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File: 2.22 MB, 995x999, Two_Cent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51066803 No.51066803 [Reply] [Original]

Two Cent Edition

>Why Gold?
https://youtu.be/i3S4rl6ehiI [Open]
https://youtu.be/gksenA5Al_A [Open]
https://youtu.be/FI7NnOg2rxo [Open]

>Bullion dealers
https://jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://goldsilver.be/en/ (BE/EU)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (UK)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Russian/European coins
https://oldsilver.ru/ (EU/UK/US)

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)


>Bullion tax info by state:

https://youtu.be/ZCL6FKQZyoM [Open] Ag

Nitric Acid, Magnets and Ping Test
https://youtu.be/3mg9YcAShTo [Open]
https://youtu.be/NgSXg-WOEVY [Open]
https://youtu.be/2ymGAyKAg-k [Open]

>Relevant information regarding mining companies

Previous Thread:>>51045620

>> No.51066896

Praise Jesus Christ and pray for the /pmg/ thread, as it is dying.

>> No.51066977
File: 43 KB, 200x164, 1661041161190777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you tell your friends that you're stacking silver? I've told my friend group and one of them was actually a stacker as well.

>> No.51067032

5oz St. Helena boobas. that's neat.

>> No.51067065

I met a guy at a wedding and he stacked silver too, but this was fairly recent and it was kinda insane that we sort of face the end of a pretty historic run for any country/empire in terms of wealth and stability.
Met him that day and haven't spoken to him since but kinda wild.

>> No.51067111

>Do you tell your friends that you're stacking silver?
No, that's how you end up getting robbed.
I do tell them I collect coins, but that's it. Most people don't really care about coin collecting, so it doesn't put any sort of target on your back, especially if you imply you're collecting date sets of otherwise worthless coins.
My Boss is the only person I know who has a small Silver stack (just a couple rolls of half dollars), but he doesn't really care about stacking or coin collecting and just bought it on a whim a while back.

>> No.51067460
File: 224 KB, 1000x750, Old Menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be able to walk into a restaurant and get a delicious, well prepared meal for the change in your pocket ever again.

>> No.51067470

4 cents for a slice of cheese, what a scam, i'll bring my own cheese slice from home

>> No.51067512

This could be solved by just having higher valued coins. Stuff like a penny is just worthless. If the US introduced 5 and 10 dollar coins that would work.

>> No.51067576

>If the US introduced 5 and 10 dollar coins
We had those.

>> No.51067634

>1865 us 2 cent coin
a shame copper stacking old coins isn't as hyped in these threads
it's all about silver and gold while copper gets left by the sideline with the occasional copper chad posting every now and then desu

>> No.51067720

>Delicious, well prepared
But anyway. Maybe one day, anon. You could today if I was the cashier and you had silver change in your pocket.

>> No.51067764

>>Delicious, well prepared
This is the old McDicks we're talking about here. Was probably several times better than the current McDonalds.

>> No.51067792

I just got silver fever or something. I've never been into this stuff before. All I can think about is obtaining silver.
where do I go from here? I'm a broke neet btw

>> No.51067869

Only my immediate family. And they have no idea how much silver I have, just that I buy it occasionally and that I gift them an ounce now and then.
Either become a wagie, scam gibs from the government, have your parents increase your tendie allowance, or suck dick.

>> No.51067889

wtf are you talking about? I just want silver
I need tips for prospecting or something

>> No.51067927

lmao, if you want to dig up silver, ask pan man, everybody else here is trading fiat for it
good luck

>> No.51067979

Fair enough
Gonna be difficult / illegal to do much prospecting as a broke neet. I would suggest you find something productive that you don't mind doing that people will willingly pay you to do so you can aquire more currency to buy more silver. Also, I think its not good to obsess over money.

>> No.51068227

>obsess over money.
nigger i'm a neet how am I obsessed over money. I just want silver

>> No.51068596
File: 8 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you hide your gold bros?
here thieves use metal detectors to find them, is there a way to make your gold detector proof?
I read quite a lot of horror stories about thieves breaking into the most hidden places due to metal detectors spotting.

>> No.51068644

fuck off, klepto karl

>> No.51068668

I'm not baiting and don't know him.
I don't trust bank safes either

I'm really open to suggestions. The only thing I found is to bury really deep and thats it but I hope to find a way to hide in inside the house.

>> No.51068768

Sorry, bro. I jumped to conclusions. Bury cheap metal all over the place to throw the detector off.

>> No.51068804
File: 36 KB, 827x538, 5543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I don't have that opportunity. I'm an apartment cuck. But the building is made out of concrete. I'm thinking of digging wall and then covering it but I'm not sure whether that will work.

Some true horror stories that I know happened
-If you have an aquarium Thieves always shake up the sand to see if something is hidden
-Thieves always checking freezer/ice cream yogurts to see whether there is anything in
-Thieves digging into pic related

Is there any way to throw detector off completely? I fear there is none

>> No.51068814

>The only thing I found is to bury really deep and thats it but I hope to find a way to hide in inside the house.
Bury it really deep in your anus so no one will find it.

>> No.51068865
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>> No.51068884

If a burglar is going to that much time and effort, it's probably because they know you have something worth stealing. Most burglaries are smash and grabs for whatever is out in the open or can be quickly rummaged through, like under your bed or in your dresser or closet.
Just hide your stack well and don't talk about it.

>> No.51068925

they are definitely random burglaries, another tale I heard is a burglar unable to find anything pouring every oil into the bed and couches of the house
I really don't need to hide that much. I plant to slowly accumulate into 100 grams of gold but i wonder whether there is a way to prevent metal detectors from noticing it

>> No.51068942

Wtf they never check any of those things

>> No.51068994

Lmao just give us higher value coins and inflation is solved

>> No.51069016

I put it in your wife's boyfriend's sister's kid's butthole. Only peadophiles would think to look there.

>> No.51069038

Holoanon if I don't give a fuck about the chance at the gilded 404 can you send me my yotsuba now instead of later?

>> No.51069049

>-If you have an aquarium Thieves always shake up the sand to see if something is hidden
>-Thieves always checking freezer/ice cream yogurts to see whether there is anything in
How the hell do thieves have so much time for all this shit? In similar cases it happens only when someone tells the thieves where to see.
>Is there any way to throw detector off completely? I fear there is none
Faraday's cage full of worthless metal.

>> No.51069080

again they break in with detectors, and there are also tales of thieves getting pissed when they don't find anything. One thief took all the oil from kitchen and pour it on to couches and bed when he didn't find anything.

I doubt it takes that much time 3-4 room houses can be sweep in matter of minutes just follow the beep I guess
>Faraday's cage
thats interesting anon thanks, I fear however thieves might deem it valuable and take it all together

>> No.51069153

So buy some big, loyal, but ferocious dogs.

>> No.51069184

the key to fooling a detector is to live in a place with plumbing and electricity and rebar and nails and screws in the walls and floors.

that's it. Detectors don't work inside houses because of all the metal in the walls.

probably work where you live because you don't have plumbing or wiring or anything. Stop being so fucking poor.

>> No.51069221

>thieves might deem it valuable
A metal barrel full of nuts and bolts that weighs like 200 kg?
I doubt they will even try to move it.

>> No.51069263

don't really need a faraday cage when 110v running through copper wire emits enough radio frequency interference to blind a metal detector completely.

but if not, a wrapping of aluminum foil would work as well or better than a cage.

>> No.51069275

what country is this? The idea is to put them in something metal that is welded in place so that they need to cut into it to find the valuables. I learned this from a german rap video where the guy had a gun hidden in a propane tank and he had to use a grinder to get into it.

>> No.51069323
File: 1.29 MB, 4032x1197, 39A78313-59C6-4DD0-B2A6-36A66973FC20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /pmg/ so dead tonight?

>> No.51069331

My immediate family knows I do, and a couple of close friends do as well but that's only because I wanted to warn them to be as prepared as I am so they could be ready for whatever may come too, I really only talk about it with my parents now, because they're the only ones who see it as a genuine investment whereas my friends don't get it. I know now it's not really something you should talk about with people you know period, but I only did so because I didn't want to see my friends and family in a financially bad spot if something bad ever happens. I did my part in trying to convince others to prepare and whether or not they do is their choice now. But yeah, if you invest in anything, then don't tell anyone period.

>> No.51069360
File: 128 KB, 1086x674, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you babies

>> No.51069364

because the Canadians minted their pennies with 12 sides for a 14-year period.

>> No.51069374

ive seen canadian cents mentioned a lot elsewhere not here
not on reddit

>> No.51069380
File: 2.11 MB, 1080x1500, coin collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helo sers good morning gold is go down and we is see sub 100 dollar dos pesos soon right? RIGHT?
Probably cause there's 2 separate threads. Nice 5 francs btw. I've only got but one gold one so far.

>> No.51069404
File: 2.33 MB, 4032x3024, F4463685-9E51-4758-AC03-CC3C4C78FC3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here’s another one from my neighbor’s collection that I enjoyed

>> No.51069424
File: 2.78 MB, 1080x1403, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copper is based metal. I love the 5 kopek pieces, the large British and American pennies, and the 2 euro cent (that one's just copper played sadly) I wanna have a pile of American 2 cent pieces one day for my copper coin collection. I have but one.

>> No.51069435

What's the news about Yotsubacoin? Did Holoanon use the ones from his pic at the local native skinwalker owned casino after rugpulling the gilded ones?

>> No.51069641

Just watched a video of a guy vacuuming up dirt on NY city streets and finding diamonds and gold.
Do you think that’s just a NY thing or does every city street have it?

>> No.51069664

Last post on his twitter from 03/08 mentions he has the regular yotsubacoins he's just waiting for the gilded ones before he sends things out.

>> No.51069708
File: 1.61 MB, 2736x2174, 0A86D925-14E0-42FE-B2A7-2E255F8522E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based metals, quite right

>> No.51069843

where can i buy those reich coins

>> No.51069908
File: 189 KB, 828x650, F8D1A4ED-6D03-4447-B1C6-300C84BF92C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eBay, coin shows
Also, looks like somebody split threads

>> No.51069930

could you give me a name of a seller you trust? I don't know anything about this

>> No.51069953

None in particular. It’s worth about 50 cents but you might find one for 2 bucks on eBay. Sometimes you stumble on a deal or a bulk lot.

>> No.51069983
File: 212 KB, 1536x1737, BD2EF252-8489-4DCE-B3F5-B2CDAB177A7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search for German or Nazi Pfennigs. I forget the exact year they started adding the swastika

>> No.51070093

when is yotsuba coin

why isn't boomer coin

answers needed

>> No.51070111

glad i asked because the stuff I was looking at was a lot more. thanks
also, I guess there are silver coins like this, too? interesting

>> No.51070354 [DELETED] 

did they just change their username? the fuck

>> No.51071220
File: 1.12 MB, 2965x3034, IMG20220824110311_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This absolutely MOGS the competition (minus the maple), when will eagles and krugers get security features like this?

>> No.51071231
File: 1.19 MB, 2820x3488, IMG20220824110302_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Padlock turns into a trident

>> No.51071246
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What are the chances silver will go to $1000 dollars per ounce in the next ten years?

>> No.51071351

TIL Indians collectively own around 25000 tonnes of gold.

>> No.51071417

So that's 17g per person on average or approx half ounce per person. That's too less desu. I'm retarded BTW and correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.51071565
File: 1.60 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220824_130559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know that not many people stack especially silver. This makes it for me even more interesting as retirement investment and the stock and bond market, on the other hand, which is advertised a lot, not trustworthy. But this is only my humble opinion. Do you know, if there any numbers about which percentage of the population owns silver and how much?

>> No.51071586

Go to Mexico. But I guess, if you want to pick up silver there in larger quantities you probably get shot.

>> No.51071639

Where did you here so many burglar stories? Do you tell these stories each other in Romania?

>> No.51071812
File: 952 KB, 2928x1450, 626297E3-605D-4C88-A944-BFEFE3DFBBF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not zero

>> No.51072032

Do you mean what are the chances of USD devaluing to $1000 per oz of silver? Pretty high comparing to pre-COVID times.

>> No.51072112
File: 3.01 MB, 3024x3359, 83BA9D52-707F-46D3-BF4D-64C2950EDAE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor skelly. someone ought to feed her

>> No.51072668

Not a bad idea to have a dummy safe.

Buy a cheap safe at harbor freight or whatever. Put fake gold, jewelry and useless junk in it, place it in a closet somewhat hidden. I keep useless but convincing things in mine like foreign money, old bills, and my high school diploma.

like this guy said

>> No.51073233

Only my closest friends but they don't know the extent of the stacking, they do know I collect coins and I'd taught them about pulling silver out of circulation years ago so most of them have at least a little bit, one is a serious stacker and uncirculated Morgan collector and is definitely GMI. My dad and all 3 siblings also stack, even my sister has a baby stack of an old $5 gold and $250 face in constitutional.

>> No.51074588

Why has Silversqueeze failed to drain the Comex so spectacularly?

>> No.51075251

The secondary retail bullion market has no effect on the COMEX, it was probably just a marketing campaign by the large bullion dealers

>> No.51075340

He was doing that in front of a major jeweler that was constantly getting huge gold and gem deliveries. He was basically vacuuming up gold dust. The store owner probably told him to fuck off after he made that video. The moron should have kept quiet.

>> No.51075339

I always get banned for racism from this general. Autism riddled little bitches, why I don’t come here like I used to in 2020, the dopest of years.

>> No.51075432
File: 1.84 MB, 1091x1079, 4 golds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do gold wieners cost more than the other 3 in europe? Actually even krugerrands are bit less.
It's weird because silver wieners are one of the cheaper options.

>> No.51075450

Because they look like shit in silver but they be v nice in gold

>> No.51075495

Which is the opposite condition of the Kruger, shit in gold but a beauty in silver

>> No.51075668
File: 70 KB, 287x307, oo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the anon here (i think his name is stackanon) who posts weapons with his images of his stack called " 2 is 1 " on youtube?
are you that person?

>> No.51075901
File: 1.26 MB, 2176x1536, krugs in safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not convinced this is the real reason. Maybe they're just not minted as much compared to the other 3 golds? Also I guess same deal with gold krugerrands (plus they come from south africa, so it's more shipping).

I have to disagree about gold krugerrands, I find them really nice, especially the older ones.

>> No.51076126

>Why do gold wieners cost more than the other 3 in europe?

Its the only one without the khazar cunt on the back.

>> No.51076654
File: 3.93 MB, 4032x3024, 7B46245A-325E-4B07-BFC7-13A7D9F94F55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 cent edition, you say?

>> No.51076767


>> No.51076817

so this is the real bread?

>> No.51076997

Huh. This one was created 4 hours after the other. Why is this one the real one?

>> No.51077030
File: 5 KB, 225x224, 3244C874-C08E-4186-A5F1-F1DB7CEE081C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know whats real anymore anon

>> No.51077098

>the other.
What is the location of the “other”? No other /pmg/ came up in the search prior to this thread being made.

>> No.51077219
File: 1.21 MB, 4000x1959, 20220616_151658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a break from shoveling money at my mortgage to scoop up some more modern 90% proof sets at around 19x face. I personally think these are top tier investments since they could be flipped for around 25-30x face with a little bit of work, and are great for the personal stack since they're (1)numismatic proofs, (2)come in their own 'container', (3)have the full amount of silver on them whereas pre-64 generally is worn, and (4) are of course, US sovereign coinage. The only issue with them in general is the storage space required for the relatively small amount of silver, but that's not anywhere near an issue for me yet.

>> No.51077655
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Guten Abend.
Is this the time to convert stock gains into more gold?

>> No.51077901
File: 45 KB, 919x133, pmg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other

>> No.51078093

>Doesn’t come up when you search /pmg/
That thread was doomed to fail the moment it was made.

>> No.51078296
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>The ultimate FUD is that there are 1 billion troy oz of silver mined per year.
Buy actual useful shit for a post apocalyptic scenario

>> No.51078466
File: 1.37 MB, 2686x2113, silver n food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tub of rice will make me king of the wastelands

>> No.51078590

wow 2 whole weeks of food! (2 more weeks)

>> No.51078614

And yet it's still going.
Sounds more like an excuse for you fucking up your 'search'.

>> No.51078729
File: 228 KB, 904x1275, MERCNATION(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will bash your head in with bar of silver and eat your dead corpse, I will stab your dogs and take all the food your own from your gay little prepper shelter. This is the fate of anyone who dares talk down to God's metals.

>> No.51078753
File: 2.37 MB, 3232x2448, 838747713571_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I hate niggers.

>> No.51078795

>fucking up your 'search'.
>Precious Metals General isn’t in the title of the other thread
Go back to your anti-pmg.

>> No.51078825

>Hello I hate niggers.
t. Chad

>> No.51078874

mintanon a huge gay in my book for his chutzpah "ooooh i have them just gonna wait for the gilded instead of shipping the bulk of orders" holy shit just send them faggot

>> No.51078951

wow stab my dogs? That means you picked up a knife after my advice, that's a good start anon now get some more gear

>> No.51078970

how heavy (in silver) are the generic silverware scoops they use for things such as diamonds?
how much metal is used? maybe 10 grams? 15? an oz?

>> No.51078985

watch out for rice weavels or whatever they are called
remember that ramen actually does expire and i had to pay for this by eating nothing but ramen for about 2 months once

>> No.51079064
File: 227 KB, 1492x1064, mario if he real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ramen. Just throw it out and buy new shit.

>> No.51079311

or just eat it

>> No.51079387
File: 71 KB, 789x435, nickel roi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do immeasurable bodily harm by eating nothing but cheap, nutrient deficient, high sodium ramen for 2 months
>donate it or throw it out, and spend $20 on buying another couple of boxes that will expire in 2 more years as a hedge against total food supply destruction
Pick one.

>> No.51079448

when why buy it "to eat if muh the world ends"
just stop talking. youre being a retard, probably on purpose. just stop fucking talking
its also the most pointless shit to talk about

ramen doesnt expire in just 2 months
youre buying shit to throw it out
youre not eating the thing you are buying to eat
youre wasting money for no reason, probably because something told you to

you have NO argument, you are WRONG and LESS than i am here, so do not talk

>> No.51079465

man, you people always leave such a sour taste in my mouth from the shit that you talk. i really can feel how much i hate you

>> No.51079562

I will stab then with your bones
All the ramen in that picture has been eaten by now. I recently restocked them. It ain't much food but it's good to have it.

>> No.51079570

Lol what's your problem man, the other anon is just talking about spending $20 every few years on ramen to feel secure in the event of disaster
It's such a no-brainer to do this that even the government recommends it, check out ready.gov

>> No.51079606

real fucking product of society to do those things (everything you do) you

>> No.51079653
File: 27 KB, 534x420, tin prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51079664

are you an actual robot

>> No.51079706

so you are

and just eat the food before it expires. not hard to do that and wasteful not to. or dont buy it

>> No.51079774
File: 452 KB, 1167x1510, abstract-thinking3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking ahead in case of emergency is an irrational way to spend one's money
>therefore you must be a robot
I'm not the NPC here mate.

>> No.51080033

i found some metals in my aluminium which are slightly more heavy and are kind of magnetic

>> No.51080460

they are probably iron, cobalt or nickel or an alloy of some sort desu

>> No.51080502

probably nickel
im hoping for nickel

>> No.51081061
File: 728 KB, 1536x2048, deenz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda makes me want to stack silver and only silver. Just monster boxes of the cheapest silver without the lizard queen. Especially since silver is cheaper comparatively to gold.

It does help to buy things you eat a lot of in the first place. I eat lots of sardines and beans, so I stack them biggly.
Also canned food doesn't really expire, so long as the can doesn't become damaged. That said, I've been carefully going through the store shelves and grabbing the stuff with the latest possible dates stamped on them (some of the as far as 2027). But after that the food will still be edible, just not as tasty.

Upper-left in pic is Noah's Ark coin, but it's hard to see much. I'm not gud at photos.

>> No.51081105
File: 91 KB, 750x1000, 69F8D0A1-4351-4539-8BAF-16FF2A3E7282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work fren

>> No.51081246

Is there any sort of website or business I can set up an auto pay to put aside say $20 a week from an account towards gold?

>> No.51081267

a bank
a box underneath your bed

>> No.51081327

i would suggest just walking past an ATM on your way home and taking out $20.
over time you will have enough to buy fucking nothing gold is 1750 right now and the premiums you would pay just to own a 1/2 ounce would take you a year to acquire.
if you must, at least buy silver or start finding some useful skills that are marketable in an economic shitfest.

>> No.51081398

I could afford to to buy a few thousand dollars worth of gold now but wanted some sort of legitimate subscription or auto pay scenario to start accumulating. Maybe investing in some sort of gold stocks is a decent alternative to avoid premiums on physical gold?

>> No.51081442

The older ones yes, the newer ones I just don’t like the red hue

>> No.51081559
File: 263 KB, 720x671, 1649511961417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, my close friends knows i'm stacking, they know the size of it, they know where it is and 2 of them even have the code of my safe. I'd trust them with my life, just like they trust me with their lives, so i do not fear anything.
If one day they end up taking it away, i know it will be for a life-or-death situation and i'm fine with it.

>> No.51081721
File: 155 KB, 646x700, 1563503486497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Champagne today frens : coomex is finally 2/3rd emptied from it's silver.
Currently at 52Moz from 150Moz back in Jan. 2021.
2.8Moz left the vault today alone!

>> No.51081766

And I thought US government was buying silver the last year s in preparation for their new silverbacke currency.

>> No.51081906

No, the stock market is shit, their gold doesn't represent anything tangible. It's a con for suckers, simple as.
A better option might be to buy from one of the dealers that will store your coins in their vault for you, but it's still not as good as taking delivery of your metals.
Best solution if you only want to invest $20/week, then just buy a 1-oz silver coin every week from a local coin shop, or a place that offers free shipping.

>> No.51081981

Agreed. The current Britannias are the best bullion coin IMO.

>> No.51082078

>muh security features
does anybody actually are. most popular bullion coin has no security features and the retard boomers who might buy your pm wont buy your britannia DESPITE the security features

>> No.51082093

my gold is coming

>> No.51082102

i think its insanely cool

>> No.51082104


>> No.51082175
File: 123 KB, 543x404, wiener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they'll change color over time, as the surface copper oxidizes.

Yeah, think I'm gonna hurry up and get a bunch more silver before it's all gone. Gold can wait.

Why would they give you sound money when they can instead fuck you even more with digital-only government crypto coin?

> not stacking golden wieners
What good are all those mercury dimes gonna do when you can't even get it up?

>> No.51082177

Very cool

>> No.51082181

>Why is /pmg/ so dead tonight?
Perhaps we used to have a lot of Ukrainian stackers.

>> No.51082236

Shred up a roll of aluminum foil into tiny bits and throw it all over

>> No.51082430

I don't care how close my friends are, if they tried to steal from me I'd gat them the same as I would any knuggle-dragging street thief. Friends don't steal from friends.
Good to hear. It'll be interesting to see what happens once the comex bottoms out, or at least is almost empty.

>> No.51082525

BBs work well also. If you ever lose your guns or stack in boating accident ive heard that lots of BBs scattered in your yard will drive medtal detectors crazy. Ram some into nail holes in drywall and spackle them up

>> No.51082718

>BBs work well also.
Just make sure you use some metal that isn't toxic. You don't want lead leeching into potential food gardens.

>> No.51083070
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 1601141711247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51083146
File: 141 KB, 514x428, 1617313497837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happens when its empty bros?

>> No.51083168

Based deenz chad. Where do you buy them in bulk?
Mintanon isn't do the yotsuba coin, that's holoanon.
These things usually accelerate toward the end, not much time.

>> No.51083223

I'll talk about silver and gold if it gets brought up but not really, no point on putting a target on myself. Most I'll mention is checking change for quarters and dimes before 1965 since they're worth a lot more.
What I will talk about is my collection of ammunition and magazines, since that's a big fat "I am based and not to be robbed" warning

>> No.51083243

Noah's Arks are going fairly cheap here in euroland and have a nice finish to them and are cunt free.

>> No.51083303
File: 813 KB, 518x518, Accelerate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Champagne today frens: Comex is finally 2/3rd emptied from it's silver.
>Currently at 52Moz from 150Moz back in Jan. 2021.
>2.8Moz left the vault today alone!

>> No.51083333

>that's a big fat "I am based and not to be robbed" warning
It also announces that there's some good shit at your house to be stolen when you're not there. I take the same approach with guns and silver; you'll know about my metal when I'm ready to purchase with it, and you'll know about my guns when you're staring down the barrel... Unless you mention something interesting first, anyway.

>> No.51083351
File: 1.92 MB, 3000x2821, IMG_20220824_193315859_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some new treasure for my collection

>> No.51083353

>in a pmg thread

>> No.51083364

I refuse to buy silver with the cunt on it

>> No.51083389

I also live with 6 other people who have guns, I'm not worried about that. Also WASTED
What are those skulls? Did you cast them yourself, they look nice

>> No.51083429

Reckless Metals?

>> No.51083574



>> No.51083623
File: 63 KB, 600x416, 1661389372462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know but it's going to be extremely antisemitic

>> No.51083803

>expecting 1 oz gold "sometime" soon
>need to go back home for family dinner
>mail slot too small to accept apmex boxes
>po box too far away to retrieve in a reasonable time

>> No.51083817
File: 87 KB, 495x594, 1648161666619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in bulk, I just grab like a half-dozen cans of beans and a few dozen sardines (and various other foods) when I go grocery shopping. I carefully inspect every can to make sure it's not damaged or rusted, and grab the ones with the latest stamped dates. I've been doing this since the beginning of the lockdowns, because I didn't know if I would get refused entry to grocery store (I'm obviously never taking "vaccine", etc.) Since I buy more than I eat, it stacks up over time.
Non-canned foods like oatmeal, dry lentils, split peas, etc. I don't buy as much of since it actually does expire, so only get as much as I can rotate through before the food goes bad.

Those actually form the bulk of my stack, because I really love the theme, and the price is very good. The only downside is shipping takes 2 months, whereas other coins are just a few weeks or even less.
I might just get more of them though. So far this is what I've got:
25x maples
100x britannias
100x wieners
500x noah's arks (on order)
4x 5-kilo noah's arks (2 on order)
4x 1-kilo noah's arks (3 on order)
and a handful of miscellaneous coins like kookaburra, emu, and such
That adds up to 1500 oz, and I want at least 2500 oz, so two more monster boxes would do it. Choices are: krugerrands, elephants, wieners, more noah's arks. I'll most likely go with more noah's arks, but not sure what the other coins will be yet.

>> No.51083853

nah bro, i always look at my change for pre-1982 pennies, and put them in a special jar. no real reason, just seems a waste to sell them for $0.01

meh, my close friends/family know i stack gold, i never give a specific number of ounces though. nor do i flash it around, it stays in the safe just chilling.

>> No.51083889

I’m drunk bitches

>> No.51083892

I have five tubes full of copper pennies I pick out of change, It's fun since I can actually find those unlike silver change which is long gone
yeah similar situation, people "know" but they don't know how much besides the immediate household (who are just going to see my new purchases anyway.

>> No.51083910

I have had a modest half glass of merlot whilst I attempt to calculate the next largest known prime. If my computer had ears, steam would be shooting forth from them.

>> No.51083921

hell, i don't even know how much i have. somewhere between 8-10 ox i thnik, so quite a good stack

>> No.51083959
File: 24 KB, 612x612, grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop remembering how many ounces you have
>forget some of the coins you have so when you open the safe you say "Oh shit that's cool I forgot"
Most satisfying form of "made it", granted I don't even have a "lot" or anything like that

>> No.51083962

You sound like you’re from reddit but it’s ok I’ll take the you

>> No.51083996
File: 1.44 MB, 3851x1448, EVB002-Oblique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not ordering a green arrays forth machine while drunk, so you can calculate your primes

>> No.51084002
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x3024, BC0865EC-CEF3-402A-A45D-220A3745A199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s some junk silver

>> No.51084015

This general has become quite non-heterosexual I will be honest with mine negros

>> No.51084024
File: 104 KB, 282x284, Konata gamer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got a letter from the US mint apologizing for the shitty quality control, customer support, low stock and no 2022 Morgan/Peace dollars
>But it DID say the Morgan and Peace dollar program will be back in 2023
Anybody hyped for a reverse proof Morgan dollar?
Love US 90%, wish the premium wasn't so damn high or I would stack all of that. How much FV is in that pile, I think I have around $30-$34

>> No.51084027
File: 1.30 MB, 2200x1650, 20220711_153529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a specific type of junk silver

>> No.51084029
File: 1.31 MB, 3044x2574, 20220622_161703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pmg/ anons opinions on this?
oh an I am finally working again...

>> No.51084042

yeah it's comfy. nowhere near deutchanon's stack, but i am committing to buy 1x 100 korona every quarter through 2025 so i'm making it...

wtf? always pay cash, always check the dates on yr change

>> No.51084051

Good job
Not too sure, at least $160

>> No.51084101

Looks like your tubes are missing some coins there. Did a kike get into your stash?

>> No.51084104
File: 39 KB, 333x500, am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i member asahimania in 2020 in this general

>> No.51084111

Ohh yeah. People loved those “cyber coins” lol. Nice memory

>> No.51084135
File: 88 KB, 602x476, sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check the dates on yr change
mfw they killed that "loophole" in europe long ago

>> No.51084152

You taken and returned in kind.
Since you have mentioned it, I have begun to peruse their products. Are they at all easy to configure? I have only recently taught myself enough code to generate these things.
Aside from that if one were to convert a one million dollar bounty into gold and silver, what would be the ideal ratio? I was thinking a ten to one silver to gold. Nevertheless I am willing to hear suggestions.

>> No.51084168
File: 1.99 MB, 656x368, 1595055834516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51084195

Thanky kind sire

>> No.51084223

Did that brass anon fella go away?

>> No.51084234

I haven't had a chance to fill them up in over the last 10 months because of job situation.
I need 69 coins to fill the tubes.

>> No.51084261
File: 87 KB, 800x464, 4 horsemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've no idea about that particular hardware. I mean it sounds cool, but I'm not about to spend the $1200 + 20% VAT for the minimum order of 2 dev boards. I'm spending that on silver instead, because there's a fucking apocalypse happening, and all my other hobby interests have been relegated to the backburner.
I guess a cheaper option would be to get any old hardware like some AVR microcontroller you cobble together on a breadboard, or an old 8-bit processor, etc. and implement your own Forth on it like they did with the CollapseOS project. Yeah that sounds cool and fun to me! But I justs don't have the heart to do much of anything these days except trying to stack and get my money out of the bank and into hard assets.

>> No.51084280
File: 368 KB, 1280x960, yotsuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old US Silver

>> No.51084340

It would make more sense to postpone the eagles and stack more low premium silver in the current dip situation

>> No.51084370

September of the super shmita approaches. Unironically about 2 more weeks before things may well kick off.

>> No.51084371

>old silver
Poor Nikolai had to close his website for the meme war

>> No.51084388

>jew shit
>2 more weeks
Top kek

>> No.51084418

I was thinking about buying an ounce of gold since I am over 100 oz of silver anyway. And the fact I haven't delivered or LARPed about it over the past year or so about it but I give /pmg/ my word I WILL get an ounce of gold.

>> No.51084429

Don’t get any gold until you have maybe 300 oz

>> No.51084485

>apocalypse happening
It does seem so does it not?
Precisely why I crunch the numbers.

>> No.51084545

poor fellow. glad i bought my meme crosses when i did, and glad my money went to a /pmg/ bro

>> No.51084556
File: 103 KB, 900x450, cQp8Jp4Z9LsMJft6oD7x2aKyR3YykT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will gold drop to $1700/ozt? Debating on whether to get modern bullion or old Euro gold next weekend.

>> No.51084665
File: 2.86 MB, 750x1334, 2220C805-2BE9-40C1-9FA2-00692C6B642A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a20 mark gold german coin

>> No.51084682

silvergoldbull.com has good deals on 20 franc napoleons

>> No.51084692
File: 552 KB, 287x216, RAGE gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews are demanded by God to forgive all debts to people, even slaves every seven years
>They get around this by calling us "goyim", or "cattle" so we're not human and therefore, not entitled to debt forgiveness

>> No.51084945

Anywhere have better price:silver ratio than bullionexchanges? Cheapest I can find 1oz. of .999 is there for about $24.50 rn

>> No.51084948

The guy posting the fake kilo gold bars? He's been gone for a while

>> No.51085007

>selling your gold to dipshit boomers who won't even be here much longer
Not sure about your LCS, but mine never even have any gold at them. If for some reason I wanted to liquidate, I'd just sell back to the online bullion dealers I bought from.

I have some gold wieners too, but they don't hold a candle to the Britannia.

>> No.51085087

>unlike silver change which is long gone
the last time I found a silver coin in circulation was in some pocket change nearly a decade ago and it was a common 1964 rosie dime
I feel like it is much easier to find pre-82 pennies than any type of silver these days for sure, but I suppose there is the occasional dime or so you might find every few years

>> No.51085137 [DELETED] 

$200/hour method

Register a new account at bit dot ly/3zCzQf6 enable 2FA, link your payout account (you can receive via BTC), grab the link at the side of "Home Page: Females", under link codes tab
Create an account at proxiware dot com and purchase a $22.50 proxy package and bind your IP to your proxiware account
Create an account at bit dot ly/reCaptchaSolver and fund your account with at least $5 and grape your API key
Download proxy list from https://mega.nz/file/kJ9zmACS#eIK0ulQlh7759IE5hFs3QSL6v6UdQ7mQblfuvVHLL8E
Download the register bot from https://mega.nz/file/5BdxlJzA#vRjELmSKvi88kltDmkcSVYT4tTf28EGtUToGFYSKlzI run the Auto Register Bot.exe file, choose the language (en or ru), fill the API key of the captcha solver, put your affiliate link from Home Page Females, choose the text file of proxiware proxy list, choose how many threads you wanna run (4 or more recommended for faster earnings)
Hit start and watch your earnings increasing
Proof of payment: i.ibb dot co/jMxxRQ5/Screenshot-2021-10-20-at-13-18-04.jpg

>> No.51085179

ya havent seen brassfag on here in a while

even the pelican cases nhe had were fake kek

>> No.51085225

>lose brassfag who was at least fun to shit on
>get reggiefag in exchange that just eats up 30-40 posts a thread and doesn't even have fake gold
Talk about a monkey's paw

>> No.51085263

wtf is a reggiefag?

but i mean ya, there are worse things than the gold larpers ill agree with you there

>> No.51085327

Lmfao he definitely got a lot of you’s.
Reggiefag? Somebody weed posting?

>> No.51085334

Oh god don't remind me of him.

>> No.51085359
File: 152 KB, 1200x1200, Bicentennial silver proof set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reggie is the name of the gay mouse a certain poster keeps posting, which is why he "earned" that name
I know of it because it was basically a shock video for a while like shoveldog or Nikocado's asshole
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InOmdxE41CA safe and funny version for rundown
To get back on topic anybody have this proof set? It's only 40% silver but I realllllly like the designs, especially the quarter reverse. Not quite as cool as the 2021 Washington quarter but that silver proof set is $105 for less than an ounce of silver, the mint still can't offload it because of how overpriced it is

>> No.51085386

So frensmark is dead now that pozible refunded the money because of racist frogs, right?

>> No.51085428

He's probably going to self fund it, at a much lower run, and only 80 will be for sale. Probably going to be rarer than gilded yotsubas.

>> No.51085448

i thought those coins didn't have any silver in them

>> No.51085455
File: 237 KB, 960x1280, 43223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the proofs and uncirculated do

>> No.51085482
File: 192 KB, 828x581, 95492FC5-DE9E-4217-8BD5-F77D55826C14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gilded yotsuba????

>> No.51085494

I haven't seen anything on them refunding the money, what are you talking bout?

>> No.51085526
File: 319 KB, 2048x1366, F2980374-BE5A-4444-8F39-E033D2E5D03D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom’s in, cap it

>> No.51085576 [DELETED] 

$200/hour method

Register a new account at bit dot ly/3zCzQf6 enable 2FA, link your payout account (you can receive via BTC), grab the link at the side of "Home Page: Females", under link codes tab
Create an account at proxiware dot com and purchase a $22.50 proxy package and bind your IP to your proxiware account
Create an account at bit dot ly/reCaptchaSolver and fund your account with at least $5 and grape your API key
Download proxy list from https://mega.nz/file/kJ9zmACS#eIK0ulQlh7759IE5hFs3QSL6v6UdQ7mQblfuvVHLL8E
Download the register bot from https://mega.nz/file/5BdxlJzA#vRjELmSKvi88kltDmkcSVYT4tTf28EGtUToGFYSKlzI run the Auto Register Bot.exe file, choose the language (en or ru), fill the API key of the captcha solver, put your affiliate link from Home Page Females, choose the text file of proxiware proxy list, choose how many threads you wanna run (4 or more recommended for faster earnings)
Hit start and watch your earnings increasing
Proof of payment: i.ibb dot co/jMxxRQ5/Screenshot-2021-10-20-at-13-18-04.jpg

>> No.51085614


>> No.51085670

anyone surprised at how common silver coins are still in circulation when you started looking for them in your change? My start just paying for everything in cash and going through the coins
they have a low silver content but war nickels are pretty common

>> No.51085849

so there is another type of uncirculated? does that mean they were special made at the mint to be sent to certain places? i don't get it.

>> No.51085896
File: 277 KB, 1311x931, comex 24 aug 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the breakdown by bankster's vaults for the comex.
Ngl i feel more bullish than ever on silver when i look at this pic.

>> No.51085913

>Bottom’s in, cap it
wasn't that what ya'll said last time when it looked like bottom and then it dropped even lower?

>> No.51085924

I find the case for CNT (Central Bank of India) especially interesting. How can they go from 42Moz down to 3Moz in just a year and half?

>> No.51085936

>you can stay forever below extraction's costs
press X
At some point reality have to prevail.

>> No.51085947
File: 17 KB, 509x491, 1646609371792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw haven't found a silver coin in my change in 5+ years

>> No.51085968

>At some point reality have to prevail.
I feel like we will never see an ounce of silver as low as per say, $5 anymore these days
more like it is going to take the occasional dip below $20 but might stay in the mid to high $20s if things keep up the way they are currently desu
However you won't ever find me complaining if instead of buying 5 $19 ounces of silver for about 100 bucks, I could only spend about $85 if the same 5 ounces were ~$17 an ounce

>> No.51085976
File: 231 KB, 1303x926, comex gold aug 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here for gold. We can see it was pretty stable until May, then BOOM, vaults getting depleted by 1/3rd in just 3 months. This is insane.
The kikes are rugpulling the real stuff before our dollaridoos and euros become completely worthless.

>> No.51085995

San Francisco mint

>> No.51086036
File: 864 KB, 947x453, 1661013933322626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the spirit fren.
To put it back into perspective, back when silver went north of $50 in mid 2011, it coincided with the comex being almost emptied and that's what triggered the prices' mooning.

Here's an article from the Nasdaq published back then, interesting read as it all could apply today.
Back then, the comex bottomed at 30Moz before the bankers freaked out and tried to replenish, pushing the prices up in the process.


At least back then, they were documenting the case, a 38% fall in registered was considered "dramatic" and the risk for a default was openly talked about.
Compare it to today, where a 65% drop in registered is completely silenced, nobody is entertaining the idea of a default, and where all the jewed media are censoring/memoryholing everything concerning silver, simply calling us "schitzo terrorists" and nothing more.

>> No.51086123

Nota bene : at the current rate of comex's depletion (averaged for the past 90 days), we will be around 30Moz in 2 and 1/2 months, circa early november.
But as the emptying is accelerating dramatically since few weeks, it could very well happen by mid october.

At some point the banksters will have to take action, 30Moz is the Danger Zone. If it falls below this point, an effective default is propably on the work.

>> No.51086160

find that surprising
have found several dimes, a quarter, and several of those war nickels
so far every spare change bucket I've gone through will turn up a war nickel. hardly worth anything but just fun to find stuff rather than buy it

>> No.51086223


>> No.51086264

based. "gold never changes value, everything changes value relative to gold"

>> No.51086368

ohhh that fucking faggot, got it


>> No.51086379

I hope it really does happen and goes main stream. I so badly want to hear the NPR jews talk about the sudden disruption in the silver market.

>> No.51086498
File: 481 KB, 220x165, Monkey3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POZZible taking their sweet ass time after that no interest 30 day $10k loan


>> No.51086660
File: 248 KB, 538x800, wiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't they need to keep this clown world going in a relatively sane clown world fashion until the US midterms at least? After that "C'est le déluge", as they say. But I was planning to be able to stack for cheap until then at least.
Also I just ordered a bunch of silver that's gonna take 2 months for delivery. Am I gonna get rugged? Maybe I better start ordering stuff that's already in stock, and forget all this pre-order stuff.

>> No.51086667

anybody here buy world gold coins? I've been thinking about trying to make a collection of as many global coins as i can find. anybody else do this?

>> No.51086676
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x1353, coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest I've got to that is finding a war nickel for under spot at an antique store (it was a dollar but had like a dollar and 20 cents worth of silver) and picrel in a coinstar.

>> No.51086837
File: 1.13 MB, 500x235, maul2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last we shall have our revenge.

>> No.51086838

When will gold drop to 1730USD or below?

>> No.51086886

I think a few anons here have Gold from most European countries.
The Americas, Europe and the Middle East should be fairly easy to complete for such a collection, but places like Africa and Asia will be harder to do unless you buy illiquid modern commemorative garbage.

>> No.51087052

lots of countries dont mint coins - particularly in africa.

I wish i had a coin press so i could start making my own historical coins that i could supply to bullion dealers. i want to make restrikes of the coins celebrating the opium war victory against the chinks.

>> No.51087077
File: 116 KB, 799x775, 1616042737864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I need more time I only have 200 oz.

>> No.51087199
File: 439 KB, 828x379, 83BC3651-25F6-4C68-97E9-3BB503352608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically you have a few African Colonies that had Gold coins minted for them that are really scarce and expensive nowadays.

>> No.51087316
File: 79 KB, 512x389, 1653542291744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I don't see an email notice that my yotsubacoins have been mailed by September 2nd, I'm going to file a class action lawsuit and demand payment in human souls.

>> No.51087418

I wish this graph had more history to it.
Just a few years would be good.

>> No.51087448

No drop incoming. Silver and gold vaults just got giga-raped, the prices will shoot higher today.

>> No.51087660

Nein. Was planning a big purchase though.

>> No.51087927

we still have em and we still love em

>> No.51087930

Cool Pic. Reminds me of good days in my childhood.
Chapta: K 88JPR

>> No.51088063

Could someone post a chart for money printed from the federal reserve?

>> No.51088076
File: 43 KB, 1168x450, fredgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.51088132
File: 217 KB, 1000x1000, CAC1E8D1-C1BE-4F0C-9934-2A05E2E5F1E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience putting 24karat gold in mint tubes? Would it scratch the finish?

>> No.51088140

Yes thanks.

>> No.51088212

You're able to claim bankruptcy every 7 years anon. You (almost) universally get a day off every 7 days, no matter your career field. The markets soft reset every 7 years as well. The 7th of every 7th shmita is always (not usually, literally is always) a large financial or worldwide change with regards to the state of affairs.

Societies with a spiritually linear view of time are most susceptible to the natural, and unnatural cycles within it.

>> No.51088241

Spot price is fake, gold real price should be $800/oz. Bullion banks are pumping gold price higher.

>> No.51088261

Something about everything in the set including the Eisenhower being only 40% really turns me off. I think those did so poorly it may have actually kicked their ass to start minting 90% commemoratives in 1982.

>> No.51088313
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, 626243CE-7A69-429C-8055-0BF0720761A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frens the nachos i ate last night were bad i shitted and puked now i have to go to work pls send help

>> No.51088323
File: 17 KB, 495x362, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are talking about? This is the M1 money supply not the gold chart

>> No.51088328

God has already sent you help in the form of shitting and puking out the bad stuff in the rancid nachos you ate. He taught you a valuable lesson.

>> No.51088795

Tell me more

>> No.51088813
File: 72 KB, 672x505, You prevented disaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single shill trying to fud this
They're afraid.

>> No.51088931

thank you God. He gave me the insight to stick my fingers down my throat to get out the bad

>> No.51089134

>The basics of the Shemitah is that it represents a specific 7 year cycle that has been counted by the Jews ever since the days of Moses. The Shemitah year, was the 7th year of the 7 year cycle. That 7th year was called the Sabbath year. During this year, the Jews were required to treat the whole year as they would a regular Sabbath day. This means that they weren't allowed to plant or harvest. Food was imported. Any debts were nullified. It was a year of restoration, for example, if you had lost an inheritance, it was restored to you.

>The purpose of this year was to let go of worldly things and focus on God. However, if Israel was wicked and disobeyed God, the year of the Shemitah was used as an economic and financial curse instead of blessing. This is also true for other nations besides Israel.

This Shmita is the 7th one in the series and runs from September 7, 2021 - September 25, 2022. Does this coincide with any major world events that have left jews in positions to not work during this timeframe? Is the massive repayment of student loan debt just a coincidence? Is the likely draining of the comex and a reset of PM prices in the cards? World reserve currency?

>> No.51089319

One month left before fireworks fly?

>> No.51089448

>The 7th of every 7th shmita is always (not usually, literally is always) a large financial or worldwide change with regards to the state of affairs.

I fell asleep last night listening to Bo Polny's latest interview upload. Would be very comfy indeed if the great(est) Jubilee occurs by September 24th, I'm about as completely positioned in PMs as I can be and have a garage full of nonperishable food and supplies, bought another $200 worth to top off the larder yesterday.

>> No.51089470
File: 509 KB, 1280x958, 271634BB-6B82-47F4-A587-3AE83C009E81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copper chad checking in… also have a few thousand in nickles & a storage container filled w/ scrap copper, bronze, aluminum. The storage unit is kept at my place of businesses warehouse and just keep instead of scrapping for a few dollars here and there. I’ve been shit on for the copper & nickle here before but once you have a good stack of gold & silver no harm in branching out. Been saving pre 82 Pennie’s & nickles for almost a decade.

>> No.51089518
File: 1.63 MB, 4160x2340, KIMG2247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, only true copperchads know about those penny bags

>> No.51089525

i have a small ziploc bag full of coppers, they are really fun to collect as you still get them relatively often with your change. its a treat. Im thinking about trying to raid my bank for some anyone have experience doing that?

>> No.51089567

Yessss. I got 40k of them on eBay a few years ago for a really reasonable price if you factor in shipping… taking them out of change yields to little. Honestly nickles is the move, I buy $100 boxs every so often. It’s a no lose bet, currently worth 6 cents & no sorting required. Only hard money we have left.

>> No.51089593

Yeah you can expect 10-20% pre 82. As I said above nickles are really the way to go. If there worth more than FV now what will that be in 20 years?

>> No.51089672

At this point I expect them to build tomahawk missiles out of silver certificates like origami before they let the price rise.

>> No.51089684

I'm no expert, but I prefer tubes myself. What I found is the coins inside the tube would still have space to move side to side, and separate up and down if the tube was shook. So what I did was I took some packing foam sheets that I got from a package, folded some up for thickness, and put it between the top coin and the lid on the inside. That not only prevented the up and down separation of coins, but also the side to side movement when the tube is shook. There is probably pressure from the foam and lid pushing down on all the coins, but I don't think that should cause any issues of squishing or anything. I figure the real danger is the coins shuffling loosely over each other up & down, and side to side...which has been solved with the foam.

The same thing could probably be done with tubes for silver coins which has more space; one bullion dealer would send tubes to me with a packing styrofoam peanut or two under the lid which was taped down.

>> No.51089769

>Honestly nickles is the move, I buy $100 boxs every so often.

I've been thinking about buying nickels, lately I save ones I get in change but buying boxes or $200 face bags from the sorting machine would get my numbers up much faster, been wanting to sort some nickel bags for old random Buffalo/V nickels and silver war nickels for a while anyway, plus maybe find one of the famed counterfeit Henning nickels (very interesting and worth reading about).

>> No.51089770
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Idk man...
Coin collecting and collecting silver and Gold are pretty common hobbies

>> No.51089905
File: 40 KB, 360x360, Boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the reason I collect copper pennies. The money used to be backed by these rare, useful metals and so they commanded so much purchasing power.
The banking inflationary/leveraged games being played have transformed our money into a type of alchemy where the money supply is controlled by computers and algorithms and is manipulated with buttons and levers. These games are profitable for the banks but they have a finite lifespan. The way the system works now is propped up because hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of toxic "assets" haven't been written off as losses. So there is an extreme amount of pent up demand sitting in stocks and bonds etc that will eventually find their way back into commodities. PMs and other assets will soak up and command an incredible amount of purchasing power once shit hits the fan and I wouldn't be surprised if we do eventually see metal prices be revalued so that a few grams of copper is enough to buy you a hamburger.
I know damn well that physical coinage will disappear as anyone with two brain cells to rub together would love to turn a $100bill into $100 worth of metal. It will be too late though.

>> No.51089910
File: 3.67 MB, 1680x1928, 1661100628093070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gunna leave this here. It's mintanon responsible for this?

>> No.51089978

The problem with that is the opportunity cost. I never spend my nickels or return them to the bank, but $100 box of nickels is a nice chunk of change you could put into silver.

>> No.51090281

Can confirm. Got banned for posting a link to an informational essay on the politically suppressed social and economic costs of darkies. Neo-liberal intellectual prudery is so very tedious, petty and dull.

>> No.51090286

in a roundabout way by starting the memecoin renaissance

>> No.51090394
File: 125 KB, 908x536, the jews won he says.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they have to censor us, we know we're over the target.

>> No.51090533

Yes of course that’s the downside, but I’ve been stacking gold & silver for the same amount of time. I try and diversify as much as possible, gold & silver, guns, mechanical watches, jewlery, ammo, even art & fossils. Copper or nickle is a side line, prob have 2k in nickles max. I have cash & traditional investments, ie my home ect but I love alternative investments & hard assets. Must be the collector in me.

>> No.51090547
File: 1.24 MB, 943x720, Screenshot_20220825-101345~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Asahi.
Simple as.

>> No.51090576
File: 60 KB, 668x427, fwtdhahqad clipped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads, which one is more degen?

>> No.51090614

kek i have to go with the mlp bunch those sickos

>> No.51090919

I think my next big PM purchase is going to be some of these major producers that pay dividends. NEM is under $50 and not long ago it popped up to $80 like it was nothing. Feels like a nice play to park some cash as I can't see prices going much lower, and just in time to snatch up a nice fat dividend.

>> No.51091131

Is that 1000 ozt bar?

>> No.51091199

A slice of one. Its100 now.

>> No.51091431

Cool, the dimensions look unusual.

>> No.51091732
File: 107 KB, 900x637, 00e382c06e1d34ab8b232d19e1711bac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy silver before I think about buying gold? I currently don't have a lot saved.

>> No.51091796

Silver is the better buy based on the gold:silver ratio. The historic ratio is so skewed that historically you shouldn't own a single ounce of gold and have sold it all for silver, although I don't fully believe that is wise as we have no idea what the hell is going to happen as things are revalued.

>> No.51091930

Although I believe silver is undervalued, I bought gold first. Gold keeps increasing, check the last 10 years, can't say the same thing about silver. Silver has drastic price drops that make your heart skip a beat.

I did 100g of gold then started with silver. I'm doing gold and silver equally these days. Silver is the better buy in the long run but we don't know the duration of the 'long' in this context.

>> No.51092177
File: 126 KB, 1170x1286, 1660409058931028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holocoinanon is creating yotsubacoins, campaign ran a while ago. Going to be 100 gilded yotsubacoins total.

>don't ban me jannies I'm not holocoinanon and I'm not shilling because the campaign has already closed

>> No.51092195

I would think about getting at least a few hundred oz silver before buying gold

>> No.51092196
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, Brown Ike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well probably that and the boxes are HUGE. I bought a brown Ike at a gun show and the box is the size of a DVD case to hold a coin the size of a Morgan dollar. It'd be kindof neat to get every brown Ike but it would take up a lot of space

>> No.51092199

Should I do this pending update?

>> No.51092289

With inflation so much higher than interest rates, we are on the fast track to some sort of correction/disconnect. Banks can never fix the inflation problem so eventually the masses will eventually begin to seek a safe haven that is not the stock market. It's only a matter of time and not everyone can participate due to supply, especially at these levels. Every day silver sits at $20 an ounce is a gift from god. Like finding mana from the heavens. Eat your fill while you can before you wages price you out of the metal forever.

>> No.51092743

>And they have no idea how much silver I have
heh-heh. Neither does my wife!

>> No.51092818

do you really even have to ask?

>> No.51092836

I 100% agree with everything you have written here.

>> No.51092853

If it's time to bury your guns, it's time to dig them up.

>> No.51092873

Is this your hand?
If so, will you please give me a handjob?

>> No.51092886

This. Silver won't moon, the dollar will rug.

>> No.51092902

What kind of safe?

>> No.51092949

One man's junk is another man's treasure.
That sounds really fucking gay when you put it that way.

>> No.51093107
File: 227 KB, 1131x534, USjunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, too, like US junk. I seem to be a little more anal about it that you.

>> No.51093502

I don't have enough metal bros

>> No.51093540
File: 1.51 MB, 2048x1536, krugs stacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, it's just a pic I saved from another thread. Thought it was cool how someone went all in on krugerrands. Here's the other pic he posted.

Don't even bother with gold unless you can afford an entire ounce, because otherwise you'll get raped on fractional premiums. But it might make sense if you're a brit, and then you just "buy sovs, buys sovs, simple as", because they get raped on silver.
But even if you're in the EU and have to pay VAT on silver, you can still do pretty good, so long as you order from places that only charge VAT on the dealer's margin (rather than VAT on the entire sale price). I've been buying since May and just recent reached 1500 oz, at a 23.95 euros/oz cost basis. If you're in the US or other place that doesn't tax silver at all, then you can do even better!

>> No.51093553
File: 933 KB, 1920x1441, Blini birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 posts in a row
>only a single image
>every reply is only 1-2 sentences long

>> No.51093649

None of us do. How much do you own right now?

>> No.51093680

idk probably ~200 oz ag 1 ozt au

>> No.51093692

I hit the quantity of ounces I wanted to own, but I also want to smooth out the stack to have round numbers and be visually appealing.
It's horrible because I need money for other shit.

>> No.51093743
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, 1652008879682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mail truk just arrive :)

>> No.51093752

The ride never ends.
You'll always want more.

>> No.51093777

You gotta triple those numbers

>> No.51093822
File: 208 KB, 1023x1024, 1660336552569719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a Brit. I'm worried about the current economic situation and just want to protect my savings and future savings by converting them into silver/gold. So just buy silver, buy gold later? Should I be looking at certain bullion makers for less VAT and better deals?

>> No.51093837

the answer is always gold. this will piss off a lot of ppl itt

>> No.51093883

I will never stop. Unfortunately my stacking goals are getting more expensive, and buying little $300-500 purchases every few weeks needs to stop so I can afford other things.

>> No.51093902

No retard you buy gold.

>> No.51093954
File: 2.04 MB, 4032x3024, 1653529422413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

franz josef I confirmed for having a BWC

>> No.51093964

or maybe just "lunch break".

>> No.51093965

I have limited savings, I'm 20. Should I just invest all my savings on a gold bullion bar or several gold coins?

>> No.51093979

What about you guys? Besides mining stocks, do you invest anything else? Is it worthwhile to chase some dividend yield or would that shit be better just stuffed under the mattress in PMs?

>> No.51093987

>Should I just invest all my savings
no. if you don't have a maxed out retirement account and 6 months living expenses liquid, don't worry so much about gold. just buy a sov here and there with disposable income. 4 sovs later, you got an oz

>> No.51093998

If you're that young just dive headfirst into silver.

>> No.51094056

You could take a break from bullion and instead get guns. Just a warning I think Guns manage to be an even bigger money sink for me than PMs are, lol
No, don't invest all of your saving because sucks as it may be we still live in a cash society. It would be really shitty to have to sell the gold during a dip if say one of the tires on your car went out. I can't vouch for having any less than $500 emergency cash on-hand at a moment's notice (without fickle banks involved, such as hidden in a household safe), ideally you should have a lot more than that. But if you want gold buy a coin, they're harder to counterfeit and the added cost compared to commonly-forged bars is so minute it's worth it for the security.

>> No.51094083

HungAryan confirmed

>> No.51094119

>don't invest all of your saving because sucks as it may be we still live in a cash society.
Maybe I should have been more specific. What I meant by savings is cash from my account I've taken out and put in a box. I save 20% everytime I'm paid.

>> No.51094126

Normally it'd be smart to split the middle between these 2 answers and go the Dave Ramsey route. Get 4 to 6 months of income saved up and then pay off all your debt before you start investing.
Since your country is going through record breaking inflation and your government just warned about heating fuel riots this winter, maybe you should look into getting ready for hard times in a few months.

>> No.51094148

Only my other friends who buy silver.

>> No.51094157
File: 1.88 MB, 640x360, Gold goal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, well if you still have emergency cash then yeah I'd say go for it. Better to have an asset (Gold) than a liability (Federal reverse liability notes created by debt that also get you taxraped for holding)

>> No.51094183
File: 440 KB, 500x500, 1911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a Brit
Buy sovs, buy sovs, simple as. ^_^
You'll probably want to compare the prices in all the UK dealers listed in the OP pastebin, that way you don't have to deal with customs, and extra shipping fees.
I guess you'll want to get a least full sovs, if you can afford them. Half sovs might not be worth it. Crunch the numbers and see what it comes out to in pounds/oz for all the different coin sizes. Just try to keep your cost basis as low as possible, because premiums are money you'll never get back. Definitely don't buy proof or limited edition coins, etc. Just plain old sovs, and maybe even older ones if they have better prices.

>> No.51094193

Canada has two dollar coins and you faggots said it was stupid.

>> No.51094222

Imma just deal drugs and counterfeit USD.
This statement angers the Americans.

>> No.51094267
File: 61 KB, 1024x575, 1624142388185m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy land and build your own pill bunker.
It's my plan.

>> No.51094272

for brits, it is easier to buy gold because of VAT

>> No.51094320

I bought a rifle a couple months ago. Never bothered to shoot it yet since I think the ammo is so expensive. I need to stock up on ammo and actually bust the thing out. I work two jobs, 7 days a week to afford for silver and other investments so I don;t have a lot of time for other shit,

>> No.51094329


yeah i def bought gold despite not having savings, always maxxed my ira, but it's comfy to have cash savings

>> No.51094382


>> No.51094673


>> No.51094952

where can I order this?