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51045526 No.51045526 [Reply] [Original]

What does it take to make a gym profitable and attract clients from chain gyms?

>> No.51045567

>me buying d0b0 against all the jannie and pajeet fudders

>> No.51045902

My gym is twice as expensive as the basic fit in the same block even though it has nothing special to offer
But the increased price causes all the white people go to my gym and all the muslims go to the basic fit
It's a profitable arragement I presume

>> No.51046184

Bodybuilders are so fucking gay lmfao.
Like women - cant fight, just jack themselves off in the mirror.

>> No.51046267

Idk I feel at this point you have to be different! Planet fitness was aimed towards complete beginners and they did good, find your demographic.
I look forward to hopefully one day a VR gym that’d be cool af

>> No.51046295

Why tf don't you just buy your own equipment?

>> No.51046301

allow customers to train with their shirt off

>> No.51046323


>> No.51046357

>literally gay ID
Oh no no no no no

>> No.51046373

Giga kek

>> No.51046402

God damn it

>> No.51046425

Ayy I successfully changed my ID. Fuck you, nigger! Body builders are real men.
This ID is still ass though

>> No.51046437


>> No.51046489

Fr fr body building paired with bjj is over kill

>> No.51046570
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You want to try to say that to this guys face?

>> No.51046571

BB is just vanity.
MMA/boxers are jacked but not in the same manner where they just focus on thr shape and size of one muscle.
Its literally a sport for female minded men and kids that are too gullible.

>> No.51046582


>> No.51046586
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I bet you love MMA

>> No.51046632

Well its a lot more useful than having a perfect v taper but being entirely useless in the world.

>> No.51046669

>BB is just vanity.
What ISN'T vanity, retard? Subjective as FUCK
>MMA/boxers are jacked but not in the same manner where they just focus on thr shape and size of one muscle.
No reason you can't be both, pussy

>> No.51046681

>BB is just vanity
... it's a sport, the fuck you on about?

>> No.51046684
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Not everything in life has to do be done for practical purposes. Some people just want to work towards the absolute peak of human physique, with or without roids

>> No.51046706

>what isnt vanity
Things you can actually apply in real life in bad situations, and not only on mirror selfies.

>> No.51046760

>t.skinny faggot that thinks they can take on a body builder

>> No.51046771

Yes we get that, but its inherently a vain and feminine as fuck sport/hobby.
Bodybuilding is like a 10 inch dick that can't get hard.

>> No.51046799

Literally anyone trained in combat will murder a bodybuilder given moderately close weight class. One is trained to fight the other is trained to pick up weights in a controlled manner and taking photos in the mirror.

>> No.51046818

Achieving your goals and not boasting/lording it over others. Not seeking to tear down others who are pursuing their own goals. So >>51046571
Is clearly a vain person, even though he is on the losing end.

>> No.51046830

>Literally anyone trained in combat will murder a bodybuilder given moderately close weight class.
Because a body builder can't receive combat training too, huh? LMFAO

>> No.51046856

>7 posts in a thread with 27 replies
Did a bodybuilder fuck your girlfriend or something? Why are you so obsessed with them?

>> No.51046865

Then he isn't just a bodybuilder then, is he? Logic failure bzzz.

>> No.51046885

Clearly an insecure person.

>> No.51046911

No one is stopping you or anyone else from doing what u love, but we can call it what it is - vain, homosexual hobby.

>> No.51046926

found the fat slob

>> No.51046933

The two aren't mutually exclusive, retard. And no, even an untrained one isn't getting his ass kicked by some random normie. That's deusional as fuck

>> No.51046938

for as much roids as those bodybuilders are on I respect how chill they are about that guy intentionally being a dick for internet memes

>> No.51046939

Yeah the guy who fucked your girlfriend was a vain homo, we get it

>> No.51046986

See this is why I'm here making fun of you. Your world view is like a child that has never seen the world. Durr big buldging muscle can beat trained people specifically for combat. Naw dawg. You're good at what you do, not what you look like.

>> No.51047041

How do you make money from men, this is a hard question because most men can live with almost nothing... but all men seek their place in the divine comedy
just make it roman themes with traditional roman bathhouses and clubs and classes and shit for making adult friends because men are awful at making friends.

>> No.51047045
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>See this is why I'm here making fun of you.
Pussy weakling is "making fun" of me. Lol. Just admit it. A body builder cucked you.
>Your world view is like a child that has never seen the world.
Reddit tier argument
>Durr big buldging muscle can beat trained people specifically for combat.
>Naw dawg.
Yes, skinny fuck. You would get new assholes drilled into you. I'm willing to bet money you've never even been in a fight before yet want to act like some main character from an anime, kek
>You're good at what you do, not what you look like.
Not. Mutually. Exclusive. Retard. And an untrained one would make you their bitch. Keep coping though

>> No.51047131

I benched 385 at 22 years of age @ 6'0 190lbs. Then I watched giga nigger 240lb+ bodybuilders getting dropped by basic guys at the gym trained for combat. So after that I figured that its kind of useless to do controlled movements for the appearance of a single muscle. When mma/boxers weight train they do it in an entirely different manner. You're basically just dumb and have no idea what you're talking about lmao

>> No.51047168
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>Then I watched giga nigger 240lb+ bodybuilders getting dropped by basic guys at the gym trained for combat.
>needs to lie to backup their argument
You pathetic little bitch.

>> No.51047314

location and cost per month

theres like 3 gyms in my town, planet fitness is packed all fucking day because its cheap

but you know anything is profitable if you plan it out so what you should be asking yourself is what kind of gym do i want to make so are you trying to own a curves or ronnie colemans gym?

>> No.51047478

you either go low or high. since you're asking on biz, i'm assuming you want to go low. don't have any machines just racks, dumbells and weird calisthenics crap. put up american flags and military shit and play an early 90's rock soundtrack. find somebody who sells steroids and maybe coke and give him a free membership (key). advertise on radio stations that play the 90's rock crap and country music, and sponsor redneck staples like county fairs and monster truck rallies. you're aiming for white dudes with sub 100 iq and you're selling an image and an atmosphere. make sure the place smells strongly of rust and leather. good luck anon.

>> No.51047520

Dude getting up at 0:27 had a chance to pick up the potted plant and end that dude's vertebrae
Missed opportunity

>> No.51047533

Idk, ask that jacked arab guy that lies about being worth $100 million on jewtube

>> No.51047571

forgot the coup de grace: a vending machine that sells energy drinks cheap to members only. and maybe locate yourself next to a gamestop or an auto parts store.

>> No.51047683

look to the past glory days, Gold's Gym and other ones. The gym I went to in my twenties was rough, tough and had various champion body builders train. I think nowadays there's tons of men who are fed up with all the women distracting and all the posers they attract. Get some tough guys in and they will come. Honestly I don't know how you keep negros out or if that is bothersome to you, but first and foremost focus on guys that absolutely want to be champion body builders for the right reasons. And note that a lot of us don't like to be around negro stink which is tenfold in a gym.
Be expert in your field, put a banner up at a local body building competition, offer the winner to train for free for a year.

>> No.51047711

>What does it take to make a gym profitable and attract clients from chain gyms?
Marketing and keeping the place in a good state of order.
So clean, equipment is kept well maintained and nice. Staff are attentive and welcoming.

On the marketing side, I don't have actionable advice as I am still learning and don't want to give wrong information due to only having a little bit of knowledge.

>> No.51047793

>muh useless muscles
>muh mma

Every fucking time. A single picture of muscular men triggers relentless cope in the incel.

OP your question is a good one and the answer is that the vast majority of gyms don't generate much profit. The only successful chains go after either low or high hanging fruit. Planet Fitness is trash, games their contracts, has shit equipment but its purple so cool, and markets itself to fat weaklings (ie 70% of the USA, a large population for sure). See their pizza days, Lunk Alarm, and bagel day things plus all sorts of little specials and deals to try to hook impulse-buy gym memberships from fatties who hopefully never go and forget to cancel their membership or, even better, get suckered into a 1-year contract. Most of PF, or any normie gym, is machines and cardio stuff like cycle and treadmills. While useful tools at times, they are excellent distractions and time-wasters for fatties who just peddle or fiddle away at machines aimlessly.

Alternatively there are many gyms that market themselves to a more serious clientele. They have cool and exciting or manly logos, fill their spaces with squat racks, and their walls with specialty equipment that doesn't really do much for 90% of people (bands, chains, logs, atlas stones--shit is for actual strongman or competitive lifters). Maybe they are sponsors for actual athletes or powerlifting or bodybuilding guys. They're obviously superior for people trying to get strong, and usually invest in useful conditioning gear--I like them. These places usually struggle unless they're in excellent locations with high populations or no competition.

Crossfit gyms are a brand thing. They market themselves to normies with illusions of "functional" athleticism. They are usually highly socialized and operate around group classes which are mostly women of various ages. Women prefer social exercise.


>> No.51047809

look up gold's gym Reseda 1986 on yt. Guaranteed success, especially now with all the scheming chains full of shit.

>> No.51048002

There are fancy designer gyms that are basically luxury spas with some exercise shit in there. Personal trainers present for 1:1 training. Usually you do this if you're rich af and are just looking to fit in and socialize with wealthy peers and make connections.

Common ingredients to gym success
>clean and neat
>adequate equipment to attract your desired clientele
>location in a good spot (#1 thing)
>24/7 access
>staff on-premesis to stand around and look good
>merchandise on-site to buy
>food/nutrition on site, ex: smoothie bar for protein shakes + fruit (I'm a fucjing suckered for this I'll happily pay $8 for a banana protein smoothie like a lemming idc)
>personal trainers on-site for private or group coaching

The personal training element is a major money maker. Most owners I talk to say this is where most of their profit comes from. You can charge some fat boomer or desperate post-wall Karen $100 for an hour. Maybe a nearby school sends their lacrosse or spelling bee team to you and you do the whole group for $500 in 1 hr. Stack those back to back and you're set. You pay the PT--that's the only expense.

Most memberships at middling/average gyms are like $30-60/month for a person. 100 people is a LOT for a standard small gym and that only gets you 6000/month.

Plus side is only expenses are leasing the space. There's your staff, but a card or code-entry system plus cameras would mean you can honestly just have someone (or you) clean/check on shit/tidy up once or twice a day. Still this mostly a labor of love or pure hobby for most owners as profit is limited for most unless you really corporatize the thing and make it gay.

>t autistic /fit/izen of 13 years who'll open a little gym for shits and giggles one day

>> No.51048380

Based and informative posts

>> No.51049511

Not really. Bodybuilding is about aesthetics by definition. So finding another physical discipline to practice for other benefits besides looks makes a lot of sense.
T. Power lifting Sambo practitioner.

>> No.51049546

And you've trained in nothing, so both would make you into a greasy onahole.

>> No.51049573

Did they dieded

>> No.51049649

you should lift

>> No.51049657

they invested into chainlink and eth. so yes.

>> No.51049697

/fit/ full of dyels today. Is it New Years or something?

>> No.51049800

The gym I go to is a cinderblock shit shed that's actually cheaper than LA Fitness or the like. Specialty equipment is what brings people in. There's a bunch of bars and specialty powerlifting equipment that big box gyms don't bother investing in.

>> No.51049845

Do you really think a gym is profitable? What a manlet.

>> No.51049868
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>You want to try to say that to this guys face?
Yeah abusing hard narcotics while drunk and beating up short, scrawny manlets sure is scary, anon.
I used to fight buff gym rats, they cannot fight, they cannot take a right hook or a haymaker.
Stop posting, retard.

>> No.51049883

>Bodybuilding is like a 10 inch dick that can't get hard.
Protip, all large penises cannot get "hard".

>> No.51051582

i do now

>> No.51052309
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greatly informative, cheers fellow /fit/izen

>> No.51052320

you may laugh, but this is actually /biz/

>> No.51052796


>> No.51052899

This advertisement for CRO really makes me rethink my investment.

>> No.51053031

Those dudes didn't even try to fight him, they were trying to defuse the situation. Only the first dude punched back, and it was almost a double ko.

Doesn't say much about any of their fighting abilities, just that aggression wins fights.

>> No.51053827

The guy going stiff at 0:43 lmao

Never worth it to get involved in this type of shit. Avoid confrontation at all costs