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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51023365 No.51023365 [Reply] [Original]

on the ICP chain. Have you heard about it?
Is it a scam or should one buy a delectable position?

>> No.51023429

meh got 100$ let it ride ig

>> No.51023464

Tons of volume this morning about to pop off.

>> No.51023468 [DELETED] 

turned 1 icp into 3 and I bought early as well and it was somehow already 400k mc

i turned 1 icp into 6 on canic. however canic is still down and icpswap haven’t released an update. fuckers have robbed me.

this reminds me you still need to put ina substantial amount of icp to get any meaningful icp returns. i can’t bear to gamble my piddly 1000 icp stack.

>> No.51023475

turned 1 icp into 3 and I bought early as well and it was somehow already 400k mc

i turned 1 icp into 6 on canic. however canic is still down and icpswap haven’t released an update. fuckers have robbed me.

this reminds me you still need to put in a substantial amount of icp to get any meaningful icp returns. i can’t bear to gamble my piddly 1000 icp stack.

>> No.51023562

You can diversify without gambling. I have 25% in an 8 year non dissolving node, 50% in a two year node, and 25% in NFTs and shitcoins. You gotta make money in the early days of a network when things are easy if you want to make it in crypto. Probably not to late to throw a hundred in for an easy double or triple but catch the next one for sure.

>> No.51023644

I was also pretty early - weird how /biz sleep on every moneymaker

>> No.51024753

is 10m market cap realistic?

>> No.51024764

Utterly pathetic pajeet faggots.
Do you not even feel an ounce of embarrassment?

>> No.51024965

How the fuck am I a pajeet? FUCK OFF SAMBO

I can see it pumping for as long as it's the only coin on icpswap

>> No.51025036
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There’s a nigger living in the blockchain

>> No.51025356

only 27 grams of embarrassment, sorry

>> No.51026611
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anon, I...

>> No.51027871

Theyre going to dump on your asses

>> No.51028356

36k to 40k between 50k and 60k is decent

>> No.51028557

45k now hope you listened biz bros

>> No.51028632
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>> No.51028655

How do I get shitcoin graphs on the Internet Computer

>> No.51028712

Less and less holders... no.

>> No.51028743

Careful anons. Theres money to be made but airdrops yet to be sold exist and and are still finding out.

>> No.51028810

less holder, more moon
you will learn... you will learn

>> No.51028838

How do i make money with icp … i know its going to be the next big thing in blockchain i get it, but whats the next thing that gonna launch a shitcoin… ORIGYN is over priced imo at 200m market-cap they can come around to themselves, whats the upcoming thung that i need to buy in your opinion?

>> No.51028911

Make money? With icp? Kek!

>> No.51028986

Look ICP it is the best goat it give many milk it from swiss, best farmers in the richest village
ICP remain best goat it live for 8 whole years.
You can not fud its milk.
Not only is icp is the fastest goat in the continents but also coming from switzerland, from best quality prize winning swiss family farmers. He is way stronger than the american israeli goats, they are slow weak and sick from too much inbreeding, shitting too much and keep dying all the time right but surely a bon vivant like yourself will understand the quality differencing, poor and gord quality as you know it is an immidiate thing. Integrating well with other goat, he can also solve your entire village problem, very smart speedy. Smartest I have ever heard you try right now here is the contract.
Understand milk of icp giving the great invigoration and strength, healing power. Espcially for the phallus oragan but it take a little time, you must take care of this goat and giving good food it will many reward from this giving back
look no mind to shudra an dalit street urchin right now ok sers hahahahahaha they staying famished and hungering in delhi underground invoking many cursings of cyber vishnu not problem we eating best curry soon and they wash our feets soon hahahahaha
We are going to bollywood eoy. You will learn.
It has the magic power of moon, no doubt. The milk is young and gord for health and wealth right now succulent taste. Do not be confusing right now sers. It is the best purchase. Best of any goat on the market. It is a special offer at this time. Limiting supply ser, you may decide fate between your village rich or poor gaylord. All buyers will have many wives, lovers, fame, no problems with money and gold this is foretold.
You will learn. I will drop my 500g spicy curry vindaloo on your poor bencod bitch urchin head from the highest chimney from my mumbai highrise eoy. Your sisters will drop naked for 0.01 ICP.
You will learn.

>> No.51029428

kek mfw someone appreciated my pasta almost forgot writing this

They. Will. Learn.

>> No.51029504

so easy to play in the icp casino

>> No.51029633

There also another one called ndp

>> No.51029672

ICP is a scam and moonman is a scammer.

>> No.51031483


>> No.51031494
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>> No.51031752

Pajeets are selling their airdrop for 10 ICP and new buyers are coming and buying hundreds of ICP worth. Whales are taking interest and poors are fucking off, and we are mooning.

>> No.51031804

F bros I sold my #2 mint Ghost NFT for only 10 ICP and now I regret it

>> No.51031833

Should I own an NFT? I only own the shitcoin. What's the difference?

>> No.51031856

IDK, but the floor price jumped all of a sudden and so did volume

>> No.51031862

Who's the dev behind Ghost? It's not a jeet right bros?

>> No.51031881

You have your own general, now fuck off back to it

>> No.51032009

No. What r u gonna do about it fagg1t?

>> No.51032201

It's a coin that's an NFT general

>> No.51033237

jpeg thread got 404'd by jannnies

>> No.51035042

they are aCOOMulating

>> No.51035691

Anyone got a price chart for CANIC?

>> No.51035790
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icpswap are working to fix CANIC, no price available now

>> No.51036546

there is 82% of CANIC supply in the dev wallet that is still to be distributed... Shit is gonna dump hard. IC Ghost at least isn't a rug waiting to happen like that

>> No.51036931
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>> No.51037181

is there one for ghost?

>> No.51038568
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the developers are hard at work ser, we will have one shortly

>> No.51038580

I dropped 20 pees into Ghost. I know I am late but my risk tolerance is low as fuck.

>> No.51039002

liar they only have 5%

>> No.51039007

kek, I had a ghost shit today (literally didn’t have to wipe my asshole after what felt like the wettest shit of my life) so I’m BULLISH asf because of that bros

>> No.51039049

anon eats fiber, nice. ghost to the moon

>> No.51039074
File: 464 KB, 1242x2254, A8463A3B-A968-415C-A285-3C4286B15129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? XCANIC STILL got 87% of the supply that isn’t distributed. Check it