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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51027796 No.51027796 [Reply] [Original]

Current a freshman in comp sci, seeing how much math is ahead of me makes me realize I didn’t really care about coding I cared about the pay. I took a microeconomics class and ended up enjoying it a lot more. Will getting a degree in finance get me anywhere except a shitty accounting position? I’ve heard before working around money is what gets you money.

>> No.51027840
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I am the twinkie that was found crushed under the sofa cushion

>> No.51027849

>shitty accounting position

you'll be praying for a "shitty accounting position" with a bullshit finance degree because it qualifies you for nothing and every entry-level FP&A position wants 2-3 years of experience minimum. study accounting and if you want to do """"finance""""" then you can work your way into it with a few years of experience.

t. senior accountant at a fortune 10 company who works with a lot of FP&A retards

>> No.51027885

Thanks for the info, I’ll look into accounting. Atleast then I’ll be hireable.

>> No.51028359

If you understand Finance, you don't need to work until society figures out what's going on.
t. Finance degree

>> No.51028453

>wanting a career

Is this the biggest meme of them all? I’m so fucking glad I made it from crypto to not to deal with this shit. Anyone in STEM is literally goy cattle. Enjoy the cube life :^)

>> No.51028594
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People SHOULD have careers in useful shit that society has need for.
Instead we pay software devs hundreds of thousands or even millions a year to build digital infrastructure that does absolutely nothing for society.

>> No.51028636

Turn off your computer and sell your phone if you're not getting any value out of them.

>> No.51028688

I can turn the phone and computer off and be fine.
If we don't pay people to farm, produce fertilizer, transport stuff, or make medication, people die.
People are pretending to work and about half of employed americans are working for unprofitable, insolvent companies.

>> No.51028689

you didn't create either of those things, codenigger webshitter.

>> No.51028968

If you want to be in finance for the money, it has just as much math as comp sci lol.

>> No.51030182

I did that thinking I could get a shitty accounting job or financial analysis, now I work in a soulless lending job and am learning coding to try to escape my mistake

>> No.51030324

If you have a cube you are actually a big dog in STEM.
Most of them work in an open desk environment with no privacy.

>> No.51030964
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cs is more worth it, because you can create different types of income and earn more money in the long run.

>> No.51031032

>I didn’t really care about coding I cared about the pay
What does this mean? Shouldn't you already know this from the beginning before entering a degree? You either choose something that pays good or because you are passionate about it. Did you think coding was going to be baby tier and anyone can do it? There's a reason why tech pays high and is always looking for top talent lol.

>> No.51032984

>I can turn the phone and computer off and be fine.
lies. while i respect your position, it's idealistic, not pragmatic.

>> No.51033022

That is halfly hogwash. If one cared for most pay one would go for extremes like say doctors. CS does pay great though but definately not top tier.

>> No.51033107

>Took microeconomics
>Wants to switch

lol faggot stick with compsci and build jeet websites. Econ is 15% of finance. The rest is doing test after test to secure credentials then wondering if you could still become a CPA.

High risk, low reward for the unconnected. Medium Rick for Mediocre reward for higher IQ, Low Risk High Reward for connected finance.

You can take finance after your first degree.

>> No.51033124

Finance major here (MSc). Currently in the industry in Risk Management, with a few friends in IB or PhD programs.
> seeing how much math is ahead of me makes me realize I didn’t really care about coding I cared about the pay
Depending on the area of finance which you would like to work in / study, there might be even more math. For example Fixed Income can get rather crazy (download the Brigo-Mercurio to get an idea).
As for the pay, it depends on the job and area. There are lucrative jobs such as IB in London or New York, but the trade-off is that the competition for those jobs is very strong and you need to work for a ridiculous number of hours.
Furthermore, finance does not guarantee a high wage since I personally earn a wage which would be classified as poverty tier in here.
> Will getting a degree in finance get me anywhere except a shitty accounting position?
Yes, although it would also depend on the area of finance which you are studying. I was/am very interested in quantitative finance, for which a degree in math/physics is actually more valuable, but it helped me in getting my current job (monitoring values, estimating models, and so on). Other friends studied more Corporate Finance and they work in structured finance, consulting, or IB.

>> No.51033268
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>Accounting then Finance
This is honestly good advice. I got a finance degree and I still have not found a job relevant to my degree. Every single job wants experience and if you don't have applicable experience then you're fucked.
The only way around this is to have a relative or family friend in the company. If so, then you are set.

>> No.51033282

There is a difference between comp sci and software engineering. Comp sci has ton of math, and has low pay since its generally academia. Software engy has little to no math, and it pays well. Unless you have family connections in finance, I suggest you stay in cs and get a software engineering job out of school. Sure the pay in finance and tech might be similar but youre going to work 80 hr weeks for the same pay as the 40-60 hr coder. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56452494
Not if you account for opportunity costs. The doctor that makes 400k starting has to spend an extra decade in school taking out massive loans, while the tech bro makes 150k right out of school. Even with boomer investments, the tech bro will be >1mil net worth when the doctor is out of school with hundreds of k in debt

>> No.51034013

Just stick to your engineering degree and work for a bank. You get the good pay without crying on the stairs because you fucked up with a client and can also mostly avoid the stupid political office drama

>> No.51035860

Get accounting major.
Accountants can do finance, finance guys can't do accounting.

>> No.51035895
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If people want to go into finance,
They should get accounting degree and then do CFA. That's unironically better than finnace degree.

I've seen people prefer math grads + CFA over finance grads. But accounting is better