51074921

Usury is a sin and you will face your comeuppance

>> No.51074934

what kind of sick parent lets their kids get the debt in their name.

I was blessed to have my parents take all the loans and take care of my childish ass before I stood on my feet.

>> No.51074964

>millennials were PROMISED that if they went to college they would be successful
God gave you a brain to think with, not to leave it turned off. No matter what you were told, judging the situation and weighing your circumstances against what you hear was up to you. If you were promised that jumping off a cliff would teach you how to fly, would you do it? You all only have yourselves to blame.

If you want your student debt relieved, then your degree should be annulled. It's only fair. Give back what you took.

>> No.51074972

They're all glossing over the real issue...the cost of "higher education" is absolutely absurd in the US.

There wouldn't need to be student loans that take 20 years to pay off.

>> No.51074975

I'm pretty sure either party will shit on poors.
Its just a question of how.

>> No.51075014

Most 18 year olds don’t know how interest works. The government funded schools don’t teach you that yet the government expects you to know this when you take out loans

>> No.51075016

Why take a loan then if usury is a sin? Seems like you want to shift blame on anyone else but yourself.

>> No.51075046

prices rise to equilibrium of what the market will bear, when you fuck the market through government subsidies the prices skyrocket

>> No.51075065

By 18 years old, you are legally an adult. You are expected to make your own decisions for yourself. If you want to take out a loan from a bank, it is your prerogative to teach yourself about how banks and loans work first. If you don't, and then you do something you regret, that's your mistake. Why should anyone pay for a mistake you made?

>> No.51075103

I riden with Biden. Blue collar worker cuds btfo. Us high iq university chads will dab on you incel losers. Cope and seethe

>> No.51075140

This is why everyone is hiring pajeets and chinese spies BTW. Good luck not investing in education you absolute fucking idiot, there's a reason America is a hellhole.

>> No.51075160

So its okay that they keep sending random ass Ukraine a fuck ton of money, but can’t help there own people?

>> No.51075168


>> No.51075171

cope and seethe

>> No.51075180

>t. Cuck who paid off their loans
Cope seethe and dilate.
I’m riden with Biden

>> No.51075210

>if you took debt, you should fucking pay it back.
make me, kike

>> No.51075226

The sin of another does not absolve your sin.

>> No.51075241

I'm not even American. Higher education is free where I'm from. Got my engineering degree and working a comfortable high-paying job.

>> No.51075248


>> No.51075260

Euro trash makes dogshit wages in engineering. And if you’re not in Europe you make even less

>> No.51075266

bitch im in 20k debt and still paying it back

a man honors his debts even to our kike overlords

>> No.51075275

I work in the oil & gas sector, but that's OK. American jealousy is to be expected.

>> No.51075306

I’ve been paying back my loan every month for ten years. Because of my limited entry level in the first few years, the interest at 7% accrued way beyond manageable levels. Today my balance is about $12k over what the principal was. It’s frustrating… I’m not saying all the debt needs to be forgiven, I understand the issues that come with that.

But maybe an interest chance? 7% is insane for educational loans, period.

>> No.51075441

The funniest part about this kind of thinking is that people like you dont even understand what kind of gloves off world you're proposing we enter when you suggest that debts no longer have to be respected by the holder.

Unfortunately correct.

>> No.51075470

>The funniest part about this kind of thinking is that people like you dont even understand what kind of gloves off world you're proposing we enter when you suggest that debts no longer have to be respected by the holder.

debtor's prisons haven't existed since the early 1800s.

>> No.51075509

based, this is a brown people tax
white people win again

>> No.51075533

The cap should be like just high enough so teachers can get relief. A guy that owe 10k while making 100k should be able to handle the debt himself

>> No.51075538

Kek, upper class families will never have “student loans”. This only impacts poor people who can’t afford school. 10k…. Kek

>> No.51075547

The latter ofc until they need to pander and issue another arbitrary debt forgiveness

>> No.51075562

They just won't loan to students anymore and the economy will become japanificated.

>> No.51075577
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Anon preaching over here. They hated him because he spoke truth. Sinners (me) exposed.

>> No.51075596

That's not what I'm saying. The actual problem you need to worry about is exploitation of this precedent by "people" who now realize that they purposefully accrue debt to a point where the government must intervene. The runaway effects on taxes/inflation and loan structuring will come back to bite you in the ass as the general faith of lenders in borrowers collapses.

Things are going to be very different a decade from now.

>> No.51075636

They literally pull it out of thin air, why tf would I work to pay it back lmao.

>> No.51075641

Lol you don't even know what usury means

>> No.51075681


Why should society allow blatant, value extraction scams to operate? Why should the government back and promote such scams? Why shouldn't the people who promote such scams be penalized for what they've done?

Asinine. I don't get why people are fine with scams existing.

>> No.51075708

How can it be a scam if all the cards are all on the table and you consented to it?

>> No.51075724


My dude, if they just cancelled future interest and refunded interest that's already been paid it would amount to FAR MORE than $10,000 per borrower.

Cancellation of interest on these loans is wholly moral and the only right thing to do.

>> No.51075730

lending standards increase, credit markets tighten. i make a good income at my gay corporate job and i'm not cash poor, why should i care?

>> No.51075758

the plumber's federal tax contribution after all the tax credits he gets is a few thousand and he is grinding down the roads with his van to get to people's houses

>> No.51075779


>> No.51075831


Because university and government staff made fraudulent claims about expected results. "University graduates on average earn nearly $1,000,000 more over the course of their career". Shit like that. You couldn't make implied statements about future returns like that in any other investment without getting reamed by the FTC.

Plenty of for profit institutions received legal penalty for this exact fraudulent behavior. Public institutions have done the exact same thing and are equally culpable.

The cards aren't all on the table, that's the issue. They made fraudulent claims. The government repeated those fraudulent claims. Both are legally culpable and both should be paying, simple as.

>> No.51075880

It was the cheap money and easy loans that made it possible for colleges to raise prices beyond what a non subsidized market could bear

>> No.51075911


Correction, most counselors and gov stooges in my life didn't even say "on average". They said "college graduates earn X more over the course of their careers". They didn't even drop a paper thin CYA term like "average" or "not investing advice". Admissions officers regularly would defuse concerns about loan payback by making statements to individual people. "This degree starts at $X, so you'd be able to pay that back within a year or two".

It's a scam. They claimed a financial result and didn't deliver on it. It's fraud.

>> No.51075949

even today when there are laws around providing employment statistics, so many schools game the system or choose to not publish the data when it's particularly awful.

>> No.51075958

never trust someone who says canceling your loan debt (or basically any other free money) is actually bad for you. lmao

>> No.51076005

I mean is that not implied? They did not use the qualifier all or definitely will. Its just a statistical explanation in words. I think its closer to 2 million and they did not even mention the lower unemployment rate as well, but that is besides the point.

>> No.51076030

>Cancellation of interest on these loans is wholly moral and the only right thing to do.
Seeing as inflation was like 8% or whatever last year, the interest has effectively already been canceled in real terms. In fact, interest rates at less than 8% have effectively been negative meaning borrowers are already gaining benefit here. This current state is already overly generous to the borrowers

>> No.51076079


Cherry picked data that includes data from other schools/majors/programs. That data is then used to claim their programs will generate the same sorts of results since they are in the same product class.

>> No.51076081

You’re complaining about not having done any form of research for your own benefit on a board that specifically mentions doing your own research before investing. I’m guessing you’re the scamcoin “investor/speculator” type on this board. You deserve what you blindly trusted, dipshit.

>> No.51076084

Student loan rates are unreasonably high

>> No.51076114

ok i change my mind then let's ruin the country, it takes away purchasing power from landlords and plumbers and gives it to actually smart people like english professors and behavioral psychologists

>> No.51076141

Most companies are not going to care whether you graduate from school A or school B within the same tier list which is most of them. So the data will be heavily correlated. If you really believe school A is bad and will not represent the average graduate then it is your fault for not doing your research or picking that school over others.

>> No.51076143

How’s constantly wondering if Ger-money will ban all prospecting and drilling for crude?

>> No.51076194

Wrong. Average federal student loan is 4% which is well below car rates and in line with debts backed by real estate and corporate assets.

>> No.51076209


Usury is sin. Increased incomes are taxed harder. You're paying interest so you can get a higher wage, which allows you to pay more taxes.

If the investment was a good one then they wouldn't need the interest, they could just collect the taxes.


You're describing what fraud is. Someone makes a direct claim with a veil of "implication". Then you get chodes like >>51075065 acting like everything was transparent and on the level.

It's a scam. The entire system is contingent on fraudulent claims. People would not have engaged with the service had they not been defrauded.

It's telling when the only defense people have is "You were stupid and you got scammed.". This isn't even my argument, it's THEIR argument. For some reason people think it's fine for scams to operate in broad daylight and for the government to sponsor such scams.

>> No.51076236


That doesn't matter. They made a claim about their product using a competitor's product. That's fraudulent. Furthermore, there would be no student debt crisis if the universities successfully delivered on the financial results they promoted.

>> No.51076255

fucking based. i'm riding with biden. I need a motherfucking bullrun right now. Print goddamnit print!!
t. gme baggie

>> No.51076284

it's almost 8% for graduate loans, and graduate credits (on a per credit cost) are significantly more expensive than undergrad

>For Direct PLUS Loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2022, and before July 1, 2023, the interest rate is 7.54%. This is a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan.

>> No.51076317

Take the money from Bezos or Bill Gates. We're giving them tax breaks because they're buying more land, how the tf does that help anyone but themselves?

Or colleges could actually pay taxes, seeing as they operate like businesses anyway.

>> No.51076338

>You're paying interest so you can get a higher wage, which allows you to pay more taxes
Ahh yes but we live in a society.

Lets take 2 people, one goes to college, one does not.
Both now make 100K and pay the same taxes.
In your scenario, the person who did not go to college will effectively be subsidizing the person who did because they are both paying the same amount, but only one of them received the benefit of university.
Thus this is an immoral system to the person who did not go to university.
As a result, the student loan system is more moral than this as those who derive value are directly paying for it.

It is a moral obligation to not forgive student loans as it forces people to subsidize the lifestyle choices of others against their will. Honestly loan forgiveness is essentially slavery from a moral perspective.

>> No.51076358

on average college graduates make more money over their career. you're presenting a false equivalency.

>> No.51076360

So if an individual misinterprets data incorrectly they can claim that you frauded them because they thought you put in qualifiers where they did not exist?

They did not claim their school specifically had those results. It is you, the student, who plugged in that supposition and took the risk waving away that concern and now you want free insurance. Cute.

So you are going to cherry pick a number that is convenient to you now? What if that number goes down tomorrow? So use the 10 year averages in line with the average loan term.

>> No.51076399
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>Close 100B to Ukraine
>300B to citizens
Real shit

I do not agree with both policies but come on niggers. One is obviously miles better than the others

>> No.51076412

>"Go and get an education, or you'll work in McDonalds your whole life!"
>Graduate into a recession, no jobs, experience needed for every position, 0% intrest rates, etc.
>"What, you think you're too good to work in McDonald's? Back in my day I had to walk 7 miles just for a slice of bread!"

>> No.51076456

>decisions you made as a literal child with the whole weight of the state propaganda apparatus compelling you should cripple you for the rest of your life because... muh tax dollars!
cope seethe and dilate faggot I'm never paying any of my debnts

>> No.51076464


Who said anything about morality? I'm talking about fraud. The federal government repeated the same fraudulent statements about future earnings when promoting college education. They are culpable for the damages caused by those fraudulent claims.

It ceases to be a matter of personal responsibility when someone is the victim of fraud. Ethically speaking restitution must be rendered by the perpetrators of this fraud. (The institutions and the federal government)

You're also assuming that I'm advocating for wholesale dismissal of all student loan balances. I am not. I am only advocating for the difference between true value and claimed value. If the degree itself has some utility then this utility should be paid for; only the over-promised amount should be refunded, because that's all the victim was defrauded out of. It's also what makes income limits on such policies moral; the universities were able to deliver on some of it.

>> No.51076471

Retard. You have no CHOICE BUT to get a degree for middle class, you stupid stupid low IQ pajeet fuck

>> No.51076475

it's not a free market with proper price discovery though. government is backing the loans which means universities can charge higher and higher amounts.

>> No.51076479

>if you took debt, you should fucking pay it back.
How about the federal government?

>> No.51076491

None of the replies answered his question. PeakCope. So glad I live in a tax haven and don't have to pay for this retarded bailout. College dumbfucks will be scammed again on something else just like they got scammed into taking insane loans for mediocre education they could've had for free via google. lol. lmao even.

>> No.51076495

fucking pajeets, I swear

>> No.51076505
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>> No.51076559


It wasn't a personal misinterpretation, it was an intentional misrepresentation of the data. I personally experienced counselors telling me personally that I could expect a starting salary upon graduation and they provided a time frame for reasonable payback. That's fraudulent.

There's a reason you need disclaimers about past performance not guaranteeing future results. There's no reason to make such a promotional statement if not to convince (defraud) someone into purchasing your product.

It's well established that these schools do indeed make statement about their specific results as well. Historically results have been good and these claims were made in the context of future results.

For profit universities have faced direct legal consequences for fraudulent statements like these. This isn't some hypothetical. The public universities are guilty of the same fraudulent tactics, as is the federal government for promoting these fraudulent scams.

It's a scam, you admit it yourself. You think it's fine for the scam to exist because it's not coerced. Sorry, I have to disagree. Scammers should be held responsible, as do everyone who knowingly promotes those scams.

>> No.51076567

Don't some jobs in the states legally require a college degree to even work in?

>> No.51076570


My parents literally forced me to go to college. The idea of an 18 year old fresh out of high school being able to take on 100k in debt when they’d get denied for a 2k private loan is ludicrous

>> No.51076578

congrats the only jeets that come over are highly intelligent 0.1% top of indian society

>> No.51076585


To put it simply, the federal government promoted a scam. They're on the hook for it. Simple as.

>> No.51076604

Seeing as neither of you refuted the underlying point, I'll assume you agree with the immorality designation regarding that scenario.
Lets look at another one:
>Two individuals go to university
>One does STEM, graduates in 4 years, becomes a high earning productive member of society
>Another does humanities and takes 6 years to graduate, does not have marketable skills, and gets a low value job unrelated to their degree.
>The second person undoubtedly cost more money in terms of "education" expenses (we're kinda drawing straight lines here- obviously STEM professors are more valuable than huminites, make more money, thus the cost per pupil is different but bare with me here)
>How is it moral that the first person will effectively be subsidizing the second person's bad decisions? In fact, again, it is immoral in this case as the system punishes success and encourages bad allocation of educational resources
>Furthermore perpetuating this system decreases the quality of education overall due to resource mismanagement, creating a worse education system as time goes on
>Thus this is immoral and actively worsens the state of the world

>> No.51076687

The premise of the american schools system is that you have to do well and go to college or you will be a mcdonalds employee and everyone will hate you and treat you like garbage. They then get people to start thinking what college they want when they are 14-16, and then finalize it at 18. It's an enourmous purchase which they start selling to people as children and tell them they will have a very bad life if they don't do it.

>> No.51076698

I went to college, got a STEM degree. Became an engineer. I have 0 debt. If this goes through, I will be paying the debt of low IQ people who made poor decision and chose bad degrees.

>> No.51076704

>Never knew what the house market crash's all about. You wanted to buy a house. You knew it costs money. You knew you will have to pay for it. And then you do pay for it. And then you act like you got scammed and the government should help you. Why?
dunno, maybe people need a house, good education and a professional career to improve their lives (or so they have been told anyway).

>> No.51076717


I am under no obligation to refute your non sequitur. I made no claims about greater morality or ethics within a system. I only made the claim that public universities and the federal government made fraudulent statements for their own benefit, and are therefore not entitled to any earnings from such a fraudulent activity.

But I'll humor you. Yes, the humanities major that got defrauded should be refunded and the successful stemmie shouldn't. They were not defrauded, since they got the results that were promised to them.

At a fundamental level the question you are asking is "How is government overreach and taxation moral?". Simple answer is that it isn't and shouldn't be happening. However, I do hold the belief that holding government accountable for fraud is more moral than allowing it to go unchecked, even if individual taxpayers face a imbalanced degree of impact based on these fraudulent government actions.

>> No.51076749
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Being a poorfag paid off.

>> No.51076788

Kek I never planned on paying it back anyways. I moved to Romania and now live a based life away from you muttoids.

>> No.51076820

My dad told me I would dig ditches if I didn't. Jokes on him: I was a groundskeeper in college.

>> No.51076829

An educated populace is a prosperous and economically, mentally richer than a land of jeet Street shitters or pot bellied niggers. University should cost money but the idea that the debt should carry on to kin or your descendants is ludicrously Jewish. British law is the ideal imo, where loans are only paid back when you earn over a certain amount, are paid before taxes and the remainder is written off after 30 years. This ensures that more money is taken from the more successful grads than the people sincerely struggling.
Free university is only possible when it is being subsidised by a third party (like Scottish unis by England) , or west/East Germany by the west/Soviets, or through extremely high tax; so not sustainable long term.
There should be more of an onus on people not studying dead end degrees like women's studies, gender studies, film studies, blah blah but from reaffirmating the economic struggles with said degrees, not by force. All have fiscal and intellectual value in the world whether you disagree with or not, and if the free market decides as such (to smaller amounts) then it is law.
Seppocentric discourse on the topic is fucking retarded. Your kike elites fucking rinse you of your money, and your opportunities to climb social classes, and saddle people with generational debt for wanting to learn more about humanity - one of the most inherent feelings! To destroy the opportunity to satisfy inner curiousity about how our world works is disgusting.
However I also believe university should be pushed as the ONLY route. This is another implicit threat that saddles people with debt to the elites. Trade schools, apprenticeships and further education should considered as equally valid routes in life and the respect that each deserve to create a balanced, healthy society
>inb4 reeeeeeeee kys feminist faggot grad
I have a BSc in Physics and I'm mastering in cs

>> No.51076904
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Based Biden get fukt non-elites

>> No.51076910

>it isn't and shouldn't be happening
I'm glad we're in agreement that shifting the burden from those who have incurred costs to the system to those who did not is regressive and immoral.

Where is this so called fraud? Can you show me a picture of these explicit promises? Is there a contract I can see these promises in writing?

I mean on the one level I understand the prevailing narrative of college leading to success, and I understand the narrative that an 18 y/o with no credit wouldn't be granted any sort of loan for anything other than university because the loan is non feasible for a private lender and high risk. Yes there's a non zero amount of damages there.
The fundamental point is that this approach to solving this negative externality are incurring more costs to society than they are giving back. Its fundamentally a net negative to society as a whole, and a bad move. The forgiveness does more harm to non borrowers than it benefits borrowers. Its stealing from our children so our peers could spend 4 years partying. Its like chopping down the amazon for the one time benefit of a cool dining room table.

>> No.51076945

It’s more like taxing baby boomers to pay off the loans of the Millenials and zoomers, the majority of which are and were pushed off to college, they scammed. That the largest demographic is baby boomers and baby boomers don’t have degrees means absolutely nothing at all.

>> No.51076975

Only if they earn less than the median individual income in the area they live.

>> No.51076996

Seethe all you want, chud, the loans are being wiped out and it will probably happen again in the future. Thanks for paying back your loans, bust sadly no refunds.

>> No.51077032

Forgiveness is written the system in the UK after 30 years. Our system extracts more value that from the cohort of formally educated populace than if not (through the repayments and the money from the loans funding careers, research, construction, businesses and home ownership around university towns).
The idea that those loans should stick with you for life and be passed onto descendants is utterally abhorrent. It is a Jewish way of thinking and is entrapping people in debt and interest payments. Student loans provide so much more value to society in comparison to personal loans that go on holidays, cars, devices, drugs ect. Even personal loans aren't passed onto your fucking kids mate! It's a kike psyop and scam

>> No.51077076


You don't need a written contract to defraud someone. Airborne settled for millions over false claims that their product "Boosts your immune system". Even a nebulous term like "boosts" carries enough implied meaning for a claim to be fraudulent. Universities made direct future claims about "graduates" and their career earnings/starting salaries that were not delivered on. Many students can attest to sales tactics that bring up these figures in explicit "You can", "You will" and "You can expect to" statements.

I personally believe in federal cancellation and refunding of interest payments only. The federal government has only profited from the interest on the loans taken out under fraudulent pretenses. Any fraudulent tuition expense is the responsibility of the university. They should be held to account, but that's not the federal government's direct fault.

You won't pay off anyone else's loans under my model.

>> No.51077085


>> No.51077132

you won't reply to this comment because you are a kike BOOTLICKER.

>> No.51077155

it's a bank bailout. they owe the banks, it's going from your taxpayer money to banks. the college kids weren't going to pay that shit anyways.

>> No.51077238

Nah , nobody who didn’t go to college in America did it as part of an independent thought exercise they were just too dumb and couldn’t see past the $400 a week or whatever they made for menial work

>> No.51077643


Where are Jewish Americans in that chart?

>> No.51078723
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>muh partying
I've come to realize that almost all of the seething about loan forgiveness is rooted either in sour grapes from people who paid dumb debt like suckers, or even sourer grapes from people who are literally just jealous that they didn't get to go to idealized college parties.

>> No.51078954

I didn't reply to (You) silly anon

>> No.51079019

>like taking money from a plumber to pay the debt of a lawyer

always has been

>> No.51079051

>and you can fuck 13yrs in japan.

just admit that the legacy system failed. I dont understand why thats so hard to understand?

>> No.51079060


Far and away the #1 ethnicity, and curiously (((hidden))) hehe

>> No.51079144

>cancellation and refunding of interest payments only
With inflation loans are already net negative on a real basis, you're just trying to turn -2% interest into -8% interest, its completely arbitrary and unnecessary. Negative 2% doesn't need to be lowered. Time Value of Money.

>they didn't get to go to idealized college parties
I did the frat thing at an SEC school. My partying was not subsidized by the govt.

>captcha Nvggers

>> No.51079187

Debt died with zoomers. thanks for the free money homo LMAO

>> No.51079220

Stop advocating for financial grooming of minors. Kys

>> No.51079219

You can instinctively deduce that its a gibsmedat. It is the equivalent of the bankruptcy model where you can essentially take on loans order people around and if you succeed you get free shit and if you fail you can just declare bankruptcy and isolate your personal finances away. Getting a degree and taking a risk on the loan is the same model but as an employee. Of course they will never take responsibility for being dumb with their finances that would actually optimize the system. No, they will consume as many resources of theirs and others time as humanly possible and take a bet that graduation from one school is the same as another school and when it does not work out for their particular instance they will gibsmedat.

>> No.51079270

On the one hand I hate faggots with college debt and want them to suffer.

On the other, tradies are retarded and I'm tired of their "I make 50k in rural alaska I'm basically a millionaire per capita" while telling me about their igloo.

>> No.51079747

Hahahahaha knowing that I’m happy at your expense only makes me happier. Seethe retard

>> No.51079790

Thanks bud!

>> No.51079954

Motherfucker, I would take this deal so quick, I owe over 300k. I started college at 17 and that 300k included ZERO for living expenses, it was all tuition. I worked the entire time I was in college, so I didn't even get the "college experience."

>> No.51079967

dont care lmao
thank you based brandon

>> No.51079995

Dang, I had $8,000 right before going into PA School. Feels good to get back to $0 debt right before going into the program :D

>> No.51080019

This is merely a way of inventivizing more people to take even more debt, thinking they will get it forgiven.

>> No.51080101

>Only people with bad degrees got loans

>> No.51080126

Really awesome that the plumber gets to work and receive payments in inflated currency based on a devaluation of money that was really already his.

Personally, I stopped actively working 6 months ago, and with continued handouts like this eroding the value of the US dollar, I see no reason to start back up again. I'd rather just kick back and let this economy fail. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

>> No.51080191

most people who went to grad school and aren't lawyers, engineers, doctors are either rich types or retarded burger flippers with 100k to 200k in debt, this forgiveness is a meme lmao

>> No.51080269

The people with right degree likely don't qualify for the loans, almost all lawyers, doctors, tech bros make way more than $125k, most of them have already paid a lot of it anyway and will continue to do it.

Meanwhile hardworking wagies who didn't waste money on college, middle class parents who financed their children's education (mostly right degrees) , will now be paying for $100k loans of some barrista roastie with a grad degree in lesbian dance theory.

>> No.51080603

It’s more like millenials were told if you didn’t go to college you couldn’t be successful.
At the same time, the grade school system was rapidly becoming worse in terms of preparing them for college. Before the last of the millenials graduated hs, even top 10 schools were complaining about how unprepared their students were.

>> No.51081354

You are a fucking brainlet.
>but we were promised!
By whom nigger?
If your parents are citing the fact that college graduates make more on average, that doesn't mean that simply attending will magically grant you a lucrative career and upper class lifestyle.
You are a whiney stupid faggot who deserves to fail at life.

>> No.51081389

>Most 18 year olds don’t know how interest works.
Yes they fucking do, or at least should be expected to before taking out a loan.
It's such a simple concept you can explain it to a bright 5 year old.
Stupid people cannot be protected from the consequences of being stupid.

>> No.51081446

If you came up with a business plan and showed it to the bank you might get a loan for it, depending on how good your plan is and how much experience you have.
This exact process should apply to college loans. The bank would not approve loans except to people that show they have a high chance at repayment, ie high grades, high scores, degree with good job prospects and high average pay.

>> No.51081472


>> No.51081492
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hey i'm not going to pay them i hope this is okay

>> No.51081748 [DELETED] 

Looking forward to the Phase 2 of the NEVM where Syscon will introduce zkrollups to the platform. And this will not only bring NEVM speeds up to over 200,000 transactions per second; far beyond what is theorized for ethereum 2.0, but will also allow projects built atop the syscon platform to institute zero fees within their applications.

>> No.51083453

How do I profit off of this? Can I go to school again right now?

>> No.51083473

lmao fuck poors, that's what you get

>> No.51083706

elections are coming up, what do you think?

>> No.51083726

asian master race

>> No.51083739

also women account for 2/3rds of the student debt.

>> No.51084307

Based, Mutts are embarrassing.

>> No.51084364

this kek.

>> No.51084384

I know this is a yuro posting this
I will concede that your argument is correct, but only if also agree that NATO should be dissolved and that Europe should be left to fend for itself against Russia and china

>> No.51084399

I unironically paid off all but $10.5k of my debt in order to capitalize on debt forgiveness, but I underestimated the criminal class in placing a cap on earnings. I make too much to qualify.
On the one hand, it's fine as I'm not a deadbeat loser, on the other hand it sucks that I have to be responsible and pay for deadbeat losers.

>> No.51084416

Same but I owe way more than $10.5k still

>> No.51084433

>take money away from someone to give to someone else
Do mutts really think they are still on gold standard or something? You're using monopoly money and the government just magics what ever it wants out of thin air (by commanding their dogs at the central bank to print more). If you're stupid enough to hold fiat then you're getting raped by the inflation of the money supply. If you're holding assets this sort of shit is a good thing and makes it so normies can never touch you (their wages will never keep up with asset inflation). 4chan should be celebrating shit like this because it means us retards that hold crypto assets will see our quality of life increase at the cost of everyone else. Just fucking hold as much BTC, ETH maybe XMR as you can get your hands on and watch yourself become a king. Any whole-coiner is going to be the equivalent of a multi-millionaire (in todays buying power) in the next 5-10 years as this sort of shit ramps up more and more. Expect a lot more money printing as Biden sees the second half of his term. He isn't winning an election as it stands and needs to make a positive impression for the next 2 years.

>> No.51084472

If you're holding assets this sort of shit is a good thing and makes it so normies can never touch you (their wages will never keep up with asset inflation).
yeah real assets like real estate and stocks and not fucking internet money RETARDED NIGGER LMAO

>> No.51084477


You can refinance any time, you should have done it during COVID when interest rates were historically low.

>> No.51084542

Cope. Crypto is the future of finance and the methods by which post collapse humanity will manage themselves. You're a fucking boomer that would have said the internet will have the same level of impact on the world as fax and that the mobile phone was nothing but a trendy fad because they started off massive.

>> No.51084629

The plumber didn't promise you shit.

>> No.51086011

This is communism reaching into your lives and all you can say is yes please and fuck poor people. To think America was once envied by the world. We've seen it just dying of cancer, its people turned to human pigs

>> No.51086405

18 years olds are NOT supposed to be retarded children. they're adults or at least on pathway to adulthodo

>> No.51086675

>blacks laughably at the ABSOLUTE bottom

>> No.51086736

No, only on govt contracts and even then exceptions can be made
All degrees are neutral. People struggling with sl debt are just stupid or lazy, or both. The govt bails out stupid lazy nigs all the time. They aren't even getting a full bailout, it's not even enough to cover the payments most missed over the last two years of payment forgiveness lol
The creditors didn't promise you shit anon that was the school.
Physics and CS? Literally could have learned that online. Die poor.
It's millennials.

>> No.51086768

Lmao this, wagies will get sub 10k forgiven and feel comfortable going in for another 10k
To be fair this doesn't adjust for cost of living. Filipinos, for instance, basically all live in Hawaii and SoCal. Indians are all in CA and WA, maybe Austin. Etc..

>> No.51086844

What part of shemitah don't you get?

>> No.51086854

>Article 5 has been invoked only once in NATO history: by the United States after the September 11 attacks in 2001.

Based low IQ edge lord retard would lose 29 military allies, to "win" an argument on an anonymous meme board. Truly a master tactician.

>> No.51086876

Not my problem faggot I hope you boomers have to pay all of it

>> No.51086921
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>The bank would not approve loans

>> No.51087798

You choose where you want to live.