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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.45 MB, 360x640, 1642314052534.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51063834 No.51063834 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, why haven't you started your own multi-million dollar business out of your dorm room?

>> No.51063883
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>> No.51063901

Are those bear claws? I love those.

>> No.51064018


>> No.51064021


>> No.51064049

Good for her

>> No.51064050
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Becuase I'm lazy and I sit on my ass all day relying on Bitcoin and Chainlink to make it

>> No.51064073

Because I'm not from a rich family who can fund these type of ideas. I'm also not a white slut who already had thousands upon thousands of followers on IG before all of this.

>> No.51064088
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What would I even do, i feel as though the hardest part is forming some idea and plan to get behind. After that, after you find something to truly throw your weight behind then it's just a matter of persistence which is the easy part.

>> No.51064092

looks like an awful lot of work, why didn't she just mine bitcoin in 2010?

>> No.51064096

>large, well kept house
it's obvious that she's already rich. lmao.

>> No.51064097

Who tf is this?

>> No.51064102

working on it anon, fair play to this bitch, it ain't easy and most people fail.

>> No.51064108

Is this the greatest wall hit of all-time?

>> No.51064118
File: 48 KB, 620x413, Jkf4s309pM3FBom4xr7bPzzrLbrljQbBPrBYEGPfGGI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really are the best suits for my body type

>> No.51064123

What the fuck are the filters on this fucking dog shit board? I FUCKING HATE SPAM ALERTS FUCKING JANNIES

>> No.51064152

Wasn't born into wealth

>> No.51064154

Anyway, its a bitch to break into markets because the most desirable demographic is selling to the female minded. If you aren't autistic about insta and tiktok you can't compete at all and probably won't sell shit.

Your best hope is the female market, so if I had to I'd go probably for some type of cheap clothing brand aimed at fats or maybe some type of cute frivolous item like 'designer organizers' or something.

>> No.51064158
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We really need double digit interest rates.

>> No.51064162


Mean girls era Lohan was nice

>> No.51064201

you still have to pay a dozen employees, pay for cost of goods, labor, office space, warehouse space, company taxes, income taxes. This dumb whore is probably left with 150k a year after all that work

>> No.51064249

imagine if we had a gold-backed currency. none of this would even be possible and only people who produce actual things and services would get all of the money.

>> No.51064272

women really do love buying shit, if you can create something that women want to buy you will be rich indeed.

>> No.51064284

fucking gross. white women age like shit.

>> No.51064296

to everyone in this thread;
nearly fuckign everyone i went to school with that worked hard, got great grades, volunteered and actually fucking helped make the academic experience better for people trying to learn are earning shit pay working long hours at meat grinder companies.

The kids that took 5 years now airbnb family property/sell clothing/work at car dealership/leverage family money to do some small business that sells to high income clientele (think golf course crowd); are unironically making 3-5 times their boomer path counterparts.

To get ahead without resources (even fucking living space like this young lady entrepreneur in OP video) you need to take tremendous risk, even if you can get the capital.

>> No.51064297
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>watch me skip over the part where I get help from my dad who's VP at a major clothing company

>> No.51064315

For one I'm a man, for two nobody cares about me because I have low status because of my genes, three I am broke and work gig jobs so I don't get mentally abused in the trades everyday, four I hate women, five, I have no ambition, six virgin, seven failed family, shall I go on?

>> No.51064337
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Lmao at all the anons ITT jelly of her. This doesn't seem like one of the typical examples of the girl using daddys money or whoring herself out. She actually made it through her own sweat and blood. More than anyone in this thread can say about themselves.

>> No.51064339

regretful sloppy drunk anal sex: The Picture

>> No.51064360

the problem with a gold backed currency is that you need to trust auditors and a bunch of other middleman to keep the collateral in check, related to credit growth, liability to asset ratio, yadda yadda
you need laws in place for keeping frauds in check, that invites in regulation, that invites in state involvement, that invites in governance, that eventually invites in FIAT back into your equation

gold is no match for FIAT trickery now, it's time to either evolve or just get left behind

>> No.51064369

she didn't skip it, tho
you can see her hugging her daddy at 0:09

>> No.51064373

Yeah, again, I wish I were a savvy woman, I'd be rich as fuck if I had the habit of following tictok and insta trends and then turning that into a market to sell to insecure women (a.k.a all women).

>> No.51064377


>> No.51064379

Crypto is a scam ponzi scheme faggot

>> No.51064386

>simping for some 5/10 rich whore
anon have you ever tried selling anything online, let alone a "brand"? it's incredibly hard. she's clearly from a rich family and received a lot of help, bankrolling the inventory and (by far the hardest part) getting the marketing off the ground. and that's assuming the entire video isn't a fabrication for tickytocky ad revenue.

>> No.51064415
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>her husband is a crypto dude

lol geeze i wonder who OP is

>> No.51064420

Yah if I saw that vid I wouldn’t even buy her shit

>> No.51064422
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How fast was she going officer?

>> No.51064433

was that Elliott Rodgers

>> No.51064437

Kek I hate women so god dam much it’s unreal

>> No.51064446

The problem is that leaving gold leads to revolution every single fucking time lmfao.
This time I honestly have no idea how violent but it always requires some level of physical intervention by the people.
I mean the only thing laissez faire about this economy is people's lack of opportunity and fairness. People slam the door behind them at ever turn.

>> No.51064469

And when that happens people forget after two generations so the cycle starts over again, at least we have the internet to archive kikes

>> No.51064495

>films self crying

>> No.51064499

The upper middle class in North America has obviously no idea what it's doing anymore, because it's literally trying to reach as many people as possible to piss them off about the state of the economy and wealth/opportunity distribution.
kek there's an old proverb about a well hidden life is a well lived life, and the nouveau riche from this round of money printing is acting absolutely retarded lol. Going to ruin it for the rest of us.

>> No.51064501

Helene told her cult to bvuy this woman's shit so they could make an interest piece titled, "It's so easy a girl can do it."

>> No.51064533

Nah random asian dude. I've also got videos of a black dude (that gym security guy) and a white dude getting their sniff in and getting out.

>> No.51064681

>only SEC approval for ERC20
>Patent Author for use of blockchain in games
wtf am I reading

>> No.51064881


>> No.51064959

this, but unfortunately crypto is going to zero so that sucks

>> No.51065045

That's awesome for her, I've experienced that once. Had a semi-successful online business for a couple of years. It was A LOT of work. But I was hitting high 5 digits, sometimes almost 6 digits, every month.

Then the niche got flooded with competition and imitators, and now I barely get by. I'm lucky if I break a couple of thousand a month.
I've never found another breakthrough niche since (it ran from 2015-2017), but it did help kick start my crypto investment.

>> No.51065055

since its over, what was it anon?

>> No.51065070
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Wearable bubbles

>> No.51065172

It's still going, I can still make around a couple of thousand per month with a lot of work (regular social media promotion, buying promoted posts and stuff).
I meant 2015-2017 was when it ran at a 5 digit to 6 digit income.

>> No.51065180

what is it anon?

>> No.51065183

Probably onlyfans.

>> No.51065200
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>> No.51065212
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>> No.51065221
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>> No.51065269


they're just normal bathing suits? I don't see the appeal

>> No.51065307
File: 36 KB, 500x374, 600a7630f0b7c13858b7e7ff583567b2e585ee3824c5fdfbd1152baf9a6df313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51065309


>> No.51065360

wow le epic niche!
looks like a pajeet scam

>> No.51065448

Is this what happens when you task an AI with creating conspiracy collage pictures?

>> No.51065447

thought that was her boyfriend

>> No.51065467

I bet the man did all the work

>> No.51065525

This anon gets it. 90% of the ones ive lived with just love to clutter the room with unnecessary shit.

>> No.51065610

Terrible pits on that chubbo

>> No.51065746

well, given that the webm shows easily over a quarter of a million dollars in merchandise, this was ONLY possible through loans or borrowing of money. In a gold-backed world, if the economy were doing well, the interest rates would be high. this has happened numerous times, interest rates would even hit 20%. In this economy? Nothing. Still 1-3% interest rate, and the people who save dollars are punished while the degenerates gambling money and spinning the wheel, reap the rewards, until everything is shut off like in 2008 and everything crashes at the expense of the common worker.

>> No.51067010

>while the degenerates gambling money and spinning the wheel, reap the rewards
I want to do this. If interest rates are super low, and I am starting my first business from nothing, if I succeed I will be an asset to society and if I fail, I will be able to learn from any mistakes and try again.

>> No.51067051
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Damn, I really fucking hate women.

>> No.51069031
File: 759 KB, 767x790, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to convey emotion in a video with no sound?
just put your hands on your face

>> No.51069056

Its just dropshipped cheap shit from China. Props to her hustle, she is legit just bulk ordering Chinese swimsuits and marking them up to fuck

>> No.51069095

I don't have a house or apartment to keep all of my inventory.

>> No.51069105

The "press" section of the website is just article after article saying that Kylie Jenner's swimwear is cheap.
Not a single article about 93 playstreet, their "press" page is just articles bashing their competition.

>> No.51069140
File: 13 KB, 283x353, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.51069169

ahahahahahahaha he doesn’t see her bleeding for it ahahahahahahahahahahaha
i just see a girl weaving baskets

>> No.51069178

>i feel as though the hardest part is forming some idea and plan to get behind
It is.

>> No.51069186

oh and she’s clever look at those lines you can see the skinny girl within it appeals to the inner ideal jfc no wonder it worked

>> No.51069234


>> No.51069355

kek lose some weight timothy you fat fuck

>> No.51069403

>Sell to women
>Literally anything
>Just advertise it with hot girls wearing it
I don't know why i didnt think of this to now, but women are shit with money and will buy literally anything that girls hotter than her deem cool. Hmm i need to come up with something to sell to women... then manipulate them like a jew to buy my worthless shit

>> No.51069414

They are selling sex, not clothes. Late stage capitalism really is the most insipid shit humanity can drum up.

>> No.51069441

Why do they keep crying? Women are too emotional I swear.

>> No.51069449
File: 334 KB, 800x475, 2095D2F9-DAAE-4586-9864-B05F09F2DB0F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too busy accoomilating pic related

>> No.51069453


>> No.51069519

Capital. Give me $500k and five years to pay it back. Then watch me.

>> No.51069526


how can you fuck up this bad? holy shit

>> No.51069535

Yup it's a winning formula someone figured this out decades ago with promo sluts

>> No.51069540

I'll be honest. I'd still fuck the hell out of her and show her off even if no one else felt the same.

>> No.51069695

here comes the kike
it's not 'leaving gold' per say, it's the act of having standalone control over monetary and fiscal policy in the hands of someone/ something;
gold only acts as a limitation, that squanders lunatic ideas and contrived bullshit from being funded

>> No.51069836

>A woman having a successful entrepreneur career starting from scratches, without using her body.
Well, good for her.

>> No.51069918

It would be better to diversify anon. I'm holding ETH, BTC, JUNO, ORE and ALGO.

>> No.51069981

This is the result of government-led neo-liberal trade policies and irresponsible borrowing of money from a central bank, none of that is capitalist.

>> No.51070017

Oh look, another woman is going to be a neglectful single mother.

>> No.51070070
File: 361 KB, 1280x720, 110338-jashin-chan-dropkick-intenta-combatir-el-clipeo-ilegal-en-youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to and I'm in Court cause of a drug related offence right now

>> No.51070107

Ive been doing this for a couple years now. Im afraid our time might be up soon bud. At least for me I can only sustain this for another 2 years max I think unless things turn around

>> No.51070110

'cado on the 'iz

>> No.51070327

>watch me

>> No.51070444

Nickocado Avocado is the greatest entrepreneur of our lifetime

>> No.51070458

i dont have a vagina and 1 million tik tok followers that will buy useless noname fabric instead of buying better products at a store 1 minute away because i dont make brainless adhd nontent on tik tok

>> No.51070490

She might not be a kike but she is a kike if you know what I mean. Listening to these niggers is like cutting off your dick and balls and eating them, more harm than good. They have it easy in life and have no authority to claim anything about other people's lives.

>> No.51070559

why didn't you just buy a house in the 60's?

>> No.51070669


>> No.51070694

Imagine the level of narcissistic psychopathy to press record and then act out a pre rehearsed reaction/emotion for instatok likes


>> No.51070721


>> No.51070727

i see nothing wrong with this

>> No.51070791

>Without using her body

A womans success is literally because she has the body of a woman

An average white woman has the same perks and privileges as a 6'5 Chad from a millionaire family

>> No.51071704

>>Just advertise it with hot girls
this works for men too

>> No.51071845

holy shit i know that guy he scams people on telegram and is insane. he lives in austin, texas right?

>> No.51071906
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Kissed by the sun.

>> No.51071926

Its a tiktok dude. We cant know what happened behind the scenes.

>> No.51071928

Disgusting golems and their retarded ambitions. Could be worse though..

>> No.51073343

>he lives in austin, texas right?
yep they both do but no clue if same guy. looks like he works on some sort of vidya crypto gambling thing

>> No.51073561

Lose some weight, Timothy

>> No.51073618

What are the odds of this bitch being a jew?

>> No.51074646


Dont be a goy.


Got a business but no money? Create shares out of nothing and sell them to rich old people (Accredited investors)

As long as your ernestly attempted what you set out to do, you can raise money for whatever.

>> No.51076393

literally snake oil salesman level shit, and her bathing suit crap is probably the same type of bullshit vaporware business just tailored for women. A conman couple made in heaven. They probably know their way around bankrupcy pretty well.

>> No.51077244
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>> No.51077330


>> No.51077482

like a fine spoilt milk

>> No.51077526

Roasties selling cheap Chinese shit to roasties.

I can not wait for this economy to collapse with no survivors.

>> No.51077636

Not in college. But rest assured, me and the boys are building a future multimillion dollar business right now.

>> No.51077695

you guys are retarded if you think this takes significant start up capital. I did something similar after my first job in undergrad. Probably fronted ~$5k? I built a brand up to 30k IG followers but I was young and dumb and would get lazy and not ship out orders kek. Good times. I want to do something similar again.

>> No.51077793

what were u sellng, dilators??

>> No.51077818

Fuck this slut but who was the hotty 20 seconds in?

>> No.51078123

The most NPC of NPCs who think they're not NPCs live in Austin.

>> No.51078266

it's against zoning regulations

>> No.51078400

so you have to win the social media lottery so you have people you can shill your stuff at. being a woman, her audience women, women buy things, women talk to other women about what they buy. great hustle but its not exactly something just anyone can replicate. the social media algorithms favored her content and credit where its due she took advantage.

>> No.51078404

>makes sure to include shots of her crying

>> No.51078517
File: 698 KB, 438x761, sniff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jealous of her toilet.

>> No.51078630

I’m trying to become a arms dealer, Ik where I’m headed and what I’m doing, it’s sink or fucking swim- either this works or I sudoku by 30 (I’m 24). Let the games begin

>> No.51078674

All these shopify stores will get wiped out by the recession.

>> No.51078828

Ogrish feet

>> No.51078847

Can I join you? I too want to deal arms.

>> No.51079066

It's not a case of her being a white woman, it's a case of her being a nutjob who abused herself with drugs, booze, smoking and extremely poor habits. Her three co-stars from Mean Girls all have children and still look great despite two of the actresses being older than her (the other once is only barely younger than Lohan.)

>> No.51079237

>Ik where I'm headed
Which are you picking anon, Israel or the Ukraine?

>> No.51079852

I gotta move to the usa your local market is so huge us australian/nz brahs are fucked unless we dropship

>> No.51079913
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I've answered you assholes like 10 times already.


>Low IQ
>Risk adverse
>Lack connections

>> No.51079915

same anon here, phone posting atm, depends kek are you in the states

neither, no were near the contacts to do that shit (international) going domestic until i get to efraim/davids level (the war dogs guys)

>> No.51080049
File: 76 KB, 800x411, Is_It_Possible_to_Learn_This_Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started your own multi-million dollar business out of your dorm room?
I really want that, but everything I looked at you needed money to start, I tried applying for a loan but, "you're company needs to have income for us to give you a loan", I tried to get a personal loan but, the same answer... So I started working as a ubber to save money, so far it has not being going very well (6 months into it), at this rate in 10 yeas I'll have enough money to start a business. HOOORAY! Maybe in america things work differently, but where I'm at it's nearly impossible to get a loan or VCs to fund anything, you would need a project up and running to get funding from a VC, they would likely not fund something like this unless it had some IP, I'm still looking for stuff to make an extra money or something I can turn into a business, but realistically my best bet is to invest my extra time in preparing for entrance exams at uni and apply for a STEM degree. But I'm open to ideas if anyone wants to share some... recently I've also being looking into certifications to get to start working in tech, that would be a huge change for me, a positive one, but I have no idea what certifications are worth it or just bullshit, a lot of people say different/contradictory stuff.

>> No.51080070

meant for >>51078847

>> No.51080093

because i just wanna sniff a hot chicks asshole

>> No.51080368

wat? i think you read it as why do u want to start a multi millionaire dollar corporation

>> No.51080408

you need a job where you make enough income at the job after expenses to pay off the loan. thus you cannot get a loan greater then your pay after rent etc. uber is gig economy and thus not considered a real job. in theory anyways i wouldn't actually know

>> No.51080439

And her shapely donk

>> No.51080445

Exactly, the irony, but if I had a job that payed enough extra income after rent, then maybe I wouldn't need a loan to start a small business in the first place right? Kek. Anyway, for me it's a bad joke. Wasted shit.

>> No.51080532

it's why corporations cater towards women. they're cash cows and businesses know it

>> No.51080628

>but realistically my best bet is to invest my extra time in preparing for entrance exams at uni and apply for a STEM degree.
if you have the aptitude for STEM, especially something like engineering or programming then do that. programming especially. it will either give you the capital to start a different type of business or the skills to be able to build products to sell. just make sure you focus on it and take it seriously, programming is not easy and takes a lot of diligence to become competent at.

>> No.51080691

>I will be able to repeat any mistakes while I scam the next generation of investors

>> No.51080775

those XPS laptops were heavy and hungry machines

>> No.51080893


>> No.51081143

got 3 years in the tank with 35K/year, after that it's all ogre if shit doesn't go up

>> No.51081153

Just an FYI anons, she means $1mil in revenue without accounting for costs (mostly ad costs) so her profit is no where near 1mil.

>> No.51081222

Just for your information. Thinking anyone can do that without serious funding and connections is delusional, if it were real I would fucking do it.
>t. Failed ex business owner. Failed Ex "entrepreneur".

>> No.51081270

A students for the B students who are managed by the C students. D and F students own the fucking company.

>t. Failed the fuck out of a STEM program in college and now I run 2 businesses and am building up my war coffers to buy real estate in 2-3 years when the market is in the absolute fucking shitter.

>> No.51081286

>and F students own the fucking company.

jeff bezos was valedictorian then got an engineering degree at an ivy league. F students own companies because their dad gives it to them lol

>> No.51081317

This is a logical fallacy where you appeal to the highest order of statistical anomalies/outliers. I forget what it's called. It's similar to appeal to absurdity. Anyway, whatever. It's hilarious watching sour grapes/incel/NEET and doomer /biz/tards squirm to try to move the goal posts and find a way to validate their utter failure in life. This thread is proof positive that this place is toxic and cancerous and that if you really want to make it you shouldn't do anything other than shitpost and troll here.

>> No.51081339

Im trying to farm and help feed my community in my backyard

>> No.51081340

How many highly intelligent people are that driven and entrepreneurial though? I'm not giving any credit to the bad grades = success argument, but a lot of intelligent people who have a decent profession don't seem like the type of people who try to make cutting edge businesses and products. They mostly seem to be content working 60-80 hours a week for a solid 6 figure income than the type of people who make their own companies

>> No.51081387

Ok, any resources, you know seeing that you are not toxic and cancerous and that you can just "grind", I'm ready to grind, any advice? Any resource? Anything I can start without funding?

>> No.51081477

>Anything I can start without funding?
I'm of the belief that there's a lot of money in selling indie games on steam. But that requires a tremendous amount of skill across many different skillsets. You need to have some understanding of programming, general design principles, art, gameplay, the gaming market, sound design, etc. without capital you have to do all of this yourself, or at least have the ability to curate those things from free assets. but it's something I think about a lot, even shitty games can go on to sell thousands of copies, and decent games can easily sell 10s of thousands of copies

>> No.51081571

I'm sorry are serious right now? Kek. Delusional just like the rest. Yeah, that is a career, you can change the term but the result it's the same, and you will not produce a short game in less then one year, no fucking way, have you ever tried to program a complex program? Anything? In any language? A routine manager in basic? We are talking apples and oranges friend. Not to mention the rest of the stuff you mentioned and more.

>> No.51081615

Well, I'm going in on platforms that bridge web2 identities to web3 chad. They would come in handy when we hit the next bull season.

>> No.51081663

>Not to mention the rest of the stuff you mentioned and more.
I didn't mention any gameplay features or functionality you ESL nigger. You're the one asking for advice, what the fuck do you want? You didn't ask for something that would be easy, you said
>I'm ready to grind, any advice? Any resource? Anything I can start without funding?
So what the fuck do you really want?
> have you ever tried to program a complex program?
what do you mean by a complex program? do you think I'm suggesting you build your own engine? you can produce a short game within one year. you could produce a short game in a month if you wanted it enough

>> No.51081741

>This is a logical fallacy where you appeal to the highest order of statistical anomalies/outliers

Survivorship bias? yes but I'm pretty sure that's what you did here >>51081270

The whole notion that being bad at school means you're a good entrepreneur is based on a small amount of success stories. No one considers the 90% who are just stupid

>> No.51081920

never heard of this brand. hope the best of luck to her. but id imagine it will lose popularity after awhile and sorta float to nothing.

>> No.51082321

Call people a nigger then try to virtue signal how "toxic" and "cancerous" 4chan is.
What I mean is that what you are proposing is not feasible, it would be hard for a skilled game developer to do that for money, most that do, do it as a hobbies and already work on that field, even shifting from a programmer that does have some experience with programming games it would be a 180 shift. I was talking about practical stuff that one could learn on the go, or with some training 3 months, 2 months. This is not it, I've done some programming in the past, developing a whole game by yourself as your main objective making money? Yeah good with that, I'm not familiar with the new techniques and technologies, but even with the most wild frameworks.... good luck with that. Not feasible.

>> No.51082381

>> have you ever tried to program a complex program?
>what do you mean by a complex program? do you think I'm suggesting you build your own engine? you can produce a short game within one year. you could produce a short game in a month if you wanted it enough
Kek I was on my cell, didn't see this hidden gem. You can produce a short game by yourself in one year, starting from zero? Yes a game developer can, a guy that doesn't develop games can't, well nothing that will sell, tetris? Sure, something that will sell? Nope.
> you could produce a short game in a month if you wanted it enough
I see with what I'm dealing now... will power conquers it all. Kek.

>> No.51082797

You can easily create your own "brand" by finding the right alibaba warehouse. That's how most private label "self-made entrepreneurs" do it. Get samples, change something minor, copyright it, then start selling either on amazon or your own shopify storefront. It takes a lot of capital to do so and OP is obviously already rich.

>> No.51082989


>> No.51083487

>tfw no rich stacey wife that sells chinese garbage on social media for millions

why even live?

>> No.51084048
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>> No.51084457

No, I just think you're a lying piece of shit who demeans people who try offer advice. You said you were ready to grind, not that you want something simple or quick. If you can't properly communicate what you're really looking for, how do you expect to get a relevant answer?
>You can produce a short game by yourself in one year, starting from zero?
>Sure, something that will sell? Nope.
Yes to both. You're not going to get rich from it or even produce enough income to live off of but you will have some sales. Your problem is you want something simple or easy and guess what, you're not the only person who thinks like that
>2 or 3 months
I can think of a few things you could try with no money, but the explaination would be wasted on such a close minded, pessimistic and uncreative person. So go bust your ass to get a stem job, and then in 10 years when you have capital to play with you can go find out firsthand how unsuited you are for being an entrepreneur

>> No.51084476

completely natural anon

>> No.51084483


>> No.51084501

Go to bed. Your mom says it's getting late.

>> No.51084511


>> No.51084574

Says the nigger who isn't even in college yet

>> No.51084610

Oh no no nooooooo

>> No.51084653

>oh and she’s clever

>> No.51084793

cuz i dont have a rich senpai that can spot me a multi mill loan

>> No.51084880

Why is he so based

>> No.51084916

yeah i know. my small biz is very cash flow positive, to the extent that i can easily fund it with my real job and invest every penny of income. i just don't have the time or inclination to do the SEO/social media grind, or to sell physical products, or eve to expand my small biz past 2 clients. got plenty of reasonably paid work already ($45/hr and i think $65/hr respectively) in addition to 2 six figure salaries

>> No.51085032

it doesn't take a lot, probably about $5k max. all the advertising is free since she's a 6+ white woman and is therefore guaranteed a huge captive social media following, often thirsty with deep pockets. if i could afford to cared to hire an employee/contractor, 1st position filled is a social media hype man so i can focus on the tech. takes a lot of time/effort if you can just post a bikini pic for an instant 10k likes and a huge chunk of followers

>> No.51085308

well said, all college grads I know who didn't major in computer science or finance are making shit money. Even the people I know who went on to law school are just working as public defenders making maybe 50-60k per year in places like Chicago.

>> No.51085371

BA in liberal arts, making so much i dunno how much i even make, but def more than the 192k roth ira cutoff. taxer are gonna be crazy next year... anyway the (((society))) is just a complex system with many exploitable vulns as a consequence of its totalitarian hugeness, so just exploit it. not like it cares about u anyway

>> No.51085457 [DELETED] 

$200/hour method

Register a new account at bit dot ly/3zCzQf6 enable 2FA, link your payout account (you can receive via BTC), grab the link at the side of "Home Page: Females", under link codes tab
Create an account at proxiware dot com and purchase a $22.50 proxy package and bind your IP to your proxiware account
Create an account at bit dot ly/reCaptchaSolver and fund your account with at least $5 and grape your API key
Download proxy list from https://mega.nz/file/kJ9zmACS#eIK0ulQlh7759IE5hFs3QSL6v6UdQ7mQblfuvVHLL8E
Download the register bot from https://mega.nz/file/5BdxlJzA#vRjELmSKvi88kltDmkcSVYT4tTf28EGtUToGFYSKlzI run the Auto Register Bot.exe file, choose the language (en or ru), fill the API key of the captcha solver, put your affiliate link from Home Page Females, choose the text file of proxiware proxy list, choose how many threads you wanna run (4 or more recommended for faster earnings)
Hit start and watch your earnings increasing
Proof of payment: i.ibb dot co/jMxxRQ5/Screenshot-2021-10-20-at-13-18-04.jpg

>> No.51085595

I don't get why all the NEETs here get all fired up. She pays the taxes for your autistobux, and when recession comes around (now) her fake business offering no real value will collapse and the whore get's what she deserves. Win-win.

>> No.51085796

>BA in liberal arts, making so much i dunno how much i even make

unless you're physically attractive and in sales, I don't believe you, you're larping

>> No.51085820

nope i took web design i and ii (fronend then backend) in college as electives, worked an ez-pz public service tech support/sysadmin/light coding job for 6.5 yrs, taught myself to manage a complex codebase in my spare time (nights + the 6 hrs a day i had nothing to do), and got a couple remote dev jobs. i am also physically attractive tho. you want like payroll screenshots or?

>> No.51085848

is there any way to verify this is real? If it's real, why would you just share this? Reminds me of some post I saw here last year claiming to get free money by creating random chaturbate accounts automatically. Seemed too good to be true.

Fwiw I am actually thinking about starting my own clothing business. It would be more of a hat/hoodie thing with a catchy slogan. I think I've identified a good niche market that I am part of which I don't think is saturated much at all. That being said, it is a niche market, and I'm not sure how many would want to buy my quirky products more than once

>> No.51085850

Cool, good for her.
Unfortunately, I don't have any good business ideas. I would love to be an entrepreneur, but I just don't know what people buy. All I need to be happy is a laptop and a gym membership, so I can't really get into people's heads to think of a product I could convince them to want.
Any ideas /biz/?

>> No.51085862

It is also.

>> No.51085865

>i took web design i and ii (fronend then backend) in college as electives, worked an ez-pz public service tech support/sysadmin/light coding job for 6.5 yrs

how did you get a job in the public sector working as a systems administrator right out of college with no prior experience beyond a web design elective course?

>> No.51085867

You actually can build a business through Etsy, and without any of the pain in the ass development stuff in that clip through Print on Demand or digital downloads.

>> No.51085894

the interview coding test was literally, "here's an html document with some errors (unclosed tags and such), fix it"

dunno what to say, i didn't actually have any servers under my control for the first few years. then we got a web and db server, my boss delegated setting up the db server to me, still running fine and very secure as far as i know

otherwise it was a lot of drupal+wordpress admin, some custom dev, lots of tech support, very cushy with a low entry barrier

>> No.51085897

You posted a Spotify ad.

>> No.51085910

to be clear, the vmware and phys network was handled by another team, i just helped ran the 12+ websites, mostly wordpress multisites, and some custom dev stuff that i wrote to like parse an ical feed or do a frontend or custom drupal module or something

there's no time limit for .gov projects and it's impossible to be fired unless you call someone a nigger, so it's a great place to start or end a career

>> No.51085930

it also wasn't "right out of college," i worked a good few years of odd jobs (restaurants, substitute teaching, random other jobs) before i ever saw a salary

>> No.51085939

>no wonder it worked
Who said it did? Neay all of these daddy-funded projects fail

>> No.51085972

>Any ideas /biz/?

I think it's something that you have to be passionate about. Or you just have to have a shrewd jewy business mind. I'm like you OP, I rarely buy stuff beyond food and consumables, so thinking "what would people like to buy" is difficult for me. Obviously I can think of appliances and technological inventions to make life easier, but for regular stuff like clothing or trinkets or whatever it's a mystery to me

>> No.51085985

>it also wasn't "right out of college," i worked a good few years of odd jobs (restaurants, substitute teaching, random other jobs) before i ever saw a salary
>random other jobs

How did you find out about this government job? Good for you, but I'll be honest I think you got very lucky, and I don't think your path is something that's viable for most people

>> No.51086024

just go on the major city website and click job postings, municipal government is hiring all sorts all the time. not a huge amount of tech, but listings do crop up and the salary+especially benefits is very compelling for an early or late career, especially considering the minimum skill required. i also looked on usajobs.gov but that's for the feds, slightly higher standards and way more bullshit to deal with. local .gov, you can be a self taught IT sysadmin for $60k starting+full bennies in a medium sized city no problem. they proly want any bachelors degree and maybe a comptia A+ if they're discerning

>> No.51086040

then again i also did apply to a NH state job that was an exact counterpart of my job in a larger/more advanced economy than the whole state of NH, and got denied without an interview. so it may be a tossup, but .gov is a fine career path as long as you don't buy the meme of "just work for 50-75% of your market value for the promise of an underfunded pension after 30 years"

>> No.51086042
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>> No.51086117

i hate white women.

>> No.51086448

he's sharing it because it doesn't work anymore
you know how in /biz/ the trick is to get in before normies get a hold of the plan? same thing here.
the other reason why he's sharing is because you can simply cash in using masked links, baiting people into referrals while you try to run his plan

>> No.51086529
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I don't exploit mental illnesses, anon.

>> No.51086640

why did I get a semi from this?

>> No.51086704

it's fucking ugly too

>> No.51086749

>husband is filthy rich
>funds wife's clothing brand business hobby
HAHAHAHAHAHA what a fucking stupid whore she didn't build anything

>> No.51086757

Unfortunately ugly is 'in'. We can thank the likes of Billie Ellish for that

>> No.51086765

women dont even understand the concept that selling 120 bikinis worth of 3 dollars of materials to women they are better looking than is manipulative.

>> No.51086884
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>> No.51087133

i could probably write some shitty microservice and milk retarded companies with fees but i don't feel like doing taxes.

>> No.51087197


>> No.51087227

>New Hampshire

good for you anon, most of us live in cities with large nigger populations and the government makes an effort to specifically hire niggers and blacks. I have a political science degree and have applied for various city gov't jobs for years, never got a callback. They literally have mandates stating they have to give nigs preferential treatment because muh racism.

That being said, you make a very compelling argument for relocating to New Hampshire or somewhere in the northeast. It is definitely something I am considering

>> No.51087240

Holy shit, Americans CAN't suffer

>> No.51087654


>> No.51088462

damn, american politics are like a bunch of 4 year olds trying to govern a kindergarten
>but if I do a fucky wucky I should be able to try again! *folds arms and frowns* hmmph

>> No.51088619

>They are selling sex, not clothes
So what?

Why aren't you doing it as well instead of complaining here and flipping burgers?

>> No.51088634

That’s all American businesses are now. Scamming people with cheap shit from China. I would fully respect her and her business if she was manufacturing them in the US. But you know what happens to businesses like that? They fail because no one is willing to pay $100 for 1 garment. This business world today is pathetic.

>> No.51088710

Ygmi. We got another cycle but after that I think the load is blown. Go heavier in ETH this time. Better returns there.

>> No.51088730

Competition is fierce but the hillbillies provide shit customer service. Just read the reviews of most online dealers they cant even hold a basic conversation with their customers. All you need is an FFL and you can start drop shipping. Some states allow FFL from home address. Other states require commercial district. I looked into it I think it would be a lot of fun. You can start off selling ammo.

>> No.51089513

You meant to put LINK, kek is $1500 to $4500 better than $7 to $100?

This as well. I barely made it out in 5 years. I now own my own firm while my A counterparts are wageslaving for LinkedIn boomer points

>> No.51089938

>imagine if we had a gold-backed currency. none of this would even be possible and only people who produce actual things and services would get all of the money.
Not really no.

>> No.51091442

why does she cry so fucking much lmao

>> No.51091463

>Anon, why haven't you started your own multi-million dollar business out of your dorm room?

I already have a $40k/year and growing business from my bedroom.

>> No.51092381

Hatred more than jealous.

>> No.51092437

$500k is a lot of money anon. How do you intend to earn income on it? Left to me, I'd go into LP mining on Ore Protocol for a fair APY.

>> No.51093571

We need more people like you on here man.

>> No.51093871

Pretty impressive tbqh

>> No.51093944

Panties!!! :)))

>> No.51094022
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