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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51038384 No.51038384 [Reply] [Original]

Anons , what were your biggest financial mistake that everyone here should learn from ?

>> No.51038395

Playing the BSC casino…it’s not worth it

>> No.51038425
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Trusting this fat fuck

>> No.51038504

Putting 4k worth of BAT in Celsius because muh interest rates. It's not a huge deal, about a check and a half post deductions, but it stings because I'm a BAT stan and that was the majority of it. Now if BAT ever actually rockets, my treasure chest is gone. Will probably buy BAT again and put it in my cold storage, but have more important stuff to allocate money to for now. I'm hoping it doesn't have a big rally till then.

>> No.51038532

Never sell everything. If you have to sell, at least keep 10% in case it moons.

>> No.51038627

hodling everything forever and ever, should at least take some profits

>> No.51038660
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Buying cryptocurrency

>> No.51038687

not starting a savings with my very first job. even just 10%. I spent whole paycheck for 10-15 years untill I started saving and being smart. can't blame anyone but myself for not being able to afford a house or whatever. I'm wealthy but could have had so much more.

>> No.51038709

I took a screenshot of my portfolio when it went from $180k to $250k in February and didn't click sell until it was down to 150kish

If you screenshot, just fucking sell

>> No.51038767

Not using leverage.

>> No.51038840

Bough $1000 worth of a random shitcoin, watched it do a 10x, didnt sell, watched it do a -1000x

>> No.51038861

I bought 340 BBBY, was up 4k, sold at -2k

>> No.51038905

Oh so true, if it's good enough to screen shot it's good enough to sell. I try and drill that into my brain after getting cocky with screenshot and then fucking it all up and losing.

>> No.51038931

I think you mean "not selling cryptocurrency."

>> No.51038996

Clinging to Chainlink throughout 2020 and 2021 instead of buying other coins like FTM, MATIC, SOL, or DOT that I saw other anons discussing but never bought in because I fell for the memes that Link will outperform everything else.
Would have been a millionaire now, instead I hold a shitty russian vaporware scam who only the deranged bagholders on /biz/ seem to care about.
Fuck chainlink.

>> No.51039012

I've seen ppl on other thread says that if you're looking for big things to buy (cars ++) with your new fortune , it's time to sell

>> No.51039027

I sold like $30k worth of Ethereum just before the bullrun. Would have had like $250k at peak.

I thought selling my stack for 2x profit was the smart thing to do

>> No.51039083

I'm not a big consumer so I'd need to hit like $500k+ to look at just buying a house seriously but I will not let myself forget this. Like I don't even give a shit about my car and am too poor to justify a nice one kek

>> No.51039250
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Pregnant Butt

>> No.51039255

same , not a big consoomer too , the only big big thing I could buy is a house , that's my 1rst goal
(am a zoomer living with parents)

>> No.51039632


>> No.51041651

Getting married to a 2017 shitcoin

>> No.51041734
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I bought BOND

>> No.51041787

Bought an apartment complex in 2007

>> No.51041811

buying BBBY and AMC

>> No.51041878

each of these mistakes cost me at least 7 figures, some 8 figures

>dcaed instead of going all in right away once i had conviction
>aggressively invested in decentralization to the point of ignoring all the cex and VC ponzis
>skipped the jpeg craze
>was too early then left too early

>> No.51041899

That holding is a meme
RETARD alert. I almost became a millionaire before btc shat itself

>> No.51041940

Not buying more link

>> No.51041989

be patient

>> No.51042006

never listen to /biz/

>> No.51043577

So what your saying is that you have a 4 fig portfolio


>> No.51043963

Not sticking to your plans. I was going to cash out in April 2021, but I got greedy and decided to hold on. Then I meant to cash out in November, but didn't go through with that either. Would've been near the top both times.

>> No.51044084

Not taking more profits along the way up. I guess I was worried about the tax so I wanted to hold to reduce the taxes.
Now iv lost more than taxes would have taken away