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5101465 No.5101465 [Reply] [Original]

RaiBlocks/XRB Thread

Why are you faggots not on this boat yet ? Do you want to be left ashore where only negroes with monster-sized cocks want to fuck you in the ass ?
No, you want to be first class on the QUEEN FUCKING MARY II : RaiBlocks / XRB the only crypto, not blockchain-based, that's secure, fast (reaaally fast) and decentralized.

Future crypto is here: DAG meaning Directed Acycling Graph. You don't need to know how it works, because to understand this you need to be fucking Einstein or something.
Just know DAG coins are the future. Blockchain just can't compete. Too slow. Can't scale.

Only three DAG coins exist : XRB, IOTA and ByteBall. OK Byteball is out, I mean look at the fucking name.
You think IOTA is good ? Think again. XRB is everything you want IOTA to be. And better yet : It's working RIGHT NOW.

IOTA is Mary-Jane texting you she wants your cock but you remember she lives on fucking MARS and her parents are at home so you can only blow your load in a towel.
XRB is Alexis Texas making you cum on Lana Rhoades while the girl you liked but who never liked you back is watching.

Official site :


Faucet with 5 mXRB free every hour:


Where to buy ?



Take it while it's cheap. Will be over $100 in a few months.

Don't say I didn't tell you !

Peace fgts

>> No.5101632

remove this post

>> No.5101671

Oh yeah I know you want to keep the price low to buy it cheap.
They deserve to get on the boat early too ! Fuck you I won't delete anything

>> No.5101808

I saw on the BitGrail trollbox that deposits aren't working - do you know if this is true before I send over some BTC?

>> No.5101833

It’s best not to shill this because the exchanges are still dying from all this traffic.

>> No.5101849
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>> No.5101851

easy 10000x gains

get in or die poor. losers

>> No.5101884

exchanges going down from intense volume that the coin has brought to them. what a stupid thing to post

>> No.5102005

I would but it's only offered on shit exchanges

>> No.5102016

I'm not on bitgrail but on mercatox btc deposits are working. XRB deposit/withdraw is on maintenance though.

>> No.5102052

repost from other gaiBlocks thread:

Even if this shit doesn't moon I've already made a bunch from it.

> Someone told be bout the meme
> See retards chimping out in mercatox/bitgrail chat
> Watch them spamming "MOON MOON"
> Wait for my time to strike
> XRB starts crashing
> Panic sells like no other
> Both trades go down
> Buy 10,000 at 8 satoshis
> Wait a day and watch the tears
> Sell out slowly at 16-17 satoshis
> Done with XRB

was a fun pump n dump

>> No.5102056

Remove this. Didn't get enough yet and exchanges are shit. This will go places once on a good exchange

>> No.5102087

Mfw this hits 10$

>> No.5102091

correction has ended, get ready for next leg up boiiiiiis

>> No.5102198


I'd be out $70k, but I don't think $10 is that likely until Q2 2018. I might buy back in to XRB, but not anytime soon.

>> No.5102210

where do you even trade this shit?

>> No.5102240

two of the shittiest exchanges in existence

mercatox and bitgrail

>> No.5102321
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>June 2017
>Corrections over guys time for the next leg up

>> No.5102341

Mercatox and Bitgrail are OK.
They were just not prepared to the massive increase in XRB demand.
I mean a week ago volume was like 30 btc a day. Two days ago it was fucking 400btc. MASSIVE.

So they went down. And they are still not working proprely.

But they went down because of demand. Let that sink in. Demand was so fucking HUGE that it put down two exchanges in a few hours.

>> No.5102408

Damn, did I miss out? Will we ever go back to the $1 range?

>> No.5102443
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maybe stop being so aggressive and explain why you /pol fags so against IOTA technology ?

>> No.5102477

Bitgrail working fine. They took it down for a bit to upgrade hardware.

>> No.5102491
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>Directed Acycling Graph

>> No.5102564

IOTA Devs are douchebags
IOTA is centralized (coordinator)
Coordinator is closed source (security through obscurity amirite)
IOTA is not made for humans

>> No.5102806

comparing XRB to this shitcoin, almost legit

>> No.5103133

You forgot to mention that IOTA doesn't work yet.

>> No.5103164

Just grabbed some bags off bitgrail - looks like their wallet withdraw is under maintenance :(

>> No.5103173

Oh yeah sure, wallet is shit and many users lost their iotas forever.

>> No.5103201

should be up in a day or two don't worry. When it will, price will skyrocket so goot thing you bought early

>> No.5103813
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heh, yeah. i mean, you could say ive got an eye for these sorts of things.