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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51020421 No.51020421 [Reply] [Original]

why can't we all get together and choose the next chainlink? does it even exist yet?

>> No.51020455
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it doesn't and never will. If you didn't sell your stinkies at $40 plus, you failed and are doomed to a life of eternal bag holding.

>> No.51020457

Are you living under a rock?

the next chainlink is literally LUNC. it has the same amount as hopium and fud as chainlink had in the $0.30cent days

>> No.51020484

we're trying anon but all you fags would rather put your money into pos vc scams, shit like lunc and shitcoins on bsc

>> No.51020503

Celestia or Aptos

>> No.51020515

Dog bat maybe? STATERA?

>> No.51020549

what if I told you that Chainlink is the next Chainlink?

>> No.51020559
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I know what it is but I'm not telling

>> No.51020576

there's too many bad actors and bagholding cultists involved with biz now for another chainlink like investment, altho even back then there were plenty of chainlink fudders but it wasn't low effort hostile fud it was funny meme fud

>> No.51020951

Why would you want a pathetic coin that only did 50x in 5 years if you bought it at ICO?

Its one of the worst performing coin, link cultists have literally passed on generational wealth bag holding this scam

>> No.51021525

We did. It's Kadena

>> No.51021806

you're a paid tranny shill

>> No.51021820

There is no next chainlink.

>> No.51021831

We could get in on their IPO

>> No.51021953

the next one is _R_ and im not saying what it is until i pack my bags

>RVPWR captcha
and it sure as fuck is not RVP lmao

>> No.51022041

the next chainlink is human slavery, you cant buy that on binance

>> No.51022057
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>> No.51022071
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The next meme moonshot is unironically dogwithbat
The next serious project that can 100x is ROSE
The next Bitcoin is XMR
Thank me in 10 years

>> No.51022100

What do you mean the next chainlink? It's just another kind of good product with an unnecessary funding token. the exact same category as UNI.

In one sense you could argue that it outperformed UNI in terms of price action, but in another sense the cost basis of UNI for many was literally zero, so in % terms it had much more dramatic gains.

And before you start on about how Chainlink is more important than Uniswap, you should really think about it. Uniswap has been more profitable than Ethereum itself on some days. That's real profit too, not sneaky airdrop token dilution like most of Chainlink's "profits" are. Yes Chainlink enables a lot of projects to function, but are they actually worthwhile? Aave, arguable its flagship, is just another fucking bucket-shop when it comes down to it. Where are these insurance businesses? Where are the legacy finance integrations? No where.

>> No.51023803

It’s PNK. Pay attention to the FUD it receives from its own holders and the current market cap.

Suicide stack - 100k
Make it stack - 1 million

look to accumulate between 1-2 cents. You’re too late on link and other coins, this can still 100x.

>> No.51024023
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Use and hold XMR. Privacy is coming to the forefront of crypto.

>verification NR