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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51049875 No.51049875 [Reply] [Original]

>Car expenses down.
>More free time or time to work in a day ($)
>Healthy and homemade lunch instead of goyslop

Well, I'm a faggot it seems.

>> No.51049892

They Don't Think It Be Like It Is, But It Do

>> No.51049905

Regardless of what he said op, the Conclusion would have been the same

>> No.51049917

WFH sisters... Not like this...

>> No.51049923

this is like that onion episode where they say smoking is gay

>> No.51049939

When’s the next parade

>> No.51049940
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my wife and kids are going to be so disappointed.

>> No.51049950

>I'm gay for jacking off to straight porn all day instead of commuting to an office and listening to boomer roasties bullshit around me constantly
Oh no WFH bros we got too cocky

>> No.51049975

it actually makes sense
>working from home so no commute or walking around building so less active so lower testosterone
>not prioritising productivity so less ambitious means less of a provider and less of a winner.

working from home does usually make you less manly.

>> No.51049987

>straight porn
no such thing

>> No.51050016

>when blue collar workers think they have a say in the matter
hey sorry but your department's margins are down so you need to work mandatory overtime from here on out. I KNOW, I KNOW, UGHHHH SORRRRYYY it's just until Q1-23, Q2-23 at the LAAAAATEST. oh and we're cutting your 2.3% cost of living raise down to 1.7%, thanks, i knew you'd understand.

>> No.51050018
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>muh lunch
>muh car
Lmao. Imagine being noncompetitive in your sector and sitting in your cuckshed all day because the Chad suit and tie goes to work every single day and makes ten times more than you ever will and puts in zero real work hours.

>> No.51050019

>not prioritising productivity so less ambitious means less of a provider and less of a winner.

everybody gets paid on the same scale though, bar certain companies

>> No.51050047

imagine being dumb enough to compete for a raise and not just job hopping.

>> No.51050056
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>> No.51050063
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I wear a carrier with 14lbs of ballistic plates while I do pushups and take my kid on backpack hikes each day after we tend to the garden.

>try again

>> No.51050088

massive FAGGOT reporting in! I SUCK COCKS

>> No.51050145


God, why didn't I see it before?

>> No.51050165

>anecdotal cope

im sure not everyone working at mcdonalds is retarded but the majority are

>> No.51050174

you unironically write like one
you're also a software engineer, aren't you?

>> No.51050188

I said usually. Think about it. take all the working age men in their twenties and look at the ones which don't mind or prefer going in to work and compare it to the ones who felt really bad about wfh ending after lockdowns finished and made sure to choose jobs where they could work from home.

which group is going to be more manly on average?
the WFH group's average is going to be dragged down by all the neurotic basedboys who still wear masks when going outside and own cats and feel anxiety about leaving the house.
basically all the male leftoid bugmen will be in the wfh group

>> No.51050190

i'm glad you admit it, faggot.

>> No.51050199
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I feel like as a man if you kiss other men in movies you gay.

>> No.51050219

Of course, this comes directly from a Nigger. All niggers are just extremely homophobic and racist bigot right wingers larping as the left because cOmUnIsIsm= muh free shit.

Niggers are hardcore traditionalist right winged black supremacists.

>> No.51050245
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I'm pretty sure that there's so much faggot politics in the modern office environment that it lowers your T-levels.

>> No.51050258

>elaborate mental gymnastics to justify the fact that he pays OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET the costs of getting to work, on top of receiving $0.00/hour compensation for his time

>> No.51050316

Corpies mad because as long as i get my work done they cant say i am not working.
This, there are retards that have to commute 1 hour daily and get zero dollars from their job, effectively robbing them of their salary

>> No.51050340

this is what someone who works at KFC says

>> No.51050387
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as a man 90% of your potential in the workplace is gonna come from networking and just other men liking working with you and hanging around with you

You can't foster those connections through a zoom call. All men who go to the office, after work drinks, etc will be earning considerably more in 5 years than some random dude who's just a face in a square on a screen.

>> No.51050393

From my own experience people who want to work from home tend to have families.

>> No.51050396
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Im wfh and unironically gay. He figured me out

>> No.51050414

absolute cope

>> No.51050415


>> No.51050420

>as a man 90% of your potential in the workplace is gonna come from networking and just other men liking working with you and hanging around with you
Imagine actually thinking this now. All job hirings go to the same hirebot 9000 that only cares about key words and maybe the odd "How did you hear this job" questions. Unless you are looking for the 200k/yr jobs connections only get you in the door at 30k

>> No.51050435

The next thing they'll do is convince roasties that wfh is the devil and you'll see sluts put "NO WFH" in their tindr profiles next to their picture of their face from 5 years ago before they gained 300 pounds.

>your gf gets fat anyway
Posts like this are fucking gay stop simping for women there is no decent payoff anymore if there ever was.

>> No.51050446

Sounds like ultimate wagie cope this one, wfh/hybrid is comfy

>> No.51050489

I'm not going to be walking around my fucking office, you sit in your chair and stare at a screen. The difference is the lack of commute, so you have literally no difference other than you save 2 hrs a day to yourself. Also I can do a hone routine on lunch and train, gtfo

>> No.51050525
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>All job hirings go to the same hirebot 9000 that only cares about key words and maybe the odd "How did you hear this job" questions
funnily enough anon, if you get a job via connections, you don't actually have to go through HR at all...

>> No.51050553

>You don't have to go through HR at all
Anon....I'm sorry...but those kino jobs have been HR'ed to death. The best that connections will do is as i said that "How did you hear this job" question might have HR talk to the person for like 10 minutes. Unless your connection is the Boss/CEO then you are just another number

>> No.51050578

>he doesnt take pride in his work and enjoy the company of his coworkers
inb4 good goy
i enjoy being with and interacting with other humans

>> No.51050586

kek this. i work in corporate accounting/finance at an absolutely massive company. according to my boss, 15 years ago the referral bonus was a few thousand dollars minimum. today it's a $50 gift card to the company store, i'm not even memeing you.

>> No.51050691

some humans are more pleasant than others

>> No.51050707

its probably you

>> No.51050725
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>nigger-speaking facebook retard has a jew-sponsored opinion
more news at 11

>> No.51050742
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how do you do, fellow homosexuals?

>> No.51050793

some people get along with everyone, other people have self respect and won't befriend someone who acts indecently

>> No.51050814

>brown skin
opinion discarded

>> No.51050840

Just lift from home bro

>> No.51050871
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> Anon....I'm sorry...but those kino jobs have been HR'ed to death. The best that connections will do is as i said that "How did you hear this job" question might have HR talk to the person for like 10 minutes
Worked for my career.

>> No.51050904

working in the office and walking around buildings in the city lowers testosterone

>> No.51050914

Dude, my dream building that I would love to be able to buy would be a mixed use building with a storefront ground level and a appartment/home on top.
Or a warehouse with a comfy side loft to live in.

God what I wouldn't give for a mix use building of my own that I could run a business out of and live at the same time.
Shit would be so cash.

Oh, my mind is actually remembering my old childhood dream of owning a funcenter/small amusement park with a hidden home on site that I would live in.
That is legit what I would do if I ever became suddenly really rich and could throw a few mill at a crazy project.

Needless to say, I don't just want to work from home, I want work and home to be the same place.

>> No.51051415

He’s right. I’m a FAGMANNNNNNNN.

>> No.51051631

You either work with your hands or you don't. Where you do it doesn't matter.

>> No.51051790

How do I convince my boss that I'm going to become gay (Wfh)?

>> No.51052132
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>work from home
>apparently gay
>go to office for a change
>it's all men and fat black women

>> No.51052197

>t. Nigger

>> No.51052234

>you need to be in an office because... ummmm reasons OK!!
WFH faggots you realize they're going to start hiring Chinese people to do our jobs soon right?
If you're good at something then there's always a chinaman better who'll do it for cheaper.

>> No.51052300

I feel like if you use emojis you gay

>> No.51052497
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I like going to office and try to fuck foids there. Everyone thinks I am autistic because I am only programmer there and I am very weird so I get free pass to harass foids. They all think it's cute. So far I've only worked wfh, but now I'm only looking for jobs where there are a lot of foids to harass

>> No.51052550


>> No.51052587

Ummm I'm not gay I'm lesbian with feminine pp

>> No.51052605

>maybe if the niggers call it gay, they will listen !

>> No.51052619

Wait you don't bill your commute time?

I've been doing it for a year and nobody has said anything.

>> No.51052665

Can confirm I'm less than masculine and I want to work from home.

More masculine than the guys who tell me what to do at the office though.

>> No.51053211

Why were they freed from slavery if they're this eager to go back out to work the fields?

>> No.51053716

While everyone is sitting in traffic I'm at gym, come home and do everything I need to do for the day by 1PM, and I'm free to enjoy the rest of the day. Officefags can only cope

>> No.51053736

How do you work from home if you do construction, factory work, auto repair, military, truck driving, longshoreman, building trades or any other real job?

>> No.51053869

>How do you work from home if you do auto repair
I know a guy. You bring him your car to his house, he fixes it. Better prices than any auto shop.

>> No.51054210

>healty lunch

>> No.51054292

Tell me you have never been in the real world without telling me


>> No.51054316

If wfh is gay than call me Elton John i love this shit. Imagine wanting to spend an extra 2 hours a day prepping food/showering/getting dressed up/sitting in traffic FOR FREE.

>> No.51055658

Kinda based tbqh

>> No.51055690

Ehhh I workout more when I’m working from home. This makes no sense anyways.

>> No.51055715

they no speaky da engrish good

t. rejected a first generation chinese american a few weeks ago because her interpersonal communication skills were awful

>> No.51055716

such a slave mentality britcuck post

>> No.51055747

Ngl I like going to work because I live in a tiny apartment and my wife always makes me do annoying chores when I don’t look busy

Having an office away from home is peace. That and I also have a 2yr old at home.

I’d rather work in a coal mine than do womanly things around the home. It’s exhausting and gay. But I also have a 3 minute commute so that’s pretty cool

>> No.51055831

7am, time to clock in fags.
Sipping coffee while I watch wagies drive to work. Feels good to be a fag

>> No.51055852

It's FILM at 11 not NEWS at 11 retard

>> No.51055902

so what
Why should anyone care about retards calling other people faggot or loser or whatever just because they don't fit their little views on life and how they want things to be like psychopaths they are to make the world more like they want to and revolve around their little immature fantasies? Fuck bullies and those who say bullying is good to make the world "better" whatever that retardation means. Everyone does it, many are guilty. The leftoids do it, the rightoids do it, normalfags do it, autists do it, degenerates do it or people just do it just because. Capitalism living niggers do it which makes them commies which they hate. Fuck them shitstains.

>> No.51055914

>tiny apartment
>wife + kid

if you had a wfh job you could give your kid a non-poorfagged life. do you really want his childhood memories to be some ratfuck jew-owned apartment?

>> No.51055926

Mist black people associate their shitty dirty rental houses with prison.

>> No.51055936

mutts can't into job hopping, they are the perfect golem

>> No.51056115

It makes more sense like this:
If your job can be done from home, you don't have a real job, and you are a faggot

>> No.51056121

Words of pure envy

>> No.51056179

>No wife or children, never buy anything I don't need.
Take the chill-life pill frens.

>> No.51056230

Being anti-Work From Home is merely boomer seethe. The generation of "Fuck you, I have mine", cannot stand to see the younger members of the workforce negotiating advantages. It is not that they are negatively affected by it. It is they are not benefiting from it, so no one should be able to. WFH is far better.

> Work for the Bongistani govt, 3 days a week in the office
> Govt got fancy offices
> Whole team is spread across the UK
> Basically work remotely anyway
> We have to be in the offices, to justify spend on fancy offices that we don't need
> Busywork boomers justifying their jobs to senior boomers with red tape

In the office:

> Live out to avoid city prices and enrichment. Long commute.
> Office has sanitised, PC vibes, BBC-approved opinions, fake and forced "Company culture"
> Pride flag lanyards
> Emails about "Allyship training workshops"

At home:

> Wake up well rested every day
> Jump on Discord with various guys on Discord as they work. Edgy jokes, talk about hobbies as we work. No HR dept to look over our shoulder for
> Save 4 hours of communte a day and £££
> Eat same fish and pasta as I do in office, but if I have nothing in, I go to local family bakery, rather than chain supermarket. Cheaper and better quality.
> Literally using this job to upskill in coding, so I can hop to a fully WFH job
> Brother in law is on £150k, 100% WFH, moving back near family in the country with his fiancee
> I intend to follow same path
> No cities, no pretending to care about coworkers, just fresh air, woods and farms

Really, which is the chad path? LARPing as Patrick Bateman whilst burning your time, money, and will to live so some useless manager can feel important, or designing your own day, and living a healthier life around people who chose to care about?

>> No.51056824

holy based.

>> No.51056899
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>> No.51056914

damn, someone's jealous & black

>> No.51056942
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At least I'm not a nigger

>> No.51057016

This, get fucked commuters

>> No.51057086

How do i work from home please teach me your secrets

>> No.51057119

I lift an hour and a half in my home gym whole WFH.


>> No.51057120
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for years i used to work in nyc and had to commute an hour and a half every morning and then back to my shitty apartment every night. Now I live in Florida and wfh. Everything is so much better now it's not even comparable. If working from home makes me gay then fuck it I'm gay and happy as hell

>> No.51057865
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You just know they hate seeing us WFH.

>> No.51057869

This is LARP

>> No.51058069
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>> No.51058111

Niggers don't work so who cares what they think?

>> No.51058197

The sooner you realize humanity will willingly enslave itself regardless of circumstances the better.

>> No.51058223
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>working multiple jobs at home
>literally all I do is write a few emails and I make more money than a brain surgeon sitting around all day
>twitter niggers who think making $25 an hour stay coping and seething

it's that easy guys

>> No.51058262
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Until the pandemic, WFH was reserved only for the most elite, tenured professionals who had put 10+ years in the wagie cube at the same company and regularly worked their ass off.

That should tell you all you need to know.

>save money on food, fuel, vehicle depreciation
>better sleep
>comfortable clothes
>no annoying coworkers
>dont have to sign birthday cards
>no face to face meetings with boss or PL's
>infinitely better diet
>home gym
>workout on company time from 4pm to 5pm
>extended weekends out of town/visiting family since I can work anywhere in the world
>spend 6 hrs a day researching/investing/taking profit
>no web filtered websites
>can listen to music without headphones

I really can keep going on. I don't live my life interacting with other people to find nuanced ways to dominate them in conversation so as to feel "alpha". I have everything I need and want for right now, and live my life for myself. Have fun in the rat race.

>> No.51058641


>> No.51058784

I feel like if you cant figure out how to make money on your own working from your house then you a dumb nigger.

>> No.51058972

keith smith the hard working goy that shames other men for his big nosed boss

>> No.51058994

t. lgbtqpedo recruiter

>> No.51059069

i'm so fucking glad i graduated college around the time the pandemic hit because everyone is seeing the light of remote work and i get to benefit from it
cheers everyone

>> No.51059119

It's called hentia and it's art.

>> No.51059162

Manly man here.
I'd rather get paid to sit at home all day than work for a bunk paycheck.
Kill yourself.

>> No.51059189

>I feel like

fag opinion is irrelevant

>> No.51059193

>Caring about women.

>> No.51059247

oi why does the uk pay so low for engineering work? 35-40k GBP
id like to go to london but fuck how can ppl live on this ?

>> No.51059599

We are never coming back to your shitty offices.

The only reason why people want us back is so that they can justify the corporate real estate.

The future is now. Adapt or lose your people and bitch how “nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk” while your companies burn to the ground.

It’s been a long time coming anyway.

>> No.51059751

CEO’s forgot that it is the worker that makes the money. Not them. THEY can be replaced without much issue.

Look around and tell me how well replacing US has gone over the last couple of years.

The Neo-Aristocrat class created inflation by getting PPP Loans and firing their people anyway thinking no one would remember that.

They then gentrified the neighborhoods and drove all of the workers out of their own fucking homes.

So we adapted, and WFH is the result.

Get used to it. This is what you wanted.

>> No.51059784

If this niggy could sell weed remotely he would.

>> No.51059874

Dumbest post ever, you can exercise at home on your own terms with more time to do so. Also trad fag you probably don't realize that most people worked from home on what was called a farm.

>> No.51060285

Exactly. I’ve been WFH long before the pandemic and literally climb mountains to stay in shape. I’m the most fit of ALL my co-workers and I spend way less than they do. My friends in construction can’t out lift me either, and it’s just from me tossing boulders from trails like a fucking man. No gym required.

Only the weak NEED a wage cage to be responsible and take care of themselves.

>> No.51060347

I'm inclined to agree with the nog on this one. Just sitting in your cuck box working, eating and then sleeping is pretty lame.

>> No.51060484

nigger is jealous because he cant work at walmart stocking shelves at home

>> No.51060653
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Correct but I wear a mask in the office.

>> No.51060671

>youre gay for watching a mans penis and jacking off to it instead of going to an office and rawdogging boomer roasties who fawn over you constantly.

Yeah, you did get too cocky faggot

>> No.51060682

Is this yogurt fucked up?

>> No.51060724

Anon, last time a jeet did this in my workplace he almost got title IX by a single mom. Dont take your chances

>> No.51061155

>Guy named Keith
>Calling others gay

>> No.51062690


Depends where you live. I am on a starting salary of £33k a year, which would be £50-55k in London

London is a fucking dystopia, and COVID, in a way, was a blessing, as anyone who is not a psychopath has avoided it like the plague (I assume ID has changed, but I was at work when I made my post you replied to)

>> No.51062707


Also, depends on the engineering work. Go offshore, or do something specialised for the higher brackets, I would assume.

Not an engineer myself

>> No.51062795


See my post of


This is exactly the case, even at govt level.

> Clearly overdesigned new offices
> If people are not in, they cannot justify the big spends, and whoever commissioned them will get rap for it
> So thousands of hours, and tens of thousands of £££ are lost every working day, by civil servants who are turning up to offices to have Teams meetings with colleagues at the other end of the country
> All so a small cliche of boomers still seem useful

>> No.51062820

no you dont

>> No.51063431
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>"I feel" instead of "I think"
>has the audacity to call other men gay

>> No.51063468

the reason why WFH should be banned is because it allows companies to hire from all over the world. you end up competing on a global scale much more so than if you have to go into the office. END WORK FROM HOME TO PROTECT AMERICANS

>> No.51063527

I don’t always leave my basement, but when I do it’s for social engineering

>> No.51063545

Am I the only one who likes going to the office, at least for a few days a week?
>Literally my only in-person interaction with people
>I commute on my motorbike, which I really like
>I exercise at the work gym
>I was sacked from my last job because of a combination of the vax and WFH (they were mandating WFO and said unvaxxed weren't allowed in the office), so I'm thankful to have it
>Being in the office means I'm much more visible to management, and therefore more likely to be promoted
The downside is just the early start and having to eat sandwiches for lunch instead of baked beans or eggs. But when I was working from home for the last two years I honestly found it quite depressing, never leaving the house or having any real social interaction. I turned down a fully remote job for this one, because I knew that being the only remote worker in an otherwise single-office team would hurt my career prospects when people forgot about me.

>> No.51063591

That's even more gay. Nothing to brag about faggot