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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5105864 No.5105864 [Reply] [Original]

THIS ISN'T FUCKING FAIR. I've been working 8 hours a day plus overtime every fucking day for the past 20 years. I've sacrificed everything for my job. My wife left me, my kids hate me, and the stress has ruined my health.

And now you fucking worthless NEET kids are making millions playing in your parents basement with your goddamn monopoly money. IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR. HARD WORK IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU RICH, SO WHY AM I STILL IN DEBT WHILE THESE BASEMENT DWELLING VIRGINS ARE MAKING BANK WHILE WATCHING FUCKING ANIME?

>> No.5105906
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>he fell for the debt meme

>> No.5105922
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sorry what was that? can you repeat that?

>> No.5105948

FUCK YOU, I needed the money to get my house. The banker promised me I would make the interest back when the house increased in value.

>tfw it actually decreased in value

>> No.5105965
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kill your wife & kids
buy Ark

>> No.5105987


Sigh, listen here brainlet. If that were true, the richest people in the world would be construction workers or some similar trade.

Work smart, not hard. The top 10 richest men in the world have a combined wealth greater than the poorest 3.5B middle class citizens.

Want to be rich anon? Go into sales or start a business. Don't live above your means and invest the rest.

>> No.5106069

but... my work ethic is so good. I deserve money more than you slobs who just got lucky and put your autism money into widgets. Nobody should be able to get rich from something this stupid when they didn't even EARN it by working 8 hours a day every day at a job they hate to make money for the company like I did.

>> No.5106073

P much this

>two and a half years of sales and saving every dime we could
>invest 1/4 of it into cryptos
>10k profit overnight
>investing in passive secondary income

The earlier you have money to apply, the better off you are.

>Save big so that when an opportunity presents itself you can take advantage of it. Luck is where preparation meets opportunity

>> No.5106097
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What you did doesn't deserve to be called hard work. Sure you put in a lot of your time, but a persons time alone isn't valuable. Did you ever put in any thought? Did you ever really seek out opportunities? I bet you heard of bitcoin before but never bothered to investigate it. You failed to employ the one truly valuable asset a person holds and do some research on your own. You think you deserve some great reward for just following orders? Well I'm sorry, but there are plenty of drones in this world, and they aren't valuable. It's innovation that the market rewards, as it should.

>> No.5106116

Maybe if you were smarter your wife wouldn't have left you lel

>> No.5106173

Life isn't fair. My father told me this when I was 10. Maybe if you had a stronger father figure in your life you wouldn't have turned into such a beta.

>> No.5106178

seems like larp. literal 1/10.

>> No.5106191

Investing your allowance in some stupid meme isn't innovation either. You kids just got lucky. You have no idea how hard I've worked all my life. This isn't fucking fair. You think you're innovative and hard workers for spending all day staring at coin price trackers because you're unemployed?

I had to miss my sons graduation to finish a project before the dealine and he's still fucking mad at me about it. You kids wouldn't know the meaning of hard work if it bit you on the ass.

>> No.5106222

Some day I will be able to pay a woman to suck my dick with a buttcoin and it will be amazing.

>> No.5106248
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>> No.5106309

The NEETS will inherit the world

>> No.5106310

This. I learned the hard way. My world view was completely fucked because my dad never told me whats up. My life isnt a mess, but i would be in a better situation if I didn’t pretend everyone had my best interest in mind.

>> No.5106311


uh they do already trips boy

also, bj's are way better when they're you're gf and she hates giving them.

>> No.5106398
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Sorry that youre a slave to the eternal jew

Maybe in your next life dont be a brainlet

>> No.5106436

If it's such easy money, why didn't you do it? Were you too stupid to recognize the opportunity or too lazy to do the research?

>> No.5106443

Don't worry. My dad told his taxi driver of 15 years that I was buying bitcoin so the guy did some research and dumped 20k in at $5k. The driver retired last week. Now my dad has to ride to his shitty job every day with the knowledge that he made his taxi driver rich with advice that he didn't even understand himself.

Then when he asked if I was secretly rich I had to tell him that I got burned trading shitcoins and lost my savings. But the good news is that its not too late for you anon, go all in on LINK.

>> No.5106470

This is bait
This has to be bait

>> No.5106550


Literally none of the neets here are rich. Relax.

>> No.5106581

Getting lucky isn't about being smart or hard working. You think people who win the lotto are fucking albert einstein? You're just memesters who got lucky and happened to put your chips on the right number in the virtual casino.

Is it really so hard for you millennials to believe somebody would actually have a work ethic?

>> No.5106610

ok those who bought bitcoin at <$100 yeah those got lucky, but trading shitcoins these days takes serious balls and patience. Go put $10k now see if its so easy to hold on to it with coins going apeshit

>> No.5106637

If you think crypto is easy money, why don't you join in?

>> No.5106652

now that i think, those who bought at $100 had even more balls of steel, they were crossing into new territory and some even putting thousands on it

>> No.5106705
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Haha, but seriously imagine being one of those people. They're out there, and they've got some maaajor cognitive dissonance to work through.

>> No.5106723

Investing now won't get back the years of my life I gave to the company. Investing now won't get my wife back (she remarried) or fix the damage I've done to my body.

I just don't get it. This isn't how it was supposed to be. My dad told me that if I just worked hard, I could achieve my dreams. He didn't tell me to troll the internet and invest in fucking internet memes to make my dreams come true. This isn't the american dream. I don't know what this is.

>> No.5106737

I understand your pain. I'm a wageslave myself. I work at a job that's beneath me, that I find degrading. I could be replaced by a vending machine, but I'm cheaper and I handle my own maintenance.
I've been squirreling away my savings in crypto looking to break the cycle. I work extra hours just for a few extra coins at the end of the month. I live a shit lifestyle because I know that I can retire early in relative luxury by playing this game. Instead of envy and anger, you should do what I'm doing. Even if it's just a couple hundred a month, a few thousand in crypto can elevate your earnings a lot. I've made more in crypto in the past few months than I've ever made in an entire year working an honest job. And it only takes one lucky investment to get rich over the course of a quarter. You're too late to be an early adopter, but you're not too late to join in on the profits. Good luck.

>> No.5106812

i'm in the same hole, but welcome to the real world pal where hard work and effort is meaningless when it's all about luck. the whole "you can do anything and achieve anything through effort" is just a fairy tale they tell you when you're a kid in school to get you to at least learn how to do basic math and read shit

>> No.5106868

>the banker promised me

>> No.5106928

well your dad was mistaken. As other anons pointed out, smart work beats hard work, combine both and you got yourself riches. Seems like you were missing the smart part. Did you really expect to get rich without investing in anything? Number one rule, you need to put money in to get money out. You didnt put money in you put time in which is valued in dollars which inflates over time, and stays relatively constant.
TLDR you probably sucked at math at school

>> No.5106952

My credit score wasn't that great so the interest rate on my home loan was kind of shit, but he assured me that with the way the market was going I would make the difference back easily.

>tfw I bought my house in 2005

>> No.5106972

can confirm, my friends group got into crypto a few years ago but I put the most in, am also currently worth the most

>> No.5107007

You think I didn't fucking work smart at my job? I did so much for my company. I came up with brilliant solutions to problems all the time, and always pushed myself to do my best. I just didn't have time left over for stupid shit like buying internet funbucks

>> No.5107010

>dumped 20k in at $5k
He clearly had other shit going on, you can't retire on $80k.

>> No.5107028

>didn't have time to get rich

>> No.5107052
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fuckoff tryhard. Life isn't fair. Don't be stupid your whole life and make something of yourself, or die poor. Typical gimme gimme leftist trash.

>> No.5107065

starting a business is pretty hard work. Sales can be good or easy work though. Ideally what you want in sales is business-business sales where you have an established client base and just renew the contracts every year and coast off those commissions.

>> No.5107070

LOL internet funbucks....
I know your feeling man. Luck will go your way if you start investing NOW!

>> No.5107084

Put $100 a week into FUN, and then have fun in a years time when you are filthy fucking rich.

>> No.5107089

the problem was, you were applying all those skills, all that problem solving and brilliant solutions to make bucks for others. While their profits probably escalated, your wage probably stayed constant.
Why didnt you start your own company, old man?

>> No.5107156

You sound like an old fag. How old? 40+ You're past it.

>> No.5107158

I've WORKED harder than any of you fucking NEETs. This isn't gimme gimme. I'm entitled to more than people who haven't worked an honest days work in their entire fucking lives. You guys sit at home all day after dropping out of highschool to jack off to anime and you have the nerve to call me a welfare queen? I paid the fucking taxes that gave you the autism money to buy your bitcoins.

>> No.5107208

>Investing now won't get back the years of my life I gave to the company.
So invest now or you'll be bitching next year about how you missed out this week.

>My dad told me that if I just worked hard, I could achieve my dreams.
Because even one generation ago that was how it worked. You could support a family on a 40 hour work week with a high school education.

>He didn't tell me to troll the internet and invest in fucking internet memes to make my dreams come true.
Because the internet didn't do that back then. We didn't even have customer online banking for the first half of my life.

>This isn't the american dream. I don't know what this is.
There hasn't been an American or any real achievable dream for a long time. People keep it alive to a) convince themselves that they didn't fuck it up for their kids and b) to keep people from stirring up shit when they realize how fucked up everything has become.

>> No.5107245

That's nothing to be proud of. Do you think wasting your time on menial tasks to barely support yourself is an accomplishment when better methods exist? Well it isn't. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.5107262

This has to be bait, or you're a full blown union wagecuck that votes for gibsmedats and whatever your jew overlords tell you to do. You don't know me fucko. I can guarantee I've worked twice as hard as you the past 24 years as a wageslave 60-80 hours a week and not until recently from sitting on magical imaginary interwebs money for literally YEARS, have I had the illusion of being able to walk away from the rat race, jump into my lambo and snort cocaine out of top shelf hookers asses. Go fuck yourself, you fucking piece of shit. Hope you get nutcancer and nobody comes to your peasant assed funeral

>> No.5107305

Usually with these people it's a mix of bait and truth. He's purposefully exaggerating to the point of ridiculousness so that he can hide his feelings behind a veil of irony while still being able to let them out and process his vague disappointment how his financial situation has turned out.

>> No.5107333

you agreed to give your time for a paycheck all those years
Every month you could've saved money and start a business. Oh wait you had to support a family so couldnt save? You didnt have time for shit but work?
Thats why we invested in internet funbucks, to avoid your fate. The world is a fucked up place and the system is rigged, but even then you can make it without going full slave if you got some brain

>> No.5107342

So he bought LTC @ $375 and sold @ $260? Got it.

>> No.5107347

>I'm entitled to more than people who haven't worked an honest days work in their entire fucking lives

Do you get a pension? When was your last raise?

I worked 3500 hours this year, 3600 last year, similar for the past few years. No raise since April 2013 even though I went from being a cook to managing the hotel, two apartment buildings, a bar, and still cooking.

I spent six months chasing down a $50,000 delinquent account one of the owners wanted to write off and got a fucking thank you for my efforts.

>> No.5107362

Was thinking of you during my first 2X the other day, Cody

>> No.5107404
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Lads he isn't baiting he really means it!

>> No.5107437

Dw OP, greed will get the better of these preteens eventually.

>> No.5107466

calm down rick

>> No.5107502

You are making a lot of assumptions and not one of these hits home for me, or any other person I know who got into crypto. What you are doing is called coping. You try to demonize and generalize and bring your idea of "those people" so far down that you can say "I absolutely deserve better".
But funny enough, you dont get to decide what you deserve or not. There is no true justice. And you didnt have a Problem with this, when others were suffering from it. You only start to have a problem when this " injustice" affects you.
But look at it this way, life is what you make of it. You are accountable for your decisions, blaming others will not improve your decisions.

>> No.5107509

New world order mothafucka.

>> No.5107576

>10k profit overnight
>investing in passive secondary income
With just 10k? What is it?

>> No.5107606

I never invested in crypto but my life is going fine and the idea that some of you bros made it big time is pretty funny. So with hindsight, sure I missed out a lot, but you can say that about any big stock, or winning the lottery, or whatever.

>> No.5107623

I have much more than that to spend.

I have some mutual friends that started a mining warehouse. I know win-miner isn't optimal right now, but I'll buy more units when it is.

>> No.5107644

This is an entirely different asset class. It's nothing like buying AMZN or penny stocks at the right time.

>> No.5107663

The rich make the majority of their money on investments. Waging is for suckers.

>> No.5107698

Bittersweet, isn't it? :^)

>> No.5107702

crypto is more of a cultural revolution, it shows those who have sacrifices everything for their job that it is not worth doing. That there are things to strive for. It will make people reject the notion of work and ultimately begin a push towards Universal Basic Income.

The rich will pay for this, as they know that their wealth is useless if the masses are not kept calm.

>> No.5107723

True as the gains are on another order (besides maybe a handful of lottos) but the point is there's no use moping over what can't be changed. Crypto isn't going away, people who missed the boat would do well to study the tech so that they can be better positioned to invest in what replaces bitcoin.

>> No.5107791
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>Hardwork is supposed to make me rich

>Doing someone else's dirty work until I can't be a voluntary slave anymore
>Supposed to make me rich

>> No.5107794

good goy

>> No.5107863

This 100%

>> No.5108102

Dude I'm 47. Worked for 25 years. Had 57,000 in stocks and a small retirement acct. that didn't amount to shit. Last year I bought 2000 Eth at 10.00 with money from a 401k. Last week I realized I'm a millionaire and I spen a lot of time giving advice on /biz. Grow the fuck up.. get some cash together and buy something. Crypto is mooning right now and we probably have another year before everything goes to shit. Roll the dice one last time. I am currently on a cruise ship headed back to Florida. I convinced my wife to offer a coed on the same cruise $1,000 a night to fuck us both. We have had her the last 3 nights. Money allows you freedom to do all kind of fucked up shit. This time last year I was a overweight balding loser. I have a daughter with a half black kid and no husband. My life sucked. Last night I actually gave a 22 year old FSU student a rim job (my first ever)while she was riding my face.. she's a solid 8 in anyone's book. Life is good. Brother Pro-Tip - SUB will x 3 before Summer. ARK will x 5 before EOY 2018.

>> No.5108434

here's a (you) for the larp effort, faggot

>> No.5108449
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>> No.5108461

>I let other people tell me what I should do with my money

He fell for the Jew meme.

>> No.5108478

He was a taxi driver for like 40 years, guy was in his 60s. He probably could have retired already but this expedited the process quite a bit.

>> No.5108521

Having the intelligence to understand a disruptive market is what allowed me to retire and the ripe old age of 22.

>stay poor.

>> No.5108525

Boo hoo!

Keep working HARD, TARD!

Maybe you can wash my car and clean my toilets?

>> No.5108637

Not bullshit I just feel for OP. When you little young NEETs get our age you will understand. You have a fuckton of sad shit to see in your life. OP is real and I feel his pain. I just want to help him out with encouragement. The coed shit is real too because well fuck I'm excited as shit about it. Weve paid her 3,000 so far... my fucking LTC gains this week are 7,000. I'm trying to get her to let me pay her in BTC or LTC but she doesn't know anything about crypto... (how the fuck can you be in this gen and not know crypto). She isn't even a whore.. she is just a student on here with friends and I am enjoying the fuck out of her... my wife is tripping also. The point is this.... I don't care if you've been selling vacuums or paving streets for 20+ years... the drain is real and one day you will wake up and know that all that is left is death. cRypto can change that for OP. His remaining years can be spent looking down at people working for a living. OP scrape up 20 grand put it in SUB and wait for the rocket to launch. FYI I'm currently cruising on Carnival Splendor but next year I'm getting off the ghetto boat and going with Royal Caribbean because I heard there are no niggers allowed on those boats.

>> No.5108662
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>all these sad larps

>> No.5108729

I'm 45, and never worked a day in my life. Money is one of the easist things to aquire in life.

>> No.5108760

im with the loser on this one. its not a meritocracy and theres little to no accounting for why someones predeliction for capital allocation or anothers inherent leadership ability became useful at the right time to make them rich. hard work is hard work, misplaced or not. good on you for trying your damnedest the way you knew best. youre not alone. take this as a lesson and learn to innovate, research, and read the field in a way you havent before. fuck the rules. with your ability to to be a work horse these new skills will be put to good use. good luck.

>> No.5108784

This is the most low-effort, on-the-nose bait I've ever seen here.


You are all absolutely retarded.

>> No.5108819

Holy shit this guy might actually be for real. HAHA What a fucking loser!

>> No.5108827

dude i dont know if you're serious but if you are you sound like a cool guy. Hope i meet you on some cruiser. Why SUB btw?

>> No.5108831
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>> No.5108854

Why are you so easily baited /biz/? Not even /v/ is this naïve

>> No.5108871

you sound like a real go-getter

>> No.5108874

we know faggot, we just play along cause we're bored

>> No.5109036

because you acquire semen in your mouth?

>> No.5109051

tfw made $9k today playing overwatch and smoking weed

>> No.5109303

You bet bro. I'm totally serious. It's kind of funny. I've probably got more money than 90% of the people on this ship but most are dressed better than me. Lots of my stuff is still pre-crypto. I was worried about futures fucking us and I knew I was going to be out of country and possibly not able to make trades.(I can't get through to Binance or coinbase cause of the the two factor bullshit) I can hit the fucked up 4chan though... anyway I almost went to fiat for the week... what a huge mistake that would have been. My REQ holdings alone will buy my new center console fishing boat this summer. I hate to say this bros but /biz was the first place I learned about alt-cons... I love each of you.. I hope you all die in a fire ... but I still love all of you... p.s. F.S.U has a Brazilian (I had no fucking clue what that was) her puss is as smooth as a baby's ass not even any stubble. I have never seen my wife so excited... she already knows a couple of girls she's going to ask to join us... life is good bros! FYI you can buy Viagra in Coz for $30 a bottle of a hundred.

>> No.5109463

You are still missing out and will continue to miss out.

>> No.5109499

>smoking weed
That's a great idea!

>> No.5109775
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KEK this is what normies actually believe

>> No.5109838
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>living in your basement

Dumbass, I live in my bedroom in my parents house

>> No.5110603


>he fell for the working for the jew meme