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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.33 MB, 4032x1960, 20220820_154049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51014252 No.51014252 [Reply] [Original]

you ever see cryptobros on the road who clearly made it? some dude in Woodbridge, ON I just drove behind

>> No.51014263

>made it
>60k car
yeah okay

>> No.51014285

imagine judging a man's welath from the car he drives.

>> No.51014291
File: 17 KB, 427x400, redjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fucking piece of shit yank trash car with a number plate.
he made it guise

>> No.51014357

>seething but not coping

>> No.51014383
File: 37 KB, 400x400, BF128499-CE25-445B-8E31-9DCE687637D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my coffee brown

>> No.51014385

Isn't a Corvette standard stuff in the US

>> No.51014388

because anon is a woman.

>> No.51014403


>> No.51014406

of course some greasy woodbridge wop would take his winnings and blow on a stupid car

>> No.51014427

>spending more money than necessary

That's why people stay poor

>> No.51014691
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A girl I know got invited to the house of a "crypto millionaire" who supposedly made it and was retired in a luxury place with a pool.
She went and it turned out to be a communal swimming pool of an apartment block.

>> No.51014745
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Gonna ask for his seed phrase

>> No.51014761
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>telling the whole world you invested in crypto
does this guy want lose his money?

>> No.51014774

He spelled SHITCOIN wrong.

>> No.51014780

>A girl I know
You don't know any girls.

>> No.51014801
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Seethe, some of us pass as normies IRL.

>> No.51014854

i saw a parsiq PRQ car last month on my way to work.
i think it was a ferrari i think

>> No.51014855

I sure hope his net worth is at least 6 mil
Never spend more than 1% of your net worth on your car.

>> No.51015071
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Up until the point you speak. I am like you zoomie, but older. They know frfr

>> No.51015146

retard thats a nice corvette

>> No.51015249


>> No.51015357


Corvette, more like Poorvette

>> No.51015385

Newfag spotted

>> No.51015389

The polo tournament that recently took place in Calgary was sponsored by Binance kek

>> No.51015412

Would write on mine ALBT
That's when the numbers goes as planned

>> No.51015447
File: 1.98 MB, 4032x3024, B71AAB22-3E6E-48E2-9180-D8DCF5BC558D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seen this faggot
probably owns crypto

>> No.51015452

Pretty much this. This guy is a huge target for gang bangers. He’s in Woodbridge though so maybe he’s a goomba or something

>> No.51015483
File: 929 KB, 3024x3152, faggotcar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a faggot phone poster

>> No.51015495

nigger tier car. ngmi

>> No.51015513
File: 48 KB, 560x344, vlcsnap434290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're gay looking, rides like a shit go cart and is overall overrated. Then the designers realized this finally, remodeled it to look more like a ferrari LMAO a vette will never reach ferrari status

>> No.51015573


This is the guy in the driver's seat.

>YO GUY, THANKS FOR BUYING MY RUGPULLS *Bhangra music plays at 150 decibels*

>> No.51015584
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>tx elon
>transaction elon
>trans action elon

>> No.51015587
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>> No.51015609

Corvettes are the best, eurofag

>> No.51015614

why would you put a target on your back like that? It says "I have crypto please break into my house an rob me of hundreds of thousands at gunpoint"

I never tell anyone I meet that I made money in crypto. Not even girls I date know, I just tell them I did software engineering and am taking a break from it

>> No.51015615

i thought i had seen "BTC" on a bmw some time ago but i just looked up the plate and its now on a 2006 dodge charger. i guess he didnt make it.

>> No.51016648
File: 174 KB, 382x712, thumbnail illusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that thumbnail looks like a monster with glowing red eyes

>> No.51016705
File: 374 KB, 960x1200, 5F5EFABD-36A9-4478-A8D7-A5BB5B6D7E8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside, incels. Classiest car on the road coming through

>> No.51017410

>a fucking jeep
>monkey nft
it truly is all about luck, not intelligence.

>> No.51017424

Tax Elon? He pays his fair share leave the man alone

>> No.51017441

It kind of upsets me there isn't one eccentric /biz/ mega millionaire that does crazy shit like having a /biz/ car

>> No.51017451

hello bootlicker

>> No.51017497

the lambo meme was created on /g/ when a guy actually bought a lambo with btc

shame he spent 216 btc on a deprecating asset though


>> No.51017512

Cheap car, I have 10x his car as stablecoin even still been in the bear market.
>I will rather buy a Mansion and name it after QANX when the bull run starts, plus cars arent asset

>> No.51017629

announcing your crypto wealth is a wrench attack waiting to inevitably happen.

>> No.51018157

We'd have plenty is link ever did fucking anything.

>> No.51018442

I never understood this about cryptobros. The only people I know who know about me trading crypto are other people who already admitted to trading crypto, meanwhile these clowns just tell about it to everybody. Do they not know they could get robbed at gunpoint?

>> No.51018587

If you bought tesla calls you probably did better than owning crypto

>> No.51018772

Ain't seen any from my side but I would be the first to Lambo on that one day. Man looks like Ethereum was and is still his biggest buy, lots of dem chads ready for migration to PoS. As for me, I'm banking on the merge and the scalability it will be bringing to its blockchain, finally I can get to buy more NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain at a low price seekers (sylo nodes), wTEAM, 8lien, and lots more including low caps like Sylo, FLD which are primed for max. takeoff as well.

>> No.51018821

What the fuck are you even trying to say you stinky niggerjeet?

>> No.51018963

Can someone link me to a video of someone driving a car really fast, recklessly and well?

>> No.51018985

Always has been

>> No.51018998

the more expensive your car the less valuable you are to society

>> No.51019032


The only Woodbridge I know is in Woodbridge, VA and it’s known for being a ghetto shithole. Everyone calls it Hoodbridge

>> No.51019077
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Could it be that you aren't well versed in terms of understanding simple English fag? Cause I think he's giving his take on the NFTs to buy when the merge is over, with particular reference to Seekers NFTs, which could be Sylo nodes, 8lien, which I'm well aware of, and also some low caps he has on his watchlist. What's so hard to comprehend noob, or do you kind of want to feel like you made a point which turns out to be dumb?.

>> No.51019234

I have no idea why the scam projects in your posts even employ you to market on /biz/ because you sound like a retard. You're just making them look like idiots