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>> No.51079544

First for shorting NVDA

>> No.51079545
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Well done Mumu, well done


>> No.51079549
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>> No.51079551

>NVDA beat

>> No.51079561

top signal is in

someone post the NVDA deets

>> No.51079566

don't fucking scare me like that anon

>> No.51079572

gas gas gas I'm gonna step on the gas

>> No.51079575
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>> No.51079577
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I didnt boughted sqqq

>> No.51079579
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Who is this Jackson guy and why do we care about his hole?

>> No.51079580
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Top is in

>> No.51079585


>> No.51079588

Every week the market doesn't cool off is another month we'll get to live with ridiculous inflation just so a bunch of communist faggots can win some elections.

>> No.51079590

They’ll beat dummy. Your only hope is guidance.

>> No.51079602


>> No.51079605

As far as I'm concerned, the government owes me tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.51079611

How has the last 8 months not been a cooling off period?

>> No.51079617
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>> No.51079618
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Uranium Kings... It's our turn

>> No.51079623

Just stop paying taxes, anon

>> No.51079630

Only way to get your money back is to evade taxes.
Every tax dollar you pay is a dollar towards someone else's student loans.

Avoid holding money in savings accounts or treasuries too. This was effectively a 300 billion devaluation of the US dollar.

>> No.51079633

Green rocks are going up

>> No.51079638
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How many minutes till nvda earnings?

>> No.51079641

That money is for art students and drug addicts anon.

>> No.51079646

kek it's only going to get worse too. with the 87k new agents it was obvious they expected you to stop paying.

>> No.51079648

can I enroll as a full time student in fall, attend no classes, and take out over the cost in loans and just get them cancelled?

>> No.51079650

>nvda eps estimate are 1/4 of the usual
NVDA beat

>> No.51079659

yes you can

>> No.51079662 [DELETED] 
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Didn't get to trade today because this stupid black kot kept following my qt Latina girlfriend everywhere

>> No.51079663

>Tfw sold my UEC at a loss last week
Ooga booga the charts lied

>> No.51079669

>87k new agents
Some kike nerd with an IRS badge?
Fuck 'em

>> No.51079672

I humbly apologize to our direxion sponsors for my transgression

>> No.51079671

stimmy bros!
we're back!

>> No.51079678
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First for NVDA SOXL

>> No.51079681

just once again thanking the anon who shilled me SNOW

>> No.51079690

87k kike nerds call calling you a white supremacists. as far as the community is concerned they just gun downed a neo nazi. there will be no outrage.

>> No.51079695

So that's what you did all day?
Not a bad day, tbqh

>> No.51079699

they have to actually be able to pull that trigger before the dogs get them

>> No.51079705

Nice beat by SNOW. How much are you up anon?

>> No.51079709

You bros will be outraged though and avenge me, right? RIGHT?

>> No.51079710
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the dark pools are swirling

>> No.51079717

Is it possible to only pay the 15% long sale rate for shorts in the current market conditions?

>> No.51079730

What is the name of the Jewish holiday coming up? I remember an anon saying it was around the same time as the 2008 crash and looking to see if it actually coincided with market changes.

>> No.51079732


>> No.51079734

Shorts always pay short term rate. It's why they're called shorts.

>> No.51079735

Why. Are. The. Forests. So. Poopy

>> No.51079741

its the end of the shemitah. we've been going through it. its when its over that you can relax

>> No.51079748

Unless you hold them for more than a year.

>> No.51079758

soxl moass soon

>> No.51079760

When it is over should I consider longing?

>> No.51079763

Did that anon buy SNOW today?

>> No.51079769

>jewish holiday about canceling debts
>all debs actually get canceled
how people can still think all this shit is a coincidence is beyond me

>> No.51079773

Because bears shit in the woods?

>> No.51079780
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do something

>> No.51079785

I saw that anon
I flamed that anon
I shoudl had believed that annon

come back and shill me some more stock plz I will listen this time

>> No.51079796

its hidden tigers in the woods not bears jeezus cant you guys learn basic stock market enviromentallism
also buy ADSK

>> No.51079802


>> No.51079806

Options chain was heavily bearish

>> No.51079809
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>> No.51079812

Good idea to buy the Shopify dip?

>> No.51079814
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Shemitah ends on Sept 26th, same week FED releases their final 3%+ interest rate hike

Then the market will finally collapse fully and we can go back to sensible evaluations

>> No.51079815

how did Twitter gain on the day? seems like several bad news articles came out... the rug will be glorious

>> No.51079822

there we fucking go

>> No.51079823


>> No.51079827

NVDA is getting funky

>> No.51079832


>> No.51079838

only 650 because NEET

>> No.51079841
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NVDA bobros

>> No.51079842

Says it ends on the 26th of Sept.
Anyone think when and how it will affect the market? Massive sell offs? Massive buys?

>> No.51079845

>NVDA Down 20%
I fucking knew it bobros

>> No.51079847


>> No.51079850


>> No.51079856

NVIA rev miss

>> No.51079858

>nvda down .2 percent

>> No.51079859


>> No.51079861
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>> No.51079864


>> No.51079867


>> No.51079873

and it just bounced right back
this market is so fucking fake and/or gay in 2022

>> No.51079874


>> No.51079875

You think the fed will raise it to 3%?

>> No.51079877
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Well at least now the SIGA Sisters can be friends with the NVDA Bros.

>> No.51079883

Hahahaha all your options are getting fucked by volatility

>> No.51079899


>> No.51079902

I used too much water in cooking rice and now it sucks. Short my enjoyment of this meal.

>> No.51079906

No, I want them to increase it BY 3%

>> No.51079908

no access to jewish hours

>> No.51079911


>> No.51079925

fucking disgusting how all the moves happen AH now
didn't used to be this way

>> No.51079927
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>> No.51079928

Imagine being long in a company that mooned 800% in a couple years because scamming chicks bought all their inventory to farm crypto

NVDA is long crypto. Lol.. fucking crypto baggies

>> No.51079941

Meme market

>> No.51079943
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>didn't used to be this way

>> No.51079945

there is a lot more normies retail trading now so the powers that be have to make more of their moves afterhours to counter this

>> No.51079948
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>> No.51079961

Can NVDA stop being a faggot and move already

>> No.51079968

Imagine having 150k in grad and undergrad debt and making 125k a year as a lawyer or something.

>guess theres no help for me

>> No.51079969
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and just like that, nvda option gamblers are BTFO

>> No.51079971

its moving a lot rn

>> No.51079975
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I got 10k dry powder on deck, and another 10k freed up in October. I will be ready to SLURP SLURP SLURP IT UP BROTHERRR

>> No.51080008

fuck off retard
Shit is only moving by 10 pennies

>> No.51080015

When I see lady ass in a thumbnail, I click it and you know this. Why are you like this?

>> No.51080016

thats only on earnings. plus the market is basically just waiting for this jackson hole thing on friday. we have really low volume right now

>> No.51080024
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its moving a lot bro

>> No.51080025
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so i dont live in the US and didnt study there but i invest in the american market. so basically i invest in america. that basically makes me a citizen imo, so really i should be entitled to 10-20k as well i feel. id be putting it straight back into the country anyway. in fact i wouldnt be wasting the money on some worthless gender studies degree in the first place. realistically i would have contributed MORE to american prosperity than most of these goym cattle. i say the next stimmy should go to the foreign investor as compensation.

>> No.51080029
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Teslabros, how are we looking?

TSLA starts trading at its new 3-1 split price tomorrow. The memetic energy behind this stock seems higher than ever.

Will we see the new share price bounce right back to $500+?

>> No.51080030

that's a woman

>> No.51080032

theta chads eviscerating NVDA gamblers

>> No.51080035

Based retard

>> No.51080039
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>> No.51080051
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Silence, mammal. I don't care about what you faggots are doing up there

>> No.51080058
File: 2.26 MB, 1890x3960, ANIME-PICTURES.NET_-_724698-1890x3960-original-jun+(aousa0328)-single-long+hair-tall+image-looking+at+viewer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMB stock ladies!

>> No.51080059

I will buy SOXL calls Friday afternoon when it hits $14

>> No.51080066
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>> No.51080069

It will totally depend on what they show as a prototype. I am certain it will be garbage and the stock will plumbet 40%

>> No.51080071
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Ummmm volatility? Shakeouts? Sweetie do you realize I'm too retarded set limit orders?

>> No.51080072
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>> No.51080076
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>> No.51080081
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>> No.51080082
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>> No.51080097


>> No.51080111
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joining the earnings call as David Soxl rn

>> No.51080118


>> No.51080119

Oh no widduw baby gonna cwai?

>> No.51080122 [DELETED] 

shouldve bought chainlink
shouldve bought siga
shouldve bought snowflake

>> No.51080143

Guys... I don't feel so good...

>> No.51080149

Ask if these earnings are going to hurt my framerates in Spider Man Remastered

>> No.51080151

I shouldve bought chainlink
shouldve bought siga
shouldve bought snowflake

>> No.51080155
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AHAHAH This did pretty well today, canceled that gas long though

>> No.51080161

Holy shit
er plays are dead now. Everything just follows the le priced in meme

>> No.51080170
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>-5.25% after daily inflation

>> No.51080172

I said yesterday buying SNOW was a no brained. No one listened it seems.

>> No.51080173

NVDA earnings... were not priced in... bros...

>> No.51080174

holy shit I just realized a thing China is getting worried about their weakening currency vs the dollar and Xi's first official visit in three years will be to Saudi Arabia in September. He's going to ask to pay for oil with Yuan isn't he? Or try to persuade them to join Russia initiative around a basket of commodity producing cureencies and fix it that way? KSa already liked the idea of this ecu type idea in which the rial would participate.

>> No.51080178
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Oil Chads where are you I was here yesterday called my bull spread on /CL

>> No.51080183

that's because shit earnings were litereally priced in. did you even look at the forecasted eps

>> No.51080185

EQNR and VET have been the gifts that keep on giving

>> No.51080190
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I would actually buy the NVDA dip if I didn't already have a fuckton of SOXL.

>> No.51080200

How hard are my SPY calls gonna print tomorrow?

>> No.51080203

but you didn't post why, and in 5 minutes of DD I couldn't figure out why
care to share your ancient knowledge?

>> No.51080207

And how has that been working for you baggie?

>> No.51080219
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>> No.51080221
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>NVDA fucks over both pull & call holders
you love to see it

>> No.51080223

>nvda down
>qqq up

>> No.51080229
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>> No.51080238

>can't sell my nvidia put before open
>earnings are not that bad and it will bounce back
ah is just here to mock me.

>> No.51080245

Kek this

>> No.51080246

im glad i didnt listen and didnt buy soxl

>> No.51080247

It's ok... in 3 months there will be another report... Just keep calm until then.

>> No.51080251
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How do I profit from this?

>> No.51080257

Interesting to watch. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.51080259

nvda makes up a negative allocation of the letf, it's inversely correlated. The Lord Baron vons Direxxion is a mathemarketable genius

>> No.51080270

You will be alright. NVDA could -50% and still be overpriced

>> No.51080271

Pretty damned good, desu.
I've been swapping the fuck out of it and accumulating for the next bull run.

>> No.51080275

you will be fine

>> No.51080276

puts were so fucking expensive all the way down to like 150 even in 2dte

>> No.51080277
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Prolonged hurricane power outages hit what industry?


>> No.51080286

Autobot bros...

>> No.51080288
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they have almost a monopoly on graphics cards you fucking moron. It's one of the greatest companies of our time.

>> No.51080289

If you bought at $13 you would be as happy as I've been.

>> No.51080290

steal some and sell them

>> No.51080295

How much more is nvda finna boutta drop fr?

>> No.51080300
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Roll out

>> No.51080299

what do republicans have against putting trans to work on our electrical grid? Isn't that kind of discrimination illegal?

>> No.51080302

>Something something "bet on the collapse of Optimus Subprime"

>> No.51080305

Because others in the same sector pumped. It's that simple. People were worried because other tech stocks like Zoom, Twitter, and Snap tanked but those are shit companies. The well run cloud companies all smashed earnings. I said this yesterday as well.

>> No.51080309

those graphics suck

>> No.51080310



>> No.51080313

Their data center revenue increased 61% YoY.
You're a fool if you don't think they are going to expand in that direction.

>> No.51080314

I've seen the LiveLeak videos of that before...

>> No.51080316


>> No.51080317


>”growth” stock
>-50% EPS miss


>> No.51080327

I didn't bother watching the nvda earnings call where do i see the ER

>> No.51080333
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The transformers require grain oriented electrical steel, a soft material made of iron and silicon with special magnetic properties that helps prevent energy loss.

That material, like other steel-based products, has been in short supply for a year. Only one U.S. company – Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. – produces it, and overseas companies face shipping challenges and increased worldwide demand. (Cleveland-Cliffs did not respond to a request for comment.)
>CLF tranny was right

>> No.51080335

invest in copper

>> No.51080336

teh fuck are you talking about 50% miss lol. What estimates are you smoking

>> No.51080344

They already lowered guidance last week. They only missed EPS by a couple cents.

>> No.51080352
File: 58 KB, 556x556, 4712220C-9A56-4B20-8A9E-D22E7ACE1E5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s some high strength cope

>> No.51080356

>bet on the collapse of Optimus Subprime
Top kek

>> No.51080359

lol priced in

>> No.51080360

He is looking at last quarter's projection, not the adjusted projection they recently released.
With all the NVDA shorts the news cycle is going to be against them.

>> No.51080364

>stranglehold on GPU market
>one of the best companies positioned in AI
>rapidly growing data center segment
there's a reason it's valued like it is and basically you're just a dumbfuck retard

>> No.51080369
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>> No.51080373

I see that but I don't think it's worth selling here even if it goes lower it's still a solid hold for me

>> No.51080381

earnings call is in 5 minutes

>> No.51080391
File: 1.44 MB, 3000x2000, 1157C8A8-0196-4F2B-A78F-6B77CC7BAE25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How it’s going Cramer?

>> No.51080395
File: 417 KB, 383x595, 1582289140_赤 色 杀 人 魔.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bringe i thought it was at 4:20

>> No.51080417

Oh, I agree. NVDA is going to go oversold then bounce. Long term they have billions for stock buyback and great prospects in the data center.

>> No.51080420

so you got lucky
not hating man, you nailed it, the options I was looking at will be up like 300% at open

>> No.51080430
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>Me watching Europe implode while holding EQNR


>> No.51080446

The shemitah isn't a holiday itself. It's a year in the Jewish calendar when, in ancient times, fields were left unworked as a form of crop rotation and debts were cancelled. The New Year's holiday, Rosh Hashana, ends on September 27, 2022, but the shemitah was originally an agricultural practice, and the harvest festival is Sukkot, which ends on October 16, 2022.

It is possible for market turmoil to extend beyond Sukkot. For example, the 1987 crash's Black Monday was October 19, and Sukkot ended on October 14 that year. It's also possible for selling to start in the last several months of the preceding year, and in the case of 2008 the market top was in summer 2007. Therefore the danger zone is from late summer of the year before, and especially starting January of the shemitah year, to the end of October in the shemitah year.

2022 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_stock_market_decline
2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%932016_stock_market_selloff
2008 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_crisis_of_2007%E2%80%932008
2001 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_2000s_recession
1994 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1994_bond_market_crisis
1987 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Monday_(1987)
1980 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_1980s_recession including the famous Volcker interest rate hikes which are relevant today
1973 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973%E2%80%931974_stock_market_crash
The notable outlier in that time was the 2020 covid crash, which didn't happen during a shemitah year.

China has a history of participating in shemitah years.
>The 2015–2016 stock market selloff was the period of decline in the value of stock prices globally that occurred between June 2015 to June 2016. It included the 2015–2016 Chinese stock market turbulence, in which the SSE Composite Index fell 43% in just over two months between June 2015 and August 2015,[1][2] which culminated in the devaluation of the yuan.

>> No.51080448
File: 701 KB, 663x906, 456AEFE8-7CA0-4E46-BF8E-D563753A25B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people reall not realize what a blaring siren for the economy is that consoomers are spending less on gaming? What do you think one of the first things they cut out of their budget?

>> No.51080450

yeah that dip would be a great buy.. almost too good to be true if you are bullish overall like me

>> No.51080452

You will never be a woman. Your overpriced crypto bags are going to test 165 resistance and fall off a cliff after that

>> No.51080471

20% downside risk 100% to ATH

>> No.51080474

If I didn't have a fuckton of SOXL I would try to buy the low tomorrow.

>> No.51080485

What games would you even want right now?

>> No.51080491

Is your average also 10 dollars?

>> No.51080492

lmao they are fucking the call up

>> No.51080493


>> No.51080495
File: 23 KB, 476x587, FF89Cs4VcAAX3A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shemitah isn't a holiday itself. It's a year in the Jewish calendar when, in ancient times, fields were left unworked as a form of crop rotation and debts were cancelled. The New Year's holiday, Rosh Hashana, ends on September 27, 2022, but the shemitah was originally an agricultural practice, and the harvest festival is Sukkot, which ends on October 16, 2022.

It is possible for market turmoil to extend beyond Sukkot. For example, the 1987 crash's Black Monday was October 19, and Sukkot ended on October 14 that year. It's also possible for selling to start in the last several months of the preceding year, and in the case of 2008 the market top was in summer 2007. Therefore the danger zone is from late summer of the year before, and especially starting January of the shemitah year, to the end of October in the shemitah year.

2022 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_stock_market_decline
2015 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%932016_stock_market_selloff
2008 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_crisis_of_2007%E2%80%932008
2001 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_2000s_recession
1994 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1994_bond_market_crisis
/wiki/Early_1980s_recession including the famous Volcker interest rate hikes which are relevant today
1973 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973%E2%80%931974_stock_market_crash
The notable outlier in that time was the 2020 covid crash, which didn't happen during a shemitah year.

China has a history of participating in shemitah years.
>The 2015–2016 stock market selloff was the period of decline in the value of stock prices globally that occurred between June 2015 to June 2016. It included the 2015–2016 Chinese stock market turbulence, in which the SSE Composite Index fell 43% in just over two months between June 2015 and August 2015,[1][2] which culminated in the devaluation of the yuan.

>> No.51080496

I bet it's worth double in 3-5 years.

>> No.51080500

i don't own crypto
you will never be a successful trader
you will never be a millionaire
you will never retire

>> No.51080509
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 8A479F05-12CE-434E-99D8-0058B9BE5838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy SFIO. Will be opening stores in the USA soon and uplifted to nasdaq in 3 years

>> No.51080527
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>> No.51080529

NVDA I'll buy at $100 after crypto mining dies out

>> No.51080547
File: 789 KB, 1238x513, FFC984D6-EA1F-491B-80A5-991855B526E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on the boat
I’m not asking

>> No.51080549

Downside risk is always 100% bro

>> No.51080552

My median price is 30. 20% of my SOXL is below 20. I recently sold for a 47% gain.
RN I'm selling at 21.34 and buying at 12.25.
If I sell before I buy then I'll put in another buy order at 17-ish.

>> No.51080564

>soxs can't even get back to 42
Not even worth checking.

>> No.51080566

Don’t know I haven’t played video games in like over 10 years except GTA 5 I bought a ps4 pro to play and sold it afterwords
t.35 year old boomer

>> No.51080567

Wouldn't that be bump them down

>> No.51080568
File: 17 KB, 310x296, FafoGAOUEAE_mGr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Downside risk is always 100% bro

>Based on the latest financial disclosure, Nvidia Corp has a Probability Of Bankruptcy of 3.0%. This is 92.59% lower than that of the Technology sector and 91.04% lower than that of the Semiconductors industry.

What stocks are you holding?

>> No.51080573

They're fucking up the call, but for any interested anons:

>> No.51080582

Same 35 as well, pretty much just waiting for the next from soft or witcher game...everything else looks like dog shit.

>> No.51080585

I wouldn't buy SOXS until it gets to 30-ish.

>> No.51080589

100% of invested capital not 100% certain of bankruptcy. Granted NVDA will likely go back to sub $50 soon. Two weeks maybe

>> No.51080592
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>> No.51080595

based retard

>> No.51080597

>They're fucking up the call
It should drop 5% just for them letting women on the call

>> No.51080605

Eh commend on absolute value I guess.

>> No.51080607
File: 73 KB, 640x772, 1660338265970344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into base building games after playing V-rising. So now I am playing Valheim. Its slow going but i'm sticking with it. I will always play Hunt showdown. There is nothing better than hiding in bushes and waiting for someone to walk past. I scream nigger nigger nigger and shot gun them to death.

>> No.51080608

>earnings per share down 72% from a year ago, 59% from a quarter ago
>muh supply chain issues

Holy fuck -20% already

>> No.51080613
File: 35 KB, 600x539, Golden Laughing Crying Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making 125k a year as a lawyer or something.
>no help
Even better, you'll be getting an audit soon.

>> No.51080614

>down 3% after missing ADJUSTED earnings
Truly priced in. I’m laughing.

>> No.51080643
File: 27 KB, 657x527, frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good afternoon smiggers. you did short NVDA right anon?

>> No.51080655

Sorry, I'd rather not listen to the Pajeet Mafia speak. Waiting for transcripts.

>> No.51080660

9/16 140p. I’m going to need more blood

>> No.51080663

>enterprise cloud spending will save us
Same time we’re still barreling towards a recession where tech companies are already planning layoffs and even sales force CRM is getting BTFO

>> No.51080674
File: 146 KB, 645x973, 1659646316370687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooooo you can't short the most over priced graphic card maker on the planet!!!!! REEEEEEEEE

>> No.51080680

>“Accelerated computing and AI, the pioneering work of our company, are transforming industries. Automotive is becoming a tech industry and is on track to be our next billion-dollar business. Advances in AI are driving our Data Center business while accelerating breakthroughs in fields from drug discovery to climate science to robotics.

when NVDA becomes a country you can be my servants

>> No.51080683

SUPER MARIO GALAXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.51080684

There is a reason they released after hours.

>> No.51080702

I feel bad for the SOXL holders who didn’t jump ship before close

>> No.51080729
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>ACTUAL $0.51

>> No.51080733
File: 198 KB, 693x598, 1568725091981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shorted it last week too. i won't stop until <100 trannies btfo

>> No.51080746
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>> No.51080748

your shorts will have a rude awakening when you realize that 0.50 was already priced in and they actually beat that by 2%

>> No.51080749
File: 51 KB, 384x384, 1660362178647303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG SOXL shill made an appearance yesterday and created more baggies.

>> No.51080752

NVDA is one of those companies that's immediately slurped if it doesn't tank. So expect an instant recovery tomorrow.

>> No.51080759

Isn't expected 0.50?

>> No.51080763

I'm still up on the SOXL I bought at 16.95.
MRVL reports tomorrow, and they are likely to go neon green.

>> No.51080762
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 323423dd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NVDA is one of those companies that's immediately slurped if it doesn't tank. So expect an instant recovery tomorrow.

>> No.51080765

I bet the resistance is NVDA itself doing stock buybacks.. literally buying their own bags. Fucking rofl.

>> No.51080768

this and there is the media rallying new buyers already


>> No.51080770
File: 61 KB, 976x850, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not tanking

>> No.51080784

Yeah I was swinging it when it was in the 50’s and down into the 40’s and got burned a few times, but was always quick to cut my losses... There’s still anons here bag holding in he 40’s and 30’s while SOXL shills were DCAing all the way down

>> No.51080788
File: 403 KB, 666x666, 1661376025054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post on /smg/
>realize that you are retarded
How do I short myself?

>> No.51080790
File: 655 KB, 664x518, 1651002412163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvda cheapies!

>> No.51080789

Um... you know inverse CNBC right?
NVDA is going to $100.

>> No.51080794
File: 398 KB, 1536x1536, 527BE0C6-48B0-4E0E-B99F-8B1A084C124A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until big funds start trimming their positions tomorrow

>> No.51080803

You mean support.

>> No.51080807
File: 19 KB, 1040x290, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it, es em gee

>> No.51080812

cramer actually called this dump

>> No.51080820
File: 3 KB, 164x53, madeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally made it

>> No.51080819

Unless they decide it's a bargain buy just to piss you off.

>> No.51080822

I'm going to use the profits from my NVDA puts to buy me an onahole.
Any suggestions? looking to get the lillith

>> No.51080829

Nice $20.
It was easy to call. I bought some $140 put weekly lottos yesterday and they were up 33% today. Imagine if it melts in premarket and I make some money....

>> No.51080832
File: 17 KB, 379x386, 1q78h8e757u31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a cyclical company trading at 20x sales lol lmao

>> No.51080834
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1660709303333799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Nvidia’s fiscal fourth quarter, CMP revenue fell 77% from the previous quarter. Chip giant Nvidia (NVDA) said its cryptocurrency mining processor (CMP) sales were down from $266 million a year ago.

>> No.51080836

The fat lady hasn't sung yet, bobo.

>> No.51080837
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe-rolls-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will be happy to breakeven

>> No.51080838
File: 22 KB, 164x250, A711E951-FFAD-495F-A8DD-6250B40940B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onl becuase he was telling his audience to keep adding more NVDA and how he named his dog NVDA and some caller asked the other day and he said “that dog died”... he’s in cya mode right now

>> No.51080855

Retard I know how to trade options. That's why they're called lottos I spent like 10 bucks each on them. Nvidia making an outsize move down 15% off absolute shit earnings was definitely in the cards and still might be.

>> No.51080858

your puts aren't worth a high end sex doll?

>> No.51080871
File: 1.22 MB, 275x200, cha-13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I invert cramer.... winning!

>> No.51080915

your puts aren't worth a chinese sex slave?

>> No.51080917
File: 12 KB, 242x207, 1652619753626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that NVDA bounce.
Bobo is already fucked.

>> No.51080919

so true

>> No.51080920
File: 16 KB, 444x362, 1661279224927587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What ticker?

>> No.51080922

I say it just bounced off support and your unlikely bet will lose you degenerate gambler

>> No.51080923

enjoy the IV crush retard

>> No.51080924


>> No.51080934

>especially starting January of the shemitah year, to the end of October in the shemitah year.
and we started crashing in January... so it crashes til October?

>> No.51080935

if he sells on open tomorrow he'll capture IV gains not suffer a crush

>> No.51080937

There is no fucking way tomorrow will be red. All bad news has already been priced in. My calls are going to print and basically fuck you all.

>> No.51080942

You're all retarded and you've never sold options if you don't understand how earnings moves like this can go. A couple lottery tickets is literal pocket change to me and act as a hedge.

>> No.51080947
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>> No.51080954
File: 78 KB, 1186x548, F9E4E9B7-381D-4B60-ABEB-F93D1A170A7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you guys NVDA was going to miss earnings
>$2.77k profit off of my 20 172.5/170 bear spreads if NVDA closes below 170 Friday
>$971 off my 162.5/160 bear spreads if NVDA closes below 160 Friday
I expect NVDA to continue to dump over the next two days during market hours. Lot of retards bought calls and are going to be selling at a fat loss with the downward price movement and IV crush Thursday and Friday

>> No.51080960

NVDA has 11.9 billion with which to buy their own stock.
I don't think it's going below 165.

>> No.51080985
File: 502 KB, 1284x2778, F85A9271-A61D-41FF-A203-EE371F49116A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hit 165.10 after hours with the options market closed. You’re smoking crack if you think it doesn’t drop further the next two days

>> No.51080993
File: 69 KB, 710x648, 1659749296998590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boeing's stock was 400 a few years ago and spent 40 billion buying back their stock. Now they are broke. Their stock went to 90 bucks and has been bouncing up and down since.

>> No.51080995


>> No.51081006
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>> No.51081012

Nvda wont do anything until jacksons reality defining black hole opens up and swallows all mumus

>> No.51081014
File: 422 KB, 480x480, 899D6E90-FA11-48A9-8ECE-AD1AA57B0CF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IV will increase the day after earnings on a weekly option

>> No.51081022

>sell on open
it doesnt matter what iv does over the day NIGGER

>> No.51081030


>> No.51081050

NVDA doesn't have airplanes falling out of the sky.
It really isn't a fair comparison.

>> No.51081051
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>> No.51081065
File: 184 KB, 1283x1293, DA4FC016-5327-43DD-9A76-799572A1A35A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell on open on 8/25
>earnings released post market 8/24
retard IV has already crushed but the options market is closed. at open tomorrow IV won’t be higher

>> No.51081067

Tomorrow is gonna be so fucking green my SPY calls are going to fucking print and you’re all fucking retards. Fuck you.

>> No.51081072


>> No.51081076

I bet it's above 170 by Friday.

>> No.51081089



>> No.51081096

i remember my daddy telling me that if i saved my 20 dollars a month allowance, i could get a go cart when i was in my 20s. "think of the power of saving!"

so now i spend as soon as i get any money because why the fuck would you wait such a long time for simple thing that doesn't have any use when you'll be driving lmaoooo

>> No.51081098
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oh nonnonnonononon

>> No.51081100

whats with the position in RL?

>> No.51081101
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>> No.51081116

I like RL. I think they are insulated from demand slowing at other retailers like TGT because rich people still spend money on nice things during a recession when middle/low class cut back spending

>> No.51081115


>> No.51081151
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>> No.51081183
File: 788 KB, 967x964, 1652650885409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It bounced off of 163.
It's gonna be 170 EOD tomorrow.

>> No.51081243
File: 204 KB, 1125x1362, chudjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing a little bagholding the past few months but now I'm bright green. I finally managed to not sell the bottom. Feeling pretty proud right now ngl.

>> No.51081245

it also wont go lower
putchads will still make plenty of money from delta

>> No.51081274

>thinking things move in a straight line

>> No.51081583
File: 143 KB, 1010x999, SmartSelect_20220824-182109_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold calls covered by other out of the money calls. What do I win?

>> No.51081637
File: 203 KB, 1041x1127, SmartSelect_20220824-182439_ETRADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts to recover
>announces separation of assets

>> No.51081788

You lose.

>> No.51081983 [DELETED] 

Syscon remains dedicated to being the ultimate solution for applications that need security, decentralization and scalability, but without the compromises. Every advancement of syscon is built on the base layer of security that only bitcoin can provide and that is why we stay on Proof-of-Work through merge mining.

>> No.51082151

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.51082732
File: 25 KB, 940x152, below 165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think it's going below 165.