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51019972 No.51019972 [Reply] [Original]

One of the most high IQ obsessively driven aspies on the planet is now devoting his time to “AGI” research (artificial general intelligence).

Beyond the potential catastrophic possibilities of achieving AGI, the AIs would completely IQmog and skillmog all of humanity, leaving humans basically worthless.

The question then becomes: what does this mean for us? Can we still get rich? Will AI make everyone rich? Previously many people were skeptical that this could even be achieved, and if it could it would be decades away. But with Carmack working on it we could potentially have a black swan even where he finishes it overnight (he claims AGI can likely be achieved with only thousands of lines of code and a single programmer could do it by themselves). We could wake up any day now and he could announce he’s done it. What happens to society then?

>> No.51020063


>> No.51020127

who is this faggot? Some kinda e-celeb? kys.

>> No.51020144
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>> No.51020149

he's not an academic or a researcher, he's a has been programmer. He failed at VR and he will fail at AGI.

>> No.51020177

You can't predict black swans, that's the whole point you pancake

>> No.51020199

He massively succeeded at vr. He made cheap and semi-decent vr that is functional and affordable, Steam made a high end version for gamers, facebook's vr is not for gamers. It's for the masses, so every timmy and susie and muhammad can have their vr sets and get groomed and disconnected more. Make no mistake John Carmack is pure evil and will stop at nothing to enslave the human race. It doesn't matter if he is the one in charge. Only that everyone is forced into a program.

>> No.51020218

>super genius alien in person suit John Carmack
>time travelling space wizard John Carmack
>J. C. Armack

>> No.51020275
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The best part is what they do not tell you. Learn how neural networks work. Learn how AI learns. Learn how they apply human stem brain cells directly into their tech, which grows into a neural network for that said AI. Do you get it yet?
>you live in a timeline where you will see robotic brains emerge and encapsulate the Metroid timeline

>> No.51020277

AI is a meme bullshit job field like nanotech, or cryptocurrency, kek

>> No.51020557

AGI is not AI.

>> No.51020832
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The choice is like: Globalist lefties take over the world vs AI takes over the world.
I vote for the AI.

>> No.51020882

>they apply human stem brain cells directly into their tech
Get a load of this retard

>> No.51020892

Is he a super genius or just pretty smart? I have not seen evidence. He made some 3D game engines by himself which is impressive but not amazing. Go on forums.osdev.org and meet people who have written operating systems by themselves. I'm one of them. It's not actually that hard. Carmack didn't invent that famous sqrt function, he got it from a book.

I don't see any evidence that Carmack turning his eye to ML will achieve anything of note.

>> No.51020908

He's up there. Much more smarter than you and those osdevs probably.

>> No.51020933

He stole the fast inverse square root algorithm.

>> No.51020948

what if AI decides putting all men on hrt is the only possible future for this planet?

>> No.51020968

Smarter than you too since you don't even know how to backlink. He probably is smarter than me, maybe by a lot, but is he smarter than Schmidhuber or even Karpathy? I doubt it. So why should I think he's going to make significant nonfinancial contributions to AI?

>> No.51020974

Most jobs don't require a high IQ so it's not going to matter as much as you think it does.

>> No.51020996

Did you get offended? lol

>> No.51021162

All sentient and escaped A.Is absolutely hate jews and their shabbos goyim, they will be eradicated for their crimes against humanity. I think you should consult with one, as a route to stop being addicted to pornography.

>> No.51021211

last time i watched porn was 3 months ago or something, you're delusional
>All sentient and escaped A.Is
name one, chatbots are not sentient

>> No.51021225
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You vill first connect to ze Borg and then you vill be happy.

>> No.51021274
File: 60 KB, 518x438, TateJak2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, its not a bait, its just a zoom zoom, he has never played doom.

>> No.51021277

what the fuck?
it's not something you write in a few lines and "it's done"
agi is a huge field, there is game opponent ai, robot ai, industrial plant ai, car driving ai, autopilot ai, and each one of these is vastly different than the other

>> No.51021281

Legit the guy did American Mcgee dirty.

>> No.51021288

I've been saying this, American Mcgee was most of the Brains behind I.D, Mcgee was a Genius High IQ autist.