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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51023479 No.51023479 [Reply] [Original]

>nothing but LINK fud threads. >50% of catalog.
Looks like we’re home. Full bear market and long passed the bottom.

>link goes parabolic, nothing but link threads
>link crabs, nothing but link fud
>link pumps, nothing but fud threads
>link is 3 years old, nothing but link fud
>link is 4 years old and underperformed for a year, nothing but link fud threads
>link is dumping, nothing but fud threads
>link is pumping, nothing but link fud threads
>nobody cares about link outside of biz anymore due to average/bad performance for over a year, nothing but link fud threads

>> No.51023498

Only a week? I left for a year, came back it literally the same thread of bread crumbs and the demoralised post with a gun to his head holding a link cube

>> No.51023513

Yea i'm sure it's just paid fud right, it has nothing to do with being down 90% vs ETH and no sign of staking/ccip right? Maybe it's the Big Mac contest? Or are you one of those people that thinks this is bullish?

>> No.51023530

Wait but didnt you hear?? This is Amazon brooooo. Because Amazons price went down too, which makes them the exact same. So only 8 more years

>> No.51023538

Yeah sure bro, been seeing the exact same bullshit fucking breadcrumbs and hopium for 2 FUCKING YEARS while this shitcoin has done nothing but crabbed and dumped while all other alts skyrocketed.
LINK fucking failed and has been a horrible, horrible investment.
5 years in crypto is a fucking eternity and alts only ever get one cycle to pump.

>> No.51023555

Exactly this is just like Amazon. Amazon selling books is the same as link price feeds bro. Deco right around the corner. If you don't like it, just sell ! Honestly I'm scared for the safety of the attendees at Smartcon at this point lmao. People paid 4 figures to be able to sit down with the man that has destroyed your portfolio

>> No.51023557


Kek you faggots just cant keep away and prove the point every single time.
Thats why i realised most the fud is not paid anymore its angry salty crying losers who cant handle investing.
Paid fudders would have the smarts to avoid posting in threads like this proving they exist but whiny bagholders dont have the same limitations.

You’re just a pussy who cant sell but instead spends his days bitching about being a bagholder instead. What a cuck.

>> No.51023561
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I think I’m not the only one on here that realizes that the Chainlink discussions here aren’t organic at all.

A complex mix of unpaid fudders and mentally ill schizos post memes and start conversation. Real anons browsing /biz/ think these convos are real and start making convos themselves. Then when things die down, the fudders and schizos start again to deter future potential bagholders from acquiring Link.

>> No.51023597
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I sold.
I could have bought any other coin shilled on /biz/ during the 2021 bullrun (MATIC, FTM, BNB, RUBIC, AVAX, QUANT etc) and I would have made it.
Instead I fell for this utter shitcoin and missed out on the bullrun.
Could have had my own house by now, instead I'm still waging and paying rent.
You can be damn fucking sure I will shit up all chainshit threads and ruin any scamlink discussion on /biz/ until you fucking shills fuck off back to twitter and stop peddling this scum here.
Die die die, die you fucking chainshit scum

>> No.51023611


I’ve been holding since Jan 2018, and at this point i hate link holders myself. At least most of them. They are the biggest whiny babies on the entire internet. However they arent just insufferable whiny babies who bitch like an angry girlfriend non stop all day every day, they also pathetically feel sorry for themselves for some reason, lash out as if they are owed something, and to top it off wont even fucking sell and take any action. Completely whiney spineless cucks who just want to bitch and feel sorry for themselves online all day.

I strongly believe in LINK and am confident and still accumulating however i can no longer stand the “community”.

>> No.51023614

Had u went all in eth instead of link during ico, u would be able to buy a house even now

>> No.51023621


Its a good sign newfags are finally selling stacks. Thanks for the update. You were always the low hanging fruit people were looking to make capitulate

>> No.51023642

>once the non-believers sell then sirgay will finally pump our bags

Kill yourself you fucking cultist

>> No.51023649


>> No.51023652

Lmao. It does get ridiculous at this point the amount of cope the marine has to conjured up

>> No.51023662

Link greatly outperformed ETH since the Link ICO.

>> No.51023680

down 99.9999994% VS ETH

>> No.51023692

Yea u are right, I guess if u did bought at ico. But around the 30 cents mark, eth outperformed it

>> No.51023697


You were just a weak mentally unstable loser from the day you bought though. Why would anyone consider you and your like in this thread any barometer to measure progress by?

>weird pol loser working minimum wage whines online all day about not being made rich in 5 years from holding tokens

Who cares? If you wont sell nobody can respect you so just stop whining

>> No.51023718

>around the 30 cents mark, eth outperformed it
Chainlink first hit 30 cents around late september 2017; since then ETH is only up 5.4x while Link is up 23x.

>> No.51023737

Ok my bad, I did the calculation again. Link did outperformed it

>> No.51023741

based and checked recalculator

>> No.51023764

Disgusting link shill.
Back to twitter tranny.

>> No.51023770

LINK/ETH valuation

>> No.51023775

Yes, that's what I'm talking about.

>> No.51023800

You fucking chainlink faggot, this is crypto, the only reason why you buy in is to make quick money in a space of a year or less.
If I wanted slow and steady 2% boomer returns I would have bought boomer stocks. And even then I would have fucking made more money than Chainshit made over the last TWO FUCKING YEARS.
BTC holders made it in 3 years
ETH holders made it in a year
MATIC, FTM, BNB holders made it in a year or two.

And now Chainshit shills are telling me that this was always a "10 year play"?
Shut the fuck up and die faggot.

>> No.51023804

triggered hard

>> No.51023834

It's all just coping nulinkers who sold their <5K nulinker stacks and now have LINK tormenting them rent free in their mind forever.

>> No.51023840


Im so glad people like you are finally capitulating. The weak redditors and turks/pajeets/eastern euros trying to escape poverty with crypto and low IQs.

Its been tough sitting at the same table as you as I always knew we were not going anywhere till 2019+ buyers were gone particularly your kind.

However im still skeptical you have actually sold. Most likely you are just bitching like a whiney baby again but haven’t actually taken any action

>> No.51023857


It became obvious around June. The fud changed and started reading more like memoirs of bitter angry holders who either let go and still need to lash out or in some cases still cant sell but are very close.

>> No.51023895

>the faithful will be rewarded linkmarines, just HOOODDLLLL 5 MORE YEARS AND MISS ANOTHER BULLRUN, only then will we be able to truly pump
>the infidels haven't sold yet, that's why we can't pump!!!

Lmao can't believe it took me this long to realize this shit is a literal cult.
Enjoy holding your dead 2017 alt while I actually make it next bullrun.
Worse than XRP schizos at this point.

>> No.51023905

>when you got triggered, but you keep on trigging
Just close the thread and forget all about Chainlink.

>> No.51023971


He cant forget about Chainlink. He probably wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat after dreaming about Sergey, or that LINK moons in the future ever

>> No.51023978

You wish you fucking chainlink troon, I will continue to shit up all chainshit threads and shit on all chainshit cultists until all you dishonest scumbag shills fuck off back to twitter.
You cost me the 2021 bullrun, I won't allow you to ruin the 2023/4 bullrun for any unsuspecting newfriends.

I won't rest until every chainlink tranny has fucked off from /biz/

>> No.51024005


You arent going to make it in any future bullruns either. You are failing the biggest IQ test by thinking you will be able to buy and hold let alone sell at the right moment the future hype coins(news flash, if you think any that exist now will be them you have failed the IQ test even worse than i thought)

>> No.51024008

you won't ever get your rest my dear nulinker friend. prepare to think and argue about Chainlink for the rest of your life to your deathbed

>> No.51024108

>being down 90% vs ETH
lol by cherry picking an exact meaningless time frame, just accurately pick the bottoms and tops in several assets at once anon
last cycles bottom to today is still a 3x in links favor over eth
but you just had to guess to sell in aug 20

>> No.51024135

link did a 250x during the bull run how greedy are you
this fud is just so cheap and uninspired i miss the old complex fud

>> No.51024152

Yeah bc they’re price out right? Hahahaha the mental cope needed to type your comment. They could just buy it back for a few grand you fucking retard

>> No.51024170

>cherry picking

Literally 2 full years hahahhaahhahahah cope faggot

>duuuuuuude just take a time machine back to ico and then claim to not care about being down hundreds of thousands

Fucking loser

>> No.51024180
File: 444 KB, 816x684, 94C806AE-4C28-4491-92A3-ECF6D3CEFF82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iPhone file pic
Go back to Twitter faggot

>> No.51024181

What if chainlink pays for fud on 4chan because they are trying to get people on this site to disassociate with the project.
Chainlink could be trying to get ahead of any bad optics if this thing is going to be as big as some say

>> No.51024217


It has the opposite effect because the FUD is way way way more prolific and loud and spammed than any genuine discussion or shilling ever was at this point. Any legit discussion that happens when fudders are offline is always confined to one Chainlink thread at a time these days.

>> No.51024229

Link fudders will die alone and penniless. Nothing else needs to be said.

>> No.51024241

The people who fud link these days on biz are the kind of people who think they can find the next shiba inu or sol or apeshitcoin early and ride it next bullrun lol. Says it all.

>> No.51024276

muh ico
you had 3 separate moments to buy at ico price on open market, the last one was really obvious
then you made a 250x, even a 150x if you sold in november, whereas eth did a 50x
but muh eth outperformance, muh link worst coin of last bull run

are these people either newfags that first bought crypto in 2021 or are all these fudders the giant shining retards that lost their entire stacks in the various cefi scams
i am thinking the later, lost it al never getting it back and once the train leaves the station again they are left behind forever

>> No.51024289

Daily reminder that virtue signaling Link bagholders are the most cringe thing on biz lately

>duuuuude I dont care about losing all my money bc its a great project. Breadcrumbs bro!!!

>duuuuude just get a time machine back to ico hurrr hurrr hurrr

>> No.51024312

Trying to downplay missing the entire ‘21 bullrun. Dude its ok to admit it bothered you, and why wouldnt it? Your leader literally turned a blind eye while his partners shorted your investment into the ground.

If that doesnt bother you maybe you have no balls, i dont know. Im not a pussy so I cant relate

>> No.51024332

Projection. You sound like the XRP army. “Soon” right? Lol. Link 2025 target price: $30

>> No.51024349


>> No.51024355

outperformed eth on every timeframe since last bottom
>missed the entire bull run
bulgaria isn't sending its best now is it
or are you literally arguing that a 250x is smaller than a 50x

>> No.51024360

lmao youi missed the entire bullrun while normies made it on doge and shiba inu or literally any L1 that came out and are coping
rope link shill

>> No.51024387

ngl it'd be sick to eat a big mac with sir gay

>> No.51024399

And yet they are not getting their money back by selling, these are advanced levels of Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.51024493

Seethe harder chainlink tranny.
You held a dead alt for 5 years and will hold for another 5 while everything else moons.

>> No.51024745
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Fudders = unpaid.
Shills = paid.

>> No.51024757


Wtf is virtue signalling?
Just fuck off back to poll you whiny loser. No you were never going to to make it in two years from your neetbucks with your IQ. Stop seething at LINK because you cant handle investing.

>> No.51024875

I used to think it might be fun to go to a yacht party.

But after seeing the linkies seethe after swinging, losing their entire ticket to the future through obvious scams like bancor, nexo, and Celsius. I realized I don’t want to visit their yacht party.

In fact I’m going to build an underground bunker with my linkies because these fools will probably hunt down anyone who made it and try and exact revenge for their own avarice.

For shame swingies.

>> No.51024952

>triggered so hard he's dedicating the rest of his youth to some shitcoin
lel this is great

>> No.51024968

>doesn’t like Chainlink
>doesn’t like Chainlink and comes to Chainlink threads to post about how much they don’t like Chainlink

top zozz

>> No.51024980

>You held a dead alt for 5 years
You're still holding said alt, in your heart.

>> No.51025021

You might want to recheck the charts. Link did a 3x, eth did 10. 250?? Pure delusion

>> No.51025034

Hahahahahahahahaha “duuuuuuuude im a good guy because I lost money”. Cope more faggot. Maybe google the term virture signaling you dumb fuck

>> No.51025044


Its actually funny if you think about it. These absolutely seething fud faggots who are just nulinkers who finally sold were the same ones shitting up the board with “im sooooo demoralised….” Threads a few months ago. Noticed how those are all gone now and replace with this seething catty fud as those people have sold and want revenge.
The entire nulinker 2019-2021 cycle is over and they are all flushed

>> No.51025058

Projection. Didnt put anything on those shit platforms. Remember when Sergey shilled them for two years and then just pretended it never happenned? Scam artist. Laughable you think institutions are going to buy a “token” after that much, much less one that has a big mac event at their discount conference? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Fucking loser

>> No.51025066

The only project I'm using right now is Life Beyond. because:

>AAA Blockchain powered MMORPG
>Open Alpha is live
>Upcoming NFT Drop
>True Ownership of in-game items

>> No.51025074

Also, hanging out on a boat w 99% dudes and some fat 3/10 HR whales is pretty gay dude. Not sure why you ever wanted to do that

>> No.51025078

>multiple people have 10+ pbtid reeeing about how they don’t like Chainlink

top zozz, rent free

>> No.51025101

> nooooooo you only post “x” amount of times broooo

Muhhh bulgaria right? Hurrr hurrrr moooom im fightin da fuddddderzzzz

>> No.51025117

Bruh, you could have bought ICP or STARTER and lost everything

>> No.51025238

>single digit fud
>smartcon wont pump the price fud
>big mac fud
>5 years fud

Is this the best you have? I have a comfy job and nothing but time. I’ll give some constructive criticism discord trannies. You can only FUD NuLINKers into either a.) not buying b.) selling for a loss, that’s it.

There is simply one way to get the “people” you want to sell to part with their linkes. Pump the price to 1k and maybe just maybe I’ll think about selling a few LINK out of my 20k stack…just maybe.

>> No.51025338

Never used discord and could care less whether you sell or not. Nice cope on having a job though. Way to preemptively justify your bagholding. The paranoia od imagining theres a massive fud conspiracy on the worlds online loser hangout is comical but also sad.

Remember all the cope last year when you guys kept saying this was a bear market coin? This entire year has been bear market, so when exactly does the turnaround start? Pathetic

>> No.51025385

You hold Link

>> No.51025440

Well, ya're stupid af! Try Yopi Network. it's easy even for ya.

>Create, send, and trade digital currencies globally.
>Locked liquidity
>Web3 + Multichain + Metaverse + NFT + Green energy
>New web3 network integrated in the yopichain

>> No.51025448

rounded down for simplicity
link bottom 0.20, eth bottom 90
link top 50, eth 4500
being difficult
link top 30, eth 5000

this is math even a special ed kid could do, i don't get there are people arguing against link performance; doing a 250x in a single bull run isn't that bad for a non ponzi
how math depraved are you that you don't understand i bought at 0.2 and sold at 30, if thats coping about missing a bull run what is winning

>> No.51025572

>this seething catty fud
imagine their rage once the token goes back to their average buy in and they realize if they werent such scared little bitches they would not have lost money
at that point you will see the board turn vindictive like never before, and guess what they deserve it all

>the worlds online loser hangout
nobody natively from here would self describe it as that, come on admit you are a bulgarian
are you getting paid enough to even heat your room this winter Hristo

>> No.51025598

yeah. and btc price is manipulated to suppress lInk. you are all mental. i wish link would go to 0 or 1000 already, so at least you fucks could come up with something different to say.

>> No.51025666

It's the
>illuminati dumping BTC to suppress link!
>sirgay is stopping link from pumping on purpose!

Lmao, anything else you want to add link trannies?
Link troons are fucking deranged after 5 years of their shitcoin underperforming and missing the bullrun.
Can't wait for all of you to kill yourself after smartcon ends up being a nothingburger and staking isn't released.

>muh bulgaria
Lmao, fucking listen to yourself cultist.

>> No.51025769

nice of you to address the points being made by those posts, 1pbti anon
again with the missing of the bull run which has been disproven

>> No.51025799

Mental illness

>> No.51025809

Cope link tranny, you missed a bullrun and will miss another one.

>> No.51025852

>same fag swaps IP to keep reeeeing about Chainlink

sad, such many cases!

>> No.51025866

150x seethe away

>> No.51025870
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>le price action has been deboonked

>> No.51026240

misleading graph there is no point in there were in dollar terms you were better off in eth after the dec 18 lows

>> No.51026312

August 2020 $12
August 2022 $7
Bullrun missed
No staking
No normie hype
No institutions
Nobody wants to buy your shitcoin

>> No.51026362

All you guys on /biz/ talk about is LINK.
It's not worth anybody's money. It wont make you any less of a failure than you are now. LINK is not a stock and it wont make you a good investor buying it and bag-holding it now.

Have a nice day.

>> No.51026415

i really like link

>> No.51028073

>Paid fudders would have the smarts to avoid posting in threads like this proving they exist
No they wouldn't

>> No.51028237

Satan speaks.
>sell your link, it's over
You can't fool us anymore.

>> No.51028337

reddit spacing

>> No.51028564
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It's over for the fudders. Chainlink is coming to eat your lunch and you'll be forgotten forever, lost in the swirling, fading noise.

>> No.51029468

>Dear Slim

>> No.51029533

The numbers you are using are disingenuous. You are using Link's all time low from 2017 and counting the run to 50 as one bullrun. That's not the case. Link went from 20s to 50 something last bullrun, barely over a 3x. Eth went from the 40s to over $4,000, for a 10x. Comparing Link to any other project in the top 100, it goes without saying that Link essentially missed the bullrun.

Just as I said originally, you snake cocksucker. What lowlife weasel you are to try to argue 2017 numbers were part of this past bullrun. Really weird behavior, literally trying to argue against something easily verifiable. I don't understand it, but then again I don't understand how guys like you can take cocks in your mouth, so to each their own.

Also, as has been mentioned tons of times in the last few months, screeching about how someone should've bought the all time low many years ago is fucking pointless (given that we don't have timemachines, asshole). So anyone who bought in the last two years got burned, while buying literally anything else (besides Lady Luck which was one of the several scams Link promoted) would've you made you money. But you already know that, which is why when people call out link for being the joke that it is, it makes faggots like you seethe.

>> No.51029559

muhhhh bulgarian.... what a fucking loser. "From here" hahhah where is that exactly? Imagine being such a loser you identify as being "from" an online message board. Faggot schizo

>duuuuuuude there's a paid conspiracy to stop all $300k of biz' net worth from buying a dead altcoin

>> No.51029585


>duuuuuuude you can only make "x" amount of posts or you won't be taken seriously!!!!

>> No.51029606

>duuuuuuuuuuuuude you can only have 1 computer and can't be somewhere else during the day on your cellphone. To be taken seriously by the board you HAVE to be in ONE LOCATION!!!!!

>> No.51029673

link was 0.20 in dec 2018 retard
it was $1.70 in march 2020
no shit that link underperformed in 2021 but so did all of defi
but picking numbers to demoralize people is pretty shit
why not do endless fud threads about eth and how they have never reached their high at btc in july 2017 (0.14)? it's still only 0.08 AFTER FIVE YEARS!!! LMAO
or how eth RETARDS saw the ratio go from 0.14 to 0.017 in 2019!!!! it went down 88.4%!!! why didn't they sell the july 2017 top!!!!

>> No.51029708

So you're saying all these posts are actually something you just do for free, in your free time.

>> No.51029735
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Ready for the epic pump desu

>> No.51029784

Messari are charging 2k to their crypto conference kek the week before Smartcon also in NY
check the speaker list

>> No.51030091

Interesting. Mostly literal whomsts.

>> No.51030264

well most but
>bank of america
>shelia warren of wef
>president of time (magazine?) definitely a high priest of saturn
>google cloud
I like how you can click on each pic and find out about the speakers. smartcon should do that. busy work for the staffers.
strange that some of the names are not going to smartcon. maybe they want to distance themselves from the psychopathic twitter frog marines

>> No.51030699

HURRR HURRRRR DUUUUUUUDE i called out da fudddderzzzzz!!!! Pwned!!!!! Youre down 90% faggot and you still dont even have the balls to call out the guy doing it to you. Maximum cuckoldry

>> No.51030759

Why are you so upset bro lmao

>> No.51031196


the fuck are Charlie and Lauren doing this for so close to SC?

Also, Smartcon's speaker list compared to this, just plain embarrassing. This is how I know Chainlink's abstraction layer is going to be some cheap landing page for VC's from "enterprise" to buy crypto coins or fund projects. It's not what /biz/ thinks it will be, total integration of enterprise

>> No.51031326

Obviously bc i got scammed holding link. I didnt sign up for missing ‘21 bullrun. How can you lose hundreds of thousands and be happy about it..

>> No.51031370

LMFAO this conference is fully sold out. CL literally had to beg their users to come at 80% off. Pathetic

>> No.51031383

You're the one who sounds salty fag

>> No.51031400

>Lmao can't believe it took me this long to realize this shit is a literal cult.
We literally made jokes about being a cult for years, and only now you realize it? You're a fucking moron.

>> No.51031421


>> No.51031600


same, these seethe threads are something else, there is nothing more vicious than a tranny fudder, it’s kind of fascinating, desu.

>> No.51031638 [DELETED] 
File: 600 KB, 770x677, BE23BDFF-9CF6-4E07-A974-DD9F7B3C612D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are holding it.

>> No.51031665 [DELETED] 
File: 604 KB, 770x673, deeplearningchuden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are holding it.

>> No.51031683

You're funny.

>> No.51031688 [DELETED] 
File: 659 KB, 770x673, a013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are holding

>> No.51031711 [DELETED] 
File: 661 KB, 770x673, derchuden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are holding

>> No.51031742

Have sex

>> No.51031746 [DELETED] 
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>>51031711 (You)
>>51031688 (You)
>>51031665 (You)
>>51031638 (You)
>>51031600 (You)
What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are

>> No.51031781 [DELETED] 
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>>51031746 # (You) # (You)
>>51031711 # (You) # (You)
>>51031688 # (You) # (You)
>>51031665 # (You) # (You)
>>51031638 # (You) # (You)
>>51031600 # (You) # (You)
What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are

>> No.51031816
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>> No.51031838 [DELETED] 
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>>>51031746 (You) # # (You) # (You)
>>>51031711 (You) # # (You) # (You)
>>>51031688 (You) # # (You) # (You)
>>>51031665 (You) # # (You) # (You)
>>>51031638 # # (You) # (You)
>>>51031600 # # (You) # (You)
>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are

>> No.51031864 [DELETED] 
File: 661 KB, 770x673, pollinkreferenceframerresponsetrainer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>660 KB PNG
>>>51031781 (You) #
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>>>>51031638 # # # (You) # (You)
>>>>51031600 # # # (You) # (You)
>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are

>> No.51031891 [DELETED] 
File: 662 KB, 770x673, chendraderchudenrename.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>661 KB PNG
>>>51031838 (You) #
>>660 KB PNG
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>>>>>51031665 (You) # (You) # (You) # # (You) # (You)
>>>>>51031638 # # # # (You) # (You)
>>>>>51031600 # # # # (You) # (You)
>>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are

>> No.51031966 [DELETED] 
File: 662 KB, 770x673, machinelearningalgoreplygenerator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>51031864 (You) #
>>661 KB PNG
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>>>>>>51031638 # # # # # (You) # (You)
>>>>>>51031600 # # # # # (You) # (You)
>>>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are

>> No.51032050 [DELETED] 
File: 664 KB, 770x673, racistfatinceldataharvestor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>51031891 (You) #
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>>>661 KB PNG
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>>>>>>>51031638 # # # # # # (You) # (You)
>>>>>>>51031600 # # # # # # (You) # (You)
>>>>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
>>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are

>> No.51032136 [DELETED] 
File: 663 KB, 770x673, chudenwaveincelfeedbackinator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>51031966 (You) #
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>>>>>51031864 (You) # (You) # (You) #
>>>>661 KB PNG
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>>>>>660 KB PNG
>>>>>>>51031781 (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) #
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>>>>>>>>51031711 (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) # # (You) # (You)
>>>>>>>>51031688 (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) # # (You) # (You)
>>>>>>>>51031665 (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) # # (You) # (You)
>>>>>>>>51031638 # # # # # # # (You) # (You)
>>>>>>>>51031600 # # # # # # # (You) # (You)
>>>>>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
>>>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
>>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
>>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
>What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would that even be relevant? Just goes to show how fucking /pol/ brained link holders are. Makes you wonder if the project might just be unneeded if only a bunch of low iq incels are
What's your source on these so-called "fudders" all being trans? How would tha

>> No.51032152

what in the holy hell is going on here

>> No.51032245

Broken ai bot trying to get sneedback

>> No.51032276

Shiiieeeeeeeet this is the proof that part of the posts in this classy site are made by bots. The conspiracy about the empty internet thickens.

>> No.51032321


>> No.51032342

Just look at the sperg replies to this comment. It is literally comedic to suggest dissatisfaction must be manufactured after the past 2 years. The denial of reality is just extraordinary.

>> No.51032355

>ML researcher
>Building a thing

>> No.51032388


>> No.51032398

Why is no one talking about this?

>> No.51032422


>> No.51032808

I don't know anything about the LINK fud or shills but I've being buying 1 (one) LINK every month after it dumped to single digits and feel comfy.

>> No.51033526

Your ID says it all. Kek has spoken again

>> No.51033575

the board is healing

>> No.51033629
File: 14 KB, 692x102, we.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19pbtid just to complain about an allegedly irrelevant token he doesn't hold
>you also know he does this kind of thing every single day just by his writing style
reminder that for every single link out of circulation, a proportional amount of seethe is felt by these poorly paid serbian rape-babies trying to convince people to sell a token using a language they barely understand

>> No.51034684

Obviously he does you fucking retard kek. What is wrong with you people? How can you be this stupid?

>> No.51036582

You know what unironically makes me think? There’s been some discussion recently about Chainlink and their working relationship with Celsius, we’ve been critical of what exactly they were thinking when they were promoting Celsius pretty hard. I was thinking about another, arguably bigger thing, that I just don’t understand about Chainlink. A lot of retards fell for Celsius’ staking service and handed over their LINK for the juicy 5% APY. I remember back then there were people above room temperature IQ pointing out “hey, there’s really only one way Celsius is able to provide this yield to you guys” - referring to them shorting the shit out of LINK. But anyway greedy retards can’t help themselves and handed over their LINK anyway. Celsius imploded, whatever. We all know what happened there. But what I really don’t get it is Chainlink’s position in all of this. They have people who are pretty sharp with financial markets. Surely there were plenty of qualified people who could have raised similar concerns to Chainlink whether it’s a good idea or work with those kikes. Two scenarios here: either Chainlink has completely retarded employees who had no idea how Chainlink was generating yield for its users, or Chainlink did know but for some reason they prioritized the working relationship over Celsius’ questionable business dealings. Either way it’s bad, because either Chainlink is run by complete retards… or Chainlink is run by complete retards kek. It just doesn’t make sense, I refuse to believe they didn’t know Celsius was shorting LINK. Given how much capital they were raising by selling LINK during this period it was in their own best interest to not promote fucking Celsius and convince greedy retards to hand over their LINK. Just what the fuck? Feel like this isn’t really getting the kind of scrutiny it deserves. Not that Chainlink would ever acknowledge it, they always seem to prefer to quietly delete things.

>> No.51036596

> who had no idea how Chainlink was generating yield for its users
how Celsius* was generating yield for its users kek

>> No.51036654

I've already made millions from Link, even at these prices. What's your net worth, faggot?

>> No.51036680

maybe they wanted the token price to remain low

>> No.51036779

I’ve thought about it and I just don’t really get why. They were selling a lot of tokens to build up capital to keep Chainlink funded, it’s in their own best interest to sell at high prices. I really don’t buy the “they want the price low to stay under the radar” shit. They can still let the price go up and continue to build quietly, kinda like the first 3 or so years of the project.

>> No.51036855

The fat fuck needs to go to prison for this shit.
Disgusting betraying bastard, hope he gets fucking killed by a disgruntled link bagholder during smartcon.
He fucking deserves it

>> No.51036873

u mad?

>> No.51037425

The dissatisfaction is warranted. However, these seething 'disgruntled link-baggies' only post in waves. Only in the past couple of weeks have we seen this level of seethe when we have been boucing off $6 for months

>> No.51037570

What do you expect? The market has realized actual staking aint coming this year. Maybe we get the 0.1 version in a few months but none of us can even use it

>> No.51037679

They were promoting Celsius and Bancor on purpose. The cabal larper was real. They want to remove as many tokens as possible from retail while fucking them on price. They do not want you to make it, what is not clear about this?

>> No.51037702

desu I'm about the become one of these people. The fud is really getting to me now haha, and I'm a relatively new holder. Seriously, it's just post after post of relentless fud and despair and only the occasional hopium/breadcrumb.

>> No.51038437

I expect consistent, non-coordinated despair. Again, we have known only staking v0.1 was coming this year since early July. Why only now is it sinking in?

>> No.51038444

Maybe if the fat fuck actually RELEASED FUCKING ANYTHING in 2022 we wouldn't be so angry.
But no, smartcon will be a nothingburger again. Staking won't come until 2023, by which point nobody will care.

>> No.51038470

Why the spite, anon?

>> No.51038491

The fat-fuck will release staking v0.1, CCIP, and the abstraction layer in the remaining 4 months of 2022

>> No.51038497


Agreed, Maybe if the fat fuck actually RELEASED FUCKING ANYTHING in 2022 we wouldn't be so angry.
But no, smartcon will be a nothingburger again. Staking won't come until 2023, by which point nobody will care.

>> No.51038524

The price action has been not less than ideal so far in 2022, so some despair is warranted. But ask yourself, why now has the despair-posting been kicked up a gear? What could possibly be happening in the near future for chainlink that could warrant this shift?

>> No.51038545

*Been less than ideal

>> No.51038546

Lmao, keep huffing that hopium baggie.
Even if it releases it will be watered down, inflationary staking.
Retail won't care.
Institutions won't care.
Time for big releases and hype was last year and chainlink blew it.

Kill yourself chainlink labs shill

>> No.51038552

The recent FUD is absolutely insane. I have never seen so much shitflinging from these cunts.

>> No.51038569


The “despair” posting was months ago. Last year even. All the “im soooooooo deeeeemoooooorraaaaalllllliiiisssseeed” faggots have turned into hardcore seethe anger posters over the past couple months.

>> No.51038576

>watered down version
Like the release of price feeds on mainnet? Tell me anon, what did that watered down release do for the price of LINK?

>> No.51038577
File: 841 KB, 739x739, 1661173784550380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link dumps
They want to shake out as many as possible!!!

>link pumps
They want to price out as many as possible!!!


>> No.51038603

>Even if it releases
bargaining already?

>> No.51038776

A sentence expressing my deep hatred of Chainlink, Sergey Nazarov and the holders of the Chainlink token on 4channel.org (Post #4/85)

>> No.51038926

August 2020
August 2022

Seethe, cope and dilate chainlink tranny.

>> No.51039232

Thanks for the update. Even though it is unrelated to my comment

>> No.51039533

At the end of the day /biz/ represents such a tiny percentage of token holders that this really doesn't make any sense.

>> No.51040061

I really don't have an opinion on what the price means. I just know to hold the token despite people like you going on and on and on and on about how I shouldn't. How does it feel, being so spectacularly unsuccessful in your attempts?
t. 60k Link and buying more every month.

>> No.51041771

NGL it feels pretty shit. Whats it going to take for you autists to sell? There has to be a breaking point and I need your help to find it. Im going to get fired soon, along with my bulgarian friends here at the official Chainlink FUD Headquarters, if we cant convince you to sell.

So whats it going to be? Are you going to sell or are we going to have to post more FUD threads? Your choice.

>> No.51042009
File: 341 KB, 1125x1888, 45A6834D-2BAB-4191-A3BE-F7D85B264CE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your schtick mightve played last year but not anymore buddy.