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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 939 KB, 1280x720, sigmafemale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51071715 No.51071715 [Reply] [Original]

I encountered a sigma female on tinder recently

>wants to live a 'crazy life' only others can dream of
>self employed hustler
>looked her up on social media to see what she actually did
>was a business coaching 1-1 business that was infused with spiritually and manifestation
>basically her course was to increase sales by believing you can increase sales
>no technical basis what so ever, just manifesting your dreams
>she charges 5000 dollars per small course. I presume theres nothing of real value
>one of her posts was bragging about how one of her clients told her she cant possibly raise that much money
>BUT with lots of coercing, pushing and persuasion... "she raised that 5000 in just 1 day."
>"So dont tell me its not possible. If you want it, you will get the money"
>basically forcing people to take out loans and borrow money off friends and family
>for a phoney course about buying spiritually charged rocks and meditation to make you get more sales

I didnt know people like this existed. Its like male psychopathy but with charged emotional thinking infused into it.

>> No.51071785

DESU, to that's kinda hot.

>> No.51071804

>I didnt know people like this existed.
watch the movie Gone Girl, i fear female psychos more than being robbed at gunpoint

>> No.51071834

Women are unironic chakra vampires that need human semen (soul energy) to survive, diagram of uterus is the image of apostelic baphomet, look it up, complete with horns and all

when you have sex, part of your soul is being lost on ejaculation, think about it, you cum inside and the cum never comes out, soon enough it is absorbed by the vagina (baphomet devouring soul fragments), but how? It has no mouths, yet it happens. Semen is the vagina's (aposthelic baphomet) preffered goyslop, without semen women (demonkind) dies of starvation, which is why women seek sex and always want you to cum inside for an 'unexplainable reason', part of the reason this happens is based on the fact there is no superior entity for them to rely on once their interior energy is depleted, think of it like a really big tank with only one mouth on it that slowly leaks out. They replenish their inner energy by absorbing it from men, because ultimately they have no souls which they can rely on to produce this energy themselves. If they do not get enough energy, they bleed. just look it up, pregnant women (women that have been cummed in and had their energy needs temporarily sated) do not have periods at all, nothing, blood simply does not come out. Yet a woman that does not have this 'suddenly' bleeds and feels ill for several days in a row with pain and weakness and bleeding. Normal?

>> No.51071858
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I think she just read 'think and grow rich' by napoleon hill.

>> No.51071886

She had screenshots from her zoom sessions and it was always a middle aged woman she was teaching. robbing from them basically.

>> No.51071968

Did you not know that women are evil? They are morally just beggars. Their primary defense mechanisms are their mouth and their pussies. So they fuck and tell lies. That is all they have. Because they are so weak, they have a very pronounced scarcity logic in navigating the world. You know what people under the stress of scarcity do? They do bad things.

Men can be trusted because we have significantly more modes of attaining the will to power. Scarcity and it's implied terrorism is significantly less pronounced in men. Women cannot even be friends with each other. Women get jealous of the simplistic and unconditional types of bonds that men can have.

>> No.51071994

Ah yessss, schizo time

>> No.51072031

"sigma" is just a cope for betas that want to be alpha but know they'll never be.

>> No.51072055
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>> No.51072097

Will you zoomer faggots shut the fuck up perpetuating your imaginary "sigma" concept? "Sigmas" literally do not exist. There are alphas and betas, no such thing as "sigmas". It is pure fucking COPE for beta males who don't want to admit they're betas.
>heh yeah ok im not an alpha but im totally not a beta bro, trust me i'm a sigma
No beta male has ever admitted to themselves that the're a beta.

>> No.51072207

All those classifications are fucking stupid nonsense anyways. "Alpha" is just the most ideal man, everything below is just someone who has yet to climb up and work on certain qualities.

>> No.51072226

At least she’s smart enough to know that women are stupid

>> No.51072227


>> No.51072236

that's a beta, not a sigma female. a sigma female is a female who stays a virgin until she finds the man she loves and then does everything she can through thick and thin to stay by his side favoring procreation over clit stimulation.

>> No.51072285

I came for this

>> No.51072287

When people call themselves sigma, yes, obviously. When they use it to classify a specific type of successful person, it's a useful term.

>> No.51072324

For me sigma is just a term to describe very confident, very attractive, very successful people. In that context its an easy way to describe the idea of someone who is so superior they do weird things most people cant do to get really successful mainly levereaged by their looks and personality

whereas on 4chan most people use the term sigma as a cope because theyre ugly and stupid and they somehow conflate the idea of 'sigma male' to mean "lol im based and dont have friends which makes me SIGMA MALE"

>> No.51072346

Unironically this.

>> No.51072364

Based and apostelic baphometpilled

>> No.51072403

so how do I profit from these chakra vampires?

>> No.51072590

you saw a female scam artist wow amazing

>> No.51072666

I admit I'm a beta male all the time, especially when jacking off.

>> No.51073143
File: 45 KB, 422x411, american_psycho_my_pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51073190

Based fuck women.

>> No.51073231

that's true. Be careful out there frens

>> No.51073313

Hell, just read about Theranos

>> No.51073462

>sigma female
there is no such thing as <greek alphabet> people. it's just a low IQ concept made by retards.

>> No.51073696

beta male detected

>> No.51073738

You have a point

>> No.51073832

>i fear female psychos more than being robbed at gunpoint

>> No.51073863

women are men without a soul. semen is their only exposure to a soul.


>> No.51073873

>you cum inside and the cum never comes out
holy shit, he's right

>> No.51073874
File: 58 KB, 736x736, 1659543608458424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please dont take your meds

>> No.51073885


>> No.51073901

>on tinder
not reading your retarded shit

>> No.51073985
File: 149 KB, 600x497, 1659285843855703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man is furiously based

>> No.51073990

Absolutely redpilled. Mundanes are seething.

>> No.51074027

Women are allowed to vote btw.

>> No.51074053

The internal manifests in the external. She's right.

Now imagine what happens if you don't ejaculate. Have sex without ejaculating, transmute that energy into a direction you want it to go.

>> No.51074055
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This but no cap

>> No.51074106
File: 651 KB, 828x433, 1661301110484807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and schizopilled

>> No.51074183

Yup. Sexual transmutation is the most powerful force in the world. You either lose it or use it. Most lose it.

>> No.51074205

That's some schizo bullshit, but I believe it (if you don't take it so literally)

>> No.51074230


this, sounds based and also
>she charges 5000 dollars per small course. I presume theres nothing of real value
kinda making a lot of assumptions. the chance to observe a psycho IS valuable. ive paid ~$100 to psychotic male pickup artists to teach me how to get women, and while i did not actually get any women I learned a lot about their mindset and strategies for being successful with women. the value i got was realizing that being a pickup artist is gross and should be avoided.

if one of her clients realizes she's being bled by a psycho female, that realization may just turn her towards the righteous path of a stay at home mother.

>> No.51074239
File: 453 KB, 1479x1006, 1546649183207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, don't let anybody here convince you otherwise.

>> No.51075019

I mean you're absolutely right except for the part where your semen never comes out. Each time I cream inside a girl, it's literally overflowing her gaping vagina. Maybe my soul is too much for her to handle kek.

>> No.51075053

This but unironically

>> No.51075178

Ok Lovecraft

>> No.51075401

I missed these threads

>> No.51075484

what's the story behind the black hat on the first guy?

>> No.51075683
File: 357 KB, 560x740, 67a8a2a157ef376bbbcd87fdc4951ad4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most based post i've read here in 2022

>> No.51075777

>you cum inside and the cum never comes out
have sex incel

>> No.51075791


>> No.51075813
File: 206 KB, 296x394, Don Juan reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 10/10 pasta, thank you anon

>> No.51075955

Big if true

>> No.51078116

"coaching" always existed and they are scammers, they are more kind of motivationtal people than a sales coach and everybody who believe them deserve being scammed, somehow last years we see more of them
always be like "if you wanna sell more buy my book/tutorial/ticket for conference, etc" and after be like "if you wanna know more secrets about sales then buy my X shit version 2", they brag about being succefull people but never tell they made all their money scamming stupid people

>> No.51078818

Why do you think women are their most horny right after they bleed? This anon gets it.

>> No.51079083

>which is why women seek sex and always want you to cum inside for an 'unexplainable reason'
ah yes, it is to feed vagina demons and not procreation like every other living thing on the planet
i love this basket-weaving forum