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51031793 No.51031793 [Reply] [Original]

Should I take out some of my winnings and fuck some escorts and do some cocaine?

>> No.51031832


>> No.51031861

Only if you evade taxes and avoid paying capital gains
Paying whores is fine
Paying the state is not, it’s immoral to sponsor israel

>> No.51031869

Incredibly based

>> No.51031871

It will never be enough for you, and you’ll go broke overnight if you can’t sustain the expenditure
But sure go ahead

>> No.51031895
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There was some pajeet who wrote an article called "Pooning on a budget" that I recommend you read. He has fucked hundreds of escorts on like a 50k/year salary.

>> No.51031909

gooks are so fkin ugly man even the supposedly good looking ones

>> No.51031916

That's a man

>> No.51031922

You only live once.

>> No.51031971

Based, there is a place for you in the kingdom of heaven.

>> No.51032001

The escort is fine but try a good cigar instead of cocaine.

>> No.51032015


>> No.51032266


>> No.51032270

Have sex nazi, Israel funds our weapons companies who you right cultists love

>> No.51032617

Might as well if that's what you're into

>> No.51032771

Weird face, very breedable

>> No.51032938

How do you even avoid capital gains tax? Just don't pay it or what?

>> No.51032945

kys we dont want that faggot. you dont have to be a nazi to call out the evil israel.

>> No.51033505


>> No.51033521

you operate with full attention to opsec. if you have acquired public blockchain tokens without providing full kyc then your winning by default.

>> No.51033523

cope and seethe

>> No.51033529

Don't have to pay it if you lose money.

>> No.51033551

I've been using this strategy since the beginning.

>> No.51033581
File: 1.25 MB, 1055x1325, 1660901127491256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't she wearing a bra?

>> No.51033607

Cute boy.

>> No.51033611

use your imagination, crypto isnt as heavily regulated as stocks and you can actually use it to pay for stuff

>> No.51033649

Few weeks later already in jail for SH

>> No.51033652
File: 48 KB, 520x590, 3C20BE1B-6BB9-4E48-B3CA-8F6928A7E6D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have sex
I do
I’m not even remotely authoritarian nor socialist of any form
>Israel funds our weapons companies
Zionist conspirators fund Raytheon and Co. by diluting people’s purchasing power, stealing their time and wealth, committing massive counterfeiting with a fake central bank called FED that does nothing but create debt on the shoulders of the plebs
Nothing to be proud of, it’s the greatest scam of last century
It’s plain and simple jewish fraud at global scale
>who you right cultists love
I’m not a right cultist, I’m not even right wing

>> No.51033667
File: 140 KB, 970x738, CF3568B3-8C1F-45C0-B737-DE6D0C2EB7EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all jews worship Saturn and are responsible for the manifestation of evil

>> No.51033669

It's because it's a new trend you fucking idiot

>> No.51033678

Respect Rabbi shekelstein bro he is a master of knowledge

>> No.51033677
File: 386 KB, 1033x1487, F16339ED-4E3B-4A25-A5D6-2AAD8EB72540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read.
The mind of a redditor if I’ve ever seen one.

>> No.51033683

no, shut up

>> No.51033979

>imagine being and adult and still believing that political views can be adequately expressed as "right" or "left"

>> No.51034049

Wtf why is this so based