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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51026932 No.51026932 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51027023

i have so much cash stacked for all the cheapies holy fuck I'm so erect

>> No.51027071

why aren't you buying then

>> No.51027077

Two more weeks

>> No.51027092

Can anyone dumb this down for 50iq dudes with mediocre English

>> No.51027094

They’re actively discussing this on /pol/ right now

>> No.51027144

go back

>> No.51027145

That's absolutely irrelevant given that /pol/ average IQ is probably around 80 points.

>> No.51027174

>the avg poo iq on /biz/ is ~60

>> No.51027208
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/pol/ is insane but right. /biz/, is mostly sane but stupid.

>> No.51027219

go back boomer turds

>> No.51027279


>> No.51028042

fed will bail them out

>> No.51028089

Watch the fed crank the hyperprinter to the max kek

>> No.51028101
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>> No.51028111

God I hope this is a pivot trigger

>> No.51028131
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Kill yourself troop

>> No.51028158

kek the world is so upside down, crashes are bullish now

>> No.51028210
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Have no fear jpow is here

>> No.51028247

Money printer is going to have to be turned on again, and they are gonna stop the interest rate hikes. Hyperinflation is back on.

>> No.51028289

Because it has barely begun

>> No.51028326

>”actively discussing” (racism and anti Semitic rhetoric)

Yeah no thanks that’s pretty cringe. Anyone who judges someone else based on skin color or race is arguable really low IQ. Don’t cast pearls to swine (ie conserve with piece of shit people).

>> No.51028397
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>> No.51028441

>Money printer is going to have to be turned on again
>Watch the fed crank the hyperprinter to the max kek

Can anyone explain to a brainlet why this happens? Where is all the money going that they have to print more?
Is someone hoarding it or something?

>> No.51028469

>judges someone else based on skin color or race is arguable really low IQ
On some level that is true, but not on the level you and I currently reside.
Believing that from your perspective will ultimately only hold you back.

>> No.51028475
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>Yeah no thanks that’s pretty cringe. Anyone who judges someone else based on skin color or race is arguable really low IQ. Don’t cast pearls to swine (ie conserve with piece of shit people).

>> No.51028508

there are still a few whites on /pol/ tho. I'm sure the IQ is higher than that

>> No.51028525

for two years they smashed interest rates down to zero using "money printing" to buy bonds on the open market and encourage economic expansion. expansion occurs when people take out new loans and do business things with the money. lower rates make people want to do that.
they turn on the printer when they need more "growth". honestly i'm not sure this will happen anytime soon (this year), this would be political suicide and the dollar would become a literal shitcoin.

>> No.51028576
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94%chance of nothingburger
Even if this were significant the eternal /pol/ debate derailed the thread immediately, guaranteeing that no productive discussions will be had

I’m so tired of it

>> No.51028590

The markets need to appear to be and actually be liquid until they are ready to make moves.

If new debt isn't being handed out with promise of returns then money will be hoarded collapsing the debt market then every other market because they are entirely manipulated and not liquid at all really.

>> No.51028602

to be a little more direct, it's not that there's not enough money in the system. look at the housing or car markets - prices are insane for anything that is important.
it's that we injected so much cash into the system and created ridiculous "growth" and inflation since 2020. the natural response to weaning us off that free money is a crash back to around 2020 levels.
so some people think that the fed will get too scared by this prospect and fire up the printers again.

>> No.51028612

>irresponsible lenders
>securitize debt and and make derivatives
>zestimate stacy always wins, go all in on leverage using MBS as repo collateral
>line starts going down slightly....
>nonononono fuck the debtors, take MORE of their money, they're in default, this is all the goyim's fault!!!
This is just temporary, we will NEVER let this happen again!

>somebody lost the memo about hiking interest rates between 2008 and now
>somebody lost the memo about over-leveraging
>oh shit, global economic shutdown, who could have ever predicted that something bad might happen again between now and the heat death of the universe!?!?!?!?!
>fed is supposed to be doing QT
>lies through its fucking teeth
>silently buys the fuck out of mortgage backed securities and provides repo liquidity
>line starts going down slightly...
you are here

>> No.51028622


>> No.51028623

because sellers anchor themselves to old prices and "muh comps". real estate markets take time to move.

>> No.51028628

>this would be political suicide and the dollar would become a literal shitcoin.

True but they have PERFECT excuses for both of those this year with the Joe Biden shit show and Putin's price hike/BRICS currency agreements.
Watch out.

>> No.51028663

They will wait until after the mid terms, but the printers will be cranked up to 11 after.

>> No.51028692

>honestly i'm not sure this will happen anytime soon (this year), this would be political suicide and the dollar would become a literal shitcoin.
I predict it’ll happen this september followed by a unforseen rally in every market for a couple of months until after the elections. Afterwards its the giganuke the death of the dollar and the birth of cbdc’s. All this has to happen before the presidential elections in 2024.

>> No.51028720

Money lenders view mortgages to be a risky product going forward so are no longer offering cash to mortgage lenders.

>> No.51028760

Because crashes are like an avalanche, starts slow and harmless before becoming an all encompassing unstoppable force.

>> No.51028813

Can some one explain to me what the hell happens if you already have a mortgage from before 2020.

>> No.51028820

You unironically get significantly richer as the world burns around you.

>> No.51028824

Where do you think OP came from?

>> No.51028826

i'm aware there is a scapegoat or 5 hanging around, that would be par for the course with this government. i hate the fed and fiat systems but at least there's the guise of political independence to be maintained, so it wouldn't be as direct as biden signing some retarded executive order to fire up ze printers.
to me it smells like they're trying for a period of "normalization" right now since every braindead normie has inflation, shortages, and this raging bender of an economy on their minds. a blood-letting (crash) would "fix" that at least for a bit.

i think this is where we're headed when the mountain of debt is too big to even pretend to service someday. for now, we can at least pretend to service the debt and we print the world's reserve currency, so it doesn't have to be immediate.
i'd say in my lifetime i expect something like that, and i prepare accordingly.

>> No.51028839

This. Pol is mostly schizo but mostly correct. Biz is mostly delirious and mostly wrong. We still have stinky linkies, we still have LUNATICS posting daily cope threads. We honestly have a mix of the biggest retards and big brains but the retards vastly outnumber the big brains.

>> No.51028867

This is true for most up and coming areas (mine included). But if the mortgage companies go under wouldn’t there be some type of collection due? My guess is the payment would just go to someone else.

>> No.51028907


>> No.51028943

i believe a mortgage can be called due for "investors" with over 10 conventional mortgages that operate as a business on a line of credit. these people can get raped in a crash if they don't have reserves.

>> No.51028975 [DELETED] 

As the toxic loans pull small/overleveraged lenders under, the remaining loans are just purchased at a discount by other lenders.

In other words, you will make a bunch of money on your asset as inflation eats away at your loan, and whoever picks up your loan will make a bunch of money as your current lender is forced to liquidate for pennies on the dollar. You both feast on the irresponsible lender's corpse.

>> No.51028998
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>> No.51029032

bruh they are going to turn the dollar into the yen, 100$ for a gal of milk is going to be the new normal. This can keep going on for ever

>> No.51029033

Of all sad words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are these: /pol/ was right again

>> No.51029058

>independent mortgage lenders
No one can stand up to the BBR (Big Black Rock)

>> No.51029082

Pol is mostly schizo and loser, biz is greedy and stupid.

>> No.51029085

>Mostly correct
Correct in what? It's nothing but literally paid shills discussing if Coffee is good for you

>> No.51029105

this would wreck the global economy, unless the rest of the world decoupled from the US

>> No.51029108

thanks for turning this thread into a discussion about /pol/

>> No.51029159

Deleted prior because it was an incomplete picture. Yes toxic loans pull under lenders, and the good loans are just sold at a discount, so the remaining lenders make a lot of money. But that's an incomplete picture.

Mortgages today are nothing more than a "steady" stream of income that the market can count on. Most loans are bundled, securitized, and sold right away nowadays. Lender makes money now so they can make more loans and make more money, and the security holder can make derivatives and use the security as collateral to make more investments. The idea that someone is holding your loan in particular or wants to foreclose on you to take your property is old thinking. The reliability of your little monthly payments are worth orders of magnitude more than your home could ever be.

>> No.51029401

Interesting take, I figured me giving them interest would be worth far more than the value of the actual loan. Guess we get to wait and see what happens.

>> No.51029426

Anyone else /debtfree/? I'm just enjoying rentoid life and building my portfolio, have a modest 6 figure sum in actual cash and twice that amount in assets. Enjoying listening to my landchad coworkers though.
>yeah, got the estimate for the trees on my property, it'll be about 25 thousand to pull and grind them...
>they raised my homeowner's insurance!!!
>the wood on my deck rotted out, it'll be 11 thousand to replace it.
>my basement flooded again, I paid that company 5k to seal it...
All of them bought during the feeding frenzy for stupid amounts of money. The one guy who bought his home precovid took out an insane HELOC loan this year. Christ on a fuckin cracker.

>> No.51029836

not even close
it is gonna be so much worse

>> No.51030917

good bread bump

>> No.51031030

about the jews for instance

>> No.51031225

>they brought in money back by debt in 1933
>there was an initial pool of wealth that existed in 1933 (say it was $100)
>thereafter they were issuing money backed by debt (say $10/yr but you have to pay back $11)
>first year $110 exists, $11 debt
>second year $120 exists, $22 debt
>3rd year $130 exists $33 debt
>10th year $200 exists $110 debt
>20th year $300 exists $220
>100yrs $1100 exists $1100 debt
>This all happens 100x faster than above example due to fractional reserve banking that is create $100 for every real $1,
>we have long existed in a place where there is no where near enough money in the system to pay off the debt in the system
>so money must keep being created and changing hands in an ever increasing rates just to pay the interest on the debt money
>however that debt is paid with money also created through debt
>you reach a point where you have to create infinite money each day to pay the infinite interest on said money then tomorrow you need infinity x1.1 etc
>so you see eventually it must collapses
>"eventually" is 2 weeks away

>> No.51031245

I hope nationstarllc goes bankrupt.

>> No.51031255


housing market won't crash anon. too strong and powerful.

>> No.51032042

They only need to be right about that.

>> No.51032087

Will this actually work? In the 08 crash getting financing to buy/willingness from banks to sell at low prices was a big issue.

>> No.51032305

MLO here, we beefed up our reserves and we still have more deposits than we can lend out.

>> No.51032323

how do i profit from this?

>> No.51032351

You mean converse? Post hand

>> No.51032381

The difference between now and 08 is in 08 the government and China weren't mass buying the fuck out of every piece of land or property. If you think they won't be going all out during a crash, you can't be helped. Prices won't get cheaper for anyone but them morons.

>> No.51032471

i used to be like /pol/tards but somewhere down the line i realized its a waste of time and effort to be hateful and scared all the time

>> No.51032537

>pattern recognition
>low iq
Whatever you say Chiam

>> No.51032554


Le leftwing tolerant face.jpeg

Totally not a bunch of psychopaths.

>> No.51032559

Literally every culture is right about the Jews, it's like saying they know that 2+2=4.

>> No.51032568

Werner was reluctantly a Nazi

>> No.51032596
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To add some water to your windmill, as of now, for each 100 basis points interest rates' raise from the Fed, it's an extra 800 billions USD in interests to be paid.
They rose it 250 points already, it's an extra 2 trillions USD bill to foot EACH YEAR. Almost a tenth of US's national debt, just for 2.5%.. . This is literally over for the USD. There is no way out of (((this))).

>> No.51032643

Werner was a piece of shit and a satanic clown.

>> No.51032687
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Meanwhile in the real world, the kikes and their pet niggers are actively promoting anti-white discrimination, demoralization and persecution while the whites are the only ones still falling for the muh racism psyops when they are getting genocided in their own nations.
t. SEAsian so no need to oyvey at me, wont work

>> No.51032743

US is fake

>> No.51032760

two more weeks to flatten the curve

>> No.51032842

dollar becomes shitcoin
>no print
US becomes shithole
Choose wisely

>> No.51033004

It just clicked. They feel that way because they know higher mortgage interest rates are unappealing and in most case I believe unaffordable to the market (you and me and everyone else) right now. One can now speculate on what might happen next as Wel follow current federal reserve news. This is uniromically good and bullish for those who own liquid assets like cash, gold, and fully paid off properties or equity in them. There’s a lot of us with cash ready to spend on cheapies wherever they may fall.

>> No.51033060

Poor heloc guy, honestly. I feel for him unlike retards buying the top of whatever shitcoin or Reddit stock they bought and losing tons of money.

>> No.51033075

(You) will never be a woman

>> No.51033093
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>regular shemitah year
>"Super shemitah year with 2023 being the Jubilee

Last jubilee we ditched the gold standard. The time before that was the beginning of Weimar's hyperinflation. I wonder what jews have in store for us this time?

>> No.51033173

I’m sure it’ll be a ten year recession now. No more than ten years though. All that needs to happen is the legislature needs to come together and agree that all USA tax income which is upwards of 4.5 trillion per year not even counting the mega rich tax avoider chads must go towards paying back the debt the US created. No other way around it. That or we have 10 year economic cycles happening daily.

>> No.51033286

nazis got us to the moon

neoliberalism got us burning cities down because of niggers

>> No.51033300

I hate to break it to you but you are on 4chan my man.

>> No.51034048

Keeping global USD dominance is far more important than saving the middle class or giving hand outs to the poor. Given the choice, the fed will flush the people to save the country.

>> No.51034612
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>global USD dominance

>> No.51034687

Everything is about race you filthy kike

>> No.51034857

/pol/ with dates
/pol/ without memeflags
/pol/ but homosexual

>> No.51034961

I will believe that when you kikes stop waging a race war on Palestinians and Whites

>> No.51034965

It's reality. Nobody gives a fuck about the ruble or yuan

>> No.51035009

Consoomers opened over 233 million credit card accounts and now the credit debt bubble is over $1.1 TRILLION this year.

Man this thing's gonna fucking crash and explode hard.

>> No.51035043

>buying at the top
I know this is a winning strategy for shitcoins but real estate works slightly different.

>> No.51035090
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>saving the middle class
the kikes that run the US have been aggressively doing everything they can to kill off the middle class for years

>giving hand outs to the poor
US gov only gives handouts to non whites, they know that there would be total chaos if they turned off the welfare spigot for niggers and beaners; I could see kikes doing a controlled demolition like that if they had their next host lined up but Russia isn't working out and they haven't been able to subvert China either

>Given the choice, the fed will flush the people to save the country.
that's just it, they don't have choice anymore. The situation is deteriorating quickly and both China and Russia taste the blood in the water as the US becomes increasingly inept at projecting power on the world stage. USD dominance was enforced by his financial and military control on a global scale, Russia just passed the sanctions shit test so all the US has left is hard power, the problem for the kikes is that they spent the last several decades running competent White men out the military to the point that it's become a joke.

The US is less that 40% White in the under 30 years old category; the deathblow has already been struck.
The US is going to become a shithole AND the dollar is going to be a meme coin, it's just a question of how fast it's all going to crumble.

>> No.51035103

As always, the devil is in the detail.
>Credit lines being cut
This is for low income nogs working at McDonald's buying a house for 300k the banks are worried if they have to repossess they won't find a greater fool to sell the house to so they're pulling away from the high risk areas of the market.
>Mortgage lenders going broke
He means mortgage intermediaries who act as a mortgage brokers who take a commission for each loan they sell. It certainly isn't mortgage lenders going broke.

>> No.51035715
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>OAE trades in yuan
>India trades in yuan
>russia uses yuan
>JP and CN are slowly selling US bonds
things are changing and changing quickly, nobody wants to rely on US anymore after the whole sanction bullshit and with the shit economy

>> No.51035751

That's kind of funny as you just posted an image about how no one cares about the Yuan.

>> No.51035837

I only found january stats, this is london stock market.
It surely is higher now but even here you can see the consistent uptrend.

>> No.51036058

Long wealth management.

>> No.51036629

/pol/ but broke
/pol/ but on GNU/Linux

>> No.51036801 [DELETED] 

Those that are likely to make millions during the AltSeason2022 begin their planning now. I'm hunting more WAVES, ETH, and, most importantly, Syscon ATM. This provide BTC merge mining and security, as well as an ETH bridge with extremely low costs.

>> No.51037037

Trillions don't faze me anymore after crypto crashed from $3T to $1T. It wasn't that exciting.

>> No.51037993

how can you post stuff like this and not feel evil?

>> No.51038353

ahahha righties btfo

>> No.51038455
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The people who loan out money for you to buy a house, no longer see a profit motive(reason...) to let you borrow money to buy a house. Therefore, if you wanted to buy a house without a giant stack of cash as a downpayment then you are fucked. Property sellers are therefore fucked because now you cant buy from them. The people who do work for property sellers are fucked because property sellers no longer have a reason to hire them. Etc etc.

>> No.51038493

i seriously hope you guys dont do this

>> No.51039860

That's countries trying really hard to divest themselves of EUR on the short term during a regional crisis more than anything else, but unless you want to be in 100% USD then you sort of have to hold some of it. China's monetary policy and international politics are too volatile to depend on and everyone either knows it, or finds out pretty quickly.

>> No.51039904

seems like china started pushing yuan in the last couple of years, for instance apart from trading commodities, Hong Kong also started trading with it, while it was trading in HK dollars only.

>> No.51039984

They've been shilling it extremely hard, but China behaves like a schizophrenic, so anyone with a brain avoids being too deep in their currency. Unless they're desperate. Lots of third world poorfag belt and road countries have gone all in, but now they're defaulting and sticking China with the bill. It's really pretty comical.

>> No.51040017

You sound butthurt and everything you said sound like a petty lie.

>> No.51040056
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>> No.51040146
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kike or nigger?

>> No.51040154
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>1 post by this ID

>> No.51040262

Butthurt about international monetary policy? Are you retarded? This is just business anon. Seems like you're the one bringing your emotions to the table.

>> No.51040802

China just announced that they’re “forgiving” 17 African countries debt. Translated to “those are nice resources, you’ll just let us have them, and that nice water port, thanks.” They gain more minerals for their hoarding and they also gain an ability to potentially project their naval power outside of their own coastal waters.

>> No.51041035


Maybe a few years ago. At this point the board is flooded with repetitive posts about COVID not existing and the vaccinated dying off. 90% of the posts on pol could be tweets.

In b4 "But both of those things are true". Even if that were the case there's no discussion going on. No new information is being disseminated or analyzed. Santa Claus isn't real either, but you can reliably predict that he'll show up and the mall and influence consumer behavior anyway.

>> No.51041239

Way to out yourself as an unreliable retard. Please refer to your programming for an appropriate response.

>> No.51041452

Crypto isn't real. You own words.

>> No.51041778

"pledged" to forgive the "interest-free" loans. notice the elections coming up?

>> No.51042016

it depends on how much you’ve paid off. when lines of credit restrict then people can’t borrow money freely and easily which causes sale values to drop due to less buyers, then comp values drop which lowers appraisal valuations, so you can end up owing 300k left on your mortgage but the value of your house drops down to 200k and you would be underwater and unable to sell your house unless you can cover the cash difference or else wait for values to rise again

>> No.51042109

I don't get it. Aren't you faggots buying anything else?

>> No.51042918

You won't when this is over and done with.

>> No.51043280

Why not just declare a jubilee?

>> No.51043342

im fairly convinced theres no way interest rates will stay flat or decrease until after christmas. theyll try to restart after the new year, but for now, we have to take it. no way in hell they can backtrack now