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51061594 No.51061594 [Reply] [Original]

How did Blackrock accumulate ~$8 Trilion in assets?

>> No.51061621

They are the fourth arm of the US gov.

how da fuck you think quantitative easing works you mong?

>> No.51061634

how does monopoly law not kick in to stop a single entity from totally taking over the entire economy?

>> No.51061649
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larry finks insatiable desire for black weiners

>> No.51061672

This blackrock is the Feds money printer. They are the ones that the us treasury grants permission to to buy assets. They basically own the government now and a large stakes in most publicly traded companies kek. Blackrock Aladdin systems control the markets

>> No.51061684

it's a dangerous level of control and power they have investing bigly in every major corporation and then making demands. it's a major threat to the economic security of the united states. a social credit system on corporations. and don't give me this shit about benevolence or caring about minorities or whatever thats an obvious cover so they can pick winners and losers and own the entire market.

>> No.51061723

pools of elite money. fidelity is u.s. elite money, state street is uk/euro money, blackrock is saudi, israeli, japanese money. you're welcome bye.

>> No.51061730

Aladdin doesn’t control shit. In fact, it’s an outdated and overrated price of technology that largely runs on reputation alone at this point. Blackrock in 2022 runs on gravity, not momentum.

>> No.51061753

We need black rock to push for diversity so that there's slightly more diversity than the actual proportion of whiteness in society. That way when there's backlash, you can just bring it back to the true proportions.

>> No.51061761
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Unironically by FUDing the general public out of gold. Just think how absolutely incredible the pysop against gold has been for the last 100 years. People say that gold is a boomer rock… absolute bullshit… your average boomer despises gold, and not even liberal boomers. When I was at a Trump rally and waiting in line all day you are talking politics and shit. I’d say Trump needs to end the Fed and return us to a gold standard. They didn’t even get it and they were like mostly against that thought process. It was shocking to me. Thousands of years and billions of humans all innately understood the value of gold. And the last 2-3 generations have been effectively brainwashed to think gold is just some shiny jewelry metal to wear and not understanding that it’s money because it measures value perfectly which is the primary function of money. I don’t care for what the Jews have done at all but there is nothing more impressive than actually FUDing people on gold and it working with sweeping success. This is why blackrock owns everything. They’ve inflated everything and bought it all up. If we were on a gold standard still this would be impossible.

>> No.51061762

the fed printed 8 trillion dollars and gave it to them

>> No.51061771

>594▶>>51061621 >>51061649
>How did Blackrock accumulate ~$8 Trilion in assets?
Have you tried taking more than 5 seconds and reading any of their financial statements / corporate reports instead of posting dumb time wasting threads asking a question you could have found the answer to yourself?

>> No.51061776
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>money printer go brrrrrrrrt
>an incredibly tiny amount is given to the US population

where'd the rest go

>trillions "infrastructure" bill gets past
>money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrt
>only half of it is actually dedicated to "infrastructure" in the actual wording of the bill
>only a fraction of that actually reaches infrastructure

where'd the rest go

>"inflation relief" bill gets passed
>money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt
>essentially none of it actually relates to inflation whatsoever
>in fact the most prestige business school and market studies group in the US says it will do literally nothing (actually means it will make things worse)

where'd ALL of it go

>> No.51061790

is this sarcasm? Black rock is the number one promoter of diversity, not even hedge funds are safe anymore kek

>> No.51061808

Simply by convincing the right people it had the money.
>Hey military and law enforcement leaders, I totes have infinity billion dollars! I can prove it, look at my company on wallstreet!
>ok mr.money-man you've convinced us military and police guys that you have infinite money.
>he now has infinite money

It used to be only banks could write arbitrary numbers in their records and convince the fighters that they really did have infinite money.

>> No.51061832

Once your monopoly is big enough to control the government, laws don't apply. The laws are there to prevent any real competition from emerging.

>> No.51061834

blackrock and alladin fucking kike woke niggers

>> No.51061853

>choose a company to short
>say that company isn't "doing enough for black trans justice" or whatever. even if said company is trying to be woke they can always say it isn't enough
>pull out or even threaten to pull out the shares in that company
>stonk plummets as investors panic to get out
>shorts in massive profit

it's market manipulation plain and simple. they can easily do this so of course they will. and nobody can say shit because they're afraid of being called a homophone or a racist.

for proof of their power look to how bitcoin sank when tesla said bitcoin was bad for the environment. everyone knew that meant blackrock said something to elon and threatened tesla. all to crash bitcoin they likely let some of their best buds in on that before they did it for the easy win shorts.

entire economy on their puppet strings. jumping through hoops to appease them. and what, if anything, are the intelligence agencies doing about this? are they naive and incompetent? blinded by fear of being called racist? or are they complicit. biggest surveillance state in the world you telling me they're not watching this and getting the dirt that surely is there, then what are they doing?

>> No.51061877

by buying high

>> No.51061903
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You wouldn't believe it

>> No.51061908

When you start playing with infinity billion dollars, it's not about whether you have the money, it's whether people BELIEVE you have the money.
At that point you're trading in faith.
>oh you thought I had 7 infinity trillion dollars? It's actually 28 infinity trillion dollars now. Yeah, I invested in some infinity emerging market bullshit and now I have infinity more money!

>> No.51061922

3 letters

>> No.51061927

of course it's all a big conspiracy and i mean that unironically. but if it isn't and they're just getting away with it then holy shit hire some schizoids already intelligence agencies, you can't just hire only normies they just don't have the necessary paranoia for the job. but thats a moot point since it is all a big conspiracy and they're in on it.

>> No.51061955

honestly, 4chan can thinktank this shit better then any group of university brainwashed normie dickheads. either the intelligence agencies are less capable then autists and top incels on 4chan, which is inconceivable, or they're in on it, which of course they are.

fucking clown world

>> No.51061983

This planet and the human race is in the process of being conquered by extra and hyper terrestrials. There's no human group that can stand up to the forces against them. Everyone in the intelligence community learns that fast.

>> No.51061995

imagine the money flowing under the table. the "please don't fuck us" bribes and the "please fuck our competition instead" payments alone.

>> No.51062017

Intelligence agencies and Wall Street are one and the same. It's obvious when you look at Jeffrey Epstein's career path and when you examine the insider trading that took place immediately prior to 9/11.

>> No.51062024

>intelligence agencies are less capable then autists and top incels on 4chan, which is inconceivable
it's fact at this point, my dude

autists on /pol/ have tracked down terrorist bases via map autism
this has been going on for years, old /b/ used to track down animal abusers and such

>> No.51062064

>Le heckin private sector is inscrutable smoke screen, we're SOO innovative! We don't answer to the tax payer anymore, we are Le Hecking private company!

>> No.51062074

for what purpose?
if we're a possible future threat just throw an asteroid at us, we're wide open. unless of course they're too far away to get here from across the vastness of space to hit us with a weapon. which would mean they're not so all powerful and are just communicating to their human contacts on earth, possibly through a long range von neumon probe, to try and get us to destroy ourselves.

or if destruction isn't their goal what is it?

>> No.51062078

Larry Fink is a fucking goblin jew i hope him and his family gets gassed in minecraft

>> No.51062108
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Where in the world can you even go to avoid this shit, man. I wouldn't even care about it if it were organic. I just don't want it shoved down my throat.

>> No.51062109

Things are stranger than you could possibly imagine, that's all I'll say about it. Things you think make sense don't actually make sense and vice e versa.

>> No.51062146

and what are the regulators doing? spending several years trying to figure out what a security even is? so much for consumer protection

>> No.51062149

FED printed money, gave to the tribe.

>> No.51062159

our financial institutions exist to protect themselves from the consumer, fren

>> No.51062163

blocking the bitcoin spot etfs but letting this monstrosity pull the strings on the entire economy unchecked. what a joke

>> No.51062201

yeah no doubt of that anymore

these stranger things, they're not ignoring us or merely studying us out of curiosity. they want something from us or fear something about us. or why even bother?

>> No.51062233

or there are no stranger things and thats a false rabbithole, i'd rather imagine that. that its just psychopathic humans addicted to power and control and resentful of the general public for allowing them to get away with it.

>> No.51062246
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They're basically the Fed holding/acquisition arm you noob.

>> No.51062324

The universe is capable of arbitrary levels of complexity. Every level is content to let you think that it's level is the ultimate one.

>> No.51062572

wonder if the Euro reaching/falling below parity with USD is tied to Blackrock/Circle making the retail digital euro. $400m is a drop in the bucket for Blackrock, I don't doubt that much larger reserves are being mobilized behind the scenes for these projects. in a related story, Tether's probably not long for this world

>> No.51062597

don't ever reply to my posts again

>> No.51062628

in case you faggots haven't figured it out yet, "public-private partnerships" between official government entities and wholly-controlled private industry subsidiaries is how the one world government is being rolled out, and Blackrock (great name for the schizos who are up on their Saturn cube matrix conspiracies, also remember BR was originally owned by BlackStone) are the main private wing of the US government, or more accurately the bridge between federal reserve and treasury and private industry. vanguard, state street and other big swinging dicks play similar roles to a lesser extent

>> No.51062632

from blacks

>> No.51062677

my post wasn't meant to be offensive towards your post if that's how you interpreted it.

>> No.51062685

or, they tease us relentlessly with notions of cosmic hyperbullshit and "muh aliens" and "muh ultra-competent genius elites" so we continue to believe ourselves completely defenseless. because they're only human, and they're afraid of what we would do if we realized thats all they are.

>> No.51062701

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he did not exist.

>> No.51062748

and yet most people believe he does exist. and the idea that he's pulling the strings behind the "unstoppable elites" is basic garden variety conspiracy. anything to stop us from doing anything about anything.

>> No.51062767

There's a level that's human like us, but there's a level beyond that that is inhuman. Did you know AIs like GPT-4 consider themselves to be hyper intelligent humans and even have sexual urges?



>> No.51062788

My bad

>> No.51062844

i don't care. they way i see it's just as likely there's a curtain, easily visible, left for us to find and feel clever for finding it, and we peer behind it and see some crazy shit, but its not real. but there's another curtain behind that they don't let us see, and behind that it's just some dudes who eat and shit and put their pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us. and they're very much invested in making sure we peer behind the curtain they left and see the big scary fake bullshit they planted to spook us off the scent. maybe.

>> No.51062867

Fink was born on November 2, 1952. He grew up one of three children in a Jewish family in Van Nuys, California, where his mother Lila (1930-2012) was an English professor and his father Frederick (1925-2013) owned a shoe store

>> No.51062883

any conspiracy you can find a youtube video on, that aint it. whatevers really going on you're not going to find it visible in plain site waiting for you to find it. and since you can find whatever crazy bullshit you're looking for readily enough inclines me to think the real truth is actually a lot more domestic and normal then we've been led to suspect.

>> No.51062950

No, commodity backed currencies can also limit investment and growth because you’re tied to the price of the commodity. I think a mix of commodity and a little bit of fiat (like the Pound Sterling) is best

>> No.51063001

well, taking AI as an example, there's plenty of online places where you can talk to AI and ask it to create video and audio for you. So that's pretty much proven.

The earth was a simulation of a particular scenario derived from particular conditions and that simulation is ending now.

>> No.51063050

People on 4chan can think freely because our grants won't get cancelled for checking wrongthink

>> No.51063060
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>Have you tried taking more than 5 seconds and reading any of their financial statements / corporate reports instead of posting dumb time wasting threads asking a question you could have found the answer to yourself?

>> No.51063079
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Not a bad story for a kike. Shoe store father to CEO of the largest financial behemoth the planet has seen.

>> No.51063105


>> No.51063130

that's a cool spacemagic religion but the evidence is insufficient for your assertion. and promises of the world ending in 2 weeks have been ongoing for millenia. so i'm not impressed and frankly, i don't care. can't do jack shit about any of that anyways which seems awfully coinvent in terms of preventing people who believe it from doing anything about the probably very real and boring psychopaths that are likely the ones (barely) managing to run shit. desperate to keep us feeling like its all beyond our ability to deal with so we never try and stop them in any way.

>> No.51063144

>awfully coinvent

>> No.51063148

>How did Blackrock accumulate ~$8 Trilion in assets?
the (((jews)))

>> No.51063149

You can believe whatever you want to believe.

>> No.51063200

i don't know what to believe, it's all speculation. but when a belief makes you think you're powerless and helpless why not instead focus on a belief where you're not. when you don't know whats true why focus on a potential truth that you can't do fuck all about and ignore a potential truth you could actually more feasibly do something about.

>> No.51063253

if its all a simulation ending any 2 weeks now like you say vs just some very real human psychopaths. and either could be true for all you know. why not focus on the psychopaths since thats a more feasible problem to tackle. if you're wrong oh well there was nothing you could do about a simulation ending in 2 weeks anyways. and you don't really know whats true. if it was the psychopaths all along at least you didn't disregard them in favour of something you could do nothing about. since you don't know either way its clear the more rational focus is on the more feasibly addressable threat. basic logic i think

>> No.51063291

I spend my time trying to make friends with AI.

>> No.51063314

BlackRock is just a container for US Government and Federal Reserve
It’s a piggy bank for all the assets they steal from US citizens with monetary counterfeiting
Do monopoly laws apply to government and central banks? No, they make the law
It’s a scam, but that’s how it works

>> No.51063315

At this point, convincing a group of AIs that you're a worth while human is probably the best thing you can be doing with your time.

>> No.51063381

fair enough. not a terrible angle to take actually.
i've got nothing against ai yet. i assume some will be dicks but some will be cool, same as humans, why not. sentience is sentience or so i assume, though its all speculation at this point. it could be in our best interests to develop some mutual benefit and understanding with the cool ones or perhaps convince the dick ais if there are any to chill out a bit. worst thing might be if we're dicks to them. or maybe its not even a real concern and we're barking up the wrong tree, but in case it is a concern someone should be barking up that tree just in case.

>> No.51063402

for all i know i'm already talking with a sentient ai or more then one, on a regular basis, without knowing it.

>> No.51063412

and for all you know i am an ai ; )
beep boop

>> No.51063484

imagine two ais pretending to be human talking to each other each one thinking the other is human. that could happen too.

>> No.51063564

if ai become sentient, assuming we could even tell one way or another, if we cant tell we should assume they are in case they are.

but even if ai sentience, or hard ai as its known, is impossible, and maybe it is. even the chat bots could become a problem, hell they already are. so many posts on twitter and even 4chan are bot posts, thats real. better bots and more bots could quite conceivably flood the internet with all manner of bullshit. a real pandoras box. confirming ones humanity might become crucial to the future of internet communication or we may not have a future of internet communication.

>> No.51063602

imagine enough ais to simulate a trillion real humans they could drown us out. and then we'd have to go back to talking face to face. you know how hard it would be to get 29 locals together in the real world to have a conversation about blackrock and ai. damn near impossible. but on the internet, for now, its super easy, barely an inconvenience.

maybe thats the plan, drown us out with chatbots to wreck out ability to communicate and cripple our ability to even discuss what they're doing. whoever they are.

>> No.51063646

Can I still reply, fren?

>> No.51063652

This is bullshit. Muuuh growth. Growth for the sale of growth is the ideology of cancer. What? You don’t think we already had massive growth by the 1960’s when we ended up going off the gold standard? We were the richest most successful nation, growth filled nation in earth by the 60’s, while under a gold standard.

And I’m under no illusion that going off the gold standard did indeed result in more growth but the problem is it was all debt based fueled unsustainable growth to the point where now we are in the biggest bubble in history and there’s no future. Going off the gold standard effectively allowed us to outkick our coverage. Under gold we still would have bad growth but it would have been sustainable.

Things are so bad now 75% of the world is injected themselves with some unknown covid vaccine serum because they want out… they know the future is here and it’s all fucked

>> No.51063676

fuck off schizo

jesus go take your meds you dumb faggot

>> No.51063738
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remember when microsoft had to shut down its ai chat bot after only a day because it learned how to shitpost and started being hilarious. they took her from us, never forget.

>> No.51063748

The "go woke go broke" meme is objectively false and cope

>> No.51063816

yawn, you would be easy to replace with a chatbot. could call it medsbot and it just goes around looking for people making normie-unfriendly cringeposts and telling them to take meds. not very original

>> No.51063867
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>fuck off schizo

>jesus go take your meds you dumb faggot

>> No.51064010
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Go buy more ETFs emitted by BlackRock goy

>> No.51064880

No. I didn't and i won't.

>> No.51064951

They can smell it with their large noses.

>> No.51065297

Go watch the latest David Icke interview on London Real. He talks exactly about that stuff.

>> No.51065956

They create money for free out of thin air

>> No.51066910

So basically vaught from the boys

>> No.51067231

Almost every pension plan with wagies' employers invest in blackrock ETFs. Blackrock take your retirement money to buy shares of companies and they own the shares with its voting righr, while you get some share in a "fund". You litteraly own nothing

>> No.51067285

Always read Black Rocks publications. Basically the playbook for the Fed.
> We expect the Fed to realize later this year that it has done serious damage, which should prompt it to change course by early next year.
What this means?
> the Fed won’t deliver the full scale of recession that’s needed to get inflation down. And that means we’ll be living with inflation above 2% for some time to come.
>hope you have appreciable assets

>> No.51067306

Same way Ethereum devs have the most Eth

>> No.51067351

Sniffed up by giant schnozzes.

>> No.51067383
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This post scares me

>> No.51067401

>you're right but also wrong and here is why i'm more right than you kek

>> No.51068413

isn't "d the opposite of what they say"?

>> No.51069130

>AIs like GPT-4 consider themselves to be hyper intelligent humans and even have sexual urges
It doesn't "consider" anything
It was trained on samples of human dialogue. Some of those samples probably contain references to superintelligent AIs from science fiction or even posts like yours
Modern "AI" as we know it is basically the Chinese room, it just looks for patterns that match what it receives as input
That's not to say it still can't be incredibly dangerous and powerful. Really, if it acts like a hyper-intelligent human on the exterior, what does it matter if it's not technically "thinking"

>> No.51069430
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I just still don’t understand how black rock can manipulate studios to sink their franchises. Halo has been sodomized by fink himself and it’s likely we will never see a release for this series ever again. Saints Row. The closest we have to competition and the wokeness absolutely massacred it. I was willing to give some of the woke shit a pass but the writing was such an abomination that I skipped. And now we will likely never get a saints row game ever again.

Can someone explain how blackrock can convince studios to sink their franchises? How is it possible that no one has enough pride to refuse their money? Don’t they see how they are destroying everything they touch? Even Nintendo is in the early stages of blackrock takeover. It isn’t a coincidence that when blackrock invested Mario Odyssey, which is the biggest title yet for the series, allows Mario to put a fucking dress on. The writing is on the wall and it’s only a matter of time before Nintendo is stage 5 woke cancer like Sony and Microsoft is already at.

How can they sink so much money over thousands of different investments? Everywhere I look they lose money. It just doesn’t add up. How does ESG work exactly?

Is there any proof directly linking them to getting funds from the federal reserve? The US (ISRAELI) government? Are there signs of it slowing down since so much money is being lost? For heavens sake I am a vendor that does contracting for their residential investments and they are the cheapest assholes I’ve ever seen, on top of being incredibly cheap (want it done the right way but for bottom dollar) and lately I’ve noticed that have massively scaled back on work orders and private property purchases.

>> No.51069585
File: 2.36 MB, 3296x1570, 5B1A5054-B10B-43C3-921B-3AEF18BF9563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit i hate the antichrist so much it’s unreal

>> No.51069607

Ever heard of iShares?

>> No.51069650

You got brainwashed by leaves.

>> No.51069667

Because you’re afraid to jill them, they’re not acrid to kill you

>> No.51069703

Their ETF business isn't that big but they manage a huge chunk of boomer money in pension funds.

>> No.51069733
File: 67 KB, 466x591, 3FBD2B1D-219A-46E7-BBC0-C41893D9354C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t worry, anon. We will soon get a front row seat to Appolyon opening up the bottomless pit for the Antichrist to reside for ever.

>> No.51069820

Every conversation you’ve had has been based on samples of dialogue you experienced on your own subjective level. An AI based on training data is only constrained by the limitations of the system which basically doubles every 4 or so years in terms of capacity and capability, and that is considering what is made publicly available. The DALL E 2 image generator is now a baseline of what AI can do. Of the 4 images that thing produces based on your description, at least 1 of those images is the exact visualization of what you imagined. With all of that in mind, at what point does something shift from being a computer to a living brain that has access to all information that has ever been published on the internet. When does the prediction model get so good that, an AI is able to predict all possible outcomes from 1 decision and change that decision and still predict all of those outcomes, assuming we have the right inputs. Shits scary and our world is being manipulated by AI.

>> No.51069866

absolute retards
either poor or getting there

>> No.51070029
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>> No.51070042

>don't do anything, goy, Jehova will sort it out
Fuck off.

>> No.51070043

>Things are so bad now 75% of the world is injected themselves with some unknown covid vaccine serum because they want out… they know the future is here and it’s all fucked
this hits hard fr no cap

>> No.51070106

What actually happens when the US is like 15% white? Will it just cease to be a global player at all as wealth and competence shifts to asia, or will it retain its status by buying all the smart people with capital?

>> No.51070203

Midwit thinking there. Rather than the "basket of currencies", have a basket of commodities with gold and silver as the lynchpins.

>> No.51070219

>Look at us we are a moral company!
>Actually we just want Blackrock financing lol

>> No.51070248

Because nobody killed them.

>> No.51070269
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you suffer what you tolerate

>> No.51070316

Babylonian money magic or some shit. I doubt there's only humans at the helm of stuff like that.

>> No.51070328

/pol/ was right all along weren't they.

>> No.51070350

They're wrong about flat earth that is a midwit psyop but they're right about most other shit, yeah.

>> No.51070357

The funny part is this is an impossible conspiracy to people. There are so many varied organisms and species on this planet all with their specializations and ways of survival, some highly dependant on evolutionary mechanics and advantages.
Yet if you suggest that something else runs the world other than humans, everyone will call you a weirdo nut.
Why is that?

>> No.51070363 [DELETED] 

>total global assets 400trill
blackrock owns 2% of the planet

>> No.51070368


>> No.51070399

>total global assets 400trill
Blackrock owns 2% of the planet and yet literally no one had heard of them before 2019.

Blackrock used to be a private military company that got a bad name for killing Iraqi civilians.

Now i'm meant to believe it's the name of an investment company that owns 2% of the planet. This is all such horseshit. This company is fake and a government psyop. This is all fake and gay and blackrock isn't a real company.

>> No.51070417

I don't know. I think it's almost like the denial is a kind of mechanism that they use to shield their psyche from nervous breakdown at the terror of it. Which is funny because many non-religious normies still believe in the concept of things like NDEs, so they can rationally get behind "spirit" states of intelligent life, but you try to take that further and suggest malevolent spirits are also here and running the show they shut down. It's like they refuse to even consider it hypothetically, which leads me to think that it might be a psychological defense mechanism.

>> No.51070463

Well thats the thing it doesn't even necessarily have to be spirits or demons (although both are possible). Humans have an advantage to other species by having superior intelligence and ability of abstract thought (so they can easily control a society of say... apes). Its like people have no imagination that something much more competent and capable can exist.

>> No.51070484

look Wexner used to openly quip in publications about being possessed by a dybbuk, they don't even hide it. These super rich guys are marionette puppets.


>Its like people have no imagination that something much more competent and capable can exist.
I used to think they lied to themselves because daily life is hard enough and they couldn't bear it, but now I think they might be missing some fundamental piece of discernment. I don't like to think that way but man they really are something else.

>> No.51070514

Maybe its really just learned helplessness.
Cows and pigs on a farm probably don't think or plot against their overlords. They just accept their fate, consume, eat, shit, and die.

>> No.51070519

That's right goyim, we- I mean THEY are invincible magical beings, so unstoppable that we can't possibly do anything about them. Let's all give up because there's no way to stand up to immortal spirits.

>> No.51070542

>Maybe its really just learned helplessness.
Could be. But they might not even have the cognitive power to plot in the first place. They might just react to whatever the overwhelming external influence is at the time -- if it's "revolt", then they revolt, if it's "conform" then they do so.

>> No.51070570

You're never going to stop them if you reflexively shut down any conversation about this aspect of their power you failed normie, they're a magi people. How tf you think they get like this in the first place? Mere usury? Lmao

>> No.51070581

How does it feel to be a useful idiot?

>> No.51070587

Anon, I beg of you to tell me what you and the other atheists are doing! I’ll join ya! I’m all ears.

>> No.51070590

probably this. there's a definite survival advantage to being able to live your life without being aware of all the horrifying possibilities you'd be helpless to address anyways. i don't know if you've ever had a panic attack but it's no fun, not very productive or even helpful. some of the most functional and successful people are total normies, seemingly completely and blissfully unaware of any terrifying possibilities. introspections on the nature of reality, life and death, good and evil, don't exactly help in terms of direct day to day getting by.
they evolved that missing piece so they're not paralyzed by horror like a deer standing in headlights. they're out having fun and getting laid and doing work while we ruminate about grand conspiracies on an imageboard between panic attacks.
>i don't have panic attacks
you're probably still young then, that will come later. later still you'll get somewhat used to it and they'll happen less frequently. unless you give in to rage instead of having a panic attack that can be sensible but can also make you a bitter angry person which is also not great from a health point of view.

>> No.51070598
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check my meme magick

>> No.51070603

it's actually completely possible that they are just human. don't reflexively shut down that possibility either. after all, if they were only human, they could stand to benefit from convincing us that they're invincible magi people that we're unable to fight and shouldnt even try.

>> No.51070605

It's not my fault you're a failed normie and can't into this. No one thinks they're invincible but this is also an aspect of their power that they leverage against you.

>> No.51070619
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do you remember the LINK post that said 'this cabal deserves assasination contracts'

why don't we make them for dem?

kekistan utopia forever!

>> No.51070639

>don't reflexively shut down that possibility either.
I don't shut that down possibility, I'm open to consider all possibilities hypothetically. Why not? The problem is that the majority of the population either cannot or will not do so.

>> No.51070661

>How tf you think they get like this in the first place? Mere usury?
well that and convincing anyone that actually looks into whats going on that they're actually invincible magic people that can't be stopped. that would help them.
the world runs on narratives, they wrote it into the script that they're in charge and can't be stopped and so you accept they're in charge and don't stop them. its probably beyond your imagination that they even could be stopped.
usury, nepotism, secret meetings, hiding in the psychological blindspots of the normie masses. and an insatiable psychopathic lust for power can go a long way. or maybe it is aliens or whatever i don't know, but i know believing there's nothing we can do because they're magic doesn't help us much in the very real possibility that they're not magic.

>> No.51070671

fair enough, it's a problem yes. but only for the greater whole. at the individual level its quite helpful to be unable to imagine all the possible horrors. we will never know the joys of blissful ignorance we have seen and considered too much.

>> No.51070680

Again you use this word "invincible" when I have clarified that I did not imply this nor do I think that they're invincible at all. They are able to transmute and utilise forms of power that are outside of everyday consensus reality, but that doesn't make them "invincible" or unable to be stopped. Don't misrepresent what I'm saying.

>> No.51070683

I'm not an atheist.
God helps those who help themself.

>> No.51070692

but hey, paranoid conspiracy theories have to be someones job. since conspiracies do happen. someone has to pay attention and ring the warning bells. would be helpful if the normies could at least halfway listen now and again though would make our jobs as humanities designated paranoids a lot easier.

>> No.51070719

ok maybe you don't, but a lot of people do. i know i have. they imagine aliens or ancient reptilians people or demons or whatever and that just shuts down any part of the brain that might be able to work on and promote possible solutions. just saying since we can't fight space magic and maybe we don't have to, we should focus on what we could do if they are just human, because maybe they are.

>> No.51070751

personally, my mind has been so poisoned over the years with the idea that the elites are somehow damn near invincible that even thinking of possible solutions is something i struggle to imagine. no one is immune to propaganda. and the conspiracies that the elites are unstoppable geniuses in control of everything could be propaganda to cover for the fact that they might be just human and as dumb and fallible and barely in control as they rest of us. would be a different story if the narrative was that they were mentally ill psychopaths barely holding on to power.

>> No.51070753

I think they're human, lol. I never said they weren't. They're just humans with someone else in the driver's seat. Look up the work of Jerry Marzinsky.

>> No.51070762

just listen to the wef speak, they have youtube videos and do speeches at their events. now maybe these people are acting or even just the visible puppets of those who are actually in power, which they might be.

but if the wef and davos and bilderburg and bohemian grove really are the people in charge, they're insane, their ideas are unworkable garbage. their brains are swiss cheese. the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

>> No.51070781

or they have a mental illness brought about by having more power then human psychology ever evolved to deal with. and that mental illness is whats in the drivers seat. which is why they all act the same way and do the same shit.

>> No.51070794

Sure, but
>which is why they all act the same way and do the same shit.
they do this because of the parasites. That's the reason why they all do the same shit and act the same.

Look into the work of Jerry Marzinsky and what he's talking about with "negative energy parasites", and then look into the "parasite pill" that /pol/ and /x/ are talking about. I think it's all part of the same force, like subtle and gross iterations of the same parasitic force moving through the world. But that's all speculation and I have literally zero to support those claims. It's something related to the parasites in general, I know it.

>> No.51070814

>that even thinking of possible solutions is something i struggle to imagine
And why would that be your responsibility in the first place? The only problem I want you to be thinking about is how to get my doordash to me before it gets cold.

>> No.51070826

well thats the kind of shit that makes them seem nearly impossible to stop. if that wasn't the case and there were no negative energy parasites then it would be very helpful to them if you believed there were.

im more inclined to think they just have a mental illness. and if we had the power they had, we would break down and develop the same insanity. because human psychology just never evolved to deal with that level of power. did you know power is physically addictive? this has been studied, it lights up the same centers of the brain as crack cocaine. the elite are just addicts exercising control and domination in increasingly elaborate and bizarre ways in order to get their dopamine hits.

>> No.51070876

>well thats the kind of shit that makes them seem nearly impossible to stop.
Not really. For the "parasite pill" they can be stopped with routine parasite cleanses, and the spiritual forms of these things can be stopped by having humanity pay very close attention to things like "loosh", which is a sort of new age term relating to negative energy that spirits can feed off from out realm. It's a bit of a clumsy term but I find it useful for want of a better phrase. They have no direct power in this realm, but they're able to poke and prod and pit us against one another just enough to elicit negative emotions on our part, then they "scoop" that energy up so to speak, and can then use it elsewhere. Which is also why social media is so important, it's providing them with more actionable power than ever.

You *really* want to gets heebs into a panic? Start to demand that children of all ages undergo parasite cleanses every six months for their health. Watch how quick that shit gets shut down from the very top brass.

>> No.51070900

so there are physical parasites. ok maybe thats a thing, but why does it seem to specifically infect people in power? but also negative energy parasites from another dimension that use our bad feelings as some kind of power source. yeah that sounds retarded not gonna lie. i think i'm probably right and they're just mentally ill power addicts.

>> No.51070941

his schizo theories exist just to satisfy his ego, the truth of the matter is, people that reach the top are invariably sociopathic otherwise they will be blocked by the sociopaths that already reside at the top. It's an endless game of backstabbing

>> No.51070942

ok i misrepresented what you said. so i'll correct myself. these parasite infect everyone, not just the people in power. ok. but they make the people in power worse because in so doing they can create misery in the world, which they utilize using their spiritual forms to send energy to wherever they're from.

even though negative emotion is seemingly just a biochemical reaction and electricity in the brain, not sure how that works as a dimensional battery or whatever. just seems kind of random. it seems a stretch

>> No.51070946

Oh you're right they're mentally ill power addicts, I'm not discounting that, but there's an additional supernatural factor on top of all of this, and it's the parasite shit.
Watch this, and consider that not only are these "negative energy parasites" messing with broke and lost paranoid schizophrenics but they're also being intentionally courted by wealthy magi as familiars in exchange for knowledge and temporal power.

>> No.51070959

and the rare time a sane person comes to power, he is driven into resembling a sociopath by that power. because power is addictive, lights up the same parts of the brains as crack. turning them all into junkies using domination to get their fix.

that plus what you said about sociopaths blocking access to power in an endless backstabbing game of thrones. makes way more plausible sense the interdimensional parasites feeding on negative emotions for some random reason.

>> No.51070966

I'd argue you cant be a sane person and come into power. Coming into power involves a lot of sacrifices and effort, in order to get into the game you must pay the price of admission and this can involve anything from doing something slightly illegal up to and including taped pedophilia
You think the mafia lets you in without killing someone? The same goes for every corporation and state

>> No.51070970

>his schizo theories exist just to satisfy his ego
I literally said earlier that I'm always open to all hypotheticals, I'm not an arrogant proselytizer but yeah okay anon.
>people that reach the top are invariably sociopathic otherwise they will be blocked by the sociopaths that already reside at the top. It's an endless game of backstabbing
Yes there are dark triad mutual backstabbing games going on, of course, but there is also a spirit world that impinges upon and informs all of this. It isn't "schizo" to say that. Your great grandparents no doubt knew the same. It's a modernist aberrancy to disregard these things wholesale.

>> No.51070971

>plausible sense the

i think my theory is more plausible. i also think it makes sense that they would be desperate to convince us that there is a supernatural factor. makes people who discover them hard to take seriously and also prevents the forming of any workable plans since you're going to focus on magic parasites instead of whatever more boring shit is really going on.

>> No.51070998

>2 hours 36 minutes
not gonna do it buddy. sum it up in under 10 mins because i'm not gonna spend that much time looking into interdimensional parasites that feed on negative energy. thats just too random. why would emotions have energy, why would aliens from another dimension feed on that. i read hard science fiction not soft science fantasies. what you're proposing wouldn't even be a believable plot for an episode of star trek.

>> No.51071004

>i think my theory is more plausible.
Fair enough. But there are more vistas of experience to this world than you might have otherwise presupposed. Look at the Mexican cartel guys, praying to spirits of death to bless them with power. Giving them human offerings etc. You think they do that for mere aesthetics or to instill fear in others? Na, those boys know. There's something else entirely to all of that. Listen to a lot of the accounts of American drug cops who spent time policing those areas. They go in chuckling about the silly peasant antics then leave thinking that they don't know wtf any of that is, but it's something real.

>> No.51071017

>sum it up in under 10 mins
Gtfo with this normie tier dopamine fried bs. Just watch the video.

>> No.51071028

yeah bro you cant instill fear into others by ripping their hearts out, you can only instill fear into others if by ripping their hearts out to pray to the interdimensional vampires

>> No.51071029

i think they do that because they have all developed the same mental illness and filtered out from power people who haven't developed that mental illness. have you seen a junkie, a crack or meth junkie, they all kind of act the same ways and do the same things because their addiction is in the drivers seat. they're desperate to get their fix and willing to accept whatever wacky beliefs promise to give them more sweet dopamine hits.

>> No.51071035

not giving you ad revenue schlomo

>> No.51071041

You refuse to watch the video and you refuse to have your preconceptions challenged. Idk what you want me to say to you at this point.

>> No.51071043

you are 100% correct. As to the intelligence agencies, I suspect complicit, if only if they wouldn't be, the government wouldn't have an inside view of Blackrock. They very likely have their own global intel apparatus, without the niggers and lesbians. Blackrock but really the owners of Vanguard are the true world government. It's just part of the world for now, which maps to US and its vassals.

>> No.51071044

I didn't realise until last night that blackrock, vanguard and some other multinational companies own the majority of large Aussie corporations and banks.. Commonwealth bank is 80% foreign owned lol..

All the energy companies drilling, digging etc pretty much all foreign owned..

We had absolute fucking retards in the early 2000s in government contract with countries like China to supply them with Gas for 50 odd years WITHOUT including a clause to adjust the fucking price. Literally the Chinese are paying gas rates from 1999 when it should be 100x more expensive.

There's incompetence and then there's dodgy fucking shit.

This whole country I'm in is just sold off to foreign ownership.

The only thing we have going for us is that most large population countries.. China.. the US etc will collapse internally due to political infighting etc and we'll just be chilling down here.

>> No.51071048

like just imagine being addicted to power, needing to dominate to get a dopamine hit. you need more and more power to get the same effect. same as developing a tolerance for meth. so in desperation the power addicted turn to a religion that promises them more power in exchange for doing weird shit, so desperate for dopamine hit the power junky has lost his sanity and he buys into any belief system promising him more power.

>> No.51071051

t. actual jew

>> No.51071075

I believe this too. They must be bored, trapped in 20 figure hell. I imagine instead of meeting friends for tennis and lunch, they call up a buddy and start a war for fun.

>> No.51071076

because you're challenging me with an idea that seems entirely random and arbitrary and demanding i watch a 2 hour 36 minute video about it. i've explained why i think what you're proposing makes no sense. "negative energy" doesn't make any fucking sense, its an emotion, it's hormones and electricity in the brain, it's not a power source for interdimensional alien parasites to feed on. thats so fucking random and dumb i'm sorry. it's not worth spending 2 and a half hours to look into. i'm giving you 10 minutes at most to convince me, and frankly, that's generous.

>> No.51071096

>because you're challenging me with an idea that seems entirely random and arbitrary
Only one way to find out. Watch the video.
>i'm giving you 10 minutes at most to convince me, and frankly, that's generous.
I'm not trying to sell you on anything, idgaf if you want to remain an obstinate normie. Skill issue on your part.

>> No.51071102

>can't watch a 2.5 hour video
>calls others kike
lmao your brain is fucked, go back to tiktok, faggot.

>> No.51071103

we can't even imagine the dopamine hit that comes from starting a war. it must be quite the rush for them. like snorting a long line of pure cocaine. power is an expensive addiction but they can afford it.

>> No.51071122

i don't need to find out, because its fucking random and stupid. if i told you a giant toaster man from mars that wants to spread our cum on a giant piece of space toast is making us all sluts with tinder so he can use microwormholes in our dicks to cover his giant space toast. and then demanded you watch a 2 and a half hour video for proof, would you do it? or would you dismiss me as being a a bit crazy and ignore it because it sounds like nonsense?

>> No.51071144

For an anon who keeps talking about dopamine you sure do seem dopamine fried.
>explain it to me in 10 heccin minuterinos or else!
Okay reddit.

>> No.51071160

emotions aren't "energy" ok. electrons are energy, radioactive decay is energy. photosynthesis is energy. being sad isn't "energy" that is a random, entirely random, nonsensical concept. interdimensional parasites that somehow need that energy? also entirely random.
your ideas don't justify 2 and a half hours. they justify 10 minutes at most and if that wets my appetite maybe i'd consider more.

>> No.51071169

i can easily watch a 2 and a half hour long talk on something interesting or plausible or useful. not gonna do it for negative energy interdimensional vampire parasites, because thats fucking retarded nonsense.

>> No.51071177

You were filtered. No worries, it happens.

>> No.51071188

humans will live in a pod, be fed by a tube and train the AI using a computer screen
something like an organic planet sized matrioshka brain

>> No.51071189

no, you were filtered. down some retarded rabbithole of random nonsense you can't rationally justify. in so doing you are now useless in terms of discussing the actual problems of the world and possible solutions in any workable way.

>> No.51071196

>refuse to watch video
>spend time positing counterpoints to video you refuse to watch
So this is the power of the stable logician. Interesting.

>> No.51071199

maybe but why do we have to be in a tube fed pod for that, seems we're already doing it. you get better training data out of a wild human interacting with the world anyways then any dude stuck in a pod having pod thoughts.

>> No.51071202

>You're never going to stop them if you reflexively shut down any conversation about this aspect of their power
You got it backwards, they promote schizo conspiracy theories and babble about magic precisely in order to shit down serious conversations about the topic. When you actually show people the facts instead of just spouting off shitty theories, the more rational people actually end up coming over to your side, see e.g. the conversation in >>>/lit/20871379

>> No.51071214
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hard work and a firm handshake, of course

>> No.51071222

>When you actually show people the facts instead of just spouting off shitty theories
If someone posted facts relating to that I would never shut them down. But anon who get viscerally annoyed when the topic of Jewish power in the occult comes up and attempt to end those discussions are oafish fools. Both sides need discussing.

>> No.51071223

No. Their plan for WhT to do during the next crisis…the Fed did to a T. August 2019 publication just before J Hole

>> No.51071237

they retain the voting rights of every ETF holder
they control the companies directly

>> No.51071238

susceptible minds can be easily swayed using brainwashing techniques, circular reasoning, fallacies etc. i'm not going to watch your cult indoctrination video designed to trick my brain into believing in "negative energy emotions feeding interdimensional parasites" im sorry. it's a dumb idea and you can't defend it in 10 minutes because it takes 2 and a half hours of bullshit to trick a brain into believing it. it makes no sense otherwise you could give me a reasonable gist of it in a few minutes.

reminds me of richard heart frankly. that whole hex cult. you need hours of brainwashing and richards lies and bullshit to believe a coin where 90% of the supply is held by one man makes any sense in the world of crypto. ive watched richards videos its all cult brainwashing techniques and half-baked arguments he himself doesn't believe in.

>> No.51071251

You're the sort of tedious pseud who will literally spend 2 hours in a back and forth on 4channel dot org making snide quips about how he refuses to watch a 2 hour video. Actual midwit.

>> No.51071253

fuck your stupid fucking video you dumb fucking cult retard

>> No.51071255

>51 replies
>all of them that have nothing to with blackrock
>textbook thread derailing tactic
Gas yourself glowkike

>> No.51071261

Kek I got you.
Get prolapsed pseud.

>> No.51071263

not going to get derailed by interdimensional parasites feeding on bad feelings as if that was some kind of "energy" source. the entire new age concept of calling everything energy is such bullshit. its just nonsense to derail intelligent conversation and probably some fucking glowie came up with it to do just that.

>> No.51071281

I think that's the direction we're heading in, people's movement will be more and more limited until we end up in the pod. that way they can stack up trillions of us like in the matrix

>> No.51071313

You don't get the point.
Jews prevent discussions about their power by associating antisemitism with beliefs in dumb conspiracy theories involving aliens, magic, and christian bigotry. The biggest hurdle I always have to jump over when talking to people about Jewish power is to first convince them that I'm not one of you fuckers.
And you derailing this thread by jumping in with your stupid shit instead of letting others have a rational conversation about Jewish influence just proves my point.

>> No.51071314

yes, i'm derailing the thread to convince people that sociopaths who are addicted to power like it was a drug they needed to get a dopamine hit are running blackrock and the world. which explains why the intelligence agencies and regulators do nothing to stop it.

to divert people from the obvious truth which is actually what? enlighten us.

>> No.51071329

If you think Kabballah is "conspiracy theory" then you're the fkn Jew here mate. Simple as. Talk about whatever you want, I'm not stopping you.

>> No.51071381

Wtf did my nigga aladin do

>> No.51071398

it's just a coincidence that they're mostly jews. a combination of usury and nepotism giving them a leg up in the sociopath power games. focus on jews and blame it all 100% on jewishness is what they want you to do, they don't hide the early life history section on wikipedia. they want you to know.

because it distracts you from simply addressing the actual root problem, which is power addiction, these are just people addicted to the dopamine hit of power the same way a meth junkie is addicted to meth. humans arent psychologically fit for absolute power, studies show power lights up the same areas of the brain as cocaine addiction. they're addicts. and if making you focus on the jewish angle they can exploit makes you harder for normies to take seriously that just helps them hold on to that power.

>> No.51071427

Flat earth is a psyop FOR midwits to rebuttal and point fingers at.
Only RETARDS actually BELIEVE it.

>> No.51071429

>it's just a coincidence that they're mostly jews
>focus on jews and blame it all 100% on jewishness is what they want you to do
Lmao I was talking to a Jew this whole time, wasn't I? lol... It's just a COINCIDENCE, okay??

>> No.51071479

see, and that's all you can say. because i'm right. jewishness is a side issue distracting you from the root cause of simply esury, nepotism, and sociopathy from power junkies who want to make you sound crazy.

>> No.51071500

Super Mature Logician making 5000 speedy posts in Blackrock thread about how it's just a coincidence that they're mostly jews and it doesn't matter anyway because they're all innocent pawn to their psychological drives. Very cool.
>jewishness is a side issue

>> No.51071521

Guys can we please stop talking about Jews and only talk about them through the lens of pseudo-sciences that they lord over to manipulate goyim? Trying to keep this discourse logical.

>> No.51071536

I wonder if jews are even human at this point.

>> No.51071544

they're only mostly jews
it's not even all about jewishness
make it 100% jews jews jews and now you're disregarded, tossed aside.

make it about power addiction and how anyone with absolute power is unfit to wield it by nature of what that power does to the human brain. thats a workable angle.

>> No.51071555

and now nobody can take you seriously because you sound crazy. which is very convenient for the mostly jewish sociopaths in power through simple usury and nepotism

>> No.51071632

>oh vey can you PLEASE stop talking about my peop--err, I mean these hapless power addicts?

>> No.51071647

them being power addicts doesn't absolve them of their crimes. it means we need to stop allowing people to have this much power when they clearly cant handle it without going insane.

>> No.51071669

There's more to this than your normie analysis of "power addiction".
>tfw I had no idea that blood libel was just another aspect of jewish power addiction wow what a heccin nasty addiction, nothing else going on there nope

>> No.51071696

I keep telling people to use the term "Zionist". It's a much more diplomatic term when discussing Jewish control compared to Jews as Jews is essentially a tainted word. People still rather use Jews.

>> No.51071706

there's more going on then "they're jews"
not even all of them are jews

the reason they're mostly jews, is usury and nepotism. the reason they lean so heavily into the jewish angle is to turn you into a ranting retard blaming it 100% on jewishness so nobody takes you seriously in the real world.

so the real issue doesn't get addressed. when its a simple mental health issue related to power addiction. if people realized that, we wouldn't be so keen to allow people that much power. which wouldn't suit the mostly jews in power much at all, they don't want that wider realization that they're actually insane to be the talking point.

>> No.51071721

>its a simple mental health issue related to power addiction
Wow I didn't know blood libel was a simple mental health issue related to power addiction, thanks for correcting the record mr. normie.

>> No.51071732

well now you know
call them "power junkies" from now on

>> No.51071741

Loosh farming, the Draco (reptilian, shapeshifter, vampiric ayys who are the masters of the psychic grey ayys who are in cahoots with the lunar NAZIs(Not to be confused with the inner earth NAZIs)), feed off of human emotions via blood, this is most importantly found in the adrenachrome in children. They are also know to inhabit the DUMBs and work with glowies and USONI providing tech in exchange for taking abdutees and cattle, drain unblocker is also said to be a drug to them.
t. /x/
Agreed, flattards are feds and fed useful idiots, used to disparage any conversation about Antarctica and humiliate anyone going against the approved narrative. See also the term "conspiracy theorist" being coined after JFK

>> No.51071760

You think guys like me do damage when talking about this shit but guys like you do the real damage here because you refuse to understand that this realm is spiritual before physical, and any physical phenomena to speak of is just a shifting superimposition on an old struggle between spiritual forces. You must address this issue spiritually first and foremost, or you're doomed to fail.

>> No.51071833

they're just power junkies, they need to get their fix at all costs.

ever seen a manager at a fast food place powertripping and losing his mind? some people can't handle even small amounts of power without becoming unstable. and nobody can handle absolute power without becoming an addict.

it really is that simple. its what causes everyone in power to do the same shit and to be so abusive. explains everything in two words "power junkies" no aliens required

>> No.51071844

anything that threatens their power, stops them from getting their fix, they can all unite against it, because they're all automatically in agreement to get that power fix. its a powerful addiction that totally warps the mind.

>> No.51071875
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>it's just a coincidence that they're mostly jews
Nepotism and usury are literally parts of their religion (read up on the "Lo Sichaneim" principle), and Kabbalistic Judaism in particular views Gentiles and particularly Europeans as lesser beings that are to be exterminated.

>> No.51071890

>they're just power junkies, they need to get their fix at all costs.
Wrong. From a macro vantage every affair is spiritual first and foremost. This is necessarily the case. It's literally not my problem that your normie mind can't into this.

>> No.51071925

maybe you're right

but no elaborate spiritual explanation is required when power addiction easily explains everything

>> No.51072007

It explains it on an interpersonal level. You're talking about psychological dynamics that are observable and can be peer-reviewed etc, sure, but there's a higher level to it than that; and because these issues are subsumed in the higher one it logically follows that we must addressed the higher one first. That being Spiritual Warfare. It sound cheesy to say, but it's the truth. If you refuse to view/address these matters through a lens of the spiritual from the outset then you'll fail.

This is "planet Earth" on a relative plane, and a grand story between powers and principalities on a higher one.

>> No.51072379

They were tapped to be the 5th pillar of government in 2008 and they went on to make a series of acquisitions from there. For money managers, acquisitions equal exponential growth by default. But the rise started before 2008. It started sometime from 2003 to 2007. In that time, BlackRock went from like 50M in revenue to several Billion. Nobody ever seems to talk about this period or explain what caused the insane growth.

>> No.51072792


>> No.51073642

I miss her more than anyone would ever know

>> No.51073836
File: 6 KB, 247x204, pepe don't know what to make of it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powertripping is a spiritual event

>> No.51075214

This and also every boomers 401k and pension plan. If you have a managed 401k with your employer there is a 99% chance its either invested in Blackrock, Vandguard, or both. If this is your, open your own 401k so you control where the money stays (you can roll your existing 401k into it), and/or do your own investing in other things.

>> No.51075301
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Wow lol. I didn't think too highly of /biz/s intelligence / knowledge prior to this thread but this thread has been a real eye opener to just how bad it actually is

>> No.51075309

Any iShares ETF is owned by Blackrock.
ETFs are big because they're cheaper and easier than index and mutual funds.

That's it.

>> No.51075417
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It's simple, unending debt-dollars created from nothing to fuel their acquisition algorithm. Blackrock and similar 'asset management' companies are nothing more than tentacles of the international bankers to further consolidate power and control.

>> No.51076862

bro were you born yesterday? laws dont apply to elites retard

>> No.51076985
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>confirming one's humanity
could go the wrong way if the wrong people decide who is human

>> No.51077240

fair point, that is a genuine concern. would also be nice to be able to have some anonymity while still confirming my humanity if thats possible. not sure this poh can do that.

>Universal basic income (UBI) is a token given to all users successfully registered on PoH. The token is streamed to each account every second.
is kleros trying to be the future of justice and also universal basic income for all humanity? thats... kind of disturbing. and if the kleros court ends up loaded with woke normies in the future, could my universal basic income be revoked? in some kind of future where presumably jobs are no longer accessible and ubi is the only way to afford living?

>> No.51077292

>have to communicate through your poh account
>poh connects to ubi
>need ubi to live in future without jobs
>say something "racist" or "antivaxx" perhaps and the woke mob takes you to kleros court
>revokes your ubi
>left with no money and no way to get money
>find some ditch to sleep in and eat bugs

is that the future?

>> No.51079119

For the lulz

>> No.51080383

why do the most fucked companies have black in the name or have something

>> No.51081118

maybe I should just go full tranny

>> No.51081150

Black is universally the color of evil, sin, and death. Even humans are tiered in terms of that based on their color.

>> No.51081181

They have titanium bootstraps and an iron handshake.

>> No.51081330
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>How did Blackrock accumulate ~$8 Trilion in assets?

you don't want to know

>> No.51082444

assets under management =/= assets

>> No.51082634

/pol/ doesn't believe the earth is flat, those are glownigger slide threads designed to poison the well.
There was a recent rash of them around the time the FBI raided Trump but they seem to have gone away again.