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File: 2.10 MB, 1200x800, quiet-quitting-trend-explained-work-culture-cover_800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51067775 No.51067775 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the mainstream media reporting on quiet quitting? They seem assblasted over this.

>> No.51068290

I suppose they hope they get cheques or UBI when the machines end up doing all their jobs.
Spiritually weak USA is impossible.

>> No.51068345

They want us to work harder since they know they have to pay us more due to inflation now.
Don't be stupid call it what it is.

>> No.51068382


Just listen to this bullshit.
These boomers needs to learn we run this shit now.

>> No.51068403

They in fact dont have to pay you more, the corpos you work for have been turning record profits for decades now. Pretty sure your wages are still absolute gutter tier.

>> No.51068404

It's one of the most rebellious things the average American wagie can do in contrast of their mundane bootlicking life and the powerful are losing grip on the narrative again because they've overplayed their hand in the last decade. The golem always turns on the master eventually

>> No.51068418

This concept seems to particularly infuriate them. Why do they have such a problem with us just showing up to work and doing our fucking jobs? Why do they want everyone to act like an office career-driven psycho???

>> No.51068442

The simple solution is quit taxing the fuck out of people quit making everyone racist and sensitive quit fucking with white people and maybe people will be excited for work.

>> No.51068446

>quiet quitting?
I keep hearing this shit and still don't know what it is.
>just showing up to work and doing our fucking jobs
That's it?
That's what I've been doing for the last seven years since I started my job.

>> No.51068466

Quiet quitting is literally just doing your job and nothing else. No socializing, career shmoozing, etc. Yet the middle managers seem to be driven into a frenzy over this concept gaining steam.

>> No.51068538

She's cute.

>> No.51068554

Narcissistic retard zoomers think they invented being lazy

>> No.51068598

Basically they want you to behave and live like a Japanese salaryman

>> No.51068629

it's doing your job and not doing anything for free or pretending to care about people you don't care about

>> No.51068646

They have miserable lives lol.

>> No.51068874

Because the boomers are doing it as they retire and no one wants to do more than the minimum amount of work.

>> No.51069054

So everyone's doing it then/

>> No.51069273
File: 7 KB, 241x209, 162357956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they need people to fear and think that they can't make it, when they do can. Just look at the lads making money off vinu and other memecoins, straight up against the big money

>> No.51069874

why does he stare like that? gave me a heart attack

>> No.51070614

Like narcissists, they are emotional vampires that want us to be dependent and subservient to them.
They hate it when we realize our wasted potentials and starting to do the bare minimum work and take time to improve ourselves.

>> No.51070638

>Why is the mainstream media reporting on quiet quitting?
because (((they))) are loosing money when goyim know they are little more than slaves