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51024742 No.51024742 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51024762

polchuds have nothing else going on in their life. not even their tradcath christcuck copes satisfy them. so they cling to being in a perpetual state of fear for a happening that is always the current date + 2 weeks.

>> No.51024778

Will they an hero when China inevitably surpasses everyone in every single metric?

>> No.51024815

" China's working-age population of nearly a billion (defined here as those ages 15 through 64) has been essential to its economic rise, enabling it to become the workshop of the world and a vast consumer market. But according to population projections released last week by the United Nations, this cohort will start declining rapidly in the 2030s, and shrink by almost two-thirds by the end of the century. With the US working-age population projected to be about the same size in 2100 as it is now, China’s will go from more than four times larger to less than twice as big. Throw in Canada and Mexico, which aren’t exactly part of the same labor market as the US but do share a free-trade zone, and China’s working-age population is projected to be only 1.2 times bigger.

By “decline” I don’t necessarily mean something akin to the fall of Rome. Japan remains an affluent, advanced economy despite its quarter century (so far) of working-age population decline. But its share of nominal global GDP has fallen to 5.1% in 2021 from 17.9% in 1994. All wealthy nations have ceded GDP share to make room for China and other emerging markets, but the US declined just to 23.9% from 26.1%, and the European Union share declined to 17.8% from 25.7%.

In 2021, China’s share of global GDP was 18.5% and its share of global working-age population was 19.2%. The latter percentage is projected to fall to 6.1% by century’s end. One way for Chinese leaders to prevent an equivalent decline in GDP would be to make reforms and investments that keep per-capita incomes rising faster than the global norm. But as my fellow Bloomberg Opinion columnist Hal Brands and Tufts University China scholar Michael Beckley argued in Foreign Policy last year, fear of reduced economic clout in the future could also elicit a less-productive, more externally aggressive response: “The most dangerous trajectory in world politics is a long rise followed by the prospect of a sharp decline.”

>> No.51024816

Doesn’t this imply there’s some kind of propaganda here? Suddenly youve got all these people talking about China is collapsing.

>> No.51024825


China’s population will start shrinking sooner than expected, threatening its economy years ahead of schedule

>> No.51024848
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It’s starting tomorrow

>> No.51024849

It's to get away from the fact that western economies are completly on their knees

>> No.51024858

I think it's more like the sharks smell blood in the water and is going for the kill regardless of whether or not the prey is real.
Or to explain that analogy, there are actual signs of an imminent collapse, and these channels are capitalising on it regardless of whether or not it'll happen.
Either way, what would the average viewer even gain from watching these shitty "2 more weeks" videos?

>> No.51024871

It already is collapsing and has been at least since COVID started. If you're looking for a single day or week event like the fall of the Berlin Wall, you're going to be disappointed.
The CCP will do everything it can to hold it together and it will lie about conditions. It's going to be a slow, painful affair like the BTC chart from 69k.

>> No.51024880

if covid is hurting china why are they still doing lockdowns and shit?

>> No.51024881

sounds like a massive cope

>> No.51024885

China is weakening on the global stage and as >>51024858 pointed out there is a lot of money to be made covering China's fall. It's literally the same as when Japan fell but by a factor of 100

>> No.51024886

just 2 more weeks to flatten the curve...

>> No.51024912
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USA glowies are desperate

>> No.51024931

Pride, every government that implemented lockdowns is guilty of it but none more so than that of China's due to their zero covid policy.

>> No.51024941

Because eastern politics are about saving face, and if the CCP were to admit that it was all a failure like the CDC did it would cause a crisis of leadership in China. Unlike the rest of the world, the Chinese don't like it when their leadership fucks up and admits to fucking up, and since this current form of the CCP voted itself to rule forever it has to keep COVID lockdowns up for its own safety.
China is a house of cards built up on the Boomer idea that everything will grow forever and people will want to be connected rather than not. COVID and the Russian/Ukraine war have shown that this is not the case, and China is being forced to reorganize for a world were allies matter

>> No.51024942

Japan was a demilitarized US dog. This isn't a valid comparison by any means

>> No.51024954

I mean covering it's economic downfall not in the sense of country. People got rich off shorting Japan during the lost generation much like they are getting rich of China's decline.

>> No.51024955 [DELETED] 

Fellas, throw away your ideas. They're shit. join Yopi Network.

> There are many features to earn money within the Network
> New concept of turning real physic gold into digital cash
> Fastest and cheapest payment solution in the world

>> No.51024973

Is it true that Yopi Network was with Kevin Nash on that hot and sweaty night in 1992?

>> No.51025248


everything is fine rite guys? this is just propaganda rite guyss?? life is good and global economy is working as god inteded

>> No.51025513

Good morning you streetshitting currymunching subhuman.

>> No.51025826

Value of money cant collapse if theres no money flow :^)

>> No.51026079
File: 8 KB, 250x169, 9FF48FE1-6EA4-4804-96B2-8A5EF9615F0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, remember when bitcoin ceased the headlines blew up to get people out the water. So my question is what’s the purpose of telling people China is collapsing and more importantly, is there a way to profit off this?

Someone head check me. Lets say their economy does shit the bed. China opens up its borders to allow non chink investors and outside countries to come in and buy the dip. Maybe this is media narrative to scare away retail from buying the Chinese collapse till it moons back up In a few years? Any other ideas?

>> No.51026093

Bitcoin collapsed * in 2018
Sorry not ceased lol

>> No.51026100

>Says china's economy is collapsing
>Only evidence is a jeet clickbait channel

>> No.51027045

>we can only survive by going extinct by overpopulation

>> No.51027436

80% of Pol doesn't hate Chyna
They have a lot of people on the streets, they will last 20 extra years and then AI will "save" them
Some lefties memeing

>> No.51027610

Your time is over Bug.

>> No.51027634

The flaws in China's economy have been obvious for some time. I don't get why chinks take it as a personal affront when this is pointed out.

>> No.51027682

Putin plz

>> No.51027754
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> betting against the relative (to US) underdog

>> No.51027951

>china will collapse for the xth time
>this time its real
>well its not imminent but it will happen
>trust me bro the data says so
>muh depopulation
You braindead niggers don’t realize the bugs are called so for a reason (they live / act / multiply like bugs) all prc needs to do is let them loose to have as much kids as possible and in the next two decades they’ll be even better in terms of workforce than ever before.

>> No.51028171

>the yangtze river has dried up
imagine the smell

>> No.51028527

>With the US working-age population projected to be about the same size in 2100 as it is now
People heavily underestimate the fact that US compensates this with migrations of people that aren't compatible.
and the negative impacts that multiculturalism has on the country.
you can't only look at the raw numbers, the west has an issue potentially bigger than Chinas, as the domestic population will become a minority in the future, and the migrants aren't nearly as capable as the natives.
Not to talk about the potential conflict multiculturalism brings (as we can see with the division US is facing atm, now imagine that amplified in a huge recession where people can't afford food).
Also the entire world has declining birth rates, even the muslims and Africans.

>> No.51029435

Imaging forecasting population growth based on BAU when peak oil has already happened

>> No.51030538

They already are loosening but it isn't helping at all.