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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51038773 No.51038773 [Reply] [Original]

keep the envy to a minimum, instead use it as motivation

>> No.51038833
File: 127 KB, 1024x680, project-manager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> project manager
> business analyst
> tester
> scrum master
> product owner
do nothing, understand nothing, browse and online shop all day, come to work for a fashion show. women in tech

>> No.51038854

Would bang ngl

>> No.51038858

she must give really good head

>> No.51038860
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No wonder tech companies are first to lay off their employees and first to dump their stock.
Their lowly job can be done from home, insane.

>> No.51038885

>t. seething code monkey
meanwhile QA chads make 10% less and do 90% less work

>> No.51038888
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>cool perks working at tech company (as female)

>> No.51038892

nah a good project manager and a good product owner can make a world of difference. Much easier to get a good product out with less friction if you have people in charge of figuring out from the client exactly WHAT they need and WHEN they need it, having to wrangle that from them yourself as a software developer used to be hell

>> No.51038930

I would put my hands on her big ass somewhere and thrust her

>> No.51038933

She has 1 bachelor's in computer science and 2 masters in management and something else i forgot, she's 100 times more qualified and competent than random incels

>> No.51038963

>She has 1 bachelor's in computer science and 2 masters in management and something else i forgot
then she's 100 times more qualified to suck cock

>> No.51038970

>defending/justifying random whore and putting her above your brothers
You have no saving.

>> No.51038973

unironically how can i get a comfy job like this but remote?

>> No.51038984

Wtf I work at IBM.
The most I have at the office is free water and toilet paper.

>> No.51038995

good luck, possible but will take effort finding it. majority of boomer employers still seethe at the idea of remote work

>> No.51039014

Business analyst here. Make as much as code monkeys, do 2 hours a day on each jobs, work two jobs. Seethe.

>> No.51039025

but you get a year of unquestioned personal time.. and they didnt even used to check if you guys came back..

>> No.51039035
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>2 masters

>> No.51039045

I dont want my salary garnished to pay for whores to get sweets. Luckily I live and work somewhere sane.

>> No.51039181

>18 replies
>no posts with any career goals/inspiration
good thread

>> No.51039184

>t. dev doing the work of 2 while still getting the salary of only 1
Define being a dumbass.

>> No.51039225

You derailed your own thread.
But my ambition is really to be free from those constraints. A golden prison is still a prison.

>> No.51039239

we need a massive economic crash

>> No.51039265

>a child gets excited over some free stuff and candies

>> No.51039284

>brags about making money
>doesn’t explain what he’s doing
these jobs are daycare for cunts and npcs funded with printed money everyone pays for

>> No.51039292


>> No.51039309

>she has toilet paper that says thanks for taking loans with jew Inc.