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51061234 No.51061234 [Reply] [Original]

why is there such a stigma around it? Im 33 and it's comfy as fuck

I can understand maybe around 20-25 you wanna live on your own and try things, but when you are a bit older they don't feel so cringy and it's super nice

you can grill something with your dad in the evening and have a beer, go on a small trip to a lake or café with your mother

a big house that has a lot of tools and storage compared to my 50 sqm cuckshed

no homeless or oogaboogas around really

but it seems like "on the internet" a lot of people just find it weird, but why? Living as an extended family has been the norm historically, maybe especially for wealthy families on a big manor?

>> No.51061261

This, I am 30y/o and just sold my flat, came back to my parents home and couldn't be happier.
Will watch the giga crash from the sides with lots of money.

>> No.51061315

why not just rent it out, then use the rent and pay your parents a bit for everything, then everyone wins

>> No.51061363

If you don't have a big enough house for you and your parents, buy a house next door, or at least on the same street.
Encourage your siblings to do the same, and any extended family.
Eventually you will have practically permanent security and wealth, and a group of people you can always trust.

>> No.51061469

sounds unironically 100% based

seems like europeans and americans have some weird thing against never "moving back in", but how is it bad that several strong adults form a small community?

>> No.51061513
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Why don't you have a wife and a few kids already?

>> No.51061528

yeah its weird and cringe. 33 and still living at home is not comfy.....its creepy. Leave the nest.

>> No.51061561

Because otherwise (((they))) can't make money of each person in the house.

>> No.51061586
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>31 WFH chad
>asked parents if me and GF can move in to save for house
>no .jpg
>They keep sending me places to buy on realtor.com and zillow

What did my parents mean by this?

>> No.51061590

The way I look at it is this. I love my family, and I like having them around. They will always help me, and I can help them with whatever they need.
Why would I deliberately move a long way from them, to be poorer due to no mutual assistance, lonely and isolated surrounded by unknown people, who may be perfectly nice but will never be as familiar or trustworthy as the parents who raised me, or the sibling I grew up with?

>> No.51061606

Sounds fucking cringe, you are a manchild and don't have a wife right? That explains a lot. Can't imagine fucking my wife while my parents are in the house.

>> No.51061628

Your parents fucked while you were in the house.

Its your wife not some strange, if they have a problem with it ask them for early inheritance

>> No.51061639

It's cringe to have wife

>> No.51061685
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>be wfh at parents house
>hear some noises at night
>walk in on parents having sex (again)
>"s-sorry I heard Mom moaning"
>next night
>same thing

>> No.51061691

i have a wife, we wait with kids until after corona

>> No.51061707

why is it "creepy"? How is it a bad thing to spend time with your family and parents?

I already have a city apartment i can be in if I want, but on the summer the city was not just fun so I lived here 45 min outside for 9 weeks now

>> No.51061725

Context matters. Depending on you and the relationship with your parent(s) it can be good, okay or very bad for you. Aside of that you do coats off of them. Pay your share and it’s ok.

You also may need your own space, be the king of your own castle.

Many reasons for or against. It’s in the r d a case by case thing

>> No.51061731


>> No.51061734

Be glad you have parents with good intuition/instincts. They want you to be a man.

>> No.51061742

>Im 33 and it's comfy as fuck
Then you must have a nice house and parents you get along well with. Good for you, but not everyone has that.

>> No.51061752

Its not based. You end up fighting with family and seeing them every day takes the joy out of things

>> No.51061764

Wait for them to go out. Or book a weekend away.
Why put yourself in a huge amount of debt solely because you want more convenient sex?

>> No.51061775

I’m 58 years old and have never kissed a girl. Still a virgin too

>> No.51061794

What was the closest you ever came to it?

>> No.51061814 [DELETED] 



Moving in with parents is one of the best financial moves in the world, this knowledge should be kept from the goyim, however. Remember to always tell normies living with parents after being 18 years old is WEIRD AND CREEPY, lest you’d like all the alpha of living with parents be reduced to zero.

>> No.51061829

yeah like people did since caves?

>what is a hotel
>what is a summer house where my parents go to
>what is a vacation

>> No.51061845

Live on my own? What i'm 22 years old and feel comfy af talking everyday with my mom and my dad

>> No.51061846

my dad unironically like hoppy DIPAs more than me and now he is 65 and retired. he go to belgiam beer festivals and shit and bring home 6packs of interesting stuff with his pals

>> No.51061856

Congrats on your new sibling(s)!

>> No.51061867

I had a date with a girl like forty years ago but she left me at the restaurant when I showed up with an entire pack of chewed bubblegum in my hair

>> No.51061891
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So she is with your parents to? Tbh I shouldn't wait because of Corona, I ironically think now is the best time to have kids. The jab isn't enforced yet. Maybe your wife will take it if work forces her.

>> No.51061934

Chances are you wife just sucking someone else’s dick on the side anyway

>> No.51061933

just buy a flat or a big complex next door ffs. living in the same house unless it's a fucking castle is kinda weird. But living like an estate is pretty kino.

>> No.51061941

for the most of the summer yes, but she also visited hers a lot because lockdowns etc so we took some more time now to hang out with them

>> No.51062009

People who say it is weird or creepy don't have a good relationship with their parents.

>> No.51062037

It's weird and creepy because it means you're a fucking loser

>> No.51062065


Just keep throwing your money into crypto as well. Boom your done within the next 3-5 years.

>> No.51062084

Why do people always have to invest so much energy into judging and back talking others…
I understand if someone does a bad action towards others. But things like where you live, and your parents, for me it is none of their fucking business.
Literally all my normie friends do is meet up, drink, and back talk others.

>> No.51062099

A short period of time is fine. But as a man you should never get too comfortable. You need to keep challenging yourself and keep putting yourself in fearful situations. You were just visiting so it's different. But I can say for a lot of men staying in the comfort of their parents house is not doing much meaningful for them. You need to throw yourself into the fire and prove your mettle.

>> No.51062154

Not everyone can be a winner, what are us losers supposed to do, make our lives worse just to chase a false status?

>> No.51062173

Because most faggots in this retarded country have been brainwashed into hating their family

>> No.51062186

Yes, a man should be able to provide his worth by providing a home to a family.

>> No.51062222

>should be able to provide
should be able to prove *

>> No.51062223
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ive always thought it would be cool to buy some land and build a little family village. separate little house for homeschooling

>> No.51062239

Kek sounds like they are WASP.
I need to creampie my wife everyday, ain't gonna book a hotel every day that defeats the purpose of sacing money.
Because sex is important to keep a relationship healthy. It's not a minor thing.
If I moved with my parents that would multiply the chances of that happening by 10 probably due to not being able to RAPE her and always having quite boring sex not to wake up the parents.

>> No.51062279

Agreed, you also can’t smoke weed in your parents house. Sex is important as well. Can’t believe some of the people in this thread that think living with their parents is something to be proud of.

>> No.51062287


>> No.51062291

It all depends on the quality of your parents. I'd rather be homeless than live at home with my mom.

>> No.51062313
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>> No.51062379

The actual cringe thing is the sheer number of 'tradfags' on 4chan constantly telling young men they need to go out and get married. Marriage is a retarded person's game, fuck off and stop trying to pretend it's 1952 you fucking faggot.

>> No.51062380

Youre a loser

>> No.51062381

No offence mate, it sounds like you should get a life. Daily sex is not an all important necessity, certainly not to the extent of gearing your existence around it.

>> No.51062454

>Daily sex is not an all important necessity

>> No.51062555

Thanks for the advice mate, hit me up in 10 years when your wife leaves you for tyrone. I know some good lawyers.

>> No.51062631

*gets a visit by three letter agency*

Oy vey goyim you wouldn't be a white nationalist would you?

>> No.51062754
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Tyrone here, thank you for saying that.

>> No.51062797

If you have good parents that don't milk you because of muh "you're saving on rent" and respect each other's space and privacy then it's quite comfy.

>> No.51062847

Im 34 and it's super comfy.
Ofc i wfh making 6figs browsing fourchin actually working about 15 hours a week.
>wake up
>smoke weed browse chin
>log into work
>dnd (lulz)
>smoke weed do dailies TBCC
>have food delivered
>join daily zoom meeting while snacking
>get off zoom to roll another one
>jerk it
>check AH for mass gains
>reply to emails while I smoke another one
>log off from work
>go to bar
>come home
>sleep happy

>> No.51062861
File: 79 KB, 640x426, 1DE03727-D54D-49C1-9062-F7C5A1FF7EE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a beautiful double garage with loft.

>> No.51062890

their lives are empty, crabs in a bucket, and repeating what others have done to them

>> No.51062926

no, people are waking up to the reality that family are not always good people with your best interests at heart. If anything the brainwashing is worshipping family at all costs,

>> No.51062990

Based. I love my parents and love spending time with them. It’s not cringy as long as you are helping them, working hard, and providing. I recently moved back in with my mom and insisted that my mom stop working as a forklift operator because I could provide for us both. I’m proud of it. I love her. She’s a great woman and gave me and my brother everything she could. Providing for my family and my future family(by building real wealth) is my goal. I love her and I love helping her. Loving those who love you is one of the best things in this world :) grats OP

>> No.51063022

No nigger this is white, American behavior. It’s not brainwashing. This is something unique to america. Love your family, help them grow, and you’ll realize what great people they can be. You’ve been psyoped into thinking family is trash, when really family and local community is everything

>> No.51063039

Been out of my parents for about 3~4 years. I worked remotely from my parents place for a week last charisma. It was nice because they did not bitching about random shit like they did before I moved out. And there was a home cooked dinner every night.

Everyone need to move out for 2 years then they can go back to their parents.

>> No.51063054

>having good relationship with your family means you’re a loser
This is your average white, American.

>> No.51063075

yes you need to live on your own to understand what you miss

>> No.51063095

>i'm living with mommy so i can build wealth for my pretend future family
ok loser

>> No.51063102

>Love your family, help them grow

I don't have to help anyone fucking grow and some people will laugh in your face and spit at you for thinking you're "helping them grow"

like who the fuck are you? (in that context)

>> No.51063119

retard he's saying parents are tolerable for a week after you've not been living with them for 2 years

>> No.51063122

>I love my parents and love spending time with them

do you understand that not everyone has this?

>> No.51063132

I don't see why it's looked down on, aside from cases where the kid is a lazy twat who contributes nothing.
After a 4 year stint in the air force, I lived and worked with my parents plus started my own business which I'd have never been able to afford otherwise. I kind of wanted to move out on my own and have 100% my own space, it just wasn't worth all the extra expense.
Once I got married, then I moved out. But I still wouldn't mind putting up a prefab house on the property so we have separate living spaces but share the farm site. I'd have the best of both worlds.

>> No.51063138

Based. I bet you also started doing more around the house and other things. In reality, parents have good reasons to be upset at their children when they’re growing up. We’re all fuck heads from 15-25 or whatever. Grow up and help out and try to understand your parents as people - not as parents. Listen and don’t judge. Be their friends. People don’t just bitch about random shit. Pretty much everyone has good intentions but their thinking is skewed around it. Find out why they bitch about random shit. What’s the core? And then have a discussion with them. I love my family

>> No.51063160

>Daily sex is not an all important necessity
This post is definitely from a sad lonely male incel. Women would never say something like this.

>> No.51063177

You're missing the fact that you will never know everything about your parents, nor should you. No child should.

But I'm happy that you have a good relationship with your parents, how ever you arrived at it. Its more uncommon than you realize, I think.

>> No.51063233

t. 20s kiddo
you will grow out of it kid

>> No.51063237

I am not a trad fag by no means but if someone is not in a relationship or at least dating in their 30s something is wrong with them. Who wants to be forever alone? It is human instinct to seek out companionship and love.
I don't smoke WEEDLMAO but agree

>> No.51063239

Kek I guess you also can’t walk and chew gum?
You’re their child and have spent decades around them. You know them just like they know you. Don’t be so judgmental and really
Put yourself in their shoes. Why do they think the way they do? Why do they act like that? Help them understand themselves. Unless you don’t care then who cares anyway. My mom used to be a bitch and was always screaming about random shit. But I was 18, being a knucklehead, and couldn’t step outside myself to see how much she was carrying. People aren’t evil or mean on purpose, they twist their thinking to justify it. Find out what they really want and help them achieve it. You need to put this in the context of your family, but just know that people will come around. Things will make sense and you can help your parents be truly happy which will bring joy and meaning to your life.

But we all can. Parents are people too and some have problems(just like we all do). Seek professional help, be honest and tell them how you feel(be intentionally vulnerable), people respond to that because they see you genuinely want to know them and understand them.

Your statement is so broad so it’s hard to respond to, but people truly do what they think is best. Why do they think being abusive is best? Why do they think nagging is best? Why do they think not listening is best?

We need to be wiser than our parents anon.

>> No.51063295

I won’t, but that’s okay. Does anyone ever know everything about anyone? My parents are people and I just want to understand them and their justifications. It took a long time to realize this and took lots of real world experience to understand the world my mom was living in. It’s a different world than I live in. But I was patient and understanding. It took years to build a good relationship but what’s the alternative? Doing nothing and hating her? That sound worse than trying to understand her.

>> No.51063310
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Your take is based and your logic is sound, thanks for explaining.

We do have to be wiser, at the same time being the bigger person is exhausting and doesn't always work out as we'd hope. Most children want to have a good relationship with their parents, and it shouldn't always be on them to build/maintain that.

but the important thing is wagmi :)

>> No.51063321

Yeah nothing wrong with making a genuine effort, lots do. But with immature/narcissistic parents, it often backfires. But again, I get where you're coming from.

>> No.51063352
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Mindbroken cucks

>> No.51063487

Who every said healing a person would be easy? Achieving real things in life is exhausting. Life is exhausting. But here we are experiencing it. Is it worth the effort? I don’t know, that’s a personal truth. For me it was, but before I got this far, it didn’t seem like it. Life is strange

WAGMI /biz/bro
You’re right. Lots of people do try and can’t get through to people. Don’t give up on your parents.

>> No.51063498

youre talking about anglos not europeans

>> No.51063543

its nice. but i think its better to live independently with your wife near you family and visit often.

>> No.51063619

some people don't want to be healed, especially not by someone they deem inferior to them, But yes, WAGMI.

Parents are people too, and sometimes you have to give up on people for the sake of your own mental health, but that is up to each individual to decide.

>> No.51063691

man, I'm home for a few months at 35 and it sucks complete ass
>parents old as fuck, take a ton of pills, complain about pain, can't not think about the inevitable
>small home that they don't clean, ever
>huge dog and cat that shed everywhere and which I'm allergic to
>parents don't know how to communicate and argue with each other all the time
>still forced to have a "nice" dinner with them almost every night, most of which time is spent watching my dad pick food out of his teeth

>> No.51064387

t.has never had narcissistic parents

>> No.51064424

my parents own 10 acres. ive thought about this, buying an acre and clear cutting it. only concern is the fact that it's in the middle of nowhere (be fucked if i lost my wfh job) and their internet/cell phone availability is dogshit. i might cope by buying a home "in town" like 5 miles away.

>> No.51064476

you fucking cattle, you think this shit will end? The new load of boosters is already lined up for autumn, this time they're "bivalent vaccines" meaning they'll work for omicron!!!! ugh you vaxxies make me so angry

>> No.51065166

I'm OP's age and I've never left in the first place. I'm also unironically a neet virgin at 33

>> No.51065222

cuz he's a selfish gambler. I live at my mom's too, to be clear, but his decisions seem suboptimal and likely driven by a selfish/reckless swing trading mindset.

>> No.51065391

best comments ITT

>> No.51065534

We live in a culture that assumes if you live with your parents you are socially incompetent loser incel. We live in such a culture because the Jewish social engineers want us to be weak rent slave and get weaker and more poor every generation instead of using what we can to our advantage

>> No.51065598

when you look back at wealthy families or rulers they usually live with a big trusted family at some land though

>> No.51065609
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>why is there such a stigma around it? Im 33 and it's comfy as fuck

Cus people fall for "muhhh im being an adult".

Literally let your parents take care of the dishes, all the bills, laundry, etc and put your money to work instead of giving it away lol. Its so easy.

You can afford more, pay less shitty landlords, and in my case im making so much money in the markets now. Its not even funny.

I will move out though (24 years old atm), working as a software dev and also I trade a lot. But I will move out first when I can afford a comfy house on the coast like picrel.

>> No.51065619

If you've already given up on ever getting laid or talking to a woman, sure lmao

>> No.51065644

Why don’t you ask them for down payment?

>> No.51065647
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>25 living with parents
>WFH as software engineer
>shitpost most of the working week
>pay my share of utilities and food
Yeah, I'm thinking it's comfy.

>> No.51065773

i think its fine as long as you dont end up as an asshole who doesnt help out at home and learn how to budget.
i cringe hard when i see friends who let their parents do everything like laundry, cooking, shopping, and cleaning.
they also tend to spend way more than people who rent or pay mortgage and thats not really sustainable when you eventually move out.

>> No.51065792

I only moved out again because I got married and want to have kids

>> No.51065823

>everyone gets along in the family

>> No.51065842

Sex is pretty important if you have proper hormones. Sounds low test. Take some maca root, boron, vitamin D (50,000 IU), vitamin K 150mcg, korean ginseng, and L-arginine to fix your shit, then get back to us about daily sex not being a necessity.

>> No.51066027

>parents want me to buy a house at the dawn of the housing crises


>> No.51067230
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based. I just sold my house for mega bucks and I'm currently living at the guest house at home and my mom won't even let me pay rent or utilities. I make 150k a year

I do plan on building a new house though

>> No.51068053

>he didn't obsess about how grossed out his mom would be about the sluts in highschool.

To be fair I think my mom was a highschool slut. It's sort of obvious and disappointing in hindsight.

>> No.51068121

if you want to build up some capital, there's no better way

>> No.51068606

My gf lives in my room with me at my moms house. Im a neet.. I need chaiblink to go up so I can buy a house.
This situation is normal in poor white trash and black communities. Nothing wrong with living at your moms with your baby momma.
This current time really sucks for 20-30 year olds. Boomers had it easy they could buy a house for 20k while working at the grocery store

>> No.51069133

If you think that waiting until the rona is gone you might as well just get yourself a vasectomy right now and at least enjoy cooming in your wife without using birth control from here on out.

>> No.51070704

exactly and you can even co-invest with your parents

>> No.51070772

I will move back into my parents after 6 years. I’m 30. I left in the first place because my father is hard to deal with. Our relationship got better over the time I’ve moved out. He respects me more now. But he was unsupportive and a bully since I was a little child which kind of left me emotionally crippled. He never worked on his anger issues and I’m don’t any of his bullshit these days. The smallest arguments tend to escalate really quickly. It might be a bad idea now that I tipped it out. But I basically told them already that it might not work out and that I will leave if it doesn’t. I will have my own apartment and will help my grandparents in the garden who also live in the house. My childhood and still only friends all life nearby. My parents will not ask or accept money from me but I will just buy stuff they cheap out on. I’ve been lucky so far and rented nice apartments in the city far below marketprice but I have to leave my current one and with the development of the energy prices in Germany and the housingmarket it would be stupid to not at least try to live my parents.

>> No.51070866

I moved back in at 33 when covid started, im 35 now.

I don't have any income so idk when I'll leave again. I used to travel for work but I deleted all my socials and my linkedin and now when I apply places that would have definitely put me through to an interview I get ghosted so I guess I'm retired.

My mom buys weed for both of us and I help out around the house by rolling joints for her, because she doesn't know how. It's more boring to be here than being in a city but I spend basically no money and my stress levels are low.

I miss sex, for sure. But I had a bunch of girlfriends over the years and as the 30s roll toward the 40s its just not as mission critical as it was at 25 you know.

>> No.51071437

The stigma stems from the fact you're supposed to become a slave to the banks and drown in debt

>> No.51071504

30yo here and I'm honestly considering this.
I already spend a week or two there every few months and my mom is sad every time I leave.

>> No.51071688

The generation before you already had a house and 3 kids, where will you be in 4-8 years?