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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 1280x720, explosion_chainlink-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51073800 No.51073800 [Reply] [Original]

>2 years of absolute dogshit price action
>smartcon shaping up to be a trainwreck
>no staking or any of the hyped up integrations or releases after 5 YEARS
>no real staking for the next year or two, the promised v0.1 staking for this year isn't any different than the usual crypto ponzi staking program like CAKE
>any real criticism of LINK instantly met with BULGARIAN PAID FUDDER, CONSPIRACY TO HOLD LINK DOWN screeching from the cultists
>5 years of breadcrumbs and various hyped up events (arbitrum, previous smartcons etc.) that were meant to pump the price into the stratosphere but resulted in being complete nothingburgers

And Link baggies still can't believe that yes, people are genuinely starting to consider selling this fucking shitcoin before they miss yet another bullrun.
Not everything you see is paid bulgarian fud you fucking losers, LINK fuds itself with its shit price action and inability to gain adoption after its had literal YEARS to do so.
Also, the mentally deranged baggies holding this shit investment would turn anyone off from holding or buying it.

>> No.51073824

>mentally deranged

>> No.51073835

That's not me I'm not even using the same image I used in those

>> No.51073849


>> No.51073859

You're not posting fast enough my slave.

I said faster. More. You do it for free, but you need to do it faster and more, my slave.

>> No.51073870

kek baggies

>> No.51073887

Faster. Change back to mobile data and post faster, slave. This is way too slow.

More threads, more posts, go now.

>> No.51073915

>My effort post is getting ignored
Oh no! I'm so sorry anon but I decided to just not read long winded sum up posts, since I plan on not selling anyway

>> No.51073928

lmao keep seething baggie
Only thing you can do is deflect because you literally can't argue against any of the points in the original post.

>> No.51073946


>> No.51073986

>3 pbtid

kek link baggies

>> No.51074035

I said faster.

>> No.51074051

>4 pbtid

link baggies absolutely losing their mind

>> No.51074071

Faster, my slave.

>> No.51074124

have you taken your meds today, linkie?

>> No.51074151

>5 pbtid

Thanks for bumping my thread btw, hopefully all the newfriends see it which will help them understand why LINK is a dogshit investment.
Maybe they won't actually miss the next bullrun as long as they don't buy LINK.

Also, thanks for being here to illustrate my point about deluded cultist screeching whenever LINK is criticised for 5 years of dogshit performance.

>> No.51074161

What an obedient little slave.

Now do it again. Faster.

>> No.51074189

>6 pbtid

>> No.51074317

My slave is obedient. All for free.


>> No.51074363

I didn't read OP so there is nothing to argue about

>> No.51074374

>7 pbtid
>he bumps my thread for free

>> No.51074436

>I used in those

>> No.51074437

That's my little whore slave.


>> No.51074472

You do realise your mindbroken state is a consequence of the fudposting right? Making this sequence of deranged posts only incentivises us to make more fud posts on this board. Is that what you want to see?

>> No.51074477

There's little to be said frankly. Yes it's been utterly shit and the team has performed below ant expected standard but we're at the bottom. There's no sense in getting mad now.

>> No.51074504

>8 pbtid
>not only a linkie baggie but also a disgusting coomer with coom for brains

kek baggie

>> No.51074515


>> No.51074521

>9 pbtid

>> No.51074541


>> No.51074568

embarrassing posting

>> No.51074598


>> No.51074600

fucking pathetic

>> No.51074619


>> No.51074883

you forgot the whole hard shilling of celsius for the past 2 years, an bancor. look where that got them.

honestly sad because biz were smart enough to point out the celsius scam in 2019 but with link itsa severe case of cognitive dissonance hanging around like a bad smell. kind of like how trump support and ptg hangs around on pol now while most people have move on from him. Link is literally le two more weeks meme now and a sad end to the investing career for many biz people

>> No.51076117

How do linkies explain sergay shilling celsius?

>> No.51076497

Bulgarian fudders seething.

>Hoes mad x 30

niggers kek

>> No.51076726
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 43C2514D-839A-4F28-AF7E-B94AA8882319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51077109

>2 years of the worst price action in the history of chainlink
>still outperforms btc in a bullrun
i really do not see the problem here

>> No.51077141

trainwreck implies that it will be entertaining to watch, but it fucking won't be

>> No.51077189

>>smartcon shaping up to be a trainwreck
How so? Based off what?

>> No.51077206

I just hope someone livestreams the Big Mac feast with Sergey.

>> No.51077243

>ghost town, seeing how they were forced to slash ticket prices several times since nobody was buying them
>zero interest or hype from normies or institutions, pathetic cringy attempts to generate some buzz by digging out old /biz/ big mac memes when up until this point the company did everything it could to avoid being associated with /biz/ or the twitter linkmarines
>no big names on the speaker list
>no institutional adoption announcements expected
>no staking

Smartcon 2022 will be the event that buries chainlink for good.

>> No.51077381

They don't, just pretend it never happened.

>> No.51077442
File: 509 KB, 640x988, 6C502682-DDAD-47E2-890B-09B96E46B26A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about 5 people left on this board and 2 of them are mentally ill linkies fighting each other on a bunch of different IDs

>> No.51077446
File: 155 KB, 720x960, B631E5FF-7162-4726-96FD-B29D69AE568B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fat fuck needs to pump this shit already so I can quit my awful shit eating job

>> No.51077960

>>ghost town, seeing how they were forced to slash ticket prices several times since nobody was buying them
Made up, There could be many reasons to reduce ticket prices. You dont know the sales nor the business of selling anything
>>no big names on the speaker list
Who is a big name to you? Obviously not the Ex ceo of google right? Or DTCC strategy director?
>no institutional adoption announcements expected
Speculation. You dont anything yet.
>>no staking
Again speculation, you know anything about this. You sound like a whiney bitch

>> No.51078088

you are pathetic

>mommmmm i'm owning da fuddders!!!

>> No.51078101

I'll give you Eric Schmidt as a big name, but other than that, you didn't refute any of his points. LOL at "speculation" being the response to no staking...there literally is no staking hahahah.

>> No.51078366

>there literally is no staking hahahah.
How dumb can you be? "Omg theres no staking because its not released yet omg" Nice logic. They have already given you a time frame. Go outside and come back when its released. I think you need the sunlight.

>> No.51079310
File: 328 KB, 736x981, 1659620730192575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. Holy shit, I'm so tired of the wage cage. Only have 12k LINK, barely enough to avoid suicide.

>> No.51080387

never be a "true believer" in any altcoin, once the pump happens sell for Bitcoin or Eth and never look back.

>> No.51080410

They paying twitter methheads to advertise smartcon now kek

>> No.51080928

>time frame
>2019: we’re finishing up staking…


>> No.51080975

Also beta staking is not actual staking. Its them throwing a bone to the community they despise so no one minecrafts sergey. It will have none of the features of the staking they talked about in their whitepaper, and none of us will be able to use it. Hence my comment…no staking. You’ll be lucky if you even get the beta before december. And we both know it will do fuck all for price. But youre in it for the tech right?

>> No.51081009

Didn't look, not giving up. I can cope longer than your rope.

>> No.51081456

Where does it says it's being released in 2019?

>> No.51081584

in an approved breadcrumb posted by several top twitter personalities... oh wait no its from a crypto media article sergey says they are finalizing their implementation of staking.

At the present time the best course of action for me is to invest in Offchain Labs like the other VCs have. How can I invest in Offchain Labs? Do they have a stock or token I can purchase?

>> No.51081633

if vcs can get into offchain labs then it stands to reason they can invest in chainlinklabs as well...

>> No.51081705

Checked. This is not approved discussion anon. VC business is their own and they control these markets. We should cease investigations in this matter. We are never going to make it anyway.

>> No.51081743

>he doesnt know
oh no no no no ed flecher is swimming in undisclosed capital tokens no longer needed

>> No.51081815
File: 335 KB, 1284x446, 6A45EA4C-2E76-4A07-9962-EEB0D0D7C818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51081851


>> No.51081880
File: 27 KB, 533x437, 1651412957807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 9k LINK

>> No.51082036

Buying more. Thanks.

>> No.51083228

Just bought 1.84 LINK because of youre post. Holy shit we are all GMI!!! We are so duckin early!!!

>> No.51083261
File: 789 KB, 1284x1376, 575D5ED1-8003-4E74-BB9F-94E23AD4D659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circle is running an event the same weekend as SmartCon, with Vitalik and many others.
I have no idea if this event was already on the cards when SmartCon changed dates, or whether they are running it as deliberate competition.

>> No.51083417
File: 419 KB, 500x368, love.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are genuinely starting to consider selling this fucking shitcoin before they miss yet another bullrun
do you people think you can only own one token at a time?
well shit that's your problem right there

>> No.51083668

How often do you use the word "duckin" that your autocorrect uses it? To get a misspelled slang word to be the top substitution in autocorrect is not easy.

U r totes Rockin n Rollin wit Dat slangin slangy broheim

>> No.51084439

Yeah I try not to use any words that some people may find offensive.

>> No.51085931

wait til you find out what other event is that weekend ;)

>> No.51086280

OP I’m sorry but I simply do not understand the purpose of your post. If LINK dumps because smartcon is an embarrassment - then I’ll buy more.
If it pumps - I’ll buy more.
If it does nothing - I’ll buy more.

But most importantly, I will never sell. You will not fool me again.

>> No.51086638

the post that killed link shills

>> No.51086673

They might do an IPO soon to secure more funding, but it's probably happening internally with VCs anyway. Those VCs aren't so stupid to accept worthless tokens for their investment, that's only for retail