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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51038405 No.51038405 [Reply] [Original]

I have money but no gf, do women even care about money these days?

>> No.51038630

they do, but there's so many betas like you they get their pick
a good looking woman with half a brain can extract 6-7 figures over a few years without ever having to fuck

>> No.51038664

Those are both men

>> No.51038667

Yes but keep in mind young women now make more money than young men in the developed world due to an endless amount of middle aged simp men and young men also killing themselves slowly/disenfranchisement

so you need either a lot of money, a poor woman, or a woman that doesn't want to work (only if you want kids)

>> No.51038684

i would think it would be simple enough to go to any cashier and rescue her from her job if you have the money.

>> No.51038695

That is why I will simply rape and murder them before dismembering their body and disposing of the body parts in heavily wooded areas in multiple states.

>> No.51038769


>> No.51039098
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>> No.51039211
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>> No.51039319
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if they don't care, it just means you're not actually wealthy

>> No.51039486
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I love women.

>> No.51039517
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thats a man

>> No.51039535



>> No.51039553
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>cant identify a biological female

>> No.51040042

What makes girls do this

>> No.51040111

>when your gf is larger than you
>oh no no no...

>> No.51040125


>> No.51040177

Fuck my life

>> No.51040373

Women get horny too anon, or for money

>> No.51040484

Having a cameraman filming her so she can put it on her onlyfans page

>> No.51040512

She's a jav pornstar you retards. There is an entire genre of porn with jav stars spreading legs and acting slutty on trains.

>> No.51040572

It's called improving your bloodline

>> No.51040658
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>I have money but no gf, do women even care about money these days?
Yes but you need to flaunt your wealth, make yourself noticeable. Don't listen to women on social media telling you they hate guys who try to show off with their good cars or whatever.
Create a tinder profile and make sure to include a photo where you're standing next to a tesla or something (normie women think tesla = rich), and I guarantee that you'll get more attention than some ripped chad. Add that you love to travel too. Bitches love travelling (especially when it's the man covering all the expenses)

>> No.51040974

I'm trying to make a lot of money, but I'll probably just stay a shut-in because I'm too bitter from life.

>> No.51041388

he looks thrilled

>> No.51041451

Thats the typical cuckold and cash provider

>> No.51041567

Definitely the wrong approach. Larp as a wagecuck and just wander around places until you find a girl who takes an interest in you.

>> No.51041687

Why do asian girls date down so hard when it comes to white guys?

>> No.51041711

Why does he look 19 and 40 years old at the same time lol

>> No.51041768

very common phenotype amongst financebros
i noticed the pattern but i don't have an answer. this is one of the few times "it's the joos" doesn't fit, as we're talking about anglo types

>> No.51042529

do you know how much more valuable a passing tranny with a big cock is compared to the average gold diggering thot? dude must be a billionair

>> No.51042557


They are status and money obsessed and equate them with both

>> No.51042647

what's her name?

>> No.51042656

If you pay taxes you're already a beta provider.

>> No.51044509

Not in rich countries why would they?

>> No.51044524

for once i think you got it right

>> No.51045427
File: 159 KB, 1170x505, A2F0A60C-41E1-4387-9A8F-D991E0358181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did she mean by this