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File: 63 KB, 744x612, devbros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51040716 No.51040716 [Reply] [Original]

..its over

it wasn't a meme to get paid 250k and work 1-2 hours per day


Maybe we even caused the recession?

>> No.51040807

I work 10 hours a day and my wage works out pre-tax at $11 an hour.

Is 30 too late to completely change careers and code?

>> No.51041268

kek youre relly not supposed to code that long. You draft on the whiteboard on plan shit. Also, unironically, 99% of the coding job was learned when you were 12 - 20 not getting laid grinding algorithms and syntax questions till 3am in highschool while chad played football, had sex and is now works at home depot has to suffer.
Not sure why theres so much lack of understanding as to why developers make so much money.

Also, the reach of software is x1000 that of any other industry. People don't realize, software is deployed to literally billions of people. If every one of them paid even 50 cents for your service. your a millionaire. Quit whining.... Also you dont need to code now in days. You can make tik tok videos, youtube,etc (along with create services for these people) and reach the same audience.

As much as moonman is a meme on here, his book soveirgn indivudial is an essential read to understand why software devs are genuinely not overpaid

>> No.51041410

tech "industry" is 100% connections, no dev gets hired based on their ability.

>> No.51041458


It’s software engineering not “coding”. Most of the engineering part isn’t hands on keyboard

>> No.51041535

Huh. I just asked for 1000 a day. Feels fine. Fuck you all.

>> No.51041635

total bullshit lol

>> No.51041824

>total bullshit
Why do you say that?
The claim that
>tech "industry" is 100% connections
from >>51041410
is exaggerated, but it's true that many devs get hired not on ability but rather something like affirmative action or lying.

Many contractors in the dev industry have fake resumes and only slow you down; many developers are mediocre who are very limited in what they know, what they are willing to learn, and what they are capable of; and most dev organizations in my opinion are carried by a few aces, with the rest contributing vastly less. Worse, the aces typically don't get paid a ton more than their vastly inferior counterparts, outside of big tech companies. So then that results in top devs checking out and doing the bare minimum.

>> No.51041861

Fuck boys they found us out!

>> No.51041955

2 hours daily of updating jira tickets, stand ups on jira tickets with team, daily team meetings on additional documentation beyond jira tickets. Add in another 4 hours of bullshit meetings and a lunch break and there you go, that's just about the whole day.

>> No.51042222

If you're 30, earning min-wage, and just now learning to code you'll probably never be good at it. Luckily, you can probably find a job anyway

>> No.51042280

No. I switched to IT at 30. Working on moving from IT sysadmin to DevOps stuff. The easiest way for you to break into tech would be to learn python and Linux and AWS.

>> No.51042294

>50 minutes coding
>120 minutes useless meetings
>60 minutes staring at wall trying to think of how to best solve problem
>180 minutes in confused back-and-forth over email or slack over exactly how your piece interacts with the other piece someone else owns
It's not strenuous work but it's still work and there are many many more idiots who would fuck it all up than there are people who can do it reasonably well.

>> No.51042306

Eh, he may never be a swe but with a little time and extra effort, he can become a sysadmin/network admin and work his way up to engineer within a few years. Probably DevOps if he really gets into scripting.

>> No.51042378

>reading code
>browsing documentation
Oh no, coders should know full code in their head and not spend their time on reading documentation or code

>> No.51042394

Read Automate The Boring Stuff with Python for a really useful and practical guide to python. Then pick up The Linux Command Line to learn the basics of Linux. And set up an AWS account and follow any of the tutorials on line on his go use AWS. Start off at help desk, work your way up, and in 3 years you'll be making well over 6 figures

>> No.51042401
File: 109 KB, 353x213, 1621485655866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really don't know, do you?

It's meetings, meetings, begging the other team to finish their shit so I can meet my own deadlines, and more meetings to figure out why other team's API is shitting out malformed data. After that, you meet with your boss and shit your pants because the requirements changed and now you have to coordinate with the other teams all over again from scratch.

So yeah, less than 1 hr of coding per day.

>> No.51042413
File: 166 KB, 1200x1200, raff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine gatekeeping a software "engineering" job.

>> No.51042446

how high level is devops really?

i can make some shit i guess.. but i lack the language you learn with time in the networks..

like its not reading the matrix is it? its just parsing and running debugs more or less?

what would be something impressive to you personally regarding CV projects?

the interview questions i feel like im hit and miss on

>> No.51042479

Anon, there's a reason why so many people drop out of comp sci degrees and why many who do end up graduating end up doing shit like business analyst or DevOps. Software engineering is hard. I wish him and anyone else all the best, but starting after 30 is hard. If he wants to go full swe good luck, but no shame in playing to your strengths.

>> No.51042591

The quality of connections you maintain is based on your own skill and ability.
If you are a dogshit copy/paste no cirtical thinking codenigger, nobody will care to keep up with you.

>> No.51042747

if you become a tranny on top of coding, your pretty much guaranteed to get a job and they can never lay you off, without backlash